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Mongolian etymology :

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Proto-Mongolian: *toda
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: clear, distinct
Russian meaning: ясный, четкий
Written Mongolian: toda, todu (L 812)
Khalkha: tod
Buriat: todo
Kalmuck: todǝ
Ordos: todo
Comments: KW 396.
Proto-Mongolian: *todka-, *tödüge-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to detain, fasten
Russian meaning: задерживать, прикреплять
Written Mongolian: todqa- (L 813: todqar 'obstacle, obstruction'), tödüge-; tüde- 'to tarry, hesitate' (L 849)
Middle Mongolian: tode'e- (SH), todu'e-, toduge- (HYt)
Khalkha: totgor 'помеха, препятствие'; tüde-
Buriat: todxor 'помеха, препятствие'
Kalmuck: totxǝ-; tödǝg 'Schlinge, Haken zum Anbinden od. Anhaken'
Comments: KW 397, 404, 405.
Proto-Mongolian: *togij
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: grown-up elk
Russian meaning: взрослый лось
Written Mongolian: togij (БАМРС)
Khalkha: togi
Proto-Mongolian: *togla-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to play, frolic, gambol
Russian meaning: играть, забавляться, шутить
Written Mongolian: toɣla- (L 814)
Khalkha: toglo-
Buriat: toglo-
Kalmuck: togĺ- 'to play jumping' (КРС)
Ordos: toGlo-
Proto-Mongolian: *togli
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: a k. of willow
Russian meaning: вид тальника
Written Mongolian: toɣli (L 814)
Khalkha: togil
Comments: Cf. also Khalkha tögle 'grove'.
Proto-Mongolian: *togsi-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to run away jumping (of antelope etc.)
Russian meaning: убегать, подпрыгивая (об антилопе и т. п.)
Written Mongolian: togsi- (L 815)
Khalkha: togši-
Ordos: doGši-
Proto-Mongolian: *togsi-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: to strike, beat
Russian meaning: бить, ударять
Written Mongolian: toɣsi- (L 814)
Khalkha: togši-
Buriat: togšo-
Kalmuck: tokšǝ-
Dagur: tokšōr 'hammer' (Тод. Даг. 167)
Comments: KW 398.
Proto-Mongolian: *togsija-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 net for catching birds 2 to fish with a net
Russian meaning: 1 сеть для ловли птиц 2 ловить рыбу сетью
Written Mongolian: toɣsija- 2, toɣša 1 (L 815)
Khalkha: togšō- 2, togšō 1
Proto-Mongolian: *toguɣa(n)
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: kettle
Russian meaning: котел
Written Mongolian: toɣuɣa(n) (L 817)
Middle Mongolian: toxo'an (HY 21), toqo'an (SH), ṭuɣān (IM), tuɣan (MA)
Khalkha: togō
Buriat: togō(n)
Kalmuck: toɣāčǝ 'cook'
Ordos: toGō(n)
Dongxian: tuG(u)an
Baoan: tuGuŋ
Dagur: tugā, tuwā (Тод. Даг. 169), tuā (MD 226)
Monguor: tuGō (SM 428)
Comments: KW 397. Mong. > MTurk. toɣan (see Щербак 1997, 210).
Proto-Mongolian: *toɣa-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 to pay attention, take into account 2 number, count
Russian meaning: 1 обращать внимание на что-л., считаться с чем-л. 2 число, счет
Written Mongolian: toɣa-, toɣaɣa- (L 814) 1, toɣa(n) 2 (L 813)
Middle Mongolian: to'an (HY 44), to'a (SH) 2, to'a- 'to count' (SH), tula- 'to count', tun 2 (MA 311, 316)
Khalkha: tō- 1, 2
Buriat: tō- 1, tō(n) 2
Kalmuck: tō- 1, 2
Ordos: tō- 1, 2
Dongxian: tolu- 'to count' (Тод. Дн.)
Dagur: 2 (Тод. Даг. 167, MD 226), tuāle 'to count' (MD 226) tōše- 1
Shary-Yoghur: tūn 2
Monguor: (SM 424) 2
Mogol: toa 2 (Ramstedt 1906)
Comments: KW 404, MGCD 636, TMN 1, 261. Mong. > Oyr. tō, Man. ton (see Doerfer MT 139, Rozycki 211). A probable derivative is WMong. tuɣurbi- , Khalkha tūrvi-, Kalm. tūrẃǝ- 'to compile, consider, plan'.
Proto-Mongolian: *toɣuna
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: funnel, window in roof, cross-beam
Russian meaning: дымоход, окно в крыше, поперечная балка
Written Mongolian: toɣuna, toɣunu (L 817)
Khalkha: tōno
Buriat: tōno
Kalmuck: tōnǝ (КРС); tōnḷǯṇ 'cross-shaped' (KW)
Ordos: tōno(n)
Dagur: cf. tuāngal 'buttonhole'
Comments: KW 405. Mong. > Man. dono ~ tono 'funnel, window in roof' (ТМС 1, 215), Kirgh. toɣun id. (see TMN 1, 376, Владимирцов 276). WMong. also has a word toɣuna 'horn button on the end of an arrow; a k. of arrow' - which, despite TMN 1, 375, should be rather kept apart.
Proto-Mongolian: *toɣur-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 earth, soil 2 dust
Russian meaning: 1 земля 2 пыль
Written Mongolian: toɣusu(n); toɣuraɣ 2 (L 817, 818)
Middle Mongolian: to'osun 2 (HY 3, SH), ṭūsun 2 (IM)
Khalkha: tōs 2
Buriat: tōrog 2
Kalmuck: tōsṇ, tōrŋ̣ 1
Ordos: tōsu, tōs 2, ? tōsxo 'terre cuite, brique'
Dongxian: tura 1
Dagur: tuāral (Тод. Даг. 169), tuāse (MD 226), tuarǝl, tuās 2
Comments: KW 405, MGCD 636. Mong. > Evk. tōraɣ, see Doerfer MT 131, Rozycki 211.
Proto-Mongolian: *toɣur-
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: bud or calyx of a flower; cone
Russian meaning: почка, чашечка (цветка); шишка
Written Mongolian: toɣurčaɣ, toɣurčuɣ (L 817)
Khalkha: tōrcog
Buriat: tōrsog
Kalmuck: tōrcǝg
Comments: KW 405.
Proto-Mongolian: *tojig, *tuwkai
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 knee 2 huckle-bone (of animals)
Russian meaning: 1 колено 2 лодыжка (животных)
Written Mongolian: tojiɣ 1 (L 819), tuuqai 2 (L 847)
Khalkha: tojg 1, tūxaj 2
Buriat: tojn 1
Kalmuck: tȫg 1
Ordos: toö̯g 'patella', tūxǟ 'положение игральной кости, которое называется mori'
Dagur: twalčig, (Тод. Даг. 168) tuarečihe (MD 227), tolčig, twalčig ( < *tuɣalčig) 1
Comments: KW 408, MGCD 639. Cf. also (for the Daghur form) WMong. tobčilaɣur, Khalkha tovčlūr 'clavicle', Kalm. topčǝlūr 'das Schlüsselbein; das Vorderblatt des Pferdes' (KW 401) - probably a secondary contamination with tobčila-ɣur `buckle, clasp', a derivative of tobčila- `to buckle'. MMong. (HY) tobux 'knee cap' may be a Turkism (see Щербак 1997, 157).
Proto-Mongolian: *tojigun
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: falcon
Russian meaning: сокол
Written Mongolian: tuiɣun, (L 819) tojiɣun
Khalkha: tojgon, tojxon
Kalmuck: tūɣǝn, tǖɣǝn
Comments: KW 413, TMN 2, 658. Mong. > MKor. thuikon (see Lee 1964, 192); > Chag. tojɣan, Yak. tojon, Kaz. tujɣɨn, Nogh. tujɣɨn (should be distinguished from the common Turkic *dogan, on which see under *toga!).
Proto-Mongolian: *toki
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: comfort, order
Russian meaning: удобство, порядок
Written Mongolian: toki (L 820)
Khalkha: tox́
Kalmuck: toxń- 'to put in order; to recover' (КРС)
Comments: Khak. togun- 'work' (VEWT 483) may be borrowed < Mong. (cf. tokino-).
Proto-Mongolian: *tokir
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: curved, bent
Russian meaning: кривой, согнутый
Written Mongolian: tokir (L 820)
Khalkha: toxir
Buriat: toxir
Kalmuck: tokṛ 'искалеченный, вывихнутый'
Comments: KW 398. Also Mong. takir id.
Proto-Mongolian: *tokoj
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: elbow
Russian meaning: локоть
Written Mongolian: toqoi (L 829: toqui, toqai)
Middle Mongolian: toqai (HY 46), twoqai (Lig.VMI), tuqai (MA)
Khalkha: toxoj
Buriat: toxoj
Kalmuck: toxǟ, toxā
Ordos: doxȫ
Dongxian: toɣǝi
Baoan: toχui
Shary-Yoghur: doGōnoG
Monguor: tuGwī (SM 429)
Mogol: toqai; ZM toqai (Lig.VMI 69)
Comments: KW 397, MGCD 642. Mong. > Yak. toɣonox, Dolg. togonok (Stachowski 225).
Proto-Mongolian: *tokum
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: 1 saddle blanket 2 to saddle
Russian meaning: 1 попона 2 седлать
Written Mongolian: toqum 1, toqu- 2 (L 829, 830)
Middle Mongolian: toxu (HY 39), toqu'ul- 2 (SH), ṭoɣu- (IM), tuɣum (LH)
Khalkha: toxum, toxom 1, toxo- 2
Buriat: toxom 1, toxo- 2
Kalmuck: toxǝm 1, toxǝ- 2
Ordos: doxom 1, doxo- 2
Dongxian: toɣun 1, toɣu- 2
Baoan: toχǝ- 2
Dagur: toku, toko 1, togu- 2 (Тод. Даг. 168 toxo-, togo-), toke 1, tohe-, toke- 2(MD 225)
Shary-Yoghur: toGom 1, toGo- 2
Monguor: tuGun (SM 429), tuGum 1, tuGu- (SM 428) 2
Comments: KW 397, MGCD 363, 642, 643. Mong. > Oyr. toqɨ-, toqum etc. (see TMN 1, 272, 274, Лексика 544-545); > Evk. toku-, tokum etc. (see Poppe 1966, 196, Doerfer MT 104, Rozycki 209).
Proto-Mongolian: *tolbu
Altaic etymology: Altaic etymology
Meaning: spot
Russian meaning: пятно
Written Mongolian: tolbu (L 821)
Khalkha: tolbo
Buriat: tolbo
Kalmuck: tolwǝ (КРС)
Ordos: tolbo, tolmo
Comments: Mong. tolbutai 'spotted' > Manchu tolbotu 'a grey horse with circular markings on its side' (see Rozycki 210).
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