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 Proto-Turkic Altaic etymology Meaning Russian meaning Old Turkic Karakhanid Turkish Tatar Middle Turkic Uzbek Uighur Sary-Yughur Azerbaidzhan Turkmen Khakassian Shor Oyrat Halaj Chuvash Yakut Dolgan Tuva Tofalar Kirghiz Kazakh Noghai Bashkir Balkar Gagauz Karaim Karakalpak Salar Kumyk Comments
face="Times New Roman Star"*Atyr/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"watered field, boundaryface="Times New Roman Star"îðîøàåìîå ïîëå, ìåæà
face="Times New Roman Star"atyz 'any strip of land between two dikes' (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"etiz

face="Times New Roman Star"atyz
face="Times New Roman Star"adys 'çàãîí 1/18 äåñÿòèíû'

face="Times New Roman Star"adyr 'õîëìèñòàÿ ìåñòíîñòü, óâàëû'face="Times New Roman Star"atyz

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 31, EDT 73. Turk. > Mong. atiz (Ùåðáàê 1997, 102). Cf. also *a:tag 'island'.
face="Times New Roman Star"*atkakface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"gillsface="Times New Roman Star"æàáðû

face="Times New Roman Star"atpaxface="Times New Roman Star"attaqface="Times New Roman Star"atqaq

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 31. A local Siberian word; should be kept distinct from *a.t(ky)- 'pinch, pinchful, handful' (q. v. sub *p`a>/t`a\(-kV)).
face="Times New Roman Star"*a.t(ky-)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 handful 2 pinch(ful) 3 barb of the fish-fork hookface="Times New Roman Star"1 ãîðñòü, ïðèãîðøíÿ 2 ùåïîòêà 3 áîðîäêà, çàçóáðèíà êðþ÷êà îñòðîãè

face="Times New Roman Star"atym 2, atky 'weft; wooden fork; strap on footwear, scarf'face="Times New Roman Star"atqyry (dial.) 'cross-beam'
face="Times New Roman Star"o|tim 2

face="Times New Roman Star"atGy 'cross-bar', atym 2face="Times New Roman Star"atym 2

face="Times New Roman Star"atqaq 3
face="Times New Roman Star"ydam 'armful'

face="Times New Roman Star"adym 1, atqaq 3, atpaq 'hanger for horse harness', atpaq-ta-l- 'to hitch on to smth.', atpan|na- 'grasp (of a child)'
face="Times New Roman Star"atym 2

face="Times New Roman Star"Åãîðîâ 344, Ìóäðàê Äèññ. 85, VEWT 31. If we exclude obvious loans from Mong. adqu-, all the other forms clearly fall into two types. 1) PT *a.tym 'handful, pinchful' 2) PT *Atky- 'smth. hitched, clutching, clinging'. The latter (Tuva atkak) is linked in EDT 47 with OUygh. atqaq 'vikalpa'. There is a number of OUygh. Buddhist terms that can be derived from a stem meaning 'grasp, hitch': atqaq '1) vikalpa, attachment to the material world (whence borrowed in Mong. atqag| 'illusion, prejudice'), 2) vis.aya, 'idea, notion, subject', atqaq-lyg| 'appertaining to smth.', atqa-n- 'be connected, clinging to (the material world)', atqa-nc?-syz 'devoid of sense perceptions', atqang|u 'vis.aya', atqang|u-lug| 'correlated' (cf. (alquqa) atqang|ulug| tutz?|aqlyg| 'correlated (with everything) (and) grasping (everything)'), see ÄÒÑ 68, EDT 47. This all seems to indicate a primary root *a.t- meaning both 'to cling, hitch on to smth., grasp' and 'a grasp, handful' (also 'armful' if we take into account the Chuv. meaning). Note that in Siberian languages this root (*a.t-ka-k) is additionally confused with the local word for 'gills' - which has a quite separate Altaic origin (see under *p`a/ta\(kV) 'fish fin').
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:.c?face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"hungerface="Times New Roman Star"ãîëîäface="Times New Roman Star"ac? (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ac? (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"ac?face="Times New Roman Star"ac?face="Times New Roman Star"az?| (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"o|c?face="Times New Roman Star"ac?
face="Times New Roman Star"az?|face="Times New Roman Star"a:c?face="Times New Roman Star"asface="Times New Roman Star"as?face="Times New Roman Star"ac?face="Times New Roman Star"a:c?, o|:c?u-face="Times New Roman Star"vyz/úface="Times New Roman Star"a:sface="Times New Roman Star"ac?-c?yk 'hungry'face="Times New Roman Star"as?
face="Times New Roman Star"ac?face="Times New Roman Star"as?face="Times New Roman Star"as?face="Times New Roman Star"asface="Times New Roman Star"ac?face="Times New Roman Star"a:c?face="Times New Roman Star"ac?face="Times New Roman Star"as?
face="Times New Roman Star"ac?face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 17, VEWT 3, ÝÑÒß 1, 208-209, Stachowski 28.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:d-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to sober up 2 sober, consciousface="Times New Roman Star"1 òðåçâåòü 2 òðåçâûé, ñîçíàòåëüíûéface="Times New Roman Star"adyn- (OUygh.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"ad|yl- (MK,KB), ad|yn- (MK, KB) 1, ad|yg| (MK) 2face="Times New Roman Star"ajyl-, dial. aj(yh)-, Osm. ajyn- 1, ajyk 2face="Times New Roman Star"dial. ajyl- 1, ajyq 2face="Times New Roman Star"ajyl- (Sangl.) 1, ajyq (Houts., Pav. C., IM) 2, ajyg| (IM, Qutb) 2face="Times New Roman Star"dial. ajyq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"ajyl- 1, ajyG 2face="Times New Roman Star"a:jyl- 1, dial. ajyq 2face="Times New Roman Star"ajyg| 2

face="Times New Roman Star"orúl- 1, orú 2

face="Times New Roman Star"ajyq- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ajyq- 1, ajyq 2face="Times New Roman Star"ajyq- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ajyq- 1, ajyq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"ajyq- 1, ajyq 2

face="Times New Roman Star"ÝÑÒß 1, 113-114, EDT 46, 61, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 285.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:gface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"netface="Times New Roman Star"ñåòü
face="Times New Roman Star"ag| (KB, IM)face="Times New Roman Star"ag|; ag|, av (Osmanli)face="Times New Roman Star"awface="Times New Roman Star"ag| (Sangl.)face="Times New Roman Star"a:g| (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"ag|face="Times New Roman Star"a:q (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"ag| (Sag.)face="Times New Roman Star"ag|face="Times New Roman Star"ag| (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"u:face="Times New Roman Star"awface="Times New Roman Star"awface="Times New Roman Star"awface="Times New Roman Star"aw
face="Times New Roman Star"av, uvface="Times New Roman Star"aw
face="Times New Roman Star"awface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 7, 20, ÝÑÒß 1, 117-118, 152-153, Ëåêñèêà 418-419. On an|nyg| (Shor), ag|nyx| (Khak.) v. sub *a>n|u.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:.guface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 poison 2 muskface="Times New Roman Star"1 ÿä 2 ìóñêóñ, êàáàðãîâàÿ ñòðóÿface="Times New Roman Star"ag|u 1 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ag|u 1 (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"au 1face="Times New Roman Star"ag|u 1face="Times New Roman Star"ag|u 1face="Times New Roman Star"o|g|u 1face="Times New Roman Star"ag|i, og|a 1face="Times New Roman Star"ag|a 1face="Times New Roman Star"ag|y 1face="Times New Roman Star"a:vy 1face="Times New Roman Star"o: 1

face="Times New Roman Star"y: 2

face="Times New Roman Star"a: 1 (Ðàñ. ÔèË 9)face="Times New Roman Star"ag|u: 2face="Times New Roman Star"ag|u dial.face="Times New Roman Star"ag|uwface="Times New Roman Star"ag|ywface="Times New Roman Star"ag|u
face="Times New Roman Star"ag|u

face="Times New Roman Star"ag|uw, ag|uface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 9, 13, ÝÑÒß 1, 67. The Kypch. forms with -g|- (not shifted to -w-) and *-ug| may be borrowed from Chag.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:ja ( < *a:n|/a)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"palm (of hand)face="Times New Roman Star"ëàäîíüface="Times New Roman Star"aja (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"aja (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"aja
face="Times New Roman Star"aja (Sangl.; MKypch.- Houts., AH)

face="Times New Roman Star"x|aja, x|ajan
face="Times New Roman Star"a:jaface="Times New Roman Star"aja

face="Times New Roman Star"aja 'center of a palm'face="Times New Roman Star"ajaface="Times New Roman Star"aja 'ìåðà äëèíû - ïàëüìà; ãðåáåíü äëÿ ÷åñàíèÿ ïóõà'face="Times New Roman Star"ajaz (< ôîðìû 3 ë.)

face="Times New Roman Star"ajaface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 10, ÝÑÒß 1, 100-101, Äûáî 179-181, Ëåêñèêà 252.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:lface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 front 2 forehead 3 in front of 4 towards the front offace="Times New Roman Star"1 ïåðåä 2 ëîá 3 âïåðåäè, ñïåðåäè 4 âïåðåäface="Times New Roman Star"alyn 2 (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"alyn 2 (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"al 1 (dial.), alyn 1, 2; 'face'face="Times New Roman Star"al 1, al-d-y 1, alyn 1face="Times New Roman Star"aly 1 (Abush.), alny-da 'in the presence of' (Abush.), aldy (Babur) 3face="Times New Roman Star"o|l-d-i 1face="Times New Roman Star"ajl, aldi 1, al-dyn 3, al-g|a 4face="Times New Roman Star"al 1, alym, alyn 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"alyn 2face="Times New Roman Star"a:lyn 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"alny 1face="Times New Roman Star"alny 1, alyn-da 3face="Times New Roman Star"aldy, alyn 1face="Times New Roman Star"ha:nl(y), ha:ll 2face="Times New Roman Star"om 1

face="Times New Roman Star"alyn 'face'face="Times New Roman Star"alyn 'face, mountain slope'face="Times New Roman Star"al 1, al-d-y 1face="Times New Roman Star"al-da 3, al-d-y 1face="Times New Roman Star"al-d-y 1face="Times New Roman Star"al, aldy 1face="Times New Roman Star"al, ally 1, al-da 3, al-g|a 4face="Times New Roman Star"anny 2face="Times New Roman Star"al-d-y 1 (K), alyn 1 (T, H)face="Times New Roman Star"al-d-y 1face="Times New Roman Star"aldy- 1face="Times New Roman Star"al 1, al-dan 3face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 121, 147; VEWT 14 (should be distinguished from *al- 'below'), TMN 2, 120, ÝÑÒß 1, 124-125, 146, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 280, Ëåêñèêà 198-199. See EDT 121 commenting on the absence of early attestation of the suffixless form.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:laface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"variegatedface="Times New Roman Star"ïåñòðûéface="Times New Roman Star"ala (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ala (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"o|laface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"a:laface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"hala-bulaface="Times New Roman Star"olaface="Times New Roman Star"ala
face="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"ala-z?|aface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"alaface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 126, VEWT 15, ÝÑÒß 1, 129-130, TMN 2, 95-97, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 274, Ëåêñèêà 607.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:n/(k)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"moon, monthface="Times New Roman Star"ëóíà, ìåñÿöface="Times New Roman Star"aj (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"aj (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"aj; an/ (CCum.)face="Times New Roman Star"o|jface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"a:jface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ha:jface="Times New Roman Star"ojúxface="Times New Roman Star"yjface="Times New Roman Star"yj 'month'face="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"ajface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 10, TMN 2, 169, EDT 265, ÝÑÒß 1, 98-99 (see there on the reasons of reconstructing *-n/), Ìóäðàê Äèññ. 178, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 271, Ëåêñèêà 55, 76-77, Stachowski 258.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:n|, *a:n|-la-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to understand 2 intelligence 3 to hear 4 to discern (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"1 ïîíèìàòü 2 ðàçóì, óì 3 ñëûøàòü 4 ðàçëè÷àòü (äèàë.)face="Times New Roman Star"an|la- (OUygh.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"an|la- (MK, KB) 1face="Times New Roman Star"anla- 1face="Times New Roman Star"an|-g|ar- 1face="Times New Roman Star"an| 2, an|la- 1 (Sangl.)
face="Times New Roman Star"an|la- 3face="Times New Roman Star"an|na- 3face="Times New Roman Star"anla- 1face="Times New Roman Star"a:n|la- 1, a:n| 2face="Times New Roman Star"an|dy- 'to look attentively'

face="Times New Roman Star"an|la- 1 ( < Az.)face="Times New Roman Star"úw|n 2face="Times New Roman Star"an|la:- 4

face="Times New Roman Star"an| 2

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 20, TMN 2,130, EDT 165, 186, ÝÑÒß 1, 153-154. WMong. an|-z?|ira- 'to know, understand' < Turkic Siberian languages (an|-syra- with the affix of incomplete verb quality); WMong. an|qar- < Turk. *a:n|-gar-.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:.r-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to be tired, exhausted 2 to become leanface="Times New Roman Star"1 óñòàâàòü 2 õóäåòüface="Times New Roman Star"ar- (Orkh., OUygh.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"ar- (MK, KB) 1face="Times New Roman Star"ar- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ar- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ar- (Sangl., Abush., Pav. C., AH, Qutb, IM) 1face="Times New Roman Star"ho|ri- 1, (Khor.) ha:r- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ar- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"aryG (Adj.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"a:r- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ar- 2face="Times New Roman Star"ar- 2face="Times New Roman Star"ary- 1face="Times New Roman Star"harqa:n, harqan (Ger.) 1face="Times New Roman Star"yr- 1face="Times New Roman Star"y:r- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"ar- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"ary- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ary- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ary- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ary- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ary- 1

face="Times New Roman Star"hary- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"ary- 1face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 22, ÝÑÒß 1, 160-162, EDT 193, Åãîðîâ 343.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:r/-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to go astray, lose one's way 2 to lose mind, go mad 3 to missface="Times New Roman Star"1 ñáèâàòüñÿ ñ ïóòè 2 ñõîäèòü ñ óìà 3 óïóñêàòü, ïðîìàõèâàòüñÿface="Times New Roman Star"az- 1 (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1 (MK, IM)face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1face="Times New Roman Star"az- (Sangl., Houts., Pav. C., Qutb) 1face="Times New Roman Star"o|z- 1face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1face="Times New Roman Star"a:z- 1face="Times New Roman Star"as- 1face="Times New Roman Star"as- 1face="Times New Roman Star"as- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ha:z- 1face="Times New Roman Star"or- 2face="Times New Roman Star"a:s- 1, 3
face="Times New Roman Star"as- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1face="Times New Roman Star"ad|- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"a:z- (Äìèòðèåâ 1955) 1face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1face="Times New Roman Star"az- 1

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 279, VEWT 22, 33, 193, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 283, ÝÑÒß 1, 94-95.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:ryface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"wasp, beeface="Times New Roman Star"ï÷åëà, îñà
face="Times New Roman Star"ary (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"ary
face="Times New Roman Star"ary (Sangl., Pav. C., Qutb), aru (AH)face="Times New Roman Star"ari, tukli ari 'humble-bee'face="Times New Roman Star"he|re|
face="Times New Roman Star"aryface="Times New Roman Star"ary, a:ry (ÝÑÒß)face="Times New Roman Star"a:r, tu"ktig a:r 'hornet'
face="Times New Roman Star"aru:face="Times New Roman Star"ha:ryface="Times New Roman Star"t@g@ld-ora 'humble-bee' ? (t@g@l 'shaggy')face="Times New Roman Star"yn|yrya
face="Times New Roman Star"ary, Todzh. hary
face="Times New Roman Star"a:ryface="Times New Roman Star"ara, tu"kti ara 'humble-bee'

face="Times New Roman Star"a:ry
face="Times New Roman Star"he|rre

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 25, EDT 196-197, TMN 2, 47, ÝÑÒß 1, 186-187, Ëåêñèêà 186, Àøì. XV, 23, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 213-214. Turk. > Mong. ari (not vice versa, despite Ùåðáàê 1997, 100).
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:r-tface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 back 2 mountain passface="Times New Roman Star"1 ñïèíà, çàäíÿÿ ñòîðîíà; 2 ïåðåâàëface="Times New Roman Star"art 1, 2 (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"art 1, 2 (MK, KB)face="Times New Roman Star"art (-dy) 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1 (Pav. C.), 2 (Áîð. Áàä.)face="Times New Roman Star"o|rt 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"ard; art 1face="Times New Roman Star"ard 1face="Times New Roman Star"a:rt 1
face="Times New Roman Star"artyg| 'shoal'face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"ha:rt 1
face="Times New Roman Star"a:rtyk 2
face="Times New Roman Star"a'rt 1face="Times New Roman Star"a'rt 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"a:rd 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"ard/i 1face="Times New Roman Star"art 1face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 200-201, VEWT 26-27, ÝÑÒß 1, 179-180.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:.rt-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to load, carry on backface="Times New Roman Star"íàãðóæàòü, íåñòè íà ñïèíåface="Times New Roman Star"(?) arc?- (OUygh. - USp.)face="Times New Roman Star"arc?y 'saddle-bag' (MK; < art-c?y?)face="Times New Roman Star"ard- (dial.), = Osm.

face="Times New Roman Star"o|rt-face="Times New Roman Star"a(r)t-face="Times New Roman Star"art-

face="Times New Roman Star"art-face="Times New Roman Star"arta-face="Times New Roman Star"art-art-
face="Times New Roman Star"ort-face="Times New Roman Star"y:rt-face="Times New Roman Star"yrda:-face="Times New Roman Star"art-
face="Times New Roman Star"art-face="Times New Roman Star"art-face="Times New Roman Star"art-face="Times New Roman Star"art-
face="Times New Roman Star"a:rt-
face="Times New Roman Star"art-

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 27, EDT 201, Åãîðîâ 276, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 287, ÝÑÒß 1, 180-181. Chuv. ort- may be restructured after *ar-ka 'back'.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:tface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"nameface="Times New Roman Star"èìÿface="Times New Roman Star"at (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"at (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"adface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"at (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"o|t, dial. (Namangan) a"tface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"adface="Times New Roman Star"a:tface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"a:tface="Times New Roman Star"jatface="Times New Roman Star"a:tface="Times New Roman Star"a:tface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"at, (ady)face="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"a:tface="Times New Roman Star"adface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"a:tface="Times New Roman Star"atface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 30-1, EDT 32-3, ÝÑÒß 1, 198-199, Åãîðîâ 355, Stachowski 41-42.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:t-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to step 2 to walk 3 step (n.)face="Times New Roman Star"1 øàãàòü 2 õîäèòü 3 øàã

face="Times New Roman Star"adym 3, adym at-, Osm. ad- 1face="Times New Roman Star"atla- 1, adym 3, aty 'step'face="Times New Roman Star"adym (Pav. C.) 3face="Times New Roman Star"o|dim, dial. adym 3face="Times New Roman Star"atli- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"adym at- 1, adym 3face="Times New Roman Star"dial. a:t-, a":t-, a":t-le- 1, a":dim, dial. a:dym 3face="Times New Roman Star"alta- 1, atyx- 'to jump'
face="Times New Roman Star"alta- 1 (< atla-)
face="Times New Roman Star"odúm 3, ot- 2face="Times New Roman Star"atylla:- 1face="Times New Roman Star"atylla:- 'to jump, hop'

face="Times New Roman Star"atta- 1, adym 3face="Times New Roman Star"atla- 1, adym 3face="Times New Roman Star"atla- 1, adym 3face="Times New Roman Star"atla- 1, ad|ym 3face="Times New Roman Star"atla- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"adym 3face="Times New Roman Star"atla- 1, adym 3face="Times New Roman Star"a'tla- 2
face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 31, ÝÑÒß 1, 88-89, 322, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 293-294, Stachowski 39.
face="Times New Roman Star"*a:tag
face="Times New Roman Star"islandface="Times New Roman Star"îñòðîâ

face="Times New Roman Star"adaface="Times New Roman Star"atawface="Times New Roman Star"(CCum.) atov

face="Times New Roman Star"a:da

face="Times New Roman Star"odú

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 31, ÝÑÒß 1, 87-88, TMN 2, 19, Ôåäîòîâ 2, 295.
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