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PROTO: *c̣ä̆nʔV
NAKH: *c̣in-
AAND: *c̣inhV-
CEZ: *-ɨc̣Vn- A
LAK: c̣u-
DARG: *c̣i-
LEZG: *c̣enjä- / *c̣enwä-
ABAD: *ć̣A
COMMENT: One of the most widely spread common NC roots. It is adjectival, but usually does not have class prefixes (the situation in some Tsez. languages must therefore be considered as a secondary innovation). In Khin. the root is preserved within the compound c̣ɨ-nas 'bride' (see *nŭsA).

    Cf. Urart. š(V)-uɣǝ 'new' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 34-35).

    See Trubetzkoy 1930, 275; Абдоков 1983, 142.

PROTO: *c̣ǟnHV
MEANING: bow, arrow
AAND: *c̣inHu
CEZ: *c̣ẽ
ABAD: *ć:ǝ
COMMENT: An important common NC root; not very widely represented, but both phonetically and semantically quite reliable.
PROTO: *c̣ǟnq̇_V
MEANING: lynx, panther
NAKH: *c̣ōq̇
AAND: *c̣irq̇:V
LAK: c̣iniq̇
DARG: *c̣irq̇
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Medial -r- in Av.-And. is not quite clear (we would rather expect here a loss of medial resonant); also rather strange is the paradigm A in Avar (Nakh languages do not show any trace of laryngeals). These irregularities can be perhaps explained by interlingual borrowing - but in general the antiquity of the root is beyond doubt.
PROTO: *ć̣ĕć̣Ĕ
MEANING: kidney
DARG: *ʔur-cec
KHIN: c̣ic̣in
ABAD: *č̣́ač̣́a
COMMENT: Initial *ʔur- in PD is a frequent prefix (a former class exponent?). Despite some phonetic difficulties (loss of glottalisation in PD which we still can not explain), the comparison seems plausible.
PROTO: *c̣ĕlc̣ŭ
MEANING: a k. of insect
NAKH: *c̣oc̣ ( ~ -ʒ)
AAND: *c̣orc̣a
CEZ: *c̣ɔc̣ɔ- (~ a, -Ṽ-)
DARG: *c̣erc̣
LEZG: *c̣ilc̣(a)
KHIN: c̣ic̣in
ABAD: *ć̣ǝʒʷǝ
COMMENT: A rather widely spread common NC expressive reduplicated root.
PROTO: *c̣EnχV(n)
MEANING: to search, ask
NAKH: *χāṭṭ-
AAND: *c̣iχ:Vn-
LAK: c̣u=χ:i-
ABAD: *[ć̣]ǝʁa-
COMMENT: The cognateship of the EC and WC forms seems quite probable, although in PWC we must assume a secondary voicing (-χ- > -ʁ-). The PN form is metathesized: *χāṭṭ- < *χānc̣- < *c̣ānχ- (probably with a secondary length, because other languages suggest rather a short vowel). All these irregularities are explained by the exceptional root structure *CVRCV, very rare for verbs.
PROTO: *c̣Ĕrc_V
MEANING: marten, weasel
NAKH: *c̣ic
LEZG: *c̣or(o)c̣ol
KHIN: c̣ɨza-šχer
ABAD: *ć:VʒV
COMMENT: Although the root is expressive and, therefore, behaves not quite regularly (the PWC form presupposes rather a NC protoform like *cĒrc̣V), there is no doubt in the historical identity of the EC and WC forms.
PROTO: *c̣ēnʎV ( ~ *c̣ēnx_wV)
MEANING: fat (adj.)
AAND: *c̣inʎV- ( ~ -ƛ-)
DARG: *c̣erx:-
COMMENT: An And.-Darg. isogloss.
PROTO: *c̣ǝq̇V ( ~ -ŏ-,-ĕ-)
MEANING: sharp
CEZ: *c̣ɔq̇V- ( ~ -o-)
DARG: *c̣aq̇-
COMMENT: A Tsez.-Darg. isogloss.
PROTO: *c̣ǝ̆wrē ( ~ -a)
MEANING: pointed stick
NAKH: *c̣ur ( ~ -ū-)
CEZ: *r[e]c̣u ( ~ l-)
LEZG: *c̣ura ( / *ruc̣a)
ABAD: *c̣ʷǝ
COMMENT: Except for metatheses in PTs and (occasionally) in PL, correspondences are regular, and the etymology seems reliable. Abdokov (1983, 133) compares the WC forms with another EC root (see *c̣wɨ̄ɫɦV 'stick'), which seems less convincing both for phonetic and semantic reasons.
PROTO: *ć̣Hǝlq̇V ( ~ -q̇_-)
MEANING: a k. of cereal
CEZ: *č̣oq̇Vn
DARG: *c̣alq̇Ii
COMMENT: A Tsez-Darg. isogloss. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *c̣HweḳĔ ( ~ -k-)
MEANING: straw, chaff
DARG: *c̣uk
LEZG: *c̣ʷeI[ḳ]
ABAD: *ć̣ʷVḳ́V / *ć̣Vḳ́ʷV
COMMENT: Despite some phonetic difficulties (due to assimilations and contaminations, see above), the EC-WC comparison looks satisfactory. As seen from the variety of meanings, the common NC semantics may be assumed to have been "waste (of grain, fruit)".
PROTO: *ć̣HwVbV-( ~ ć̣_-)
MEANING: light-coloured, white
DARG: *c̣ub-
LEZG: *č̣ʷVIbä-
COMMENT: A Darg-Lezg. isogloss (with not enough information to reconstruct the precise vocalism).
PROTO: *ć̣ħwǝ̄rǝ
MEANING: hair; switch, long branch
NAKH: *(p)s(ɦ)ārV
AAND: *č̣urV
CEZ: *č̣ur
LAK: č̣ara
LEZG: *č̣aIr
KHIN: č̣ar
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *c̣ɦwĕme (~-ä-,-i)
MEANING: eyebrow
NAKH: *c̣a-c̣ʡVm
LAK: c̣ani
LEZG: *c̣ʷem
COMMENT: This EC root is not attested separately, but only in compounds *c̣ĭlV-c̣ɦwĕme (q.v.) or *ʡwĭlʡi-c̣ɦwĕme ("eyelash-eyebrow" or "eye-eyebrow"). Interlingual borrowings: Arch. darc̣an < Lak. it:a-c̣ani.
PROTO: *c̣iḳʷɨ̄
MEANING: skein, hank
DARG: *c̣iḳʷa
LEZG: *c̣iḳʷ
COMMENT: A Darg-Lezg. isogloss.
PROTO: *c̣ĭlV (~c̣_-,-ɫ-)
MEANING: eyelash (in comp.)
NAKH: *c̣a-c̣ʡVm
CEZ: *c̣ɨc̣ A
DARG: *č̣imič̣ali
LEZG: *c̣il-c̣(ʷ)em
COMMENT: The root occurs only within an old compound *c̣ĭlV-*c̣ɦwĕme which has been best preserved in Tab. and PN. The Darg. form is quite irregular (probably because of the expressive and reduplicated nature of the stem). PTs *c̣ɨc̣ is probably an analogous simplification of *c̣ɨ(l)-c̣Vm - cf. the obl. base Tsez. c̣ec̣mo- which better preserves the old structure.
PROTO: *ć̣imVć̣V
MEANING: butterfly
AAND: *č̣imirč̣a
LAK: č̣imuč̣ali
DARG: *c̣ic̣im-
LEZG: *č̣amč̣(a)
COMMENT: An expressive reduplicated root; however, well reconstructable for the PEC level.
PROTO: *c̣ĭrqā
MEANING: carpet; coverlet
LAK: c̣iqa
LEZG: *c̣irχ(a)
ABAD: *q:ǝźa (~q́:-,-z-)
COMMENT: With the exception of metathesis in PWC (a rather frequent phenomenon in roots with two stops), correspondences are regular and the etymology seems generally reliable. The Lak. form probably was borrowed in Avar: Av. c̣:aχá (not genuinely related because of the irregular c̣:-), which, in its turn, was borrowed by Archi (c̣aχa id.). It is, however, not clear whether we should relate here also the phonetically aberrant Darg. forms: Ak. carka 'floor-cloth'; Ak., Ur. č̣uqan 'floor-mat'.

    The word has possible parallels in Iranian: Osset. sarɣ, Afg. sarɣ, Sogd. s'ɣr 'saddle' ( > Arab. sarǯ > Pers. sarǯ), Pam. sirekh, siregh 'woollen blanket, mattress', see Abayev 1979, 34-35.

PROTO: *c̣[ī]ju
MEANING: house
NAKH: *c̣ā
AAND: *c̣a(ʔV) ( ~ -o-)
LAK: c̣ija-lu
LEZG: *jic̣V
KHIN: c̣ʷa
ABAD: *ć:ǝwV / *c:ʷǝjV
COMMENT: Despite some metatheses (possibly variants *c̣īwV / *c̣ūjV can be reconstructed), the WC-EC comparison seems quite likely for both phonetic and semantic reasons. See Dumézil 1933, 50, Abdokov 1983, 133.
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