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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *ʔaχin ( ~ -o-,-q-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 log 2 ceiling beam (lengthwise) 3threshing shaft
Avar: bal-áhin 3
Chamalal: aχim (Gig.) 2
Tindi: aχin 2
Karata: ahimo 1
Bagvalal: ahim 1
Godoberi: aχimu 1
Comments: The Av. word has a precise meaning: "shaft fastened to the threshing boards"; the first part of the compound goes back to PEC *w-VŁV 'threshing board' (q.v.) (cf. also Kuyad. bol-bo 'threshing board'). Accent paradigm B ~ C (baláha-dul, baláha-bi). Cf. also Kar. Anch. ãχib 'log' - which shows that forms in -m(V) actually go back to the PA plural *ʔaχin-bV.
Protoform: *ʔaχtV (~-o-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: phlegm, sputum
Avar: áχtu
Tindi: aχ:ṭar
Comments: Glottalisation is obviously secondary in the specific Tind. cluster -χ:ṭ- (the same concerns the strength of χ: - since strength/weakness are neutralized in Tind. before consonants). -r is a suffix (originally plural or collective).
Protoform: *ʔaχ(ʷ)Vn- ( ~ -q-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to sew 2 to embroider
Avar: úhn- 2
Andian language: =aχon- 1
Comments: The Av. verb has no class prefixes (begins with ʔ-); it is probable that class prefixes in Andian are here secondary.
Protoform: *ʔazal ( ~ o)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 strawberry 2 rowan
Avar: azáli
Akhvakh: aža-naq:e 1
Chamalal: azal 2
Godoberi: azal 2
Comments: The Av. word has a specific meaning: "silk fibres of a cocoon; maize stigmata". In Akhv. (Magomedbekova writes: ažaneq:e) meaning of the component -neq:e is not clear (aža- can be analyzed as aža 'bush', but external evidence clearly shows that it is a folk etymology, due to the merger of *z and *ž in Akhvakh).
Protoform: *ʔaza-l ( ~ o)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: chisel
Akhvakh: ažalo (Tlan.)
Chamalal: azal
Tindi: azar
Karata: azal
Comments: Most forms reflect PA *ʔaza-l (cf. also Cham. Gig. azal, Kar. Tok. ʕazal), but there are also reflexes of other suffixes: *ʔazi-n in Northern Akhv. iži, Ratl. ižin, *ʔaza-r in Tind. azar.
Protoform: *ʔažʷV-lV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 bush, shrub 2 pine-tree 3 birch-tree
Andian language: žala (< *ažala) 1
Akhvakh: aža 1
Tindi: žʷala 3
Karata: ežela 2
Comments: Cf. also Kar. Tok. ʕižilu-l ruxa 'pine-tree', Akhv. Ratl. ažali 'bush. shrub'.
Protoform: *ʔi
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to be (auxiliary verb)
Andian language: i
Akhvakh: g-i-di
Chamalal: i-da
Tindi: i-ja
Botlikh: i-ra
Bagvalal: i-da
Comments: In most Andian languages this auxiliary verb is prefixless; the only exception is Akhvakh, where class markers are inserted between g- and the root (1st cl. gudi, 2d class gidi etc.).
Protoform: *ʔičʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 horse 2 mare
Avar: ču 1
Chadakolob: ču 1
Andian language: iča 2
Akhvakh: ičʷa 2
Chamalal: iša 2
Tindi: ičʷa 2
Karata: ičʷa 2
Botlikh: iča 2
Bagvalal: ičʷ (Tlond.) 2
Godoberi: iča 2
Comments: Av. ču is a reduction < *ʔičú; par. B/C (pl. ču-jál, Usl. čú-jal ). Cf. also Cham. Gig. iča, Kar. Tok. ʕičʷa. Tind. > Inkh. ičʷa 'mare'.
Protoform: *ʔidi-rV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: young grass
Akhvakh: ʕidira
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Ratl. ʕeder id. Attested only in Akhv., but having probable external parallels.
Protoform: *ʔik:-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: give
Andian language: ič:i-
Akhvakh: oxu-
Tindi: iḱ:-
Karata: -ek:-
Botlikh: -ik:-
Protoform: *ʔikʷVn-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to eat
Avar: kʷan-
Chadakolob: kʷ(Vn)-
Andian language: ikʷon-
Akhvakh: unkan-
Chamalal: ikʷn-
Tindi: ekʷĩ-
Karata: inkʷ-
Botlikh: inkʷ-
Bagvalal: ekʷã-
Godoberi: ikũ-
Comments: The Av. form reflects the Ablaut variant *kʷVn-. In some of the Andian languages the final -n was duplicated in the stem (Akhv., Kar., Botl.). In Av. and And. the verb is both transitive and intransitive; in other Andian languages it is only intransitive.
Protoform: *ʔiʎ- ( ~ -ƛ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to bear, give birth
Tindi: iʎ-
Karata: k-eʎ-
Protoform: *ʔi-ƛilV (~-rV)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: elbow
Akhvakh: eƛelo
Comments: Isolated in Akhv., but having possible external parallels. eƛelo is the MSU notation; Magomedbekova writes eƛ:elo which is probably wrong (a misprint or misrecording), since she also notes eʎelo in the Tsegob dialect (where *ƛ > ʎ, but *ƛ: > ƛ:).
Protoform: *ʔiƛ:- / *ƛ:Vr-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to rub (against smth.) 2 to glide 3 to crawl
Avar: ƛ:urí- 1
Chadakolob: ƛurs- 2
Akhvakh: iƛ:- 1
Chamalal: ƛ:uƛ:a-d- 1
Tindi: ƛ:iƛ:- 1
Karata: ƛ:or- 3
Comments: Stem I (*ʔiƛ:-) is reflected only in Akhv.; other languages reflect either stem II *ƛ:Vr- (cf. also Cham. Gig. ƛ:ur- 'to crawl', Kar. Tok. ƛ:ol- 'to rub, stroke') or a reduplicated stem (cf. also Av. ƛ:uƛ:á- 'to rub'). Stem II *ƛ:V-b- is reflected in Tind. ƛ:ab-d- 'to crawl (on one side)'. Av. > Arch. ƛur-bos 'to rub'. Cf. also similar roots for a) 'to scrape, scratch': Cham. ƛ:an-, ƛ:aƛ:an-, Gig. ƛ:am-; b) 'to sweep': Av. ƛ:- in ƛ:-ux-, ƛ:-uq:á-, Chad. ƛʷa-, And. ƛ:ar-d-, Cham. ƛ:a-d-, Tind. ƛ:ē-, Kar. Tok. ƛ:al-.
Protoform: *ʔiƛ:i
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: we (incl.)
Avar: niƛ:
Chadakolob: niƛ
Andian language: iƛ:il
Akhvakh: iƛ:i
Chamalal: iƛ:i
Tindi: iƛ:a
Karata: iƛ:i
Botlikh: iƛ:i
Bagvalal: iʎ:i
Godoberi: iƛ:e
Protoform: *ʔimʔV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 moisture 2 whey 3 rennet infusion
Avar: maħá 1
Akhvakh: ĩʔi / ĩʔĩ 2
Chamalal: ēʔa (Bokarev) 3
Comments: The Cham. form (cited from Bokarev) is most probably a misspelling of *ẽʔa. Av. maħá regularly < *ʔimħá. Cf. perhaps also Tind. huna- 'liquid' ( < *ʔʷinha- ?).

    The root also functions as a verb: Av. =iʔVn- (Chad. =iʕVn-) 'to thaw, melt, dissolve', And. =iʔun-, Akhv. =iʔun- id.

Protoform: *ʔima
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: father
Avar: emén
Andian language: ima
Akhvakh: ima
Chamalal: ima
Tindi: ima
Karata: ima
Botlikh: ima
Bagvalal: ima
Godoberi: ima
Comments: Av. paradigm B (pl. umú-mul).
Protoform: *ʔimči
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: apple
Avar: ʕeč
Chadakolob: ʕič
Andian language: inči
Akhvakh: ʕeče
Tindi: eči
Karata: ʕeče
Botlikh: inču
Bagvalal: ʕeč
Godoberi: iču
Comments: Av. paradigm A (gen. ʕéčul; but Chad. C: ʕočó-l, ʕíča-l). Cf. also Akhv. Ratl. eče, Cham. Gig. miči ( < *ʔimči - the form pointing unambiguously to PA *-m-), Kar. Tok. ʕeči.
Protoform: *ʔim-čirṭa (/-c:-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: mint
Andian language: inc:irṭa
Chamalal: ičita (Gig.)
Tindi: ečet
Comments: A PA compound (etymology of the first part see under *HmĭɦwV). In Cham. and Tind. -ṭ- > -t- through assimilation. The root reveals some irregularities (variation between strong *c: and weak *č). Tind. ečet > Inkh. ečet in ečet-muqI 'mint'.
Protoform: *ʔimHV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 smell 2 mint
Avar: maħ 1
Andian language: in-c:irṭa 2
Akhvakh: ʕẽmu 2
Chamalal: i-čita (Gig.)2
Tindi: e-čet 2
Comments: Av. maħ < *ʔVmħ. Conf. also Akhv. Tseg. ʕĩju 'mint'. Most Andian forms go back to a compound *ʔim-č:irṭa (etymology of the second part see under PEC *ć_VṭVrV). Av. > Bezht. mäħ 'smell'.
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