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PROTO: *=Vws_Vn
MEANING: to sleep, to dream
NAKH: *-abs- (~-ā-)
AAND: *s:ʷV-
CEZ: *-Vs- (~-s:-)
DARG: *=is:Vn-/*=us:(Vn)-
LEZG: *ʔ[a]s(:)ʷɨn-
ABAD: *sV ( ~ *šV)
COMMENT: A common NC verb stem with good consonantal correspondences; there is not enough evidence to do a precise vocalic reconstruction.
PROTO: *=VxwĔn
MEANING: to curse, damn
AAND: *xam- ( ~ -o-)
ABAD: *x́ʷǝ
COMMENT: An Av.-And.-WC isogloss (acceptable only if PAA *sʷ in this case goes back to PWC *x́ʷ).
MEANING: to grow
AAND: *=iž(Vn)
CEZ: *=iš- (~-ɨ-,-ž(:)-)
DARG: *=uc:-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. There is not enough evidence to make a precise vocalic reconstruction.
PROTO: *pabE
MEANING: light, soft;soft,fluffy hair,beard
AAND: *papa-
CEZ: *bab
LEZG: *pVp:V-
ABAD: *b́Vb́a
COMMENT: The root presents assimilations (common for roots with two stops): PAA *papa- < *paba-, PWC *b́Vb́a < *pVb́a.
PROTO: *panG_VlhV (~ -lɦ-)
MEANING: burdock; leaf, bark
AAND: *mVq̇:Vr-
LEZG: *parq̇:ul:
COMMENT: A Lezg.-Av. isogloss. Lak. maq̇ara 'shell, bark' is obviously an Av. loanword (otherwise -l- would be expected).
PROTO: *pănʒwV̆
MEANING: cattle (horned)
NAKH: *baǯo
AAND: *panzV
CEZ: *pɔsu (~-ɔ̃-,-s:-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular except for secondary assimilatory voicing of *p- > *b- in PN. The word was borrowed (from Av. or, rather, from Tsez.) into Ossetian (fos/fons "cattle; booty") (whence again into Nakh: Chech. hons, Ing. fos) - see Abayev 1, 478-9.
PROTO: *parć_ē
MEANING: water jug
AAND: *parč:i
LAK: parš:
LEZG: *parč
COMMENT: Attested only in three languages, thus the PEC antiquity is dubious (although phonetically a loan is not likely).
PROTO: *părVpăɫV
MEANING: butterfly, moth
AAND: *pVrVpV / *pVlVpV
CEZ: *papa-ṭu
LEZG: *pa(r)pal-
ABAD: *parǝpalǝ-
COMMENT: An expressive reduplicated root.
PROTO: *paǯo (~ -ʒ́-,-ǝ)
MEANING: hut, cabin
AAND: *paži (~ -o-)
LEZG: *pač:
COMMENT: A Lezg.-Av.-And. isogloss. There is a suspicious PAK root *pač́ǝ 'room' (Kab. paš, Bzhed. paš́ǝ; see Kuipers 1975, 10, Shagirov 2,11) which could go back to PWC *pačʷǝ and thus be a good match (with assimilative devoicing *ǯ > *č) for PEC *paǯo; however, there is a good probability that the Adygh word is a recent loan from Russ. печь 'stove' (see Shagirov ibid.).
NAKH: *mēʔ
DARG: *ʔabʔa
LEZG: *paʡ
COMMENT: An onomatopoeic and thus not very reliable root; the PD form is reduplicated (with voicelessness of *p neutralized before ʔ). The final cluster *Hn is reconstructed to account for nasalisation of the initial *p- > m- in PN.
PROTO: *pārē
MEANING: lightning
AAND: *piri
CEZ: *pɨr A
LAK: par
DARG: *paIr
LEZG: *par / *rap
COMMENT: The correspondences are regular (with minor exceptions due to expressive causes: pharyngealization in Darg. and metathesis in some Lezg. languages). Note also the existence of an old compound *c̣ăjɨ̆-pārē (*c̣ăjɨ̆ 'fire') reflected in Akhv. Tseg. č̣a-piri, Lak. c̣u-par and Rut. c̣aj-rap.
PROTO: *pä̆nq_wV (?*m-)
NAKH: *niq
AAND: *pVq:V-nV
DARG: *mirqʷi
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Not quite clear is the initial consonant: PN and PD point to PEC *mä̆nq_wV; however, the Av. form (unless p- is a result of dissimilatory denasalisation) favours PEC *p-.
PROTO: *pärš_wA (~ -l-)
MEANING: bubble, bladder; to swell
NAKH: *puš
LAK: purš:
DARG: *puš(a)
LEZG: *pVrš:ʷ- (~-l-)
ABAD: *pǝšǝ-ta- (~ -s-)
COMMENT: The correspondences are quite regular (in PWC there occurred a usual delabialisation of the second consonant after a preceding labial). The back vowel in the second syllable is suggested by PWC.
PROTO: *pĕχV
MEANING: bubble, blister; lung
NAKH: *paχ
LEZG: *p[e]χ(a)
ABAD: *rV-pǝχa
COMMENT: The final vowel is uncertain.
PROTO: *p[ē]lV
MEANING: onion, ramson
AAND: *perV
LEZG: *p[e]l(VʔI)
COMMENT: An Av.-Lezg. isogloss with not very certain vocalic correspondences.
PROTO: *pǝ̆lpV
MEANING: dirt, clay, dust
NAKH: *poppVr
AAND: *polpV
CEZ: *pop
LAK: paIp
DARG: *ṗaIlṗa
LEZG: *paI(l)p
ABAD: *bǝbǝ
COMMENT: A reduplicated root with somewhat irregular correspondences: secondary voicing in PWC, secondary glottalization in PD and secondary pharyngealization in Eastern Daghestan languages (Western forms do not reveal any trace of lost laryngeals). Nevertheless, the root seems reliable, and the irregularities are probably due to its expressive nature.
MEANING: dust, steam
CEZ: *pɔχ: (~-ʁ)
DARG: *paχI
ABAD: *p:aχ(I)a
COMMENT: The original laryngeal (-H-) is reflected as pharyngealization in Darg.
PROTO: *pHǝmʒ_V (~ -c̣_-)
MEANING: twig, bar
NAKH: *p(ʕ)ott (~-ō-,-ṭṭ)
LAK: paInc̣
COMMENT: A Nakh-Lak isogloss. In Inlaut *-m- is preferable to *-n- which would yield other reflexes (zero instead of -n- in Lak. and initial nasalisation in Nakh).
PROTO: *pHulq̇ɨ̆ (~-ō-)
MEANING: dirt; secretion in the eye
LAK: puIrq̇u
LEZG: *p:olq̇I
ABAD: *bǝʁ(I)a
COMMENT: The initial *p- is secondarily voiced in PL and PWC (or should we reconstruct *bHulq̇ɨ with devoicing in Lak.?).
MEANING: some inner organ
CEZ: *pɨṭʷVr-
LEZG: *paIrṭ-
COMMENT: A Tsez-Lezg. isogloss. The word strikingly resembles PK *pir(s̥1̇)ṭw- 'lung' (see Klimov 1964, 189 where the author lists the Gunz. word, but erroneously links also the reflexes of PEC *qwǝlɵ_V- q.v.).
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