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MEANING: to drive, urge
AAND: *=ac̣- ( ~ -oc̣-)
CEZ: *=oc̣- B
LEZG: *ʔVc̣V
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. There is a vague possibility that the root may have WC parallels (PAA *ća 'to drive', see under PNC *=āčĂn-).
PROTO: *=Vc̣_V
MEANING: to drink; to gulp, to eat
AAND: *c̣:a-
CEZ: *=ac̣-
LEZG: *ʔVc̣V (~-c̣:-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Since the first vowel is reduced in all Andian reflexes and in Archi, the original vocalism is impossible to establish.
PROTO: *=Vč̣wV
MEANING: good; fresh, new
LAK: =uč̣i-
ABAD: *č̣ʷa
COMMENT: The root is widely spread in WC, but within EC has only a Lak. counterpart, thus the WC antiquity is questionable. Cf. perhaps also Akhv. Tlan. č̣iq̇a-b, Tseg. č̣iʔa-b 'good' (if -q̇a- here can be analysed as a historical suffix).
PROTO: *=VgĂ(w)
MEANING: to hit, to fight
AAND: *gab- / *g-Vg-
CEZ: *geg
DARG: *=u(r)k:- ( ~ -g-)
LEZG: *ʔek:V-
ABAD: *pǝ-ga-
COMMENT: The etymology seems reliable, both phonetically and semantically. Abdokov (1983, 130) compares the AK root (from which he derives Kab. ǯǝda 'spear') with EC reflexes of *rä̆ḳwɨ 'axe', as well as PN *ʔāḳ- 'to hit' and *=aḳ- 'to sew' - which is all most dubious.
MEANING: to lie, to put
AAND: *gir-
DARG: *=a(l)g-/=u(l)g-
COMMENT: An Aand-Darg. isogloss. Cf. perhaps also Lak. b-alža-n (g. pr. b-algu-nu) 'to contain, restrain; dress, provide clothes' (although the semantic development raises some doubts).
MEANING: to cut, clip, shear
AAND: *=uq̇:- / *q̇:ir-
LAK: q̇u=q̇i-
DARG: *=alʁVn-
LEZG: *ʔiq̇:ä(l)-
KHIN: t:-äq̇-
ABAD: *q̇ǝ
COMMENT: The etymology seems both phonetically and semantically plausible, although it is hard to reconstruct the root vowel (because of extensive Ablaut).
PROTO: *=VʁwV ( ~ -G-)
MEANING: to pay tribute
AAND: *=iʁʷ-
LAK: buʁi
COMMENT: An interesting Av.-And-Lak. isogloss. Judging from the spectre of meanings, the root must have signified 'to pay tribute with cattle'.
PROTO: *=Vɦ(w)V(n) ( ~ -ʕ-)
MEANING: to rumple, knead, rub
NAKH: *ħew- ( ~ -ē-)
AAND: *=VH- / *HVn-
COMMENT: One of the common NC verbal stems with a root laryngeal. The comparison seems probable, although the root is not reflected in many languages.
PROTO: *=V̆ḳVl ( ~ *=V̆lḳVn)
MEANING: to bend
NAKH: *=aḳ-
AAND: *=iḳVn
CEZ: *=uḳ- (~-o-)
DARG: *=ulḳ-
KHIN: ḳili
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Because of Ablaut it is hard to reconstruct the root vocalism. One ca also reconstruct the derivate *w-V̆lḳVnV 'corner, angle'(PN *noḳ, PA *bi(r)ḳʷin). A trace of this root in Lezghian may be Rut. q̇Iu=ḳa- 'to bend' (with an expressive prefix?).
PROTO: *=VʎwE(n) ( ~ -ʎ_-)
MEANING: to bind, knit, plait
AAND: *=oxʷVn-
LEZG: *ʔiʎ(:)ʷV
ABAD: *ʎ́ʷǝ
COMMENT: The root is widely represented in WC, but preserved only in Av.-And. among the EC branches. Still, the phonetic and semantic correspondence is exact, and the NC antiquity of the root is quite probable.
PROTO: *=Vʎ_wVn
MEANING: to sow
NAKH: *fuw
AAND: *xunʔi
LAK: hanna
DARG: *xʷe
LEZG: *ʎ:ʷin
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The verb itself is preserved not very widely (that is why its vocalism is not clear): PA *-VxʷV(n), Lak. =u-ha-, PD *=axʷVn. Much more widely spread is the deverbative noun *ʎwĭnʔɨ̄ ( ~ -ǝ̆), reflected also in PN and PL (although the verb was not preserved in those subgroups).

    See Trubetzkoy 1922, 240.

MEANING: to pierce, punch, beat
AAND: *=oƛ:- ( ~ -a-)
CEZ: *=iʎ(:)- (~ɨ,L,L:)
LAK: š:ina
DARG: *rurk:ani
LEZG: *(Ho)roƛi-l(a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Several languages have preserved only the archaic nominal derivate *ƛ_i-nV̄ (with prefixation: *HVrV-ƛ_inV̄ / *HVrV-ƛ_iɫV̄ 'chisel, instrument for piercing or sharpening/whetting'.
MEANING: to put clothes (on the upper body)
AAND: *=oƛ̣-
CEZ: *š(:)iƛ̣- A
COMMENT: Basically an Av.-And.-Tsez. isogloss. There are, however, some possible traces of the root in Lezgian languages: cf. Lezg. al-uḳ- 'to put on (clothes)' (where *-ḳ- can go back to *ƛ̣ - if this is not the same root as eḳi-z, al-ḳ-, Akht. ak:ɨ-n, al-k:ɨ-n 'to stick to, adhere' < PL *ʔaƛ̣:e). Another probable Lezgian parallel is Arch. aƛa-s 'to put on (hand, finger)' < *ʔaƛ:V-, which could be a modification of original *ʔaƛ̣V- under the influence of another root, reflected in Arch. =ubƛa-s 'to put on (lower part of body)' < PEC *=ōmŁ_V q.v.
PROTO: *=Vƛ̣_Vn
MEANING: to wash, pour; to weep
NAKH: *=ēlχ-
CEZ: *čɔƛ-
LEZG: *ʡä[ƛ̣:]Vn- /č-:ä[ƛ̣:]Vn-
COMMENT: Basically a Nakh-Lezg. isogloss (the Tsez. form is somewhat dubious).
PROTO: *=Vƛ̣_Vw
MEANING: to beat, hit
AAND: *ƛ̣:ab- ( ~ -o-)
CEZ: *-aƛ-
LEZG: *=Vƛ̣:ʷe
COMMENT: Basically an Av.-And.-Tsezian isogloss, but the Agul parallel makes the PEC reconstruction probable.
PROTO: *=Vƛ̣_wV ( ~ -Ł_-)
MEANING: to hold, detain
CEZ: *c-aƛ-
LEZG: *ʔeƛ̣:ʷa-
COMMENT: A Tsez-Lezg. isogloss; not very reliable because of the isolated nature of the Gunz. word.
PROTO: *=V̄lćV
MEANING: short, narrow
NAKH: *=ācu-n
AAND: *=ičo- / *=očo-
CEZ: *=Ṽš:V
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The vocalism is hard to reconstruct (because of variation within PC and PA); otherwise correspondences are regular. Medial *-l- must be reconstructed to account for the PTs nasalisation (but *-n- or *-m- would have given other reflexes).
MEANING: to sweep, clear
CEZ: *=aƛ-
DARG: *=ušk:-
LEZG: *ʔeƛ̣:ɨ / *č:e[ƛ̣:]ɨ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Note the usage of an expressive hushing preverb (leading to irregular phonetic change) both in PD and in most Lezghian languages.
PROTO: *=Vmc̣_́Vr
MEANING: to stand, stand up
NAKH: *-ātt-
AAND: *=ič̣:- /*ħi(r)č̣:-
CEZ: *=arč- / *=eč-
LAK: =iza-n
DARG: *=ic:Vr-/=ilc:-
LEZG: *ʔec:ʷär-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The root vowel is hard to reconstruct (because of complicated and rather unclear Ablaut patterns). The medial nasal resonant has caused the change *-mć̣- > *-tt- in PN and the deglottalisation in Lak., PL and PD; its labial character can be reconstructed on basis of the PL labialisation (although the resonant itself was regularly dropped).

    [The root is used in several languages in a compound meaning 'stirrup', lit. 'foot'+'stand (caus.)' or '(foot)-prop'+'stand', i.e. 'a place for putting feet on'. Cf. Av. ħoṭo-č̣:el (Chad. with assimilation and distortion ħonƛ̣lóč̣), Lak. č:armuzi < *č:an-b-uzi, Darg. Chir. ṭuIr-birc:an, Arch. moʎ:ol-orc:i. The Avar word, sometimes with severe distortions, was borrowed into many EC languages: Akhv. ħoṭoč̣:a, Cham., Inkh., Tsez., Gin. ħoṭoč̣el, Cham. Gig. ħeṭeč̣ (cf. an Avar dialectal variant ħeṭeč̣:el), Gunz. ħonṭoč̣al, Bezht. Tlad. haƛso, Khosh. hacijo.]

PROTO: *=Vmƛ̣V
MEANING: to go, to come
AAND: *=Vƛ̣Vn-
CEZ: *=[ẽ]ƛ̣-
LAK: =u=č̣a-
DARG: *=aḳ-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Both Lak. and Darg. forms can theoretically be derived also from PNC *-ărḳĔw 'to go; to drive' (q.v.), because of the merger of *ƛ̣ and *ḳ in these languages.
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