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Abkhaz-Adyghe etymology :

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Proto-West-Caucasian: *a
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a demonstrative stem
Abkhaz: a-
Abaza: a-
Adyghe: ā
Kabardian: ā
Ubykh: a-
Comments: PAT *a- 'definite article', *a- in *a-rǝjǝ 'this', *a-nǝjǝ 'that' (Abkh., Abaz. ari, ani). In PAK the root was used independently (*a 'that', 'this'); in Ub. it is also used as a definite article (as in PAT) and within complex pronoun stems (a-j-da 'that' etc.).
Proto-West-Caucasian: *-a
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: what, who (interrogative stem)
Abkhaz: -a(-)
Abaza: -a(-)
Comments: In Abkh. the meaning of interrogative pronouns is normally expressed by verbal suffixes -da ('who'), -j ('what'). Since d- and j- are class markers (animate/unanimate respectively), the only morpheme to which we can ascribe the interrogative meaning is -a (probably reduced in *-ja > -j). The same morpheme can be seen in -a-ba- 'where' and independent pronouns d-a-rban 'who', j-a-rban 'what' (the -rban suffix is not very clear etymologically - perhaps it contains the root *-ba- 'to see' q.v.?). In Abaz. the situation is analoguous - only in the function of independent pronouns we have d-zač̣ʷǝ-j-a 'who' and j-zač̣ʷǝ-j-a (or ač̣ʷǝja) 'what'. These are derived (by suffixing the same hypothetic interrogative morpheme *-a) from d-zač̣ʷ, j-zač̣ʷ 'each' (ač̣ʷ probably had also existed) where -zač̣ʷ = Abkh. -zač̣ǝ 'single' (from *zA 'one').
Proto-West-Caucasian: *-a- (/-0-, -na-)
Meaning: 1 inanim. sing. subj./poss. class marker 2 3d p. subj. trans.
Abkhaz: a- /na- 1
Abaza: a-/na- 1
Adyghe: 0-/ǝ- 2 (plur. a?)
Kabardian: 0- 2 (plur. a)
Ubykh: 0-, -n- 2 (plur. a)
Proto-West-Caucasian: *(a)ća
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sister-in-law, daughter-in-law
Abkhaz: áca
Abaza: ajca-la
Comments: PAT *(a)ća (cf. also Bzyb. áća). The initial vowel is probably a trace of the original pronominal prefix (aj- in Abaz. is a reciprocal prefix). Cf. also the synonymous PAT *taća (Abkh. a-táca, Bzyb. a-táća, Abaz. taca; for the first component *ta- cf. perhaps Abkh. a-tá-ḳʷaž̌, Abaz. ta-žʷ 'old woman'; or maybe *taća is an independent kinship term, corresponding to the isolated (within EC) Av. durc 'son-in-law' ? [other similar forms - God., Botl., Tind., Cham. durc, Gunz., Bezht. dursa - are all more or less recent loanwords from Avar]).

    Despite Abdokov (1974, 62) the PAT root can not be related to PAK *nǝsa 'daughter-in-law'; see the criticism in Shagirov 1, 288.

Proto-West-Caucasian: *ač́a (~-č́:-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: quail
Abkhaz: áč́a
Abaza: ač́a
Comments: PAT *ač́a (Abkh. sing. ač́á-ḳ / áč́a-ḳ).
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ač́:ʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: he-goat, billy-goat
Adyghe: āča
Kabardian: āža
Comments: PAK *ač:á.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *(a)č:ʷV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 word, speech 2 to say,speak 3 to take oath,swear
Abkhaz: áž̌a 1
Abaza: ažʷa 1
Kabardian: žǝ-ʡa- 2
Ubykh: čǝ-q̇á- 3
Comments: PAT *azʷa (cf. Bzyb. áža); Ub. sǝ-č(ǝ)q̇á-n (used also as a noun: čǝq̇a 'oath'). The PAT root is also used in a compound *cʷa-zʷa- 'to speak' (see under *c:ʷa-). In PAK *č́:- would be expected, but only the Kab. form is known (Kab. ž can go back to PAK *č́:, *č:, *ǯ́). Still, the exact parallelism between Kab. žǝʡa- and Ub. čǝq̇a- (where the second part goes back to *q̇́Ia- 'say' q.v.) makes this etymology quite plausible.

    The comparison of Kab. žǝ-ʡa- and Abkh. áž̌a was first proposed by Mészaros (1934, 308), who also compared Ub. maśa 'word' which is impossible for phonetic reasons. See Shagirov 1, 198.

Proto-West-Caucasian: *aGa ( ~ -ɣ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: enemy
Abkhaz: a-ʁá
Abaza: aʁa
Comments: PAT *aɣa.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *(a)gʷǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: small
Ubykh: agʷǝ́
Comments: In Ub. two roots are usually confused: (a)gʷǝ́ 'small' and gʷǝ- 'to grind' (q.v.); see Vogt 129 about this distinction. The root 'small' seems to have no correlates in WC languages, but has possible parallels in EC.
Proto-West-Caucasian: [*-ajǝ-]
Meaning: reciprocality
Abkhaz: -aj-, -aj-ba-
Abaza: -a-
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ajǝš:ʷǝ- ?
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: short
Abaza: ajšǝs
Comments: Isolated in Abaz. with obscure etymology.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *(a)mAṭA ~ *(a)PÃṭA
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: snake
Abkhaz: á-mat
Abaza: matǝ (Ashkh.)
Ubykh: anṭá
Comments: PAT *matǝ (with secondary deglottalisation). Klimov (1967, 302) suggests that the root may be cognate with PAK *-nṭa in *Lanṭá 'flexible', but this is highly dubious. Ub. anṭá < *am(ǝ)ṭa with assimilation.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *(a)nǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: mother
Abkhaz: á-n
Abaza: anǝ
Kabardian: āna
Ubykh: na
Comments: PAT *(a)nǝ; PAK *(a)nV; Ub. def. á-na. Although this is a nursery word, it is certainly the PNC root for 'mother'.
Proto-West-Caucasian: [*-anǝ-]
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gerund relative temporal infix
Abkhaz: -an-
Abaza: -an-
Comments: See *-a.
Proto-West-Caucasian: *-anǝTa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: heavy
Abkhaz: á-χ́anta
Abaza: χ́anta
Adyghe: wantaʁʷ
Kabardian: wandaʁʷ
Ubykh: ǵǝ́nṭq̇ʷa
Comments: PAT *χ́anǝta (in Abkh. there also exists a variant á-χ́amta). PAK *want:áʁʷǝ (also borrowed in Abkh. a-wadaʕw).

    A very difficult case. PAT *χ́- can not in any way correspond to PAK *w-, and Ub. ǵ- to either, so we must assume that in all subgroups we have compounds with different initial components (but the nature of these components is not clear). The situation is aggravated by irregularity of correspondence between PAT *-t- , PAK *-t:- and Ub. -ṭ- and by the existence in Abaz. of a synonymous adjective ħat-la 'heavy' (does it have any connection with *χ́anǝta ?).

Proto-West-Caucasian: *(a)ṕ:ǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: father
Abkhaz: ab
Abaza: aba
Kabardian: āda
Ubykh: tʷǝ
Comments: PAT *abV (cf. also Abkh. plur. ába-ča); PAK *at:a, *t:ǝ (cf. also Ad. /in compounds/ āt(a) ). Ub. def. form á-tʷ.

    The correspondences are regular, thus it seems reasonable to accept Deeters's etymology (Deeters 1963,39), pace Shagirov (1, 56-57). Cf. also Mészáros 1934,208 (Abkh.-Ub.).

Proto-West-Caucasian: *(a)šʷa ( ~ -sʷ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: song
Abkhaz: áš̌a
Abaza: ašʷa
Comments: PAT *asʷa (cf. also Bzyb. áś̌a id.).
Proto-West-Caucasian: *(a)š́ʷǝ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: cheese
Abkhaz: áš̌
Abaza: ašʷǝ
Comments: PAT *ašʷǝ (cf. also Bzyb. áš̌).
Proto-West-Caucasian: [*-ba]
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: inanim. class in numerals
Abkhaz: -ba
Abaza: -ba
Proto-West-Caucasian: *ba ( ~ *bIa)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 kiss 2 to kiss
Abaza: ba 1
Adyghe: ja-ba-wǝ-n 2
Kabardian: bā 1
Comments: PAK *ba, *ja-ba-wǝ- (cf. also Kab. jabawǝ-n "to smack one's lips"). An expressive root; see Shakryl 1968, 64, Shagirov 1, 66, 170.
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