Comments: Cf. also Kar. Rach., Anch. χ:aracan id. The root is subject to very irregular changes: cf. other apparently related, but absolutely distorted forms: And. misq:ara, God. nusaχar, Tind. isq:ara, possibly also Akhv. q:aq:ara, Av. q:ánq:ra.
Comments: The non-reduplicated stem II *χ:i- is attested only in Tindi (χ:ē- < *χ:i-di-). All other forms are reduplicated, and in some of them (Av., And.) an irregular reflex q: is observed (probably due to the expressive character of the word). The Av. derivate q:uq:ádiro 'saw' is borrowed in Akhv. q:uq:adiro, Cham. Gig. q:oq:adur id.
Comments: Av. paradigm B (χ:inḳí-l,χ:inḳá-l, Chad. χinḳí-l,χanḳá-l/χenḳá-l). The Avar word (with the typical Av. plural ending -al) was borrowed by many other Caucasian languages: cf. Gunz. χanḳal, Ag., Tsakh., Kryz. χinḳal, Bud. ħinḳal, Ud. χenq:al, Khin. χɨnḳal, Chech., Ing. χingal, Ad. χǝnč̣́ǝL, Kab. χanč̣aL, Abaz. χǝnḳ́al, Georg. χinḳali. Some Tsezian languages have borrowed also the singular form: Bezht. (Tlad.) χinḳ ( < Av.), Inkh. χinḳe ( < Tind.). Darg. (Ak. χinḳi etc.) and Lak. (χ:unḳ) forms are also probably borrowed from Avar (or Lezghian) sources.
Comments: There is some confusion as to the strength of the initial consonant: Bagv. χinṭa is quoted from Лексика 1971 and thus may be a misspelling instead of *χ:inṭa (the recordings there are very inaccurate); in Akhv. we have χ:ẽṭe in the records of MSU, but χẽṭe (and also Tseg., Tlan., Ratl. χenṭe) in Magomedbekova's recordings.
The Av. form χ:ojnč̣ér (Uslar) should be most probably explained as a compound *χ:Vnṭ ( = PA *χ:inṭV) + *ʕinčer; the second part is independently reflected in Av. Chad. ʕinčí (q.v.).
Comments: In lit. Av. there occurred an assimilation: χis- < *χ:is- (cf. the Chad. form pointing to *χ:-). The Avar word was later borrowed in several Andian languages: Tind. χis-ij-, Cham. χis-(id)-, Kar. χis- 'to change'.
Comments: Av. paradigm C (χ:arí-l, Chad. χirí-l; pl. χ:úr-dul). Cf. also Av. χ:oró 'tops (of plants)', obviously derived from the same root. In Andian cf. perhaps Akhv. χ:ẽda miša 'meadow' (miša 'place'); χ:ẽda can be analyzed as a former plural < *χ:ir(V)-dV.
Comments: Av. gen. χ:ʷenχí-l (Chad. χumχí-l,χúmχa-l). The Akhv. form belongs to the Ratl. dialect. Cf. also Av. Gid. χ:umaχ: 'face'. Some phonetic irregularities are explained both by the expressive nature of the stem and by assimilations of weak/intensive spirants.