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Макро-койсанская этимология :

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Пракойсанский: *th[u]i
Значение: bird
Сандаве: *thui
Хадза: *thithi
Примечания: A Sandawe-Hadza isogloss.
Пракойсанский: *t(h)V
Значение: water, rain
Пракхое: *tú
Сандаве: *to
Хадза: *athi (?)
Примечания: As in most other cases, Khoe and Sandawe items match better (here, phonetically) than with Hadza.
Пракойсанский: *Ti
Значение: 1st person pronoun sg. (emphatic form?)
Прабушменский: *de (?)
Пракхое: *tí
Сандаве: *ci
Примечания: Khoe and Sandawe forms are easily reconcilable assuming palatalization in Sandawe; in Bushman, however, the only detectable parallel for now seems to be the special emphatic form de in !Xóõ.
Пракойсанский: *ti-
Значение: thigh
Прабушменский: *tẽ
Пракхое: *tĩ̂
Сандаве: *ʒipha
Примечания: The Sandawe parallel is acceptable if -pha is an old suffix (or if the loss of inlaut labials in Khoe turns out to be a regular process).
Пракойсанский: *tič̣i [~]
Значение: black
Хадза: *tič̣i
Примечания: Not found outside Hadza.
Пракойсанский: *T(L)a-
Значение: lightning
Прабушменский: *tharV
Пракхое: *dlábà (?)
Пракойсанский: *TŨ
Значение: dark
Прабушменский: *žoh (?)
Пракхое: *ɳǂú
Сандаве: *thun
Примечания: Sandawe and Khoe forms can be matched according to the (still rather weak) suggestion that dental consonants can serve as a source for secondary palatal clicks. Much less clear would be the situation with the Bushman roots.
Пракойсанский: *TV
Значение: interrogative stem
Прабушменский: *TV
Пракхое: *(n)dV
Хадза: *da
Пракойсанский: *tV
Значение: negative morpheme
Пракхое: *-ta
Сандаве: *c̣e
Примечания: A Sandawe-Khoe isogloss.
Пракойсанский: *tV
Значение: conjunctive particle
Прабушменский: *ta
Хадза: *atV
Пракойсанский: *TV [~]
Значение: to hear
Прабушменский: *t́V̰
Пракхое: *tĩ
Примечания: The semantic correlation "ask" - "hear" is sometimes encountered in the world's languages, so the comparison is provisionally acceptable.
Пракойсанский: *tV [~]
Значение: to lie
Прабушменский: *tV
Пракойсанский: *tV [~]
Значение: thou
Хадза: *tV
Примечания: Not found outside Hadza. 2nd p. pr. in t- is unknown to the other Khoisan languages, but quite indicative of Afro-Asiatic (another argument in favor of the non-Khoisan status of Hadza).
Пракойсанский: *TVBV
Значение: salt
Прабушменский: *dabi
Пракхое: *dobe
Примечания: The North Khoisan forms can represent early borrowings from Khoe (or even independent borrowings into different dialect clusters, considering inconsistent vocalic correspondences within the branch).
Пракойсанский: *TVḳV
Значение: to spit
Пракхое: *ǂkxě
Сандаве: *thuḳa
Примечания: One of the best examples of the possible origin of the palatal click in Khoe (development from an original dental click).
Пракойсанский: *tVm
Значение: to swallow
Пракхое: *tóm̀
Сандаве: *timV
Примечания: A Sandawe-Khoe isogloss.
Пракойсанский: *tVqV [~]
Значение: dog
Прабушменский: *ǂq_hɔ-
Сандаве: *gwece (?)
Примечания: The Sandawe connection is very tentative; really just a Peripheral Khoisan root (although a good common one).
Пракойсанский: *TVTVbV
Значение: butterfly
Прабушменский: *DV[DV][BV]
Пракхое: *tetebe (?)
Сандаве: *ʒiʒi (?)
Примечания: Expressive root, but quite likely of common origin.
Пракойсанский: *t(h)U
Значение: ashes
Прабушменский: *to̰
Пракхое: *tháú
Примечания: Borrowing is almost out of the question, since it does not explain pharyngealization in North Khoisan and some other phonetic peculiarities. On the other hand, cf. also Proto-Bantu *-tó "ashes".
Пракойсанский: *u
Значение: to go; to take to
Прабушменский: *ṵ
Пракхое: *u
Примечания: A semantic shift has to be supposed in Khoe: "to go (with)" > "to bring along, take".
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