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face="Times New Roman Star"*jyl/-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to rub, polishface="Times New Roman Star"тереть, полировать

face="Times New Roman Star"jys?- (Sib.)

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ys-
face="Times New Roman Star"jys?-

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 202, ЭСТЯ 1, 667.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jyl/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 mountain forest, thicket 2 spineface="Times New Roman Star"1 горный лес, чаща 2 хребетface="Times New Roman Star"jys? 1 (Orkh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jys? 'high ground' (MK)
face="Times New Roman Star"jys? 1

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ys 1
face="Times New Roman Star"d/ys? 1

face="Times New Roman Star"sis 1, 2face="Times New Roman Star"his 1, 2

face="Times New Roman Star"z?|ys? 1

face="Times New Roman Star"jys? 1

face="Times New Roman Star"z?ys 1

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 976, VEWT 202, ЭСТЯ 4, 44, Лексика 94-95, Stachowski 105.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jyldyr/face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"rootface="Times New Roman Star"кореньface="Times New Roman Star"jyltyz (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jyldyz (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"iltyz (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"ildizface="Times New Roman Star"iltizface="Times New Roman Star"jyldys

face="Times New Roman Star"c?ilege (?)

face="Times New Roman Star"silis

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 201, EDT 922, ЭСТЯ 1, 350, Лексика 109.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jylgunface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"tamariskface="Times New Roman Star"тамариск
face="Times New Roman Star"jylg|un (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"ylg|yn
face="Times New Roman Star"jylg|yn (Houts.), julg|un (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"julg|unface="Times New Roman Star"z?ulg|unface="Times New Roman Star"julg|um, jolg|amface="Times New Roman Star"julg|unface="Times New Roman Star"jylg|un, jylg|yn

face="Times New Roman Star"z?|ylg|yn, z?|ylg|amface="Times New Roman Star"z?yn|g|yl

face="Times New Roman Star"z?yn|g|yl

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 165, 200, EDT 926, ЭСТЯ 4, 277-278, Лексика 134. Kaz. > Russ. dial. dz?engil', see Аникин 183-184.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jyly-gface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"warmface="Times New Roman Star"теплыйface="Times New Roman Star"jylyg| (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jylyg|, ylyg| (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"ylykface="Times New Roman Star"z?|ylyface="Times New Roman Star"ylyq, jylyq (Abush., Бор. Бад.)face="Times New Roman Star"iliqface="Times New Roman Star"ilmanface="Times New Roman Star"ilyg|face="Times New Roman Star"ilyG 'warmish'face="Times New Roman Star"jylyface="Times New Roman Star"c?ylyg|face="Times New Roman Star"c?yly- (v.)face="Times New Roman Star"d/ylu

face="Times New Roman Star"syla:sface="Times New Roman Star"hyla:sface="Times New Roman Star"c?ylyg|face="Times New Roman Star"c?ylyg|face="Times New Roman Star"z?|yluuface="Times New Roman Star"z?ylyface="Times New Roman Star"jylyface="Times New Roman Star"jylyface="Times New Roman Star"z?ylyface="Times New Roman Star"ylyface="Times New Roman Star"jylyface="Times New Roman Star"z?yllyface="Times New Roman Star"jiliface="Times New Roman Star"jylyface="Times New Roman Star"Derived from *jyly- 'to be warm'. See VEWT 200, EDT 919, 925, ЭСТЯ 4, 275-276, Лексика 21, Stachowski 118.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jylymface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"netface="Times New Roman Star"сеть

face="Times New Roman Star"z?|ylymface="Times New Roman Star"ilim (CCum.)face="Times New Roman Star"jylym (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"jylym

face="Times New Roman Star"s/il@mface="Times New Roman Star"ilimface="Times New Roman Star"ilim

face="Times New Roman Star"z?|ylymface="Times New Roman Star"z?ylymface="Times New Roman Star"jylymface="Times New Roman Star"jylym

face="Times New Roman Star"z?ylym
face="Times New Roman Star"jylymface="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 200, ЭСТЯ 4, 282-283, Stachowski 125. Turk. > Hung. gyalom, see Gombocz 1912.
face="Times New Roman Star"*j[y]l-ync?gaface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"tasteless foodface="Times New Roman Star"пресная пища
face="Times New Roman Star"jylync?g|a (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 931.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jylkyface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"age; aged (grown-up) animalface="Times New Roman Star"возраст; взрослое животноеface="Times New Roman Star"jylqy (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jylqy (MK)
face="Times New Roman Star"jylqyface="Times New Roman Star"jylqy (AH, Ettuhf.), ylqy (Бор. Бад., Abush.)face="Times New Roman Star"jilqiface="Times New Roman Star"z?|i(l)qa, z?ilqi
face="Times New Roman Star"ilxy, ylxy (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"jylqyface="Times New Roman Star"c?ylg|yface="Times New Roman Star"c?ylg|yface="Times New Roman Star"d/ylqy

face="Times New Roman Star"sylg|y
face="Times New Roman Star"c?ylg|y
face="Times New Roman Star"z?|ylqyface="Times New Roman Star"z?ylqyface="Times New Roman Star"jylqyface="Times New Roman Star"jylqyface="Times New Roman Star"z?|ylqy, zylqy
face="Times New Roman Star"jylqyface="Times New Roman Star"z?ylqy
face="Times New Roman Star"jylqy, jilqyface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 925-926, ЭСТЯ 4, 281-282, Лексика 444.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jymgaface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"wild mountain she-goatface="Times New Roman Star"дикая горная козаface="Times New Roman Star"ymg|a (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"ymg|a, jymg|a (KB), ymg|a (IM)face="Times New Roman Star"Old Osm. ime, yma 'goat', dial. 'deer with straight horns'
face="Times New Roman Star"ymg|a (Sangl.)

face="Times New Roman Star"umGa

face="Times New Roman Star"d/umg|a

face="Times New Roman Star"c?un|ma

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 165, EDT 158, Лексика 154-155. Yak. ymaga (because of medial -g-) is most probably < Evk.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jym-l/c?a-kface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"soft, mildface="Times New Roman Star"мягкийface="Times New Roman Star"jyms?aq (Orkh.), jums?aq (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jums?aq (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"jums?akface="Times New Roman Star"joms?aqface="Times New Roman Star"jums?aq (AH, Ettuhf., Бор. Бад.)face="Times New Roman Star"jums?o|qface="Times New Roman Star"jums?aqface="Times New Roman Star"jumsaqface="Times New Roman Star"jums?aGface="Times New Roman Star"jums?aqface="Times New Roman Star"c?ymz?|ax, nymzaxface="Times New Roman Star"c?ymz?a-face="Times New Roman Star"jymz?aq, d/ymz?aq
face="Times New Roman Star"s/emz/eface="Times New Roman Star"symna-g|asface="Times New Roman Star"hymna-gasface="Times New Roman Star"c?ymc?aqface="Times New Roman Star"c?ymz?|a- 'to become soft'face="Times New Roman Star"z?|ums?aqface="Times New Roman Star"z?umsaq
face="Times New Roman Star"joms?aqface="Times New Roman Star"z?|ums?aq, z?umus?aqface="Times New Roman Star"jymys?aqface="Times New Roman Star"jyms?aq, jyms?ax

face="Times New Roman Star"jymys?aqface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 938, VEWT 201, ЭСТЯ 4, 252-253, Stachowski 118. The deriving stem *jym-l/c?a- 'to be soft' is also present in most of the above languages.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jymurtface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"bird-cherryface="Times New Roman Star"черемуха
face="Times New Roman Star"jumus?g|a 'medlar' (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"jumurt (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"s?umurt

face="Times New Roman Star"z?|umurt 'крушина'
face="Times New Roman Star"nymyrtface="Times New Roman Star"nybyrtface="Times New Roman Star"jymyrt, d/ymyryt
face="Times New Roman Star"s/@w|m@w|rt

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 881, VEWT 211, ЭСТЯ 4, 283, Егоров 211, Лексика 136. Not quite clear is the relation of OT jems?en 'a k. of wild fruit, berry' (EDT 939).
face="Times New Roman Star"*jyn|akface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"side, directionface="Times New Roman Star"сторона, направлениеface="Times New Roman Star"jyn|aq (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jyn|aq (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 201, EDT 949. As suggested by Clauson, merged with jan|ak in later Turkic.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jyp / *jipface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"threadface="Times New Roman Star"ниткаface="Times New Roman Star"jyp (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jyp (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"ipface="Times New Roman Star"z?|epface="Times New Roman Star"jip (AH, Ettuhf.), ip (Pav. C., AH)
face="Times New Roman Star"jipface="Times New Roman Star"jip, jepface="Times New Roman Star"ipface="Times New Roman Star"ju"pface="Times New Roman Star"c?@pface="Times New Roman Star"c?ipface="Times New Roman Star"jip, d/ipface="Times New Roman Star"jipface="Times New Roman Star"s/ipface="Times New Roman Star"sip 'hook on a fishing rod', sippe 'thread'

face="Times New Roman Star"z?|ipface="Times New Roman Star"z?ip
face="Times New Roman Star"jepface="Times New Roman Star"z?|ib, zipface="Times New Roman Star"jipface="Times New Roman Star"jipface="Times New Roman Star"z?ipface="Times New Roman Star"jipface="Times New Roman Star"jipface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 870, VEWT 204, ЭСТЯ 4, 268-269. Cf. also the derivative *jipek id. (ЭСТЯ 4, 269-270).
face="Times New Roman Star"*jyparface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"smell, perfume, muskface="Times New Roman Star"запах, аромат, мускусface="Times New Roman Star"jypar (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jypar (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"jypar (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"jifar, z?|ufarface="Times New Roman Star"jypar (Houts.), ipar (AH), jybar (Pav. C.)

face="Times New Roman Star"sybar

face="Times New Roman Star"z?|yparface="Times New Roman Star"z?upar
face="Times New Roman Star"jofar

face="Times New Roman Star"z?uparface="Times New Roman Star"ju'ar, jux|ar
face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 878-879, VEWT 201, ЭСТЯ 4, 284.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jyrface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"songface="Times New Roman Star"песня
face="Times New Roman Star"jyr (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"jyrface="Times New Roman Star"z?|yrface="Times New Roman Star"jyr (R.)face="Times New Roman Star"z?|ir
face="Times New Roman Star"jyr, jerface="Times New Roman Star"jyr (dial.)face="Times New Roman Star"jyr (dial.)

face="Times New Roman Star"z?|yrface="Times New Roman Star"z?yrface="Times New Roman Star"jyrface="Times New Roman Star"jyrface="Times New Roman Star"zyr, z?|yr, z?yr
face="Times New Roman Star"jyr, irface="Times New Roman Star"z?yrface="Times New Roman Star"ju"rface="Times New Roman Star"jyrface="Times New Roman Star"EDT 192, VEWT 201, ЭСТЯ 4, 285, TMN 4, 233. The root should be distinguished from *yr (v. sub *i/ru), although actively contaminating.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jyr-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"left, Northface="Times New Roman Star"левый, Северface="Times New Roman Star"jyr-g|aru (Orkh.), ir-, jir- (OUygh.)

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 201, EDT 954, 959, 973.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jy:g-(la-)face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"to weep, cryface="Times New Roman Star"плакатьface="Times New Roman Star"yg|-la- (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"yg|la-, jyg|la- (MK), jyg|la- (KB)
face="Times New Roman Star"jyla-face="Times New Roman Star"jyg|la- (Sangl.)
face="Times New Roman Star"ag|la-face="Times New Roman Star"jig|la-
face="Times New Roman Star"a:g|-la-face="Times New Roman Star"y:face="Times New Roman Star"ylg|a-face="Times New Roman Star"yjla-

face="Times New Roman Star"z?yla-

face="Times New Roman Star"zyla-

face="Times New Roman Star"z?yla-
face="Times New Roman Star"jila-face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 8, ЭСТЯ 1, 79-81.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jy:l-face="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"1 to creep 2 snakeface="Times New Roman Star"1 ползать 2 змеяface="Times New Roman Star"jylan 2 (Orkh., OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jylan (MK) 2face="Times New Roman Star"jylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"jyl- 1, jylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"jyl- 1 (Vam.), jylan 2 (Pav. C.)face="Times New Roman Star"z?|il- 1, ilo|n 2face="Times New Roman Star"ilan 2face="Times New Roman Star"jilan 2face="Times New Roman Star"ilan 2face="Times New Roman Star"jyla:n 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?yl- 1, c?ylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"c?ylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"d/yl- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"s/@w|len 2face="Times New Roman Star"sy:l- 1
face="Times New Roman Star"c?yl- 1, c?ylan 2, dial. c?ulanface="Times New Roman Star"c?yl- 1, c?ulan 2face="Times New Roman Star"z?|yl- 1, z?|ylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"z?ylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"jylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"jylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"z?ylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"jylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"jylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"z?ylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"jilyn 2face="Times New Roman Star"jylan 2face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 200, EDT 930-1, ЭСТЯ 4, 40-41, 277, Лексика 180. Turk. > MMong. (MA) jilan (see Щербак 1997, 164). Mong. z?|ilu-, z?|ulu- 'roll away, move away' may be related or borrowed < Turk.
face="Times New Roman Star"*jy:nface="Times New Roman Star"Altaic etymologyface="Times New Roman Star"skin, bodyface="Times New Roman Star"кожа, телоface="Times New Roman Star"jyn (OUygh.)face="Times New Roman Star"jyn (MK)

face="Times New Roman Star"si:n

face="Times New Roman Star"VEWT 203, EDT 941, Лексика 266-267.
face="Times New Roman Star"*job-
face="Times New Roman Star"1 to overwhelm with kindness 2 collective workface="Times New Roman Star"1 проявить доброту 2 по/мочь
face="Times New Roman Star"jov-, jovsa- 1, jo"vtu"r- (caus.) (MK)face="Times New Roman Star"jo:rum 'воспитание'

face="Times New Roman Star"jovar 2

face="Times New Roman Star"? d'o":z?o 'имущество'

face="Times New Roman Star"sobolon| 'payment for work'

face="Times New Roman Star"EDT 871, 873, 880
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