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Праформа: *=Vč̣:Vn- ( ~ -c̣:-)
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to clear up (of weather)
Аварский: r-oc̣:n-
Праформа: *=Vč̣ʷV-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to come 2 to walk, flow
Аварский: =ač̣-in- 1
Чадаколоб: =ač̣- 1
Чамалинский: č̣ʷV- (Gad.) 2
Комментарии: Cf. also Av. =orč̣- 'run out, break out'. The Cham. root is attested only in the Gad. expression č̣ʷa-r-da ide 'walks, flows'. Av. =ač̣-, Av. =orč̣- and Cham. č̣ʷa- reflect different Ablaut grades; the evidence is not enough to securely reconstruct the root vowel.The -n-conjugation in Av. is obviously secondary (cf. its absence in Chad.).
Праформа: *=Vʁ-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to fight
Аварский: =aʁ-
Комментарии: The Av. verb is borrowed in Tind. raʁiji-ʎa, Cham. raʁī-la 'to fight' (directly from Av. ráʁ-ize with a class prefix r-).
Праформа: *=VH-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to hang; stay; be in some place 2 put on (hat)
Аварский: =a- 1
Чадаколоб: =a- 2
Комментарии: A frequent verb with a rather general meaning; since it is not attested in Andian languages, the precise nature of the root laryngeal in PA is hard to establish.
Праформа: *=VH-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to pass over, transfer 2 to come
Аварский: =eh- 1,2
Чадаколоб: =eh- 2
Комментарии: With the meaning 'come' the root is used in imperative (Av. =eha, Chad. =ehi). In Av. Chad. cf. perhaps also rehé- 'to pass through'.
Праформа: *=VH-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to copulate
Чадаколоб: =eħ-
Праформа: *=VH- (/ *HVr-)
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to throw, scatter
Аварский: =a-
Каратинский: er-
Праформа: *=VH- / *HVn-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to full, felt, rumple 2 to knead
Аварский: =uʕ- 1
Чамалинский: an- 2
Тиндинский: an- 2
Комментарии: The Andian forms reflect stem II *HVn-; Avar reflects stem I *=VH-. Reconstruction of the root consonant *q̇ is also possible, but less probable because of external evidence.
Праформа: *=Vk(Vn)-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to break, break off, hit 2 to touch
Аварский: =ek- 1
Чадаколоб: =ekn- 1
Тиндинский: ki-d- 2
Комментарии: The verb has a not quite clear original meaning (some broad concept of physical contact action), which explains the difference of meaning in Av. and Tind. Avar represents stem I (*=Vk(Vn)-), Tindi - stem II (*ki(r)-d-).
Праформа: *=Vk-(Vr)-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to run
Аварский: =ek-ér-
Чадаколоб: =ekér-
Комментарии: With another suffix cf. perhaps And. ka-b-d- 'to enter' (?).
Праформа: *=Vkʷ(Vn)-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to itch
Аварский: =uk-ár-
Чадаколоб: ruk-ár-
Андийский: kʷonnikʷon =iḳ-
Комментарии: Cf. also Av. rukén 'itch, itchy feeling'. Andi has a compound verb (=iḳ- 'to be') with a reduplicated first part.
Праформа: *=Vḳ- / *ḳV-b-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to put together 2 lie 3 fall down 4 take,collect
Аварский: =aḳ-ár- 1
Чадаколоб: =aḳ-ár- 1
Ахвахский: ḳonu- 2
Чамалинский: ḳob- 4 (Gig.)
Тиндинский: ḳab-d- 3
Комментарии: Cf. also Akhv. Tseg. ḳom-, Ratl. ḳʷam- 'to lie', perhaps also Akhv. =iḳʷ-oʎ- 'to put on (cap, hat)'. Avar reflects here stem I (*=Vḳ-), Andian languages - stem II with suffixes (*ḳV-b- / *ḳV-m-). The semantic correlation 'to gather, put together' : *'to be put together' > 'to lie, fall' is the same as in some other EC subgroups.

    Av. > And. =aḳar-undi 'to gather', Bezht. =aḳarzi =aq id. (cf. the South Av. infinitive =aḳar-zi, Chad. =aḳár-ži).

Праформа: *=Vḳ:-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to trim, hew (stone)
Аварский: =eḳ:-
Праформа: *=Vḳ:ʷVn
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to sew 2 needle 3 knitting needle
Аварский: roḳ:én 2
Чадаколоб: ṭuḳén 2
Чамалинский: =aḳ:ʷVn- 1
Тиндинский: bek:un 3
Комментарии: Cf. also Cham. Gig. =aḳʷVn- id. (NB: the printed version of the MSU recordings has -ḳ- in U.-Gakv. - which is a misspelling; the correct form is found in Bokarev).

    The verb is attested only in Cham.; other languages reflect only the derivate *b-iḳ:ʷin / *r-iḳ:ʷin (cf. also Cham. Gig. beḳun) "knitting needle". The dialectal Av. form ṭuḳén possibly reflects a variant of the same derivate with a *d- prefix (Proto-Avar *d-eḳ:ʷen > *ṭeḳ:ʷen: cf. also a characteristic Archi loan from Old Avar ṭeƛ̣on 'needle', where -ƛ̣:- is rendering Av. -ḳ:-).

Праформа: *=Vƛ̣Vn-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to go 2 to go away
Аварский: ín- 1
Чадаколоб: ṭʷén- 2
Андийский: =ulon- 1
Комментарии: In Av. *ƛ̣ usually yields ṭ, but here it changed to ʔ (as an exception in a frequently used verb). The dialectal evidence points unambiguously to *ƛ̣: cf. the forms (cited from Микаилов 1959) ṭʷen-zi (ACh, AT), ḳʷen-zi (ATm), ʔin-zi / ʔʷin-zi (AA, AB). Another reason for *ƛ̣ > ʔ here could be a merger with another root, reflected in PA as *=VʔVn- (q.v.).
Праформа: *=Vq̇:-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: get cold, cool
Чамалинский: =aq̇:-
Комментарии: Isolated in Cham., but having probable external parallels.
Праформа: *=Vq̇:-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to be hungry
Аварский: =aq̇:-
Праформа: *=Vq̇:Vn-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to pound, crush, hit (with a hammer)
Аварский: =óq̇:n-
Чадаколоб: =oq̇-
Чамалинский: q̇:a-d-
Комментарии: Cham. reflects stem II with a -d- suffix (*q̇:V(n)-d-); Avar - stem I (but cf. also stem II in q̇:ín- 'to pulverize, make small'). Loss of the -n-conjugation (confirmed by external evidence) in Av. Chad. and Cham. must be secondary.
Праформа: *=V(r)qV / *ʔiq-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: 1 to lift, raise 2 to rise (of dough) 3 to rise
Аварский: =orχ- 1, =aχn- 3
Чамалинский: ʔiχ- 2, =aχ-id- 3
Комментарии: Cf. also Av. -órχa-ta- 'high, tall'. Here -r- is most probably a former aspective (durative) infix, and not a part of the root (it, however, prohibited the change *q > χ > h in Av.). -n-conjugation in Av. =aχn- is probably secondary. For the semantic change cf. Lak. laqa-n 'to rise; to rise, ferment (of dough)'. Both in Av. (=aχn-) and in Cham. (=aχ-id-) the root has also the meaning 'to cross, pass over'.
Праформа: *=Vs:Vn-
СК этимология: СК этимология
Значение: to turn round, return
Аварский: =us:-n-
Чадаколоб: =us-n-
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