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Avar-Andian etymology :

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Protoform: *hinc̣o
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: stone
Avar: hec̣ó
Andian language: hinc̣o
Akhvakh: ĩč̣a
Chamalal: hĩc̣a
Tindi: hinc̣a
Botlikh: hinc̣a
Bagvalal: hinc̣a
Comments: Av. paradigm B (pl. hec̣á-bi). Cf. also Cham. Gig. hinza. The same root can be discovered in a PA compound meaning "sledge hammer": *hinc̣o-q̇:ur (origin of the second part is unclear; -c̣- > -c̣:- in some forms as a result of assimilation) > Akhv. ĩc̣:aq̇:u, Cham. hĩc̣aq̇:ʷ (Gig. hinc̣aq̇:ur), Tind. hinc̣aq̇:ur ( > Inkh. hic̣aq̇ur); from some Andian source is borrowed (with distortion) Bezht. Tlad. ãzaḳ, Khosh. azaḳ id.
Protoform: *Hinč̣:V
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bird
Avar: ħinč̣:
Chadakolob: ħinc̣
Comments: Av. paradigm B (ħanč̣:í-l, ħanč̣:á-l/ħanč̣:-í).
Protoform: *hingʷVr
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 window 2 hole, burrow
Andian language: ingur 1 (Tsertsvadze)
Akhvakh: ĩgo 1
Chamalal: inn 2,1
Tindi: hingʷar 1
Karata: hingʷar 1
Godoberi: hingur 1
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tseg., Tlan. ingo, Ratl. ũgor, Cham. Gig. hingar, Kar. Tok. hingun (erg. hingura-d) 'window'.
Protoform: *hingʷVra
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 bread 2 stuffed bread 3 small round bread
Avar: gurgá 3
Andian language: ingura 2
Akhvakh: ĩgʷara 1
Karata: hingor 1
Comments: Av. paradigm B (gen. gurgí-l). Cf. also Akhv. Tseg., Tlan. ingoro, Ratl. ungora 'bread'. Av. gurgá > Lak. gurga 'round bread'. In Av. the root may have been influenced by gurgína-b 'round' (q.v.), but the Andian parallels (with the specific correspondence Av. g- : PA *h-) show that this is a secondary coincidence.
Protoform: *hinhV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: pear
Avar: géni
Chadakolob: géni
Andian language: hĩhĩ
Chamalal: hĩhʷ
Tindi: hĩha
Karata: hĩhĩ
Bagvalal: hĩha
Godoberi: hĩhu
Comments: Av. paradigm A (gen. génu-l, pl. Chad. géna-l). And. (Tind.-Cham.) > Inkh. hĩhe 'pear'. Av. > Tsez., Gin., Bezht. geni 'pear'.
Protoform: *hinḳa- (~-o)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: big
Avar: ḳudíja-b
Chadakolob: ḳudá-b
Akhvakh: ĩḳa
Tindi: hiḳ́a-b
Karata: heḳa-m
Comments: The Av. form is reduced from *Hiḳu-da-/*Hiḳu-dija- (with a frequent adjectival suffix). Cf. also Akhv. Tseg., Tl. inḳa-ħe-da 'much', Kar. Arch. ħeḳa-m, Tok. hinḳ́a-ħa-b 'big'.
Protoform: *hinḳ:u(-r)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 urine 2 (urinary) bladder
Avar: ħoroḳ 2 (Ants.)
Andian language: hinḳ:ur 1
Chamalal: heḳʷ 1
Godoberi: hirk:u 1
Comments: Cf. also Cham. Gig. hinḳu 'urine'. On the reflex in Akhv. see under *riq̇:ʷV.
Protoform: *hinḳ:ʷo (~ -a)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: mouse
Avar: ʕunḳ:
Chadakolob: ʕunḳ
Andian language: hinḳ:u
Akhvakh: ĩḳ:o-ṭi
Chamalal: heḳ:ʷa-d
Tindi: hek:ʷā
Karata: herḳ:ʷa
Botlikh: hinḳ:ʷa
Bagvalal: heḳʷa-ča (Kvan.)
Godoberi: hik:ʷa
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tseg. inḳ:ʷa, Ratl. inḳ:ʷedi, Cham. Gig. heḳ:a-ča (with strange suffixation), God. Zib. hink:ʷa, Kar. Tok. herḳ:ʷad. Many modern forms go back to PA *hinḳ:ʷo-dV (with a dental suffix).
Protoform: *HinḳʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: hen
Avar: ʕánḳu
Chadakolob: ʕanáḳu
Akhvakh: ʕĩḳu
Comments: Av. paradigm A (ʕánḳu-dul, ʕánḳa-bi). Cf. also Akhv. Tseg. ʕinḳo, Ratl. ʕenḳo.
Protoform: *hi(n)q̇:ʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 throat 2 crop, craw, goitre
Avar: muq̇:úr 2
Akhvakh: oq̇:o 1 (Tlan.)
Comments: Av. muq̇ú- < *Humq̇:ú-. [On the other hand, the Avar word somewhat resembles Ing. boqqar 'crop, craw' - but the phonetic side of the Avar-Ingush comparison is problematic, and we prefer the Andian etymology].
Protoform: *Hirc̣:V- / *c̣:u(r)-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to settle (of liquids) 2 to strain, filter,press
Avar: c̣:u- 2
Andian language: c̣:ur-d- 2
Tindi: hec:- 1
Karata: erc̣:- 1
Godoberi: c:ur- 2
Comments: The PA stem I *Hirc̣:V- is intransitive, stem II *c̣:u(r)- - transitive. In Avar, besides c̣:u- 'to strain', cf. also c̣:a- 'to pull; to sip, to smoke' (and a frequentative form c̣:ac̣:á- id. = Chad. c̣uc̣ú- 'to suck') - which may be a contamination of this root and PA *c̣:a- 'to drink' q.v. Stem I is reflected in Av. as =ec̣:- 'to drip; be strained, filtered'.

    The verbal root is the basis for several nominal derivates:

    1) PA *Hirc̣:i 'whey' (*'settled, strained liquid'): Cham. eṣ (Gig. hec̣:i), Tind. hec:a, Kar. erc̣:e, Bagv. erc̣:, God. erc:i (not clear is the And. form Gerc̣:i - the first consonant is quite irregular);

    2) *c̣:urV > Av. c̣:urá 'filter'.

    Cf., perhaps, also Av. c̣:álḳ- 'to sift' (Chad. c̣aḳ-), c̣:alḳú 'sieve' (Chad. c̣áḳur), which may be a further derivate with a -ḳ-suffix (although there are phonetic problems with this hypothesis).

Protoform: *HirmV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: mint
Akhvakh: ʕirmu (Tlan.)
Comments: Attested only in Akhv., but having probable external parallels. The root should not be confused with North. Akhv. ʕẽmu, Tseg. ʕĩju (see PA *ʔimHV).
Protoform: *His:inV-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: small
Avar: ʕis:ína-b
Chadakolob: ʕesína-b
Protoform: *Hiχ:V
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: spring
Avar: iχ:
Comments: Av. paradigm B or C (gen. oχ:ó-l, secondarily íχ:-dalil).
Protoform: *ho(b)č̣ʷo-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: nine
Avar: íč̣-go
Chadakolob: íč̣-gu
Andian language: hoč̣o-gu
Akhvakh: aṗa-da
Chamalal: ač̣a-da
Tindi: hač̣ʷa-ja
Karata: hač̣a-da
Botlikh: hač̣a-da
Bagvalal: hač̣a-ra
Godoberi: hač̣a-da
Comments: Cf. also Akhv. Tseg. abč̣a-da, Ratl. abč̣ʷa (in Northern Akhvakh there occurred a very unique development -bč̣ʷ- > -ṗ-), Cham. Gig. hač̣a-da, Kar. Tok. hač̣ʷa, Bagv. Tlis. hač̣ʷa-da, Tlond. hač̣ʷa-ra.
Protoform: *hoc̣o-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ten
Avar: ánc̣-go
Chadakolob: ánč̣-gu
Andian language: hoc̣o-gu
Akhvakh: ač̣a-da
Chamalal: ac̣a-da
Tindi: hac̣a-ja
Karata: hac̣a-da
Comments: In Cham. the numeral can be also pronounced emphatically: ac̣c̣a-da; cf. also Gig. hazza-da.
Protoform: *hoƛ̣:u
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: comb
Avar: horƛ̣:ó
Chadakolob: oƛ̣ó
Andian language: hoƛ̣:u
Akhvakh: aƛ̣:u
Chamalal: haƛ̣:ʷ
Tindi: haƛ̣:u
Karata: haƛ̣:u
Botlikh: haƛ̣:u
Bagvalal: haƛ̣:u
Godoberi: haƛ̣:u
Comments: Av. paradigm B (harƛ̣:í-l, harƛ̣:á-l; Chad. iƛ̣í-l, aƛ̣á-l - but also úƛ̣i-l). Cf. also Cham. Gig. haƛ̣:u.
Protoform: *hoƛ̣:u-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: seven
Avar: ánƛ̣:-go
Chadakolob: ánƛ̣-gu
Andian language: hoƛ̣:u-gu
Akhvakh: aƛ̣:u-da-
Chamalal: aƛ̣:u-da-
Tindi: haƛ̣:u-ja
Karata: haƛ̣:u-da
Botlikh: haƛ̣:u-da
Bagvalal: haƛ̣:u-da
Godoberi: haƛ̣:u-da
Comments: In Avar -n- is secondary (due to the influence of anƛ:-go 'six'). Cf. also Akhv. Ratl. aƛ̣:u, Cham. Gig. haƛ̣:u-da.
Protoform: *hoƛ̣:V ( ~ ħ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: armful
Andian language: hoƛ̣:ija
Chamalal: haƛ̣:ʷ
Tindi: haƛ̣:ar
Godoberi: haƛ̣:e
Comments: Cf. also Cham. Gig. haƛ̣:u. The root is provided with different suffixes (-ja in And., -r in Tind.).
Protoform: *holq̇:ʷV ( ~ ħ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 cover, lid 2 palate 3 to cover, thatch
Avar: heq̇:el 1 (Keg.)
Tindi: haq̇:ʷ- 3
Godoberi: harq̇:in 2 (Zib.)
Comments: Cf. also Av. Unt., Shul. eq̇:el, Andal. heq̇:el/eq̇:el 'cover, lid' (all dialectal forms are cited from Mikailov 1959).

    More widely spread is PA *ƛ̣olq̇:ʷV 'roof', which is an obvious compound *ƛ̣a 'up, above' (q.v.) + *holq̇:ʷV: cf. Av. ṭoq̇:ó (par. B: ṭoq̇:ó-dul, ṭoq̇:á-bi) 'shed', Kuyad. oq̇:o id., Chad. ṭóq̇i 'roof'; And. (Leksika) loq̇:u, Akhv. ƛ̣aq̇:o (Tseg. ṭoq̇:o, Tlan. ƛ̣oq̇:o) 'shed', Cham. (Leksika) aq̇:ʷa 'lid, cover', Kar. ƛ̣alq̇:ʷa (Archo. alq̇:ʷa, Chab. ṭalq̇:ʷa, Tok. aq̇:ʷa) 'shed', God. laq̇:ur 'lid, cover'. Several Tsezian forms meaning "lid, cover" (Gin. ƛ̣eq̇ʷi, Bezht. Tlad., Khosh. ƛ̣äq̇e, Gunz. ƛ̣oq̇e) are probably borrowed from Andian languages (in Bezht. there exists thus an etymological doublet: ƛ̣äq̇e 'lid, cover' - ƛ̣oq 'roof').

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