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PROTO: *ƛ̣imV ( ~ -ä-,-ɨ̄-)
MEANING: tops (of plants)
AAND: *ƛ̣imV
CEZ: *ƛ̣imV (~ -ɨ-)
COMMENT: An Av.-And.-Tsez. isogloss.
PROTO: *ƛ̣[ɨ̆]lĭ
MEANING: ear (of corn)
AAND: *ƛ̣ora
CEZ: *ƛ̣[ǝ]ra
LAK: č̣ali
LEZG: *ƛ̣ɨl ( ~ -l:)
KHIN: ḳil
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The vocalism is aberrant in PTs and Av. (we would rather expect ṭar); otherwise all correspondences are regular, and the etymology is quite reliable.
PROTO: *ƛ̣ōrǝ̄ (/*rōƛ̣ǝ̄)
MEANING: hand, hand-bone
AAND: *riƛ̣a
CEZ: *rɨƛ̣a A
LEZG: *ƛ̣orap:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular (except for a rather usual metathesis).
PROTO: *ƛ̣ōrχ_wV
MEANING: sprout
AAND: *ƛ̣iχ:ʷi / *χ:ʷiƛ̣i
CEZ: *ƛ̣eχ: ( ~ -χ)
LAK: ḳurχ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Except for occasional metatheses in Av.-And., correspondences are regular. Phonetically a good match is Arch. ḳiχI:i 'fork' (with a possible PL form *ƛ̣orχI:(ʷ)Vj), but semantically it is not quite clear (perhaps, the original meaning in PL was "forked bough").
PROTO: *ƛ̣V:χV
CEZ: *ƛuχ:
DARG: *ɣaχ:a
COMMENT: A Tsez-Darg. isogloss, thus it is rather difficult to reconstruct vocalism.
PROTO: *ƛ̣wĕlƛ̣_wV ( ~ Ł-)
MEANING: woodpecker
AAND: *ƛ̣:onƛ̣:V ( ~ -a-)
LEZG: *ƛ̣:ʷerƛ̣:ʷel-
COMMENT: An expressive And.-Lezg. isogloss.
PROTO: *ƛ̣wĕ[n]χ_V
MEANING: pus; snot
AAND: *ƛ̣ʷoχo (~ -q-)
CEZ: *χ:ɔ̃ƛ̣ (~ -ẽ-)
COMMENT: An And.-Tsez. isogloss; correspondences are regular except for the metathesis in PTs (however, the weak reflex *ƛ̣ in PTs proves that the PA order of phonemes is original). Reconstruction of the medial resonant is not quite certain (based only on PTs nasalisation).
PROTO: *ƛ̣wibV ( ~ -w-)
MEANING: shed, barn, granary
NAKH: *ḳ́ebu ( ~-ē-,-w-)
AAND: *ƛ̣ʷibV(-r)
CEZ: *ƛ̣ibe(r)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. In [Diakonoff -Starostin 1986, 48] the root is compared with Hurr. karuBǝ 'granary'; it is possible, but somewhat dubious because of the -i-vocalism in PEC.
PROTO: *ƛ̣wɨ̆rʡV
AAND: *ƛ̣ol(H)i
DARG: *ḳa
LEZG: *ƛ̣uruƛ̣
ABAD: *ṗƛ̣a
COMMENT: The PWC form has a frequent labial prefix (*P-). In PA there occurred a lateral assimilation (*r > l after *ƛ̣-); otherwise the correspondences are regular, and the comparison can be considered as quite reliable. See Abdokov 1983, 107 (with a basically correct comparison, but citing also many superfluous forms, not belonging to the present root).
PROTO: *ƛ̣wɨ̄nħV
NAKH: *ḳVwV (~ḳ́-,-b-)
AAND: *ƛ̣inHi
CEZ: *ƛ̣ĩ A
LAK: ḳut
DARG: *ḳiʔa
LEZG: *ƛ̣un:
KHIN: ḳun
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *-ƛ̣wV (?)
MEANING: dative / instrumental
AAND: *-ƛ̣A
PROTO: *-ƛ̣_- ( ~ -Ł_-)
MEANING: conditional, desiderative
AAND: [*-ƛ̣:V-]
CEZ: [*-ƛ]
PROTO: *ƛ̣_ăq̇O (~-G-)
CEZ: *ƛ̣aqa
ABAD: *ŁaʁIʷa
COMMENT: An interesting Tsez.-WC isogloss. Correspondences are regular. See Abdokov 1983, 78 (listing also several unrelated EC and WC forms).
PROTO: *ƛ̣_äɦɫǝ̄ (~-ā)
AAND: *ƛ̣:idir (pl.*ƛ̣:ili)
CEZ: *ƛile A
LAK: č̣i
LEZG: *ƛ̣:äl
KHIN: ḳu
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. See Trubetzkoy 1922, 241.
PROTO: *ƛ̣_eƛ̣ē
MEANING: a k. of bird
AAND: *ƛ̣:Vƛ̣:V
LEZG: *ƛ̣:eƛ̣:(a)
KHIN: ḳaḳid
COMMENT: An Av.-Lezg. isogloss; since we do not know what bird is meant by Av. ƛ̣:iƛ̣:í, the comparison is questionable (although the phonetic match is exact).
PROTO: *ƛ̣_ɦwāχV
MEANING: stick, chip
AAND: *ƛ̣:ʷVχ:V
CEZ: *ƛiχ: ( ~ -ʁ)
LEZG: *ƛ̣:ʷaχI ( ~ -χ:I)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *ƛ̣_i
MEANING: below, down (an adverbial stem)
NAKH: *ḳa-l(e)
AAND: *-ƛ̣:i
CEZ: *ƛɨ-, *-ƛ
LAK: luw, -l-
DARG: *-ɣ(u)-
LEZG: *ƛ̣:i-, *-ƛ̣:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. In most subgroups (Av.-And., PTs, PL, Lak.) the morpheme is used as a suffix of the locative case (series Sub). Nakh languages have lost this usage, but it can be shown that they once also had it: cf. cases like PN *muʁ 'tail' - *muʁ-le 'strap under horse's tail' (lit. 'under the tail') > Bacb. mujʁlĭ, Chech., Ing. mulʁa ( = Av. maʁáƛ̣: id.).
PROTO: *ƛ̣_VćV
MEANING: log; pole
AAND: *ƛ̣:i(r)č̣o
CEZ: *ƛ̣eš:(a)
COMMENT: An And-Tsez. isogloss (early borrowing, before the assimilation *ć > *č > *ć̣ in PA, is not excluded).
PROTO: *ƛ̣_VɦVmV (/*ƛ̣_VɦVnV)
MEANING: shelf
AAND: *ƛ̣:VHVn ( ~ -m)
CEZ: *ƛɨn ( ~ -i-)
LAK: č̣amu
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. There is not enough evidence to reconstruct the vocalism, but otherwise the comparison seems quite reliable.
PROTO: *ƛ̣_Vƛ̣V
MEANING: a k. of insect, larva
AAND: *ƛ̣:Vƛ̣:V
LEZG: *ƛ̣:eƛ̣:- ( ~ -ä-)
COMMENT: An Av.-Lezg. isogloss.
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