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PROTO: *=ŏnč_wV
MEANING: to do up, to close up
AAND: *=uč:-
DARG: *=uč-
LEZG: *ʔačʷVn
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *=ŏnqV(lV)
MEANING: old (person)
AAND: *=iqor-
LAK: quna-
DARG: *=uqna
LEZG: *(ʔV)χVlä-
KHIN: inqer
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. In Lak. and Darg. there occurred a nasality metathesis (*=ŏnqVlV > *=ŏqVnV); otherwise correspondences are quite regular.
PROTO: *=ŏrqV
MEANING: to chop, cut
AAND: *=uq- (~-χ-)
CEZ: *ʔǝ̃χ:V
LAK: =u=qa-
DARG: *=aIq- / *=iq-
LEZG: *t:-arχV-
KHIN: l-iq-uvi
ABAD: *p(ǝ)χ(ʷ)V-
COMMENT: Pharyngealization in Darg. must be secondary (probably under influence of a similar verb -aIqʷ- / -iqIʷ- 'to destroy, derange' q.v.); other correspondences are regular. Several forms reflect the old Ablaut stem *-irqV.

    As with other verbs of "beating", there exist some derivates meaning "wound" ( > "festering wound", "pus"), notably PC *ʔǝ̃χ:V ( < *ʔorqV-n) et al.

    See Абдоков 1983, 167.

PROTO: *=ōcV
MEANING: to mow
NAKH: *=āc-
AAND: *=Vc-
LAK: =u=ca-
LEZG: *ʔocV
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. There exists also a PEC nominal derivate *(ʔō)cV̄ɫV, reflected in PN *cēl and Av. χ:arí-cel.

    Deeters (1957, 390) compared the EC forms with PK *cel- 'to mow; scythe'. If the PK verbal stem is actually denominative (see Dzhavakhishvili 1, 272, 2, 91), it is most probably borrowed from an EC source. See Klimov 1965, 223.

PROTO: *=[ō]dV̆
MEANING: to pluck, pick, pinch
CEZ: *=id- ( ~ -ɨ-)
LAK: =it:u-
DARG: *=ert:- /*ʔut:-
LEZG: *ʔot:ʷ[ɨ]-
ABAD: *da-
COMMENT: The original meaning is well reconstructable as "to pluck, pick" (whence "to pluck hair" > "to shave" or "to tan", "to pluck grass" > "to mow" etc.). On the whole the etymology seems quite reliable.
PROTO: *=ōgwV
MEANING: to burn
DARG: *=ik:ʷ-
LEZG: *ʔok:ʷɨ-
KHIN: =ek:-/k:-
COMMENT: The root is characteristic for East Dag. languages (Lezg., Darg., Khin.).
PROTO: *=ōƛĔ
MEANING: to laugh
NAKH: *=ēl-
AAND: *=iƛ- ( ~ -ʎ-)
CEZ: *ʎ:e-
ABAD: *ʎ́ʷV-č́V / *č́Vʎ́ʷV
COMMENT: Correspondences are regular (labialisation in PWC *ʎ́ʷV, as in some other verbal stems, probably reflects an original class marker), and the EC-WC parallel seems satisfactory. See Абдоков 1983, 163.
MEANING: to reap
AAND: *=okʷ-
LEZG: *ʔoƛ:(ʷ)ɨ
COMMENT: An And-Lezg. isogloss.
PROTO: *=ōmŁ_V
MEANING: to put on (trousers, shoes)
AAND: *=iƛ̣:Vn-
CEZ: *=ẽƛ-
LEZG: *ʔowƛ:ɨ-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. It is interesting to note that Archi, besides the verb =ubƛa-s which is a regular parallel for the Av.-And.-Tsez. forms, has also a noun: imƛ̣:ǝla '(knitted) sock, stocking'. This must be an old loanword from some Andian source: cf. Cham. ini-biƛ̣:inna-b 'sock, stocking' (lit. "(smth.) put inside") and Akhv. iƛ̣:el 'stocking' - derivates from the same PA root *=iƛ̣:Vn-.
PROTO: *=ōrs_A
MEANING: to fly; to jump (from above)
DARG: *=ars:Vr- (/-c-)
LEZG: *ʔors(:)V
ABAD: *bǝšA (?-s-)
COMMENT: The etymology is not quite certain, primarily because of the scarcity of reflexes in EC languages, and some phonetic uncertainties (variation between *s: and *c in Dargwa dialects, doubts in the precise nature of the PWC sibilant).
PROTO: *=ōʒ_wV(lV)
MEANING: to pour, weep
NAKH: *t-ēbč̣- ( ~ -ǯ-)
AAND: *=Vc̣:-
CEZ: *=ɨcʷ- ( ~ -i-)
LEZG: *ʔoc̣:ʷɨ-
ABAD: *c̣ʷV
COMMENT: Correspondences are regular, and the EC-WC parallel seems quite probable.
PROTO: *=ŭćĔ(rV)
MEANING: thick, fat
AAND: *čora-
CEZ: *=uš:V- ( ~ -š-)
LAK: =uč-
DARG: *=uc-
LEZG: *=očV ( ~ -u-)
ABAD: *p(ǝ)č́a-
COMMENT: The etymology is both phonetically and semantically satisfactory. The PWC form has a prefixed labial (former class marker), as in many other cases. See Абдоков 1983, 143.
MEANING: to rain
NAKH: *daʁu
CEZ: *ʁ:ʷǝdǝ
LAK: ʁaral
LEZG: *ʔoq:ʷa-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The verbal root is preserved only in PL. Other languages reflect a deverbative noun *GwV-(r)dV / *r-ŭGwV.
PROTO: *=uʎ_wV
MEANING: to be silent, quiet
DARG: *=uxʷ-
LEZG: *ʔoʎ:ʷa-
COMMENT: Abdokov (1983, 148) compares the root with PAK *xʷámǝ 'silent, quiet' (Ad. fam, Kab. xʷam): this is possible if -mǝ is a suffixed morpheme.
PROTO: *=unʒ_Ĕ
MEANING: to hide, conceal, steal
CEZ: *=ũc-
ABAD: *ʒ́V
COMMENT: The root is not widely attested in EC (only in PTs), thus the etymology is somewhat dubious (although phonetically and semantically plausible).
PROTO: *=ŭśV
MEANING: to descend; to fall, be scattered
NAKH: *=oss-
AAND: *=uš:-
CEZ: *=õs:-
DARG: *=uš(:)-
KHIN: aš-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Most languages point to *ŭ; there is also some evidence of an Ablaut grade with *ä (Lak. =i=š:u-, PN *=iss-).
PROTO: *=üƛ̣_V
MEANING: to copulate
CEZ: *daƛ̣
LEZG: *ʔeƛ̣:a
KHIN: lɨ-ḳi
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. PTs has preserved only a deverbal noun (*d-ãƛ̣), but in general the etymology seems satisfactory.
PROTO: *=VʔwVn
MEANING: to go
NAKH: *ʡo-
AAND: *=VʔVn-
CEZ: *=ǝ̃ʔ-
LAK: na-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. One of the verbal roots with the basic laryngeal consonant. The vowels are rather hard to reconstruct in most of these roots (because of contractions). Cf. also HU: Hurr. un-, Urart. nun- 'to come' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 32).
PROTO: *=VʔwV(r)
MEANING: to go, to come
NAKH: *=aʔ- (~ -ā-)
CEZ: *-VH-
LAK: ha-
DARG: *=ah-/*=ih(r)-
LEZG: *ʔVʔʷV(r)-
ABAD: *jǝ
COMMENT: One of several NC verb stems with root laryngeal. Vocalism in such roots is usually hard to reconstruct.
PROTO: *=Vc_V ( ~ -ć_-)
MEANING: dark, blind
AAND: *-ic:u-
CEZ: *sas- ( ~ s:)
COMMENT: An Av.-And-Tsez. isogloss; the precise PEC vocalism is hard to establish. The Tsez. form is reduplicated (like many other adjectival stems).
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