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PROTO: *bārʒV
MEANING: height, mountain
NAKH: *b(ɦ)ārʒ
CEZ: *bɨZu (~-s-)
LAK: barzunt:iw
LEZG: *barzaj
COMMENT: The word is ultimately probably of Iranian origin (cf. especially the Lak. form), but may have been borrowed at a rather early (PEC?) stage. However, the PTs form can belong to another EC root (see *wɨse), which would make the PEC reconstruction of *bārʒV less reliable.
PROTO: *bǟmbV
MEANING: a k. of insect, beetle
NAKH: *bumba-r- (~-ū-)
CEZ: *bɔrbɔ-r-
LAK: p:ip:i-
LEZG: *p:ep:e-j (~-ä-)
KHIN: bemb
COMMENT: An expressive reduplicated root with some irregularities (reduplication conditioned a specific development of the medial cluster *-mb-); reconstructed for PEC.
PROTO: *bĕḳwǝ (~-o)
MEANING: part of face, mouth
NAKH: *baḳa
LEZG: *p:eḳʷ
COMMENT: A Nakh-Lezg. isogloss with good correspondences.
PROTO: *bĕrtkV
AAND: *barta ( ~ o)
LEZG: *p:erk(a)
COMMENT: A rather strange And.-Lezg. isogloss. We would not compare the two roots, but the phonetic correspondence is very much the same as in *bʕaltkē 'big hoofed animal' q.v. (i.e., PA *-rt- : PL *-lk- or *-rk-). The root can be an old loan from some unknown source.
PROTO: *bēlǯwi (~-e)
MEANING: a k. of stinging insect
AAND: *mi(n)žV
CEZ: *bɨ(r)žʷV-lV (~ž:,š)
LEZG: *melč:ʷ
ABAD: *bǝž́V
COMMENT: PWC has a normal delabialisation (*-ž́ʷ- > *-ž́-) after the initial labial. Otherwise the correspondences are regular enough.
PROTO: *bēŁ_V̆
MEANING: cattle-shed
AAND: *biƛ̣:i
CEZ: *buƛu A (~-ǝ)
LAK: p:al
DARG: *bik:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. See Trubetzkoy 1922, 242. Abdokov (1983, 126) compares the EC root (including several unrelated Lezg. forms) with Kab. ṗṣ́ā-nṭa 'yard'. This can be true (alternative etymologies of the Kab. word - Kuipers 1960, 111 and Shagirov 2, 52 - are not convincing), if the first part of the Kab. word goes back to PWC *Pǝƛ̣a-; Kab. ṣ́, however, has many PWC sources, and without other WC data the etymology is still questionable (we must note that theoretically the Kab. form could be also compared with PEC *bŭlƛ̣V̆ 'house' q.v.).
PROTO: *bēmṭV
MEANING: worm, snake
CEZ: *bǝṭV (~-ǝ̃-)
LEZG: *p:e(m)ṭ (~b-)
ABAD: *(a)mAṭA ~ *(a)PÃṭA
COMMENT: Although not very widely represented, the root seems quite reliable (although we should note that in PL we would rather expect *meṭ, and the absence of regressive nasalisation is still to be explained). See also *ɦwVmṭV 'red'. Cf. Trubetzkoy 1930, 277.
PROTO: *bēng_wă
MEANING: rock, mountain; ravine
NAKH: *bēr(ʎ)
LAK: murlu
LEZG: *ƛ̣:ʷema
ABAD: *bǝ( ̃)ɣV
COMMENT: For PEC an intermediate form *bēnŁ_wă must be reconstructed (with *Ł regularly < *g in a tense word). In PL we must assume a metathesis (*ƛ̣:ʷema < *meƛ̣:ʷa); otherwise the correspondences are regular. PWC demonstrates a usual delabialisation (*ɣʷ > w) after a labial consonant.
PROTO: *b[ǝ]c_V
MEANING: paw, part of arm or leg
AAND: *bic:V
CEZ: *bɨsV A
LEZG: *p:ac
COMMENT: The PTs vowel -ɨ- is not clear (a trace of Ablaut?); otherwise the correspondences are regular. Reconstructed for PEC.
PROTO: *bǝgǝ (~-o)
MEANING: morning; evening
LEZG: *p:ak:a(j)
KHIN: p:aga
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Basically an Avar-Lezgh. isogloss (the Khin. form is possibly a loan from Shakh-Dagh languages).
PROTO: *bǝHǝɫV ( ~ o)
MEANING: hill, mountain
NAKH: *b(ɦ)al-
AAND: *biʔil
LEZG: *p:aIl(a) ( ~ -l:-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. A rare (but secure) case of the CVHVCV root structure. Cf. perhaps also Lak. (Khosr.) belsa ( = biIl-sa ? - Laki does not have an -e-vowel) 'a good mountain pasture'.

    [In PWC one would expect a form like *bIV: in fact, there exists such a root with many meanings: 'thick(ness), big, bulge' etc. We attribute it to the common NC root *bV̆HV q.v. The reflex of *bǝHǝɫV could have, however, merged with *bV̆HV in PWC. Cf. in particular, cases like Ub. bIǝ-šá 'top of a hill' (ša 'head, top'), which could be directly related to PNC *bǝHǝɫV.]

PROTO: *bǝ̄gwǝ̄ (/*gǝ̄bǝ̄) (~ ō)
AAND: *bigʷV
LEZG: *p:ak:ʷ
ABAD: *k:ap:a
COMMENT: The WC form is metathesized (which is frequent with roots of this structure); otherwise the correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *bHaćwe (~ -a)
MEANING: bark, skin; leaf
CEZ: *beš:
LAK: burču
LEZG: *p:aIša
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Medial -r- in Lak. is clearly secondary in this case (burču < *bučV-ru ?), because other languages do not show any trace of resonants.
PROTO: *bHaḳV (/*ḳHabV)
MEANING: palm of hand, hand
AAND: *baḳa (~o)
LAK: č̣aIṗa
DARG: *beḳ
LEZG: *k:ap / *kap:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The situation is rather typical, as for most words of the CVCV structure with two stops: we observe metatheses (thus it is hard to choose between *bHaḳV and *ḳHabV) and as-/dissimilative processes. In this case it concerns the Lak. form (with progressive glottalisation) and the PL form: most probably the original *ḳHabV changed to *gHabV > PL *k:ap: through assimilation; later in a part of Lezghian dialects there occurred a new dissimilation (*k:ap: > *k:ap).
PROTO: *bHăŁ_i (~ -ǝ-)
MEANING: young one, young (of animals)
AAND: (?) *baƛa (~o,-ʎ-)
CEZ: *ƛapV (~ -ɔ-)
LEZG: *p:aIƛ:
COMMENT: The PTs (Bezht.) form has undergone a metathesis (*ƛapV (with assimilation) < *ƛabV < *baƛV). It is much more difficult to explain the PA form with *-ƛ- (or *-ʎ-) instead of the expected *-ƛ̣:-; reasons for deglottalisation are not at all clear.

    The root has probable correspondences in HU: Hurr. pōra-(m)mi, Ur. porā "slave" (with a typologically frequent semantic shift and a regular development *-Ł- > -r-), see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 16.

PROTO: *bHărVnć_V
MEANING: badger
AAND: *mamač:V (~-o-)
CEZ: *berũš:V
LAK: x:u-wajs:a
LEZG: *p:aIrč- (~*w-,-š-)
COMMENT: A rare trisyllabic root (expressive and with somewhat irregular reflexes), reconstructed for the PEC level.
MEANING: dirt, faeces
NAKH: *b(ɦ)eṭ (~-ē-)
AAND: *baṭa (~ o)
CEZ: *bǝṭi
DARG: *baIṭ-
LEZG: *p:aIṭ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. An expressive root - however, with quite satisfactory correspondences.

    In a few cases (cf. the root for "feather") labial initials get lost in Av. before a following laryngeal; if this is the case here, we could compare also Av. ħaṭ (gen. ħaṭú-l) "clay", Chad. ħaṭ (ħaṭí-l, ħaṭá-l) "dung".

PROTO: *bhä̆ƛ̣wĭ (~ -ĕ)
MEANING: small cattle
NAKH: *bɦoḳ́
AAND: *biƛ̣u-rV
CEZ: *biƛ̣ B
LEZG: *p:äIƛ̣ (~ -a-,-ḳ-)
ABAD: *bǝŁ́ʷa
COMMENT: The PA form has a suffixed -rV (probably originally plural), commonly present in many animal names. Correspondences are regular (except for the assimilative voicing in PWC).
PROTO: *bHĕq_V ~ *q_HĕbV (~-ä-,-o-)
MEANING: raven, crow
AAND: *q:ʷibV
DARG: *paqi-
LEZG: *p:eqI/*qI:ep (~ä,a)
COMMENT: Correspondences are plausible (in Darg. and Arch. there occurred an assimilation *b- > *p-; note that both forms reflect an identical old compound with *q_Hemdu 'crow' q.v.). Reconstructed for the PEC level.
PROTO: *bHešwV
DARG: *baIš:ʷV-
LEZG: *p:eIš:ʷɨ-
KHIN: beš
COMMENT: Basically a PL root: the Darg. and Khin. forms can be explained as loans (respectively from Agul and Shakhdagh). The PEC antiquity is dubious.
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