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North Caucasian etymology :

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Proto-North Caucasian: *čĔxwA
Meaning: urine; excrements, rubbish
Proto-Nakh: *čVχ-ar
Proto-Lezghian: *čuʎ (~ *čoʎʷ)
Proto-Khinalug: čx-ir
Proto-West Caucasian: *č́ǝxʷǝ
Notes: The comparison is satisfactory both phonetically (although - becauseof insufficience of data - the vocalic reconstruction is rather tentative) and semantically.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čǝrbV / *bǝrčV (~ ć)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a k. of dog
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čiba (~ -o)
Proto-Lezghian: *p:arč-
Notes: Except for the metathesis in Tab. (which is not an unfrequent phenomenon), correspondences are quite regular. However, the Tab. form is isolated within Lezghian and quoted from Khaidakov 1973, which makes the comparison with PA much less reliable.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čHapV(-lV)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: left
Proto-Dargwa: *čipil
Proto-Lezghian: *čaIpVl-
Notes: A Darg-Lezg. isogloss. The word has a certain resemblance to Pers. čap 'left', and could be considered as an Iranian loanword (although the phonetic and morphologic side of this hypothesis raises several objections), if not for an obvious HU parallel: Hurr. šapχalǝ 'left' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 54), which makes the PEC reconstruction much more reliable.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čHartV ( ~ -ĕ-)
Meaning: dirt
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čarta ( ~ o)
Proto-Dargwa: *čaIrt
Notes: An And.-Darg. isogloss.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čHaχV
Meaning: to be wet, flow
Proto-Nakh: *č(ʕ)uχčarV ( -ɦ-)
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čʷaχ:- ( ~ -o-)
Proto-Dargwa: *čaχI-čaχIi
Proto-Lezghian: *čaχ:Iɨ- / *č:aχ:Iɨ-
Notes: An expressive root, reconstructed for the PEC level (one of the few rare verbal stems with the structure *CVCV).
Proto-North Caucasian: *čHiχwV ( ~ -f-)
Meaning: diarrhea
Proto-Lak: č:iIχ
Proto-Dargwa: *čaχI ( ~ -χ:I)
Proto-Lezghian: *čiχʷ(a)
Notes: An expressive root, spread in the Eastern Dagestan area. It should be probably kept apart from a synonymous *c_ifV (q.v.), but the two roots could have influenced each other (in particular, tense č:- in Lak. may be due to such a contamination); another source of influence can be seen in PEC *čHaχV 'to be wet, flow' (q.v.). We should also mention the common Darg. name for 'urine': Ak. žiħ, Kad. žeħ, Kharb., Tsud. č:eħ < PD *č:eħ (or *č:eχI), which resembles the Lak. form in having a tense *č:-.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čHwV̄r(V)ṭV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: a k. of bird (swallow, starling)
Proto-Nakh: *č̣ʡorṭ (~ -ō-)
Proto-Lak: čiṭu
Proto-Dargwa: *č(ʷ)aṭa
Proto-Lezghian: *š(ʷ)Vrṭ / *č̣VIrṭ
Proto-West Caucasian: *č:ʷarǝdʷV
Notes: Except Lak. čiṭu (which may be a loan from Darg.), all other forms seem to be genuine and the root is worth reconstructing for PNC - although, of course, one must take into account numerous irregularities typical for names of birds and small animals.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čɦaɫē
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: enclosure, fence
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čalV ( ~ -o-)
Proto-Dargwa: *čaIli
Proto-Lezghian: *čal /*ʔar-čal (~l:)
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čɦVm-jĕrƛ̣_wV
Meaning: whip
Proto-Nakh: *ǯʡormak ( ~ -a-)
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čʷanƛ̣:il (/ žʷ-)
Proto-Tsezian: *čuriƛ̣ / *čuriṭ
Proto-Lak: č̣aIpṭi
Proto-Dargwa: *ʔaIrčuma[k:]
Proto-Lezghian: *čɨImraƛ̣: / ( -ƛ̣)
Proto-Khinalug: č̣uč̣on
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. A very complicated case. It is probable that the word is a PEC compound, and it is possible to decipher PEC *jĕrƛ̣_wV 'belt, leather strap' in its second part. The first part, in that case, can be reconstructed approximately as *čɦVm(V)-, but it is difficult to identify this morpheme with any independent EC root. The original polyconsonantal structure *čɦVm-jĕrƛ̣_wV, having an expressive meaning ("whip"), naturally underwent very complicated and irregular changes in most daughter-languages.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čidVnkwV
Meaning: a bird of prey
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čudu(n)kV
Proto-Lezghian: *č:inerk:ʷ
Notes: An Av.-Lezg. isogloss with somewhat irregular correspondences (one has to postulate several assimilations); not quite reliable.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čirχwV
Meaning: to slide, slip
Proto-Lak: č:iIχ
Proto-Lezghian: *čirχʷä-
Notes: An expressive Lak-Lezg. isogloss.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čiwx_V̄
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: stomach; crop, craw
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čVxʷV
Proto-Lak: čux
Proto-Dargwa: *čiwxʷ (~-x:ʷ)
Proto-Lezghian: *š(ʷ)iʎ:
Proto-Khinalug: šax
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čŏlči (~-e)
Meaning: fringe, hair-lock
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čičV
Proto-Lak: čurči
Notes: An And.-Lak. isogloss.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čŏwq_ɨ̄ ( ~ ć-,-ǝ̆)
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: drizzle, rain
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čVq:V
Proto-Lak: čaIwqa
Proto-Lezghian: *čawχ:-un
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Pharyngealization in Lak. is probably expressive; otherwise correspondences are regular.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čōrχV
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: body
Proto-Nakh: *čarχ (~-ā-)
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *čVrχV
Proto-Lak: čurχ:
Proto-Dargwa: *čarχ:
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The Darg. form may be borrowed (e.g. from Old Lak before the shift a > u); this would explain the irregular *χ: in PD. Certainly borrowed (from Av.) is Arch. čerχ 'body'.
Proto-North Caucasian: *č[ŭ]
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: self, oneself (3d-4th class)
Proto-Lak: cu
Proto-Dargwa: *če- / ču-
Proto-Lezghian: *-ič(ʷ)
Proto-West Caucasian: *čʷǝ
Notes: The opposition of *ʒ́ĭ 'self' (1-2 cl., animated) : *čŭ 'self' (3-4th cl., unanimated) is well preserved in PL. Most other languages have preserved only one of these roots.

    The development *č- > c- in Lak. is irregular (typical for pronominal morphemes, cf. *čwi 'who, what' > Lak. cu-, ci-). It is unclear also, whether we should relate here PN *šā '(one)self' (Chech. šā, Ing. še, Bacb. ša-jrwa) - phonetically absolutely irregular [perhaps it should be rather compared with PL *šä- 'demonstr. pronoun, that']. The semantics of the PAT subject version is well explained if we assume its origin from a pronoun; the phonetic side is quite satisfactory.

Proto-North Caucasian: *čŭrɦV (~-ʔ-)
Meaning: hair, plait, mane
Proto-Nakh: *čo
Proto-Tsezian: *čo A
Proto-Lak: čuru
Proto-Dargwa: *čuri
Notes: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
Proto-North Caucasian: *-čV- / *-šV-
Meaning: gerund / conditional
Proto-Nakh: *-š
Proto-Avaro-Andian: [*-čV-l-]
Proto-Tsezian: *-č
Proto-Lak: -ča
Proto-Lezghian: *-šV
Notes: Cf. Hurr. -šše, Urart. -šǝ 'adverbial modifier'. Perhaps originally two morphemes, but rather hard to distinguish.
Proto-North Caucasian: *čVrčV / *č̣Vrč̣V
Meaning: lizard; snake, worm
Proto-Dargwa: *č̣ič̣ala
Proto-Lezghian: *čirč-
Proto-West Caucasian: *ča(n)čǝš́ǝ (~c,š́:)
Notes: An expressive reduplicated root with many irregularities; seems, however, to be genuine (although the reconstruction is very uncertain).
Proto-North Caucasian: *čVχV / *ǯVʁV
Meaning: to fade, wither
Proto-Avaro-Andian: *-č:Vχ:-
Proto-Tsezian: *č[o]ʁ:-
Proto-Lezghian: *čoχar- / *č:oʁar-
Proto-Khinalug: č̣iʁi-
Notes: An expressive root with highly irregular transformations; nevertheless, because of the rather good Tsez.-Lezghian match, the PEC antiquity is probable.
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