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PROTO: *mɨ̆rq_wă ( ~ -ā-, -ǝ̆)
CEZ: *χ:emuχ: (~ʁ)
LAK: marχ:a
DARG: *marq:ʷa
LEZG: *marqʷ
ABAD: *pǝ̃χʷǝ
COMMENT: Correspondences are regular. The root is securely reconstructed for PNC.
PROTO: *mŏGwV (~-ǟ-)
MEANING: back; body
AAND: *miʁʷV(-l)
CEZ: *mɔʁu
COMMENT: An Av.-And.-Tsez. isogloss (note also Gunz. muʁaƛ adv. "back" < Av.).
PROTO: *moƛ̣_ōrV
MEANING: a k. of foliage tree
AAND: *miƛ̣:VrV
CEZ: *ʔɔrƛVmV
LEZG: *moƛ̣:or
ABAD: *mǝĹa
COMMENT: An interesting root, both phonetically (note the peculiar metathesis in PTs) and semantically (note the intricate semantic developments in PL; cf. also an interesting development "peach" > "fruit stone" - not vice versa - in Akhv.). It is hard to establish the precise meaning in PNC: the only obvious fact is that the root denoted some kind of a foliage tree, which was often used for construction purposes (cf. the meanings in Tsezian and Lezghian languages) and probably resembled a peach-tree (cf. the meaning in Av.).

    See Abdokov 1983, 109 (Akhv. : Kab.; Chech. lag, also cited by the author, has no relation to the present root).

PROTO: *mŏ[n]q_V
MEANING: ploughshare, harrow
NAKH: *moq
AAND: *miq:i
LEZG: *maq:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. As with many cultural terms, correspondences are not quite regular: the medial resonant has to be postulated (to account for the development * q_ > q: in PL; otherwise *q would be expected); however, in the case of medial *-n- we would rather expect a change *monq > *noq in PN. One can not exclude a possibility of ancient interlingual loans, which have led to distortion of regular sound laws in this case.
PROTO: *mŏq̇_V̆
MEANING: handful; handle, hilt
NAKH: *muq̇
CEZ: *mɔqV (~-o-)
LEZG: *maq:(a)
ABAD: *mǝʁa (~-ʁ́-)
COMMENT: Not widely spread, but seems both phonetically and semantically reliable.
PROTO: *mŏrq_wV̆
MEANING: stripe, line
NAKH: *maʁu
AAND: *muq:V / *nuq:V
LAK: marqʷ
LEZG: *marχ:ʷ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. From Avar the word had been borrowed into some Tsezian languages: cf. Inkh., Bezht. muq 'row, stripe'. The Lak. word fits well phonetically, but is somewhat far semantically: we should probably think of a development "stripe" > "thick thread" > "thread of high quality".
PROTO: *mŏwχē
MEANING: wool, (woollen) thread
NAKH: *mobχV-r (~ -a-)
AAND: *miwχV
CEZ: *mɔχ:V
LAK: huru
LEZG: *mVwχV-r
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. In PTs the medial -w- probably was lost rather early (otherwise we should expect *-χ- in cluster with a previous resonant); otherwise correspondences are quite regular (Lak. huru regularly < *muhuru with loss of the initial *mV-). The root is often accompanied by *-rV (in PN, Lak., PL) which must be here a former plural suffix.
PROTO: *mŏχ_V
MEANING: bundle
NAKH: *moħ
AAND: *χimi-r
CEZ: *muʁ: A
LAK: hi
DARG: *maχ:
LEZG: *maχ:
ABAD: *mǝχǝ
COMMENT: Except for the metathesis in PA (*χimi-r < *miχi-r), all correspondences are regular. It is possible that the word is an old derivate (with the instrumental prefix *m-) from the verb *=ĭχ_V 'to carry' (q.v.). In this case Ub. mǝχ-mǝ́q is the only trace of this verbal root (otherwise completely lost) in WC.
PROTO: *mōngwē
MEANING: nest; bed
AAND: *mingV
DARG: *megʷ(a)
LEZG: *mok:ʷ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular (except for the Av. dialectal vowel -a-), and the reconstruction seems reliable.
PROTO: *mōnqī (~-ē)
MEANING: breast; bosom
NAKH: *nāqa
AAND: *niqi (~-χ-)
CEZ: *χɨmVrV (~-i-)
LAK: quru
DARG: *miqiri
LEZG: *moχor
ABAD: *mVq́:a
COMMENT: A good common NC root. It is often accompanied by the suffixed *-rV (in PTs, Lak., PD and PL). Lak. quru regularly < *mVquru. The only irregularity is a metathesis in PTs (which is a frequent phenomenon). Note that Khin. maχar 'woman's breast' is a loan from Shakh-Dagh.
NAKH: *mār
DARG: *marga
LEZG: *morƛ:ɨl / *uorƛ:ɨl
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Cf. also Hurr. mari(j)-annǝ 'chariot driver', Urart. marǝ 'one of the social groups' - an important social term, not borrowed (as sometimes supposed) from Indo-Aryan (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 21).
PROTO: *mōś_wV / *ś_wōmV
MEANING: tomb-stone, grave, mound
CEZ: *šimV ( ~ š:-)
LEZG: *moso-l
ABAD: *šama ( ~ s-, ś-)
COMMENT: In EC languages the root suffers some irregular transformations - possibly, because of taboo considerations. The EC-WC comparison seems quite probable (with a secondary dissimilative development *šʷ- > *š- in WC), if the PAK form really goes back to a PWC form with hushing *š- (unfortunately, there are no AA and Ub. data, which would verify it).

    See Abdokov 1983, 102 (Tsez. šem: WC; Av. ʕansí 'snow-drift', also cited by the author, belongs to quite a different root).

PROTO: *mswä̆nV̆
MEANING: place
NAKH: *šun
AAND: *mis(ʷ)a
DARG: *mus:a
LEZG: *mäs:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Semantical changes are normal ("place"/"house"/"bed"/"table"). Correspondences are regular (the root demonstrates a rather rare PEC structure *RCVRV̆, behaving just like *HCVRV̆).
PROTO: *muč̣Ŭ / *č̣umŬ
MEANING: stick
AAND: *č̣umV
CEZ: *č̣umal
LAK: č̣amaralu
DARG: *murč̣
ABAD: *mǝč̣ʷǝ
COMMENT: Phonetically - except for the usual metathesis - the correspondence is quite plausible; the root is accompanied by suffixes (*-ɫV, -*rV or both) in PTs, Lak. and PD (PD *murč̣ is a development of *muč̣(V)-rV, just like murs: q.v. < *mus:V-rV). The original meaning must have been 'stick, wood' (preserved in most languages), with a development > 'leg' in PTs (cf., characteristically, both meanings at once in Bezht.), and, further, 'leg(s)' > 'groin' in Lak.
PROTO: *muɦalV
MEANING: mountain
NAKH: *lām
CEZ: *maIru
LEZG: *muhIVl ( ~ -ʔ-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Except for metathesis in PN, correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *mŭnɣu(ɫV̆)
MEANING: besom
NAKH: *nugV (~-b-,-d-)
CEZ: *mul(V) A
DARG: *muɣul
LEZG: *murk:ul
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *musurū ( ~ -o-)
MEANING: shroud, cerement
AAND: *musurV
LAK: surū
COMMENT: An Av.-And-Lak. isogloss. Loss of initial *mu- (*mo-) in Lak. is regular.
PROTO: *mŭs_i ( ~ -ɨ̆-,-e)
MEANING: fog, smoke
CEZ: *mus: A
DARG: *mus:i
COMMENT: A Tsez-Darg. isogloss (note the use of the root in compounds with 'cloud' both in PTs and in Dargwa).
PROTO: *mus_VrV
MEANING: goat (wild or domestic)
NAKH: *masor
DARG: *murs:
LEZG: *mos:Vra (~ -s-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular and the root seems reliable (although not widely spread outside Nakh).
PROTO: *mūqV
MEANING: barley
NAKH: *mūq
CEZ: *miχV
LAK: qa
DARG: *muqi
LEZG: *moχ
KHIN: maqa
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular (Lak. qa < *muqa with a regular loss of *mu-). The regular reflex of *mūqV in PTs is *miχV; thus another root, PTsKh *maqa 'barley' (Tsez., Gin., Inkh. maqa) must be considered as a loanword. The most probable source for it is Proto-Kartvelian *maqa ( ~ -χ-); see Klimov 1964, 130 about this root, which itself can be a loanword from some PEC dialect.
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