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Макро-койсанская этимология :

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Пракойсанский: *ɣui
Значение: to lift
Прабушменский: *ɣui (?)
Пракхое: *khùí (*ɣ-?)
Пракойсанский: *!ʔa[kV] [~]
Значение: tooth
Сандаве: *!ʔakha
Примечания: Not found outside Sandawe.
Пракойсанский: *!ʔa[m]-
Значение: long
Прабушменский: *!ʔam
Пракхое: *!ʔã (!kx-)
Пракойсанский: *!ʔau
Значение: to call, cry
Прабушменский: *!ʔau
Пракхое: *!ʔau
Сандаве: *!ʔaxa
Пракойсанский: *!ʔu
Значение: white
Прабушменский: *!(a)ʔu
Пракхое: *!ʔú
Примечания: Color words are frequently borrowed in Khoisan (and other African) languages, but the internal structure of the word in North and South Khoisan differs too radically from its structure in Khoe to be easily dismissed as a borrowing.
Пракойсанский: *!ʔU- [~]
Значение: bone
Прабушменский: *!ʔu
Примечания: Not found outside North Khoisan.
Пракойсанский: *!ʔui
Значение: evening
Прабушменский: *!ʔui
Пракхое: *!ʔúì
Примечания: The root is rather widely spread in Peripheral Khoisan, but borrowing from Khoe cannot be fully excluded (since time-denoting lexicon is fairly often borrowed in those languages from neighbouring sources).
Пракойсанский: *!ʔũĩ
Значение: to take care of
Прабушменский: *!ʔũĩ
Пракхое: *!ʔui
Примечания: Unclear whether the parallel truly represents Proto-Khoisan or the Bushman items are borrowings from Khoe.
Пракойсанский: *!ʔupV [~]
Значение: ashes
Сандаве: *!ʔupha
Примечания: If we assume the hypothesis that the word is historically a compound (*!ʔu + *pha; *!ʔu = "hair"?), *pha would be comparable with forms like !Xóõ ʘʔa "to burn" or ǂHoan ʘui "fire" . No other connections can be supposed at this point.
Пракойсанский: *Ha
Значение: deictic stem
Прабушменский: *(h)a/*(h)e
Пракхое: *a
Сандаве: *hā-
Хадза: *ha
Примечания: A near-universal stem; cf. Borean HV 'that, this'.
Пракойсанский: *ha
Значение: interrogative stem
Прабушменский: *ah
Пракхое: *hV
Сандаве: *ha
Пракойсанский: *!a-
Значение: to cut meat
Прабушменский: *!ahre
Пракхое: *!are
Хадза: *!a (?)
Примечания: Honken 1998: 187. Bushman forms are scarce and may therefore all have been borrowed from Khoe.
Пракойсанский: *[H]a
Значение: 2nd person pronoun
Прабушменский: *a(h)
Пракхое: *c-á
Сандаве: *ha-pV (?)
Примечания: Initial *c- in Khoe is most probably a former class prefix, as seen from the opposing form *s-á (fem., where *s- = *-s in the general feminine marker for nouns.) Much more problematic is the Sandawe stem, where the main emphasis is on the *-pV part (which also functions separately in verbal forms as the regular marker for the 2nd p. sg.), while initial ha- has been tentatively associated (e. g. by O. Dempwolff) with the deictic stem *ha- 'that'. However, given the similarity of Sandawe 1st p. pronouns with Khoe, it cannot be excluded that ha- is, in fact, the primary marker here.
Пракойсанский: *ha
Значение: past tense marker
Прабушменский: *ha
Пракхое: *-ha(ŋ)
Примечания: A solid grammatical isogloss between Peripheral Khoisan and Khoe.
Пракойсанский: *ha [~]
Значение: to come
Пракхое: *hǎ
Примечания: So far found only in Khoe.
Пракойсанский: *!a [~]
Значение: moon
Сандаве: *!a
Примечания: Not found outside Sandawe.
Пракойсанский: *ha [~]
Значение: tooth
Хадза: *aha
Примечания: Not found outside Hadza.
Пракойсанский: *ha(ʔ)re
Значение: to fetch water
Прабушменский: *ha̰ʔare (?)
Пракхое: *hàré
Сандаве: *hawe
Примечания: Honken 1998: 187. Sandawe hawe could reflect "lenition" from *hare, or perhaps simply reflect a different suffix (*ha-we vs. *ha-re).
Пракойсанский: *!a[-ba]
Значение: a k. of thorn
Прабушменский: *!a
Пракхое: *!aba
Примечания: The root is found only in !Xóõ and Nama, but the connection is nevertheless reaonable.
Пракойсанский: *!ãĩ
Значение: good
Прабушменский: *!ãĩ
Пракхое: *!ã́ĩ̀
Сандаве: *ʎā (?)
Примечания: The Sandawe comparison is only acceptable if PPB *! is in fact *!̯, and even then Khoe yields unexpected correspondences.
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