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PROTO: *mä̆ɦnɨ̄ (~-ū)
MEANING: brain, head
NAKH: *min-
AAND: *minʔa-r
LAK: naI
DARG: *meħa
LEZG: *mahI
COMMENT: Reconstructed for PEC. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *m[ä̆]nx_wV
MEANING: sickle
NAKH: *nŏχ
AAND: *niʎV
CEZ: *bɨʎ:aj
LAK: mirx
DARG: *mirx:
LEZG: *manʎʷ(a) ( ~ -ʎ:ʷ-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The hypothesis of derivation from *=ixA 'to reap' (Klimov 1971, 227) is tempting, but there are some obstacles: medial *-n- (reconstructed because of the supposed PL *-n- and of PN and Av. initial n-); labialisation of *xw; difference in tenseness. It is probably wiser to think of a secondary contamination of the two roots in some languages (Av.-And. and Darg.).
PROTO: *mä̆r[ƛ]ǝ (~-o)
MEANING: handful, armful
NAKH: *morʎ
AAND: *ʎum-ur (~ *ƛ-)
CEZ: *mi[ƛ]u (~-ɨ-)
LEZG: *mä[rƛ]
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The comparison is very probable, although strange phonetically: a lot of irregularities in the development of *ƛ in all subgroups. Maybe this is due to a special development of a rare cluster *-rƛ-? A metathesis similar to the one that occurred in PA, apparently happened also in HU: cf. Hurr. šummǝ 'hand' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 23).
PROTO: *mä(r)ƛ̣_wɨ̆
LAK: miḳ
DARG: *miɣ
LEZG: *merƛ̣:ʷ
KHIN: miḳ
ABAD: *mǝĹǝ
COMMENT: The EC-WC comparison was proposed by Trubetzkoy. Dissimilatory delabialisation after an initial labial is normal in PWC, as well as the palatalized reflex *Ĺ (since non-palatalized *L is not reconstructed). A minor phonetic problem is, however, the preservation of nasal *m- in PWC (a non-nasal *P- would be expected before the following -r-resonant). It is not excluded, however, that *-r- in the PL form *merƛ̣:ʷ is secondary (duplicating the -r- of the oblique stem *meƛ̣:ʷV-rV- > *merƛ̣:ʷV-rV-, cf. modern obl. stems like Ag. merk:ur-a-, Bursh. mirk:-ri-, Rut. mɨkɨrɨ-, Kryz. mɨkɨr-). In that case *mäƛ̣_wɨ̆ should be reconstructed for PEC, and the PWC correspondence would be wholly regular.

    See Trubetzkoy 1922, 241, 243; 1930, 276; Abdokov 1983, 97.

PROTO: *mä̆sA
MEANING: tinder
DARG: *mis, *misV-la
LEZG: *mäs
ABAD: *mǝsa
COMMENT: The EC-WC comparison seems quite reliable. Note the identical compounds (with "fire"): PL *c̣ojɨ-mäs = PAT *cʷǝ-mǝsa.
PROTO: *mĕʎ_V ( ~ -ɨ̆-,-x-)
MEANING: study, knowledge
AAND: *moʎ:-
CEZ: *mɔL(:)- (~-ʎ-,-ʎ:-)
LAK: max(:)-
KHIN: mux-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Tenseness of -x- in Lak. is unknown (attested only in the syllable-final position), thus a reconstruction of both *-ʎ- ( > Lak. x) and *-x- ( > Lak. x:) is possible.

    A reconstruction *bĕnʎ_V is also possible; in this case one could also compare HU *pāl- (Hurr. pāl-, Urart. pal- or pāl-) "to pronounce, to tell" (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 17).

PROTO: *mĕlc̣_ĭ
MEANING: tongue
NAKH: *moṭṭ
AAND: *mic̣:i
CEZ: *mɨc A
LAK: maz
DARG: *mec:/*lec:mi
LEZG: *melc:
KHIN: mic̣
ABAD: *bǝźA
COMMENT: A common NC root with perfect correspondences. See Trubetzkoy 1930, 277; Abdokov 1983, 78.
PROTO: *mĕ[l]G_wɨ̆
MEANING: alder-tree
NAKH: *murq̇a
CEZ: *nɔqʷV / *mɔqʷV
LEZG: *meq:ʷ
ABAD: *Pǝ̃ʁa (~*mǝʁa, -G-)
COMMENT: Not quite clear is the loss of liquid in PL; otherwise all correspondences are regular. The meaning "oak" in PTs was probably influenced by another EC root, *mħŏq_wĕ "oak-tree, acorn" q.v.
PROTO: *mĕlʒ́_V
MEANING: place, ground
NAKH: *mott
CEZ: *mɔče A
DARG: *mez
LEZG: *mä(l)č̣: (~ -a-, -č̣)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *mer(ʔ)V
MEANING: a k. of berry
NAKH: *mor- ( ~ -u-, -V̄-)
LAK: mamari
LEZG: *merV(j)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. We must note some interlingual loans: 1) since the Lak and Darg. (Chir.) forms have an identical reduplication, it is probable that one of them borrowed from another (probably Darg. < Lak., since the form is known only in the Chirag dialect of Darg.); 2) Archi has a word mam 'raspberry', usually in the combination gʷac:ilin mam (lit. "mare's nipple"). It is probable that Archi borrowed the Lak. form mamar(i) and reinterpreted the -ar(i) part as the plural suffix, thus building a neologism mam (coinciding phonetically with mam 'nipple, breast' which is of course quite coincidental).

    A form like PN *mur-iḳ (*mor-iḳ), reflected in Chech. mürg, was probably the source of Osset. murḳä 'guelderrose', further - Ad. marāḳʷa, Kab. mārḳʷa 'strawberry, blackberry', Ub. mǝ(r)ḳ́a- id., Abaz. maraḳʷa 'mulberry', Balk. marako 'strawberry' etc. This direction of borrowing is probable because in PN the element -iḳ is easily recognized as a suffix.

    See Abayev 1973, 141; Shagirov 1, 266 with literature.

PROTO: *mĕrs_A
MEANING: hair, long rag, thread
NAKH: *mos
AAND: *mus:VrV
CEZ: *mos: (~-u-,-s)
LAK: lis:u
LEZG: *märs:(a)
KHIN: mɨsɨr
ABAD: *p:ǝ̃sa
COMMENT: For PNC we can reconstruct also the obl. form *mĕrs_A-lV- (reflected in several Lezg. forms, Khin., AAnd. and Lak.). The Laki form lis:u reflects a regular dropping of initial *mV- (lis:u < *mVlis:u, the latter being a metathesized form of *mV(r)s:i-lu).

    The WC forms are very likely to belong here, too, although problems are raised by initial *p:- (we should expect *bǝsa); it may be a result of irregular dissimilative development within the PWC compound **bǝ̃la-bǝsa.

PROTO: *mēć̣_uri (~-ī-)
MEANING: beard; long hair
NAKH: *merc̣ (~-ē-,-ʒ)
LAK: č̣iri
DARG: *muc̣ur
LEZG: *moč̣or, *moč̣or-ij
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Tense *ć̣_- reconstructed because of the Nakh reflex (after a weak vowel *ć̣ would yield PN *-ss-). PN *merc̣ is obviously a transformation of *mec̣rV- (analogously from the oblique base to direct - a rather frequent process). Since there are no Av.-And.-Tsez. reflexes and the root is polysyllabic, the vocalic reconstruction is not very certain.
PROTO: *mēʁV̆
NAKH: *muʁ (~-ū-)
AAND: *miʁa (~-o)
CEZ: *miχ(e) A
LAK: maʁ
DARG: *buq-mu[ʁ]
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The u(ū) vowel in PN is probably due to progressive labialisation of the initial m-. On a possible trace in Lezgian (Udi) see under *wǝrqV "sheep's tail".
PROTO: *mēɦwV̆
MEANING: hand, extremity (anat.)
AAND: *miħV (/*n-)
LAK: ḳʷi-jama
DARG: *meħ
LEZG: *ħem(a)
COMMENT: Correspondences are regular (except for the metathesis in Ud.).
PROTO: *mēʎ_V
MEANING: hem (of a garment)
AAND: *miʎ:V
CEZ: *mɨLV ( ~ -ʎ-)
LAK: max
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *mǝ̆č̣u
MEANING: long hair; fibre, strip
NAKH: *mač̣
AAND: *mič̣a (~-o)
CEZ: *muč̣ B
LAK: mač̣
LEZG: *č̣um(a) / *č̣un(a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Except for metathesis in PL, correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *mǝ̆hwV
MEANING: grain, seed; a k. of cereal
AAND: *muħV
CEZ: *moħ A
DARG: *maħa-r
LEZG: *maʔ(ʷ)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *mǝ̄mV
MEANING: teat, nipple; pimple
NAKH: *mām-aḳ
CEZ: *momV-la
DARG: *mama
LEZG: *mam(a)
COMMENT: One of the reduplicated "children's" words; seems, however, to be well reconstructable for PEC.
PROTO: *mǝṭe (~-i)
CEZ: *moṭo
LAK: maṭi
COMMENT: A Tsez.-Lak. isogloss. Perhaps, one could compare also Av. maṭú 'mirror' (borrowed into many EC languages: And., Akhv. Cham., Tind., Inkh. maṭu; cf. also dialectal Av. (Chad.) muṭú id. and Gunz. muṭu).
PROTO: *mhălV- ~ *mhănV-
NAKH: *mɦal-i(n)
DARG: *wana-
LEZG: *manV
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The Nakh, Darg. and Tab. forms are hard to separate, although we have to assume different as-/dissimilations to unite them (in PD obviously *wana- < *mana-, because genuine w- is very rare in PD; and either PN *mɦal- through dissimilation < *mɦan-, or PD, PL *manV- through assimilation < *malV-). Since interaction of this kind between two neighbouring resonants is very frequent in Caucasian languages, we think that the etymology is rather probable.
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