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PROTO: *χ_ōnV̆
MEANING: obstacle, trap
LAK: χ:unu
LEZG: *χ:on(a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level.
PROTO: *χ_ulV ( ~ q_-,-ɫ-)
MEANING: a wooden vessel
CEZ: *χ(:)ulu ( ~ -r-)
LEZG: *χ:ol(a) ( ~ -l:-)
COMMENT: A Tsez-Lezg. isogloss. Attested only in three languages, but seems phonetically and semantically reliable.
PROTO: *χ_wanħV
AAND: *χʷamʔi
LAK: ħawa
LEZG: *χI:an:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *χ_wārē / *rāχ_wē
MEANING: a k. of foliage tree
CEZ: *rɨχ:V ( ~ -ʁ-)
DARG: *χ:ʷiri
LEZG: *χ:ʷar, *χ:ʷar-t:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. An interesting root, denoting originally a lime-tree (or a similar foliage tree), which was used for construction (cf. the construction terms in Lezghian languages). We can reconstruct the old direct base as *χ_wārē, and the oblique one - *χ_wōrV- (cf. the situation in PL and possibly PD). In spite of the metathesis in Gunz. (possibly conditioned by analogy with *rä̆śwē 'tree, wood' q.v. and some other tree-names), the etymology seems quite plausible.
PROTO: *χ_wǝrVtV ( / *tǝχ_wVrV)
MEANING: foam, scum
LAK: χ:urt
DARG: *χ:urt
LEZG: *χ:urt
ABAD: *tǝχʷǝrǝ
COMMENT: Except for the metathesis, correspondences are regular, and the EC-WC comparison seems quite satisfactory. See Abdokov 1983, 102.
PROTO: *χ_wHŏɫē
MEANING: crumb; stripe
AAND: *χ:ʷVlV
LAK: χ:uIl
LEZG: *χ:Iʷala
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The root probably meant some small piece in general (a stripe of cloth, crumb, small stone).
PROTO: *źăwrV
AAND: *zari
CEZ: *ž:ara
LAK: zuru-q:aIni
LEZG: *c:or
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Labialised vowel in Lezg. and Lak. makes us reconstruct a cluster with *-w- in Inlaut.
PROTO: *zō
NAKH: *sō
AAND: *di-n
CEZ: *dǝ
LAK: t:u-
DARG: *du
LEZG: *zo-n

    Cf. also the HU evidence: HU *(j)es- (nom./erg. > Hurr. iš-te nom.,
iža-š erg., Ur. ješǝ), *so- (obl. > Hurr. žo-/žu-, Ur. šo-).

    The PNC 1-st p. pronoun needs some comments. Like other personal
pronouns, it is characterized by unique phonetic features (voiced fricative in
PNC, the development *z > *d in Av.-And.-Tsez., Darg. and Lak. /where *d >
t:/). However, forms with *d- certainly can not be kept apart from forms with
*z, since morphologically they match each other very well.

    The direct stem may be safely reconstructed as *zō,
sporadically with a pronominal suffix *-n - *zōn (cf. PA
*di-n, PL *zo-n; on Lak. nu and Darg. nu see *nV). A possible
trace of *-n is also the -ǝ vowel in PC: it probably reflects
*-ǝ̃ < *-ō-n with loss of nasalization (without it *-ɨ would be
expected in PC). The vowel -u- in Av. (du-n) and Darg. (du)
should best be explained by the influence of the 2-d p. pro-
noun q.v.

    The evidence of PN, PHU, PL and Khin. allows to recons-
truct three different oblique stems for the 1-st p. pronoun.
The one is *zā- /PL *za- = PN *sa-(*sā-)/, the other - *ʔez(V)
/PL *-ez = PHU *(j)es- = PN *ʔas = Khin. as/; finally, the
third is *ʔiz(V) /PL gen. *-iz = Khin. i/e/. It is most pro-
bable that the third stem is reflected in Darg. *di-, PC *di-,
PA *di- (where it lost the initial vowel and became the gene-
ral oblique stem). In Lak. and HU, where the obl. stem is t:u-
and *so- respectively, it is probably due to a merger of PEC
dir. *zō- and obl. *zā-.

    We may present the following solution for this very complicated
picture. The original ergative was *ʔez(V), preserved in PN as *ʔas; in
PHU it became also nominative (merging of erg./nom. in pronouns is rather usual
in ergative languages). In PL and Khin. this stem shifted to dative - which is
parallel to the general shift of the PEC ergative case in *-s_V > PL dative
*-s: (note, however, that in Khin. the erg. form probably still reflects
the same stem *ʔez(V)). The obl. stem *zā- then took upon itself
ergative functions in PL. Finally, the original genitive stem *ʔiz(V) was
preserved as such in PL, Khin and (with vowel loss) in PD, PA and PC; in all
other languages it was superseded by the general oblique stem *zā-
(sometimes even by the dir. stem *zō-).

    To sum up: PEC (PNC) dir. stem *zō(-n); erg. stem *ʔez(V); gen.
stem *ʔiz(V); general oblique stem *zā-.

    See Trubetzkoy 1930, 273; Abdokov 1983, 137.

PROTO: *źwĕ
MEANING: you (2d p. plur. pron.)
NAKH: *šu
AAND: *b-iš:- / *ʔuš:-
CEZ: *miž(:)ɔ A
LAK: zu
DARG: *nu-š:a
LEZG: *ǯʷ[e]
KHIN: zu-r
ABAD: *sʷV
COMMENT: The PEC paradigm can be reconstructed as *źwĕ (dir.), *ʔeźw- (erg., cf. PN *ʔašV, and PL *-eǯʷ /shifted to dative, the same as with other pronouns/), *ʔiźw- (gen., cf. PL *-iǯʷ), *źwă- (obl., cf. PL *ǯʷa-). PWC *sʷV (as seen from the non-palatalised *sʷ) reflects rather one of the non-direct stems. As with other plural pronouns, Avaro-Ando-Tsezian languages also reflect a non-direct stem (gen. *ʔiźw- or dat. *ʔeźw-) with the class prefixes *w- or *u_- (in Akhv. uš-di). The initial nasal in Avar, PTs (and also PD) may reflect the original EC pronominal stem *nɨ̆ (q.v.) (which could have possibly denoted collective plural); labial m- in some Avar dialects (cf. Chad. muž) and PTs *miž(:)e is probably due to the influence of the 2d person singular pronoun (Av. mun, PTs *mǝ).

    See Trubetzkoy 1930, 273; Abdokov 1983, 137-138.

MEANING: a pronominal (demonstr.) stem; thing
AAND: žo
CEZ: *žV (~*ž:-)
LAK: za
COMMENT: A not quite clear case. The Av. and Lak. forms probably belong together; it is less clear with the PTs pronominal stem *žV-. Still, the etymology seems possible, because abstract words denoting 'thing' in EC languages are quite frequently derived from pronouns (mostly, however, interrogative: cf. cases like Tsez. šebin, Inkh. himon 'thing' etc.). It seems worth noting also an obscure element in some East Daghestanian pronominal stems: Lezg. wu-č, Tsakh. hi-ǯo 'what'; Khin. 'that' (inanim.'; Darg. -š in i-š 'this' - possibly reflecting (with some distortions) the same pronominal stem.
PROTO: *ʒ́ăɫhɨ̄ (~-ō)
MEANING: mane; nap, pile
AAND: *žali (~ -o-)
CEZ: *ž:ã
LAK: zulū
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *ʒalHV̆
AAND: *zarhV
LAK: za-k:ana
LEZG: *c:al (?)
KHIN: c:ɨl
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The Av.-And., Khin. and Arch. forms correspond well to each other (although there is some doubt about the Arch. meaning "feather"). The Lak. form raises some problems: first, the second component (-k:ana) is not clear etymologically. Second, we should normally expect Lak. c:- or s:-; z- is a normal reflex of labialised *ʒw - however, no other language points here to any kind of labialisation. Perhaps the second component was *-k:ʷana (which would also account for lack of palatalisation k: > č: in literary Lak. and Khosr.) and there was an early assimilation *ʒa(l)-k:ʷana > *ʒʷa(l)-k:ʷana in Lak.? Any way, until the nature of the second component will be cleared, the question will remain open.
PROTO: *ʒ́ămV / *măʒ́V
MEANING: relative, kinsman
NAKH: *ʒamV
LAK: mač:a
LEZG: *č:am
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. It is hard to reconstruct the original meaning of the root: most probably it denoted an in-law in general.
PROTO: *ʒāʒĕ
MEANING: thorn, prick
NAKH: *ʒēʒ
AAND: *zaza
CEZ: *z:ɨZV
LAK: c:ac
DARG: *c:a(n)c:i
LEZG: *c:ac:a
ABAD: *c:ac:a
COMMENT: The correspondences between PEC and PWC are quite satisfactory, both phonetically and semantically. The non-palatalized second *c: in PWC is due to assimilation (in a reduplicated stem; otherwise we would rather expect *c:āʒ́V). See Trubetzkoy 1930, 276 (with a probably wrong WC etymology, see under *ʔăjʒăɫʔV), Abdokov 1983, 113 (basically correct, but with many superfluous EC forms).

    There is a similar root in Kartvelian: PK *ʒeʒw- 'blackthorn, thorny plant' (see Klimov 1964, 234-235, 1971, 229-230; Klimov, however, attracts quite different WC data, namely, PWC *ǯa 'cornel' or PWC *d́ʷVd́ʷV 'awl' - both in fact having other EC parallels). There are also similar forms in Iranian languages (Osset. zaz 'yew', Pers. žāž 'a k. of thorn' et al. - see Abayev 1989, 289 - but despite Abayev, the Iranian source of all these forms is highly dubious).

PROTO: *ʒ́ǝ̆ / *ć̣ǝ̆
MEANING: a negative particle
NAKH: *ca
AAND: *-č̣i
CEZ: *-č̣
LEZG: *č:V
COMMENT: A common EC negative particle; it is still used as a separate word in Nakh, but mostly as a suffix (or in conjunction with other negative particles) in other EC languages. A certain instability of laryngeal features is characteristic for auxiliary morphemes.
PROTO: *ʒǝ̆wɨ̆
AAND: *zibu
LAK: s:aw
DARG: *c:ab
LEZG: *c:aw
KHIN: c:ʷa
ABAD: *zʷV
COMMENT: One of the most stable and widely spread roots in NC. Correspondences are regular (labialisation in PWC reflects the original *-w-).

    See Trubetzkoy 1930, 276, Abdokov 1983, 93.

NAKH: *ʒɦVnḳa-t ( ~ -g-)
ABAD: *źǝmǝḳ(ʷ)a
COMMENT: A Nakh-WC isogloss; the reflexes are highly irregular (because of the root's semantic), but the presence in all forms of a front sibilant, a nasal and a velar make the comparison rather likely.

    See Abdokov 1983, 124 (Nakh:Ub.; the author adds also several other EC and WC forms which belong to other roots).

MEANING: woman, female
NAKH: *ʒɦuṭ
COMMENT: The root has no parallels in Dagestan languages, but has a probable match in Hurr. šid-u/ori "maid(en)" (PHU *siṭ-, see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 28). Urart. ašti 'woman; wife' was compared (see ibid., 39) with EC forms like Darg. Chir. cade 'female', but in fact may be a prefixed variant of the same HU root.
PROTO: *ʒɦĕrgwV̄ ( ~ *gɦwĕrʒV̄)
NAKH: *ʒʡok
AAND: *gʷorzV
COMMENT: A Nakh-Aand. isogloss with regular correspondences, but metathesis (usual for roots of this type) in one of the subgroups. Besides -ĕ- it is also possible to reconstruct -ɨ̆- or -ǝ̆-.
PROTO: *ʒ́ĭ
MEANING: self, oneself
AAND: *ži-
CEZ: *ž:V
LEZG: *=iž
ABAD: *źǝ ( ~ z-)
COMMENT: A common NC reflexive pronoun; the EC and WC forms were first compared by Trubetzkoy (1930, 274). See also Абдоков 1983, 140. PL preserves the paradigm of this pronoun in the most detailed form: as seen from the Lezghian evidence, *ʒ́ĭ was originally an oblique stem (followed by class and case suffixes), while the direct stem was *-ĭʒ́V - i. e., most probably, the same *ʒ́ĭ, but with prefixed class markers.

    Av.-And.-Tsezian languages use the stem *HinV- (q.v.) as the oblique stem. It is possible that *ʒ́ĭ was a general oblique stem, while *HinV- was used in the dative/genitive cases.

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