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Севернокавказская этимология :

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MEANING: denominative attributive
NAKH: *-xo(w)
AAND: [*-χ:V-]
COMMENT: Cf. Hurr. -χχǝ, Ur. -χǝ 'suffix of adjectives'.
PROTO: *χV̆c̣V ( ~ x-)
MEANING: to hear
NAKH: *χac̣-
COMMENT: The PN root has (as far as we know) no parallels in Dagestan languages, but has good correspondences in Hurro-Urartian: PHU *χas- (Hurr. χaž-, Ur. χaš-) "hear". See Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 46.
PROTO: *χwelhe ( ~ -ɫ-,-ɦ-,-a)
MEANING: furrow, boundary
LAK: χ:a
LEZG: *χʷel:
COMMENT: A Lak-Lezg. isogloss.
PROTO: *χwĕrćV
MEANING: a k. of worm or insect
CEZ: *χ:ʷVrš:- ( ~ *ʁʷ-)
LEZG: *χʷärčVj
COMMENT: A Tsez.-Lezgh. isogloss; within Tsezian attested only in one language, thus not very reliable. Problematic also is the retention of -r- in Bezht. (normally all resonants in clusters are dropped in PTs); this could suggest an old structure like *χwĕćVrV with later reduction.
PROTO: *χwĕrχ_V(lV)
MEANING: straw
AAND: *χʷaχʷa(r) ( ~ o)
LEZG: *χ:ärχ:äl / *ʔärχ:äl
COMMENT: An And-Lezg. isogloss. A rather uncertain case, because of some unclear features of the stem structure in PL. Still, it seems hard to separate forms like Tab. χirχil 'straw' and Tind. χʷaχʷar id.
PROTO: *χwĭɫʔV ( ~ -ɦ-)
MEANING: pretence, hypocrisy; whim
NAKH: *χuw (~-ū-,-b)
AAND: *χ:ʷVlV
COMMENT: A Nakh-Avar isogloss. Cf. perhaps Osset. xɨl / xilä 'quarrel' (Abayev 1989, 258: the Iranian etymology does not look convincing, and a Caucasian source is probable).
PROTO: *χwĭlŁ_V (~ -ă-,-ɨ̆-,-ā-)
MEANING: a k. of clothes
CEZ: *ʁɨƛu A
LAK: harč:ala
LEZG: *χIVƛ̣:V-l(:a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Although not very widely represented, the etymology seems phonetically and semantically reliable.
PROTO: *χwɨ̆lʡi (~ -ɫ-,-ʕ-,-e)
MEANING: fat (n.); meat
CEZ: *χ:o A
LAK: hal
DARG: *χIʷali
LEZG: *χIul (χI:-,-o-,-l:)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *χwɨ̆mṭi(~-ǝ-)
MEANING: sharp stick
AAND: *χ:onṭV (~-a-)
LAK: χ:uṭi
LEZG: *χu(m)ṭ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *χwɨm(V)ṗV
MEANING: gulp, mouthful
LAK: χ:uṗ
LEZG: *χumṗ(a)
KHIN: χob
ABAD: *χʷǝm(ǝ)ṗa
COMMENT: An expressive root; however, chance correspondence between Adygh and EC is hardly possible.
PROTO: *χwɨ̄rk_V
MEANING: tree, oak-tree
AAND: *χ:ʷVrkV
LEZG: *χ:ʷɨ(r)k
COMMENT: An Av.-Lezg. isogloss. Probable, but represented only in three languages, and thus not very reliable (note also phonetic problems: if we reconstruct medial *-r-, as suggested by the Av. form, we would rather expect *χʷ, not *χ:ʷ in PL).
PROTO: *χwōrɦV (/*rɦōχwV)
MEANING: village, farmstead
AAND: *riχ:ʷV-
LEZG: *χIora
COMMENT: An Aand-Lezg. isogloss. Except for metathesis (rather a frequent feature), all correspondences are regular.

    An interesting form is Arch. duχ:ur 'farmstead': this is probably an old loanword from Av.-And. with a later Arch. change r- > d- (duχ:ur < *riχ:ʷV-r), thus constituting an etymological doublet with Arch. χIor 'village'.

PROTO: *χ_āɫV
MEANING: sinew; thread
NAKH: *χāl
CEZ: *χ:ɨlɔ
LAK: χ:al
LEZG: *χ:al(a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Seems quite plausible phonetically and semantically (the correlation "sinew" : "thread, wire" is usual). EC > Osset. xal / xalä 'thread', Balk. xalǝ id. (see Abayev 1989, 135).
PROTO: *χ_[ä]lʔV
MEANING: burden, pack
AAND: *χirV
LAK: hiwu
DARG: *χ:ala
LEZG: *χ:äl
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Possibly one of the derivates of PEC *=ĭχ_V 'to carry' (with Anlaut reduction).
PROTO: *χ_ǟɫV
MEANING: stack, haystack
NAKH: *χōla
AAND: *χʷolo ( ~ *qʷ-)
LEZG: *χ:äl(a) ( ~ -l:-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Labialisation in Andian is irregular (one would rather expect a form like *χilV). There are two possible explanations: either we should rather reconstruct PEC *χ_ǟwɫV with a cluster (yielding labialisation in And. and simplified in PN and PL), or we should assume that And. χʷolo (isolated among Andian languages) is a loanword from Nakh (with labialisation rendering the Nakh narrow -ō- = /-wō-/).

    We can also pay attention to Lak. χ:ala- in χ:ala-baḳu 'haystack' which can also correspond to the PN and PL forms - although synchronically Lak. χ:ala- is the oblique base of χ:ulū 'hay', which has a different EC origin (see *χǖɫV). Both roots must have merged in Lak. for phonetic reasons.

PROTO: *χ_ǝrHV ( ~ *χ_HǝrV)
MEANING: butter; cheese
CEZ: *χ(:)ori (~-u-,-l-)
LEZG: *χ:IarV
COMMENT: A Tsez-Lezg. isogloss; not very reliable because of the isolated nature of the Tsez. word, and a significant semantic difference.
PROTO: *χ_[ǝ]rV (~ *-l-)
MEANING: ewe, ram
AAND: *χorV / *riχo
CEZ: *ʁo(r)
COMMENT: An Av.-And.-Tsez. isogloss. The PTs form contains a rare phoneme *ʁ- which in this case must be just a variant of PTs *χ (*ʁ- is reconstructed on basis of PTsKh *-ʁu present only in the compound *biƛ̣-ʁu; we may think of a secondary voicing in this position). There exists a chance of finding a Lezghian cognate: PL *χIap:, obl. *χIop:ɨ-, pl. *χIop:-Vr 'sheep, sheep-flock' (collect.). This would be possible if we suppose a metathesis *χIop:Vr < *χIor-p:V in early PL, with a reanalysis of the original plural suffix *-p:(V) as a part of the root.
PROTO: *χ_Hwĕje
NAKH: *pħu
AAND: *χʷoʔi
CEZ: *ʁ:ʷǝ̃j
DARG: *χ:Iʷaj
LEZG: *χ:ʷäja
KHIN: pχra
COMMENT: One of the cases with the interesting correspondence PEC *χHw : PWC *Łʷ. It is not yet clear what should be reconstructed in these cases: perhaps, some cluster like *χl- or *lχ-. It is also possible that in some cases PAT l- is a result of secondary lateralisation, and Ub. w : PAK *ħ could also point to PWC *χ́Iʷ (for which otherwise no examples are found). Most of the EC languages point to the PEC oblique base *χ_Hwĕj-rV- (cf. PN *pħare-, PA *χʷor-, PD *χ:ur-, PL *χ:ʷäjrV-); in some languages (Shakhdagh, Khin.) the former oblique base became direct. See Trubetzkoy 1930, 277, Abdokov 1983, 123.
PROTO: *χ_ħǟnɨ̄ ( ~ -ʕ-)
MEANING: door, door-jamb, some part of house
AAND: *χ:inV
CEZ: *χ:ɨna
LAK: χ:anu
LEZG: *χ:Ian
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The root must have meant some part of the house-structure (possibly a door-post, whence 'door' > 'yard').
PROTO: *χ_ōlʔV (~ -ʡ-)
MEANING: male (animal or human)
AAND: *χ:irHV
CEZ: *χ:ɔr A (~-l)
LEZG: *χ:Iol
ABAD: *χʷǝ
COMMENT: The comparison is quite plausible phonetically and semantically. The only problem is the vowel -o- in PTsKh ( < PTs *-ɔ-); however, the word is attested only in Khvarsh. and Inkh., and thus a reconstruction of PTs *ɨ or *ǝ is also not absolutely excluded (a regular reflex would be PTs *χ:ɨr).

    See Abdokov 1983, 123.

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