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face="Times New Roman Star"*Kodan **AD но чув нет
face="Times New Roman Star"hareface="Times New Roman Star"заяц

face="Times New Roman Star"kujanface="Times New Roman Star"qojan (Abush., Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"qujo|nface="Times New Roman Star"qojan

face="Times New Roman Star"Gojan (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"xozan
face="Times New Roman Star"kojon
face="Times New Roman Star"(kujan dial. < Tat.) xor/an, xoren (dial.) **AD нет в Ашм. и стандартных словарях; откуда? И Левитская в словаре не нашла.face="Times New Roman Star"xotonox
face="Times New Roman Star"kodan (kojg|un from some j-language?)face="Times New Roman Star"xodanface="Times New Roman Star"kojonface="Times New Roman Star"qojanface="Times New Roman Star"qojanface="Times New Roman Star"qujanface="Times New Roman Star"qojan
face="Times New Roman Star"qojanface="Times New Roman Star"qojan
face="Times New Roman Star"qojanface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 274-275, Лексика 164, ЭСТЯ VI 29-30. Предполагается чув *xoran > марийск. *oren в составе moren 'заяц' Егоров 122 - скорее маразм.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kodyface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"below, downwardsface="Times New Roman Star"внизу, внизface="Times New Roman Star"qody (Yen., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"qod|y (MK, QB)face="Times New Roman Star"koju
face="Times New Roman Star"quju, qujy (MA, Бор. Бад.), quji (Pav. C., Abush.)face="Times New Roman Star"qujiface="Times New Roman Star"qujuface="Times New Roman Star"qozy, quzy, quzu

face="Times New Roman Star"(?) x@rl@ 'bowing the head' (KW 153)face="Times New Roman Star"xotu 'downstream; North'face="Times New Roman Star"kotun 'in the direction of'face="Times New Roman Star"quduface="Times New Roman Star"qudu

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 596, VEWT 275, ЭСТЯ 6, 31-32, Stachowski 154.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kod-, *Kodur-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to take trouble, make efforts 2 to overpowerface="Times New Roman Star"1 прилагать усилия 2 осиливать, одолевать
face="Times New Roman Star"qod|ur- (MK) 1

face="Times New Roman Star"xot- 2face="Times New Roman Star"kot- 2

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 605; Stachowski 154 (but, because of semantic difference, hardly to *Kod- 'put aside').
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kog-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to drive, pursueface="Times New Roman Star"гнать, преследовать

face="Times New Roman Star"kog|- (since 17th cent.)

face="Times New Roman Star"qog|la- (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"xog|-
face="Times New Roman Star"qog|-

face="Times New Roman Star"kuola:-

face="Times New Roman Star"ЭСТЯ 6, 9-10, VEWT 275 (should be distinguished from PT *Kob-).
face="Times New Roman Star"*Koga ( ? -k-)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"a k. of reedface="Times New Roman Star"вид тростника

face="Times New Roman Star"kova, kog|a (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"qug|a
face="Times New Roman Star"qo.g|a

face="Times New Roman Star"qog|o

face="Times New Roman Star"qog|aface="Times New Roman Star"qog|aface="Times New Roman Star"qug|a (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"qog|aface="Times New Roman Star"qog|a
face="Times New Roman Star"qog|aface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 275, ЭСТЯ 6, 10-11.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kogul/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"gutter, cavity, hollowface="Times New Roman Star"желоб, впадина, полость
face="Times New Roman Star"qog|us? (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"kovus?face="Times New Roman Star"quwys?face="Times New Roman Star"qog|us? (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"qavus?, qo|vas?, quwus? (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"Gog|us?
face="Times New Roman Star"xo:s

face="Times New Roman Star"xъw|vъw|lface="Times New Roman Star"kuoha:x

face="Times New Roman Star"quwysface="Times New Roman Star"quwysface="Times New Roman Star"qywys?

face="Times New Roman Star"qowus?, quwus?face="Times New Roman Star"quwys
face="Times New Roman Star"quwus?face="Times New Roman Star"The Chuv. form may rather belong to PTurk. *Kob-. See VEWT 275, EDT 613, ЭСТЯ 6, 18-20, Stachowski 161 (the two roots interact actively).
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kogul/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"leather, hideface="Times New Roman Star"кожа, шкураface="Times New Roman Star"qog|us?face="Times New Roman Star"qog|us? (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 613.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Koju-gface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"thick, saturatedface="Times New Roman Star"толстый, густойface="Times New Roman Star"qojug| (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"qojug| (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"kojuface="Times New Roman Star"qujy
face="Times New Roman Star"qujuqface="Times New Roman Star"qojuq

face="Times New Roman Star"Gojyface="Times New Roman Star"xojyg|face="Times New Roman Star"qojyg|face="Times New Roman Star"qoju

face="Times New Roman Star"xoju:face="Times New Roman Star"koju:face="Times New Roman Star"xojug|face="Times New Roman Star"xojug|face="Times New Roman Star"quju:face="Times New Roman Star"qojuface="Times New Roman Star"qojyface="Times New Roman Star"qujy
face="Times New Roman Star"qojuface="Times New Roman Star"qoju, quju

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 676, TMN 3, 562, ЭСТЯ 6, 32-33, Stachowski 150. The deriving stem *Koj(u)- 'to become viscous, thick' is attested in Oyr. qoj-, KKalp. qojy-, Khak. xojy-, Tuva xoju- (see ibid.). The reconstruction *Kon/- is proposed in VEWT 276, but is based only on the not quite reliable Tofalar nasalization; the Yakut and OT evidence does not support it.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kokface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"dust, ashesface="Times New Roman Star"пыль, пепелface="Times New Roman Star"qog| (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"qog| (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"qog| (AH, Pav. C.)

face="Times New Roman Star"xox
face="Times New Roman Star"qoq

face="Times New Roman Star"xog|oso
face="Times New Roman Star"xoq
face="Times New Roman Star"qoq
face="Times New Roman Star"qoq

face="Times New Roman Star"qoq

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 609, VEWT 275, 276, Лексика 368. Turk. > Mong. qog|, Kalm. xog 'dregs, dirt' (KW 181, Щербак 1997, 165).
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kok-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to smell badly, to give out a smell of burningface="Times New Roman Star"плохо пахнуть, пахнуть горелым
face="Times New Roman Star"qoq- (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"kok-

face="Times New Roman Star"Goxu (n.), Goxu-face="Times New Roman Star"qoq (n.), qoqa-

face="Times New Roman Star"qoqy- 'to be fragrant'

face="Times New Roman Star"qoq-face="Times New Roman Star"qoqu, qoqy (n.)

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 609, ЭСТЯ 6, 34.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kolface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 arm 2 handface="Times New Roman Star"1 рука (от локтя до плеча) 2 рука (кисть)face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1 (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"kol 1face="Times New Roman Star"qul 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2 (Abush., Sangl., MA, Бор. Бад.)face="Times New Roman Star"qu.l 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1face="Times New Roman Star"Gol 1face="Times New Roman Star"Gol 1face="Times New Roman Star"xol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1face="Times New Roman Star"xol 'shoulder'face="Times New Roman Star"xol 1face="Times New Roman Star"kol 'shoulder'face="Times New Roman Star"xol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qul 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1face="Times New Roman Star"qol 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 276, EDT 614-5, TMN 3, 556, Дыбо 146-153, Федотов 2, 353, Лексика 244-245, ЭСТЯ 6, 37-43, Stachowski 150.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kol/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 pair, couple, one of a couple 2 to join, uniteface="Times New Roman Star"1 пара, один из пары 2 соединять(ся)face="Times New Roman Star"qos?- 2 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"qos? 1, qos?- 2 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"kos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qus? 1, qus?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos? 1, qos?- 2 (AH, Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"qo.s? 1, qo.s?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos? 1, qos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos 1face="Times New Roman Star"Gos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"Gos? 'a couple of oxen', Gos?- 'to add'face="Times New Roman Star"xos 1, xos- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"qos?- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"xos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"xos 'double; again', xohuj- 2, xoho:n 'poem'face="Times New Roman Star"koho:n 'poem'face="Times New Roman Star"qos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qo's?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos? 1, qos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos 1, qos- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos 1, qos- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qywys? 1, qus?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos? 1, qos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos 1, qos- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos? 1, qos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"qos?- 2face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 283; EDT 670, Лексика 611, Федотов 2, 375, ЭСТЯ 6, 90-94, Stachowski 150. Turk. > MMong. (HY) qos?i, WMong. qos, Kalm. xos? 'pair' (KW 189, TMN 3, 364, Clark 1980, 41, 42, Щербак 1997, 142).
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kol-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to begface="Times New Roman Star"просить (милостыню), умолятьface="Times New Roman Star"qol- (Yen., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"qol- (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"qol- (Pav. C., Abush.), qol-c?i 'beggar'face="Times New Roman Star"qo|lc?ir 'Verleumder' (KW 183)
face="Times New Roman Star"qol-

face="Times New Roman Star"kulu 'give (imper.)'

face="Times New Roman Star"qol-

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 277, EDT 616, ЭСТЯ 6, 36-37. Turk. > WMong. qolc?ir, KW xol/c?r 'verschwenderisch, leichtsinnig' (KW 183).
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kol/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"hut, hovel, camp(ing)face="Times New Roman Star"хижина, лачуга, лагерь
face="Times New Roman Star"qos? 'family' (Tfs.)
face="Times New Roman Star"qus?face="Times New Roman Star"qos? 'camp, camping' (Pav. C.), 'house, dwelling' (Sngl.)

face="Times New Roman Star"Gos?

face="Times New Roman Star"xu"z?@, xuz?@, xuz?ъface="Times New Roman Star"xos 'room'
face="Times New Roman Star"qos? 'caravan'

face="Times New Roman Star"qosface="Times New Roman Star"qosface="Times New Roman Star"qywys?face="Times New Roman Star"qos?

face="Times New Roman Star"qos
face="Times New Roman Star"qos?face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 283, EDT 670, Лексика 491-492, Федотов 2, 375-376, ЭСТЯ 6, 90-94. Turk. > WMong. qos, Kalm. xos? (KW 189), WMong. qosi-lig| (Clark 1980, 42). The root is confused with *Kol/ 'pair', but should be probably distinguished. Tat. and Bashk. obviously reflect a contamination with *Kogul/ 'empty space, hollow'. A loanword from Tokh. 'hut' (which itself is < Iranian, see Adams) had been suggested - which, however, cannot explain the absence of -k- in the Turkic form.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kol/a- (*Kul/a-)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 подпоясывать 2 пояс, кушакface="Times New Roman Star"1 to girdle 2 girdle

face="Times New Roman Star"kus?a- 1, kus?ak 2face="Times New Roman Star"qus?aq 2 (arch.)face="Times New Roman Star"qus?aq 2 (Pav. C.)

face="Times New Roman Star"Gus?aq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"qus?aq 2
face="Times New Roman Star"qus?aq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"The stem should be probably distinguished historically from *Kol/- 'to couple, bind', although contaminations were possible. Turk. > Russ. кушак (Дмитриев 1958, 28, Шипова 216).
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kolakface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"one-handedface="Times New Roman Star"однорукий
face="Times New Roman Star"qolaq (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"kolak (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"qulaq (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"Golaq

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 277, ЭСТЯ 6, 42.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kolan|face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"saddlegirthface="Times New Roman Star"подпруга
face="Times New Roman Star"qolan (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"kolan
face="Times New Roman Star"qolan, qolag| (Pav. C.), qulan (AH)

face="Times New Roman Star"Golan|face="Times New Roman Star"xolag|face="Times New Roman Star"qolag|face="Times New Roman Star"qolon|

face="Times New Roman Star"xolun
face="Times New Roman Star"xolaq

face="Times New Roman Star"qolan

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 277, Лексика 549-550, EDT 622, ЭСТЯ 6, 47-49.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kol/-lukface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 iron arrow-head 2 arrow with iron headface="Times New Roman Star"1 железный наконечник стрелы 2 стрела с железным наконечником

face="Times New Roman Star"xosta 1, 2

face="Times New Roman Star"kustuk 2

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 283. Turk. > Mansi kuo|s?lo|x. A Siberian word; but deriving it from *Kul/ 'bird' is hardly possible, despite Stachowski 162.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Koluface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 period of time 2 originallyface="Times New Roman Star"1 период времени 2 первоначальноface="Times New Roman Star"qolu 1 (OUygh.)

face="Times New Roman Star"qolu 2

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 617, Лексика 69-70, Clark 1977, 148-149.
face="Times New Roman Star"*Kom-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to long for 2 inheritance, legacyface="Times New Roman Star"1 жаждать, стремиться к 2 наследствоface="Times New Roman Star"qumaru (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"qomy- 1 (MK), xumaru 2 (MK), qumaru 2 (KB)

face="Times New Roman Star"qumar 2 (AH)

face="Times New Roman Star"xumartxa 2face="Times New Roman Star"qumarqy 2face="Times New Roman Star"qumartqa 2face="Times New Roman Star"qumarqy 2

face="Times New Roman Star"qomartqy 2

face="Times New Roman Star"qumartqy 2face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 626, 628, Лексика 347, Clark 1977, 149.
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