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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *lĕχ_V / *lēχV
Meaning: chain, bracelet
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *laχa ( ~ o)
Proto-Tsezian: *rǝχ:u
Proto-Dargwa: *kʷi-leχ:a
Proto-Lezghian: *läχa
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The root is mostly preserved within compounds (for the most part with *kwīlʡi 'hand' q.v.), which explains the vacillations in vowel length and tenseness (the original form was probably tense - *lĕχ_V, but could become lax after the lax *kwīlʡi).
Proto-North Caucasian: *l(H)aṗV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to throw, a throw
Proto-Lak: laIṗ
Proto-Lezghian: *laṗ(a)
Notes: An expressive Lak-Lezg. isogloss. The root, however, may be archaic if it is related to Urart. nāṗ-aχ- "to overthrow, to subdue" (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 19).
Proto-North Caucasian: *lHaχ_V ( ~ ɫ-)
Meaning: black
Proto-Lak: luħi-
Proto-Lezghian: *laχI:V- /*loχI:V-
Notes: An exact Lak-Lezg. isogloss.
Proto-North Caucasian: *lhĕmŁ_wɨ̆
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: earth
Proto-Nakh: *moχḳ
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *rVƛ̣:V
Proto-Lak: luχč:i
Proto-Lezghian: *neIƛ̣:ʷ
Proto-West Caucasian: *ƛ̣ʷA
Notes: Despite the complicated pattern of resonant variation (due to interaction of *l- and *-m-), correspondences are regular and the etymology seems reliable. The Lak. form fits here if we suppose luχč:i < *luχk:i < *luk:i-χV with an original locative suffix.
Proto-North Caucasian: *lHīq̇_wĂ / *lHīq_wĂ (~ ɫ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a k. of bird
Proto-Nakh: *l(ɦ)ēq̇
Proto-Tsezian: *laluq̇V (~ r)
Proto-Lak: liIluχ:i
Proto-Dargwa: *ʔiχI-liq̇an
Proto-Lezghian: *liq̇Iʷ
Proto-West Caucasian: *la(r)qʷa
Notes: The comparison seems quite plausible, despite some irregularities (usual for bird names in many linguistic families). It is hard to guess which particular bird was denoted by the name *lHīq̇_wĂ in PNC, but most semantic reflexes point to some big or medium-sized bird ("eagle" ~ "jackdaw"/"rook" ~ "pigeon").

    For phonetic reasons the PWC root can not be compared with PEC *lɨ̆nƛ_wē 'pigeon', pace Klimov (1967,302), Abdokov (1983, 121); also improbable are the etymologies of Abkh. laħʷa by Lomtatidze (1961, 121) and of PAK *tħar(ǝ)q:ʷá by Shakryl (1968,48-49).

Proto-North Caucasian: *lĭwŁĔ / *ŁĭwlV̆
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: man, male
Proto-Nakh: *-law
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *lV
Proto-Lak: lak:-
Proto-Dargwa: *gal(i)
Proto-Lezghian: *ƛ:ilV-
Proto-Khinalug: lɨgɨld
Proto-West Caucasian: *Ł́A
Notes: Cf. also Hurr. tur-oχχǝ 'male' (with a regular reflex t- < *l-, -r- < *-Ł-), see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 52. The meaning 'man' changed to ethnonym 'Laki' in Lak. (typologically a frequent phenomenon).

    This root may have something to do with the PN and PAA words for 'slave' (if we assume that a self-denomination for Eastern Daghestan dwellers *lak:(V) could be borrowed by the Nakh and through them, possibly, by Western Caucasians with the meaning 'slave'): PN *lag (Chech., Ing. laj, Bacb. lag), PAA *lǝgǝ (Abkh. a-lǝ́g, Abaz. lǝg). Since these words have a velar, they can not be connected with another EC name for 'slave', Av. laʁ etc. (see on its possible origin under *ʔV̄ƛ̣V).

    Of obvious Caucasian origin is Osset. läg 'man, male' (see Abayev 1973, 20).

Proto-North Caucasian: *lɨ̆nƛ_wē ( ~ *ɫ-)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: pigeon
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *mik:V
Proto-Lak: x:i
Proto-Dargwa: *lanxʷa
Proto-Lezghian: *lɨnʎʷa
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The initial root structure is well preserved in PD and PL. As for the Av. and Lak. forms, they reflect a result of regular shifts of nasality+labialisation: *lɨ̆nƛ_wē > *lɨ̆mƛ_wē > *mɨ̆ƛ_wē (with subsequent regular loss of initial *mɨ- in Lak.).

    The presence of both a lateral resonant *l- and a lateral affricate *ƛ in the root has resulted in a somewhat irregular development of *ƛw here (a week reflex *ʎʷ in PL, and, to the contrary, a strong x:ʷ in Lak; a delateralised k: in Av.) - the same type of irregularity as in another similar root *ƛ_wĕɫʔĕ 'mould, pus' q.v.

    See Trubetzkoy 1922, 240.

Proto-North Caucasian: *lŏʒV̄
Meaning: bright metal
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *rizV
Proto-Tsezian: *lɔs ( ~r-, -s:)
Proto-Lezghian: *lac:V-
Proto-West Caucasian: *c:a (~ *ć:-)
Notes: Although not very widely spread, the root seems quite reliable both phonetically and semantically.
Proto-North Caucasian: *lōmVʒ_ĭ (~ -ĕ)
Meaning: dirt, earth
Proto-Nakh: *lātte
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *ric̣:i
Proto-Lak: luc̣
Proto-Dargwa: *laImzi
Proto-West Caucasian: *lǝmǝźǝ (~ -ʒ-)
Notes: The comparison seems valid both semantically and phonetically; preservation of -m- in PWC suggests that the original form may have been trisyllabic (*lōmVʒ_ĭ) with a contraction to *lōmʒ_ĭ in PEC. [Quite strange is Tab. Düb. linǯi 'clay, clay mortar'.]
Proto-North Caucasian: *lugV ( ~ ɫ-)
Meaning: ear (of corn)
Proto-Dargwa: *luk:i ( ~ -g-)
Proto-Lezghian: *lok:(a)
Notes: A Darg-Lezg.isogloss. Since within Lezghian the word is present only in Archi, it may be a Darg. loanword - thus the root's antiquity is dubious.
Proto-North Caucasian: *lujʒV
Meaning: clay
Proto-Nakh: *lujsṭ
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *rizi
Proto-Lezghian: *lojc: / *jolc:
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The original meaning 'clay, thick substance' explains well all the diverse meanings in daughter-languages.
Proto-North Caucasian: *lVjs_V ( ~ ɫ-,-cw-)
Meaning: narrow; dense
Proto-Nakh: *lujsṭi-n
Proto-Lak: lis:u-
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔis:al(:)-
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Except for metathesis in PL (usual in adjectival roots), correspondences are regular. Note the preservation of *-j- (which caused the development -s- (or -c-) > -sṭ-) in the PN form.
Proto-North Caucasian: *lVns_V ( ~ ɫ-)
Meaning: a k. of grass
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *nVs:V
Proto-Lezghian: *lors:ʷ
Proto-West Caucasian: *ĺVsV (~r,ŕ,-ś-)
Notes: The root is not widely represented (mostly in Lezgian languages), but seems plausible both phonetically and semantically.
Proto-North Caucasian: *lV̆χV ( ~ ɫ-)
Meaning: low
Proto-Nakh: *laχu-n
Proto-Lak: lah-
Notes: A Nakh-Lak. isogloss.
Proto-North Caucasian: *ŁaɦV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: soot; charcoal
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *laʔi
Proto-Dargwa: *k:a
Proto-Lezghian: *ƛ:a-t:Vr
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The root is not very widely spread, but phonetically and semantically the comparison seems satisfactory. A strange form is Darg. Chir. ɣanta 'charcoal': it can not go back to PD *k:a (k:- would be expected in Chir.), and it does not correspond regularly to Tsakh. ɣadɨr (thus a separate root can not be postulated): perhaps it is a loanword from some Lezgian language (e.g., the Lezg. counterpart of Tsakh. ɣadɨr would be *ɣat:V(r)).
Proto-North Caucasian: *ŁürdV
Meaning: a k. of horned animal
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *ƛidir (?)
Proto-Tsezian: *L:ed A
Proto-Lak: gada
Proto-Dargwa: *gada
Proto-Lezghian: *ƛ:ert:(a)
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are normal (although the vowel *-ü-, as usual, raises some doubts), although PA has a quite unexpected *ƛ- (regularly *l- would be expected). This may be a dissimilation in voice; or, perhaps, other languages have undergone a secondary voicing *ƛ- > *Ł- before the next voiced *-d- - in this case we should reconstruct PEC *ƛürdV. [The Darg. and Lak. words for 'kid' should not be confused with a widely spread word for 'boy' in Lezghian languages - Lezg. gada, Tsakh. gade etc. - which is a loan from Azer. gädä 'boy; beggar' < Pers.].
Proto-North Caucasian: *ŁV̆mV
Meaning: one day (two days) after tomorrow
Proto-Nakh: *lamo
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *lan-dV ( ~ -o-)
Notes: A Nakh-Av.-And. isogloss. Initial *ɫ- can be also reconstructed (on basis of PN *l- : PA *l-, Av. l-); but *Ł seems more probable because the root structures *RVRV is very rare in PEC.
Proto-North Caucasian: *ŁwĕɫV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: enclosure, fence
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *kʷili
Proto-Tsezian: *kʷɔlV B
Proto-Lezghian: *ƛ:ʷel(a)
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. One of the few roots demonstrating the development of labialized *Łw in EC languages.
Proto-North Caucasian: *Ł_ăɦrV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: snake
Proto-Nakh: *laħi
Proto-Lezghian: *ƛ:ar
Proto-Khinalug: ḳaz
Proto-West Caucasian: *b(ǝ)Ĺa
Notes: Correspondences are regular (*Ĺ in PWC has a secondary palatalisation - because of the merger of original *L and *Ĺ). The PWC form has a frequent nominal prefix *b(ǝ)-.
Proto-North Caucasian: *Ł_ămʡV (/*Ł_wănʡV)
Meaning: awn
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *ƛ̣:unʔa (/*ƛ̣:unʔi)
Proto-Tsezian: *ƛa
Proto-Dargwa: *k:a
Proto-Lezghian: *ƛ:am
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. All correspondences are regular except for vocalism in PA (*ƛ̣:ʷa- would be expected): this could be due to Ablaut (*Ł_wănʡV / *Ł_ŭnʡV-).
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