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 Proto-Turkic Altaic etymology Meaning Russian meaning Old Turkic Karakhanid Turkish Tatar Middle Turkic Uzbek Uighur Sary-Yughur Azerbaidzhan Turkmen Khakassian Shor Oyrat Halaj Chuvash Yakut Dolgan Tuva Tofalar Kirghiz Kazakh Noghai Bashkir Balkar Gagauz Karaim Karakalpak Salar Kumyk Comments
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge.r-tu"face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"true, truthface="Times New Roman Star"âåðíûé, ïðàâäàface="Times New Roman Star"kertu", kert-gu"n- 'believe' (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"kertu" 'oath, truth', kert-gu"n- 'believe' (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"ger-c?ek

face="Times New Roman Star"ger-c?a"kface="Times New Roman Star"ger-c?ekface="Times New Roman Star"kirt@-n- 'believe'

face="Times New Roman Star"kirdik, kirz?|ikface="Times New Roman Star"kirdik

face="Times New Roman Star"kerti
face="Times New Roman Star"kertiface="Times New Roman Star"ger-c?ekface="Times New Roman Star"kerti, ker-c?ek

face="Times New Roman Star"gertiface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 257, EDT 738, 741, ÝÑÒß 3, 28-31, Stachowski 149.
face="Times New Roman Star"*gEru"face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"backface="Times New Roman Star"íàçàä, ñçàäèface="Times New Roman Star"keru" (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"keru" (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"geriface="Times New Roman Star"kireface="Times New Roman Star"keru" (MA)

face="Times New Roman Star"geri

face="Times New Roman Star"keriface="Times New Roman Star"keriface="Times New Roman Star"keri
face="Times New Roman Star"kireface="Times New Roman Star"ge:ri
face="Times New Roman Star"keri
face="Times New Roman Star"geriface="Times New Roman Star"ÝÑÒß 3, 27. Turk. > MMong. geru (SH) 'back side'.
face="Times New Roman Star"*gEru"l/-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to quarrel, fight, wrestleface="Times New Roman Star"ññîðèòüñÿ, äðàòüñÿ, áîðîòüñÿface="Times New Roman Star"keris?- (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"keris?- (MK), ku"res?- (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"gu"res?-face="Times New Roman Star"ko"ra"s?-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"res?- (MA), gu"res?- (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"kuras?-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"ra"s?-
face="Times New Roman Star"gu"la"s?-face="Times New Roman Star"go"res?-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"res-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"res?-face="Times New Roman Star"keris?-, ku"res?-
face="Times New Roman Star"k@res?-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"res 'wrestling'
face="Times New Roman Star"xu"res-face="Times New Roman Star"xires?-, xu"res?- ; xire- 'to start a fight'face="Times New Roman Star"keris?-, ku"ro"s?-face="Times New Roman Star"keris-, ku"res-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"res-face="Times New Roman Star"ko"ra"s?-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"res?-face="Times New Roman Star"gu"res?-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"res?-face="Times New Roman Star"keris-, gu"res-
face="Times New Roman Star"ku"res?- (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 747-748, ÝÑÒß 3, 79-81, 5, 50-51, Ôåäîòîâ 1, 280. The peculiar variation of keris?- and ku"res?- in old sources allows perhaps to reconstruct the original shape *gero"l/-.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge:b-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to chewface="Times New Roman Star"æåâàòü
face="Times New Roman Star"kev- (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"gev-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"s?a"-face="Times New Roman Star"kevis? 'cud' (MA, Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"kaws?a-face="Times New Roman Star"ko"js?i-
face="Times New Roman Star"go"ju"s? 'cud'face="Times New Roman Star"ga":vu"-s? 'cud'face="Times New Roman Star"kipse-n-face="Times New Roman Star"kepz?e-n-face="Times New Roman Star"keps?e-face="Times New Roman Star"ka":vis? 'cud'face="Times New Roman Star"kavle-face="Times New Roman Star"kebi:-
face="Times New Roman Star"kegz?e-n-face="Times New Roman Star"kegz?e-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"j-s?-o"-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"jis 'cud'face="Times New Roman Star"ku"jze-face="Times New Roman Star"ko"jo"s? 'cud'
face="Times New Roman Star"gevs?e-face="Times New Roman Star"ko"vs?e-n-face="Times New Roman Star"gu"jse-face="Times New Roman Star"ku"s?a"-face="Times New Roman Star"gu"js?e-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 244, EDT 687, ÝÑÒß 3, 5-7.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge:c? (-e)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 long time 2 late 3 be late 4 night 5 evening 6 yesterdayface="Times New Roman Star"1 äîëãî 2 ïîçäíèé 3 îïàçäûâàòü 4 íî÷ü 5 âå÷åð 6 â÷åðàface="Times New Roman Star"kec? 1, 2, kec?- 3, kec?e 4, 5 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"kec? 1, 2 (KB, MK), kec?- 3 (MK), kec?a" 4, 5 (KB, MK)face="Times New Roman Star"gec? 2, gez?|e 4face="Times New Roman Star"kic? 5, kic?e| 5, 6face="Times New Roman Star"gec?e 4 (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"kec?a 4, 6face="Times New Roman Star"ka"c?a" 5face="Times New Roman Star"kic?e 4 (Mal.)face="Times New Roman Star"gez?|a" 4face="Times New Roman Star"gi:c? 2, gi:z?|e 4face="Times New Roman Star"kiz?|e: 6face="Times New Roman Star"kec?ik 5 (Âåðá.)face="Times New Roman Star"kec? 2, 5, kec?e 6face="Times New Roman Star"ki:ec?a" 4face="Times New Roman Star"kas/ 5face="Times New Roman Star"kiehe 5face="Times New Roman Star"kiehe 5face="Times New Roman Star"kez?e: 5face="Times New Roman Star"kez?|e 5face="Times New Roman Star"kec? 2, kec?e: 4, 5face="Times New Roman Star"kes? 2, 5, kes?a" 5, 6face="Times New Roman Star"kes? 2, 5face="Times New Roman Star"kis 5, kisa" 5, 6face="Times New Roman Star"kec? 5, kec?eface="Times New Roman Star"gez?|a" 4face="Times New Roman Star"gez?|e 4face="Times New Roman Star"kes? 2, 5face="Times New Roman Star"ga"z?|i 4face="Times New Roman Star"gec?e 4face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 245, EDT 692-3, 694-5, ÝÑÒß 3, 40-41, 50-51, Ëåêñèêà 82, Stachowski 147.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge:(j)t-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to go (away)face="Times New Roman Star"óõîäèòüface="Times New Roman Star"ket- (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ket/d|- (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"git-face="Times New Roman Star"kit-face="Times New Roman Star"ke.t- (Abush., Sangl., MA)face="Times New Roman Star"ket-face="Times New Roman Star"ka"t-
face="Times New Roman Star"get-face="Times New Roman Star"git-

face="Times New Roman Star"ket- (dial.)
face="Times New Roman Star"kajt-

face="Times New Roman Star"ket-face="Times New Roman Star"ket-face="Times New Roman Star"ket-face="Times New Roman Star"kit-face="Times New Roman Star"ket-face="Times New Roman Star"get-face="Times New Roman Star"ket-face="Times New Roman Star"ket-face="Times New Roman Star"Gi:/i- (Kakuk)face="Times New Roman Star"get-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 258, EDT 701, ÝÑÒß 3, 39-40, 49-50. Vowel length can be reconstructed on indirect evidence (voicing -t- > -d- in forms like Az. gedis? 'going away' etc.).
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge:kir-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to belchface="Times New Roman Star"ðûãàòü
face="Times New Roman Star"kekir- (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"gejir-face="Times New Roman Star"kiker-face="Times New Roman Star"gegir- (Pav. C.), kekir- (MA)face="Times New Roman Star"kekir-face="Times New Roman Star"keki(r)-face="Times New Roman Star"kekirt- (ßÆÓ)face="Times New Roman Star"ga"jir-face="Times New Roman Star"ga":gir-face="Times New Roman Star"kig@r-
face="Times New Roman Star"kegir-face="Times New Roman Star"ga":gu"r-face="Times New Roman Star"kagúr-face="Times New Roman Star"kegert-
face="Times New Roman Star"keg|ir-face="Times New Roman Star"keg|ir-face="Times New Roman Star"kekir-face="Times New Roman Star"kekir-face="Times New Roman Star"kekir-face="Times New Roman Star"kiker-face="Times New Roman Star"kekir-face="Times New Roman Star"gi:r-face="Times New Roman Star"kekir-face="Times New Roman Star"kekir-
face="Times New Roman Star"kekir-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 248, EDT 712, ÝÑÒß 3, 37, Ëåêñèêà 232.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge:.miface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"boatface="Times New Roman Star"ëîäêàface="Times New Roman Star"kemi (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"kemi (MK, IM)face="Times New Roman Star"gemiface="Times New Roman Star"kime|face="Times New Roman Star"keme (Abush., Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"kemaface="Times New Roman Star"kema"
face="Times New Roman Star"ga"miface="Times New Roman Star"ga":miface="Times New Roman Star"kimeface="Times New Roman Star"kebeface="Times New Roman Star"keme
face="Times New Roman Star"kim@

face="Times New Roman Star"xeme
face="Times New Roman Star"kemeface="Times New Roman Star"kemeface="Times New Roman Star"kemeface="Times New Roman Star"ka"ma"face="Times New Roman Star"kemeface="Times New Roman Star"gemiface="Times New Roman Star"gemiface="Times New Roman Star"kemeface="Times New Roman Star"kimo"face="Times New Roman Star"gemeface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 251, TMN 3, 668-669, EDT 721-722, ÝÑÒß 3, 37-38. Turk. > Mong. keme (Ùåðáàê 1997, 126).
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge:n|face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"wideface="Times New Roman Star"øèðîêèéface="Times New Roman Star"kin| (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ken| (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"genface="Times New Roman Star"kin|face="Times New Roman Star"ke.n| (Sangl., Abush., Áîð. Áàä.), ge.n| (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"ken|face="Times New Roman Star"ka"n|face="Times New Roman Star"ken|face="Times New Roman Star"genface="Times New Roman Star"gi:n|
face="Times New Roman Star"ken|face="Times New Roman Star"ken|face="Times New Roman Star"ki:en|g
face="Times New Roman Star"kien|face="Times New Roman Star"kien|

face="Times New Roman Star"ken|face="Times New Roman Star"ken|face="Times New Roman Star"ken|face="Times New Roman Star"kin|face="Times New Roman Star"ken|
face="Times New Roman Star"ken|, kenface="Times New Roman Star"ken|
face="Times New Roman Star"gen|face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 724-725, VEWT 253, EDT 724-725, ÝÑÒß 3, 46-47, Stachowski 147.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge:pface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"form, example, imageface="Times New Roman Star"ôîðìà, ïðèìåð, èçîáðàæåíèåface="Times New Roman Star"kep ( ? -i-) (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"keb ( ? -i-) (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"ka"p (AH)

face="Times New Roman Star"kep
face="Times New Roman Star"ga":pface="Times New Roman Star"kipface="Times New Roman Star"ka"pface="Times New Roman Star"kep
face="Times New Roman Star"kapface="Times New Roman Star"kiep
face="Times New Roman Star"xep
face="Times New Roman Star"kep
face="Times New Roman Star"kep

face="Times New Roman Star"kep
face="Times New Roman Star"kepface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 686, VEWT 253, ÝÑÒß 5, 44-45 ( > Mong. keb, see Ùåðáàê 1997, 127). Bulg. > Old Slav. kapü. Turk. > Hung. ke/p 'image', see Gombocz 1912.
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge:p-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to swell, swollen (of belly) 2 to become pregnant, pregnant 3 to be arrogant, inflatedface="Times New Roman Star"1 ïóõíóòü (î æèâîòå) 2 áåðåìåíåòü, áåðåìåííàÿ 3 ÷âàíèòüñÿ, âàæíè÷àòü

face="Times New Roman Star"gebe 2face="Times New Roman Star"k@p@r-, k@pr@j- 3face="Times New Roman Star"gebe 2 (Pav. C.)

face="Times New Roman Star"ga"biz `constipation'face="Times New Roman Star"ga":be 1

face="Times New Roman Star"kabar 'insatiable, gluttonous'face="Times New Roman Star"kiebir- 3
face="Times New Roman Star"xever- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"kebez?|e, keber 1face="Times New Roman Star"kebez?e 1
face="Times New Roman Star"k@p@j- 1, k@pr@j- 3
face="Times New Roman Star"gebe 2
face="Times New Roman Star"kep-, gebez?e 1

face="Times New Roman Star"ÝÑÒß 3, 36. The root is partially confused (and contaminated) with *gebre- 'to die, corpse' (v. sub *ka>pi).
face="Times New Roman Star"*ge:t-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to indent, notch, crackface="Times New Roman Star"äåëàòü çàðóáêó, íàäðåç
face="Times New Roman Star"ked- (OKypch., AH)face="Times New Roman Star"get-face="Times New Roman Star"kit-face="Times New Roman Star"ket- (MA)face="Times New Roman Star"ketu"k (n.)

face="Times New Roman Star"ga":t-

face="Times New Roman Star"ka":tu"k `indent'face="Times New Roman Star"kat-

face="Times New Roman Star"ket-face="Times New Roman Star"ketik (n.)face="Times New Roman Star"ketik (n.)face="Times New Roman Star"kit-

face="Times New Roman Star"ketik (n.)

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 259, ÝÑÒß 3, 30-31, 5, 65-66, EDT 700-701.
face="Times New Roman Star"*gi:r-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to enterface="Times New Roman Star"âõîäèòüface="Times New Roman Star"kir- (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"kir- (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"gir-face="Times New Roman Star"ker-face="Times New Roman Star"kir- (Abush., Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"ker-face="Times New Roman Star"gir-face="Times New Roman Star"gi:r-face="Times New Roman Star"k@r-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-
face="Times New Roman Star"k@r-face="Times New Roman Star"ki:r-face="Times New Roman Star"ki:r-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"ker-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"gir-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"kir-face="Times New Roman Star"kir- (ÑÑß)face="Times New Roman Star"gir-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 271, EDT 735-736, ÝÑÒß 3, 47-48, Stachowski 149.
face="Times New Roman Star"*gi:r/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 a k. of box 2 to hide 3 mysteryface="Times New Roman Star"1 âèä ÿùèêà 2 ïðÿòàòü 3 òàéíà
face="Times New Roman Star"kiz 1, kizle- 2 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"gizle- 2, giz 3

face="Times New Roman Star"gizla"- 2face="Times New Roman Star"gi:zle- 2

face="Times New Roman Star"kiste:- 2face="Times New Roman Star"kiste:- 2

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 756, 760, VEWT 273, ÝÑÒß 3, 43, Stachowski 149.
face="Times New Roman Star"*go"c?-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to migrate, nomadize 2 nomadizingface="Times New Roman Star"1 ìèãðèðîâàòü, êî÷åâàòü 2 êî÷åâêà
face="Times New Roman Star"ko"c?- 1 (MK, KB), ko"c? 2 (KB)face="Times New Roman Star"go"c?- 1, go"c? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ku"c?- 1, ku"c? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"z?|- 1, ko"c? 2 (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"ko.c?- 1, ko.c? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"c?- 1, ko"c? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"s?- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"c?- 1, ko"c? 2face="Times New Roman Star"go"c?- 1, go"c? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"s- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"s?- 1, ko"s? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"c?- 1face="Times New Roman Star"kec?- 1face="Times New Roman Star"kos/- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"s- 1, ko"s 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"s- 1, ko"s 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"'s?- 1, ko"'s? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"'s?- 1, ko"'s? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"c?- 1, ko"c? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"s?- 1, ko"s? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"s?- 1, ko"s? 2face="Times New Roman Star"ku"s 'ðîé', ku"s- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"c?- 1face="Times New Roman Star"go"c?- 1, go"c? 'luggage'face="Times New Roman Star"ko"c?- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"s?- 1, ko"s? 2
face="Times New Roman Star"go"c?- 1face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 693, 694, Ëåêñèêà 489, ÝÑÒß 3, 88-90, TMN 3, 622, Ôåäîòîâ 1, 315, Stachowski 158.
face="Times New Roman Star"*go"jkeface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"kestrel, windhover, hawkface="Times New Roman Star"ïóñòåëüãà, ÿñòðåáface="Times New Roman Star"keku"k 'a bird of prey' (OUygh. - Irq Bitig)face="Times New Roman Star"keku"k 'al-zummac, a bird the bones of which are used in conjurations and sorcery' (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"ko"jkenek (Pav. C., Abushk.)

face="Times New Roman Star"go"venekface="Times New Roman Star"ko"jkenek

face="Times New Roman Star"ku"jko"

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 288, EDT 710, ÝÑÒß 5, 133-134, Ëåêñèêà 170. Turk. > Mong. ku"jku"nek.
face="Times New Roman Star"*go"jn|-ilface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"heart, moodface="Times New Roman Star"ñåðäöå, äóõface="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|u"l (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|u"l (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"go"n-u"l; go"ju"n, go"jn (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"ku"n|@lface="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|u"l (Sangl., MA)face="Times New Roman Star"ko.n|ilface="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|u"lface="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|u"lface="Times New Roman Star"ko"nu"lface="Times New Roman Star"go"vu"n, ko"n|-u"l (arch. - borrowed from Tu"rki)face="Times New Roman Star"ko":l, ko"n|n-@face="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|n-u"face="Times New Roman Star"ku":nface="Times New Roman Star"ki:ilface="Times New Roman Star"k@w|m@w|lface="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|u"l 'will, freedom'face="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|u"l 'permission'
face="Times New Roman Star"xo":lface="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|u"lface="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|ilface="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|ilface="Times New Roman Star"ku"n|@lface="Times New Roman Star"ko"lface="Times New Roman Star"go"nface="Times New Roman Star"ko"nu"l, ko"lu"nface="Times New Roman Star"ko"n|il, kewilface="Times New Roman Star"go"jn|yface="Times New Roman Star"go"n|u"lface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 291, EDT 731, ÝÑÒß 3, 75-77, Ëåêñèêà 274, Stachowski 156. Almost all languages reflect a suffixed form (a substantivized adjective in -il, see Gabain AG 75). Khak., Shor reflect a nominalized attributive form of ko"n|u"l.
face="Times New Roman Star"*go"ju"-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 capers 2 ferment for milk 3 a k. of fermented milk drinkface="Times New Roman Star"1 êàïåðñû 2 çàêâàñêà äëÿ ìîëîêà 3 âèä êâàøåííîãî ìîëî÷íîãî íàïèòêà

face="Times New Roman Star"go"ju"l 1

face="Times New Roman Star"k@w|velek 2, k@w|ve- 'to ferment'face="Times New Roman Star"ko"jo"rgo" 2, ku"o"rc?ex 3; ko"ju"n- 'to ferment' (der. ko":nn/o"r-)

face="Times New Roman Star"ko":rc?o"k 3

face="Times New Roman Star"Åãîðîâ 103. Kirgh. > Kalm. ko":rc@g (see differently in KW 244, Ëåêñèêà 451).
face="Times New Roman Star"*go"ku"r/ (/*go"gu"r/), *Ko"krekface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 breast 2 middle of the back 3 reason, sense, emotion 4 female breastface="Times New Roman Star"1 ãðóäü 2 ïîÿñíèöà, ñåðåäèíà ñïèíû 3 æåíñêàÿ ãðóäüface="Times New Roman Star"ko"gu"z 1, 3 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ko"gu"z 1 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"go"g|u"s 1, ko"krek 1 (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"ko"gu"s 1 (dial., ÊÑÒÒ), ku"kre|k 1, 4face="Times New Roman Star"ko"gs, ko"gu"s (Sangl.), ko"ku"s (MA) 1, ko"krek (Abush., Áîð. Áàä.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"ku.ks 1, 3, ko|kra"k 1, 4face="Times New Roman Star"ko"ku"s 1, ko"kra"k 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"ku"s, go":s 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"ks, ko"ku"s 1face="Times New Roman Star"go"vu"s 1, ku"krek 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"gis 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"gu"s 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"gu"s 1, 3
face="Times New Roman Star"kúw|gúw|r 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"g|u"s 2face="Times New Roman Star"ko"ksu" 'back'

face="Times New Roman Star"ko"ku"ro"k 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"kirek 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"kirek 1face="Times New Roman Star"ku"kra"k 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"ku"rek 1face="Times New Roman Star"gu":s 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"kis 1, ko"kra"k 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"kirek 1face="Times New Roman Star"go"frix 4?face="Times New Roman Star"ko"ku"rek 1face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 714, VEWT 288, ÝÑÒß 3, 54-55, 5, 136-137, Ëåêñèêà 272-274, Stachowski 155. The Oghuz forms with k- (Turkm. ku"krek, Tur. dial. ko"krek) may be < Kypchak, cf. -u"- instead of -o"- in Turkm.
face="Times New Roman Star"*go"l-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 wooden board 2 woodblock 3 cross-bar (over fire)face="Times New Roman Star"1 äåðåâÿííàÿ äîñêà 2 äåðåâÿííûé áðóñîê 3 ðàñïîðêà (íàä îãíåì)

face="Times New Roman Star"gu"le 1face="Times New Roman Star"ko"lbe 2
face="Times New Roman Star"ko"lzo"k 'ñíåãîçàùèòíûå ùèòû' (?)
face="Times New Roman Star"k@le 'çàäâèæêà'face="Times New Roman Star"ko"lo" 3

face="Times New Roman Star"Different etymologies in Ôåäîòîâ 1, 271 (Chuv. k@le - hardly to kilit); VEWT 289 (Yak. ko"lo" - not to 'harness' ko"l-).
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