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PROTO: *ć̣ɨ̆lχwV
MEANING: looming, haze; fumes
AAND: *č̣u(l)χV ( ~ -q-)
LAK: č̣ah
DARG: *c̣Vχʷ-
LEZG: *č̣uχ(a) ( ~ -o-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *c̣ŏc̣V ( ~ c̣_)
MEANING: tip, spout
NAKH: *c̣uc̣- ( ~ -o-)
LEZG: *c̣oc̣(a)
COMMENT: An expressive Nakh-Lezg. isogloss. However, may be archaic: cf. Hurr. zizzi 'mamma, female breast', zizz-u/oχχǝ, zuzz-u/oχχǝ 'spouted jar' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 44).
PROTO: *c̣uṗV
MEANING: sucking
NAKH: *c̣uṗ-
LAK: c̣uṗ
DARG: *c̣uṗ
COMMENT: An expressive EC root; besides the PN, Lak. and Darg. forms (which correspond to each other quite well), there is a number of rather distorted reflexes in Lezgian languages: Ag. suṗ-as, Kryz. č̣uw jeriǯ, Bud. č̣up-; cf. also Khin. šib-kʷi.
PROTO: *c̣VduɫV
MEANING: a young kinsman
CEZ: *c̣u[d]ula
LEZG: *c̣ot:ol(:)
COMMENT: A Tsez-Lezg. isogloss. Since words for 'bride' in Caucasian languages are often derived from *c̣ä̆nʔV 'new' (cf. Khin. c̣ɨ-nas, Arch. mac̣at:ur), we may think that this is in fact a derivate = *c̣ä̆n-du-ɫV 'youngling', which would explain the semantic development ( > a) 'bride, bride-groom'; b) 'grandchild').
PROTO: *ć̣VndV ( ~ -m-)
MEANING: black, dark
AAND: *č̣andi ( ~ -o-)
CEZ: *c̣ǝdV-lu
DARG: *c̣ut:ar-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Although the vocalism is hard to reconstruct (probably because of old Ablaut), other correspondences are regular and the etymology seems satisfactory.
PROTO: *c̣wĀjnV ( ~ c̣_-)
MEANING: fruit
NAKH: *stōm
LEZG: *c̣(ʷ)Vn-
ABAD: *c̣ʷa
COMMENT: The comparison is probable, although not without problems: just as in the case with 'pear' (PNC *qǖrHV q.v.) the expected strengthening (*c̣wĀ- > *c:ʷa-) did not occur in PWC. Still, the PWC form rather belongs here than to PEC *ʕä̆mćō 'medlar, apple' q.v. (despite Trubetzkoy 1930, 276).
PROTO: *c̣wīlV
MEANING: rag, flock
NAKH: *ṭōl-iḳ
AAND: *c̣(ʷ)VrV
CEZ: *c̣irV ( ~ -ɨ-,-l-)
LEZG: *c̣il(:a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. If not for the Nakh form, *c̣ilV ( ~ -ī-) could be reconstructed, but PN *ṭ- suggests *c̣w- with loss of labialisation in other languages.
PROTO: *c̣wɨ̄ɫɦV̆ ( ~ -ā-)
MEANING: stick, branch
NAKH: *ṭaw ( ~ -ā-)
AAND: *c̣uli
CEZ: *c̣ʷɨlu A
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The root should be distinguished from *c̣_ǝ̆ɫV 'branch; tree' q.v.
PROTO: *c̣_ădV
MEANING: rain, drizzling rain
NAKH: *derc̣
AAND: *c̣:a[d]i
LEZG: *c̣at:(a), *c̣at:a-l
KHIN: c̣u
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The PN form *derc̣ is a metathesis < *c̣erd (cf. also some modern forms reflecting *c̣erc̣ with assimilation), probably going back to the oblique base *c̣_ădV-rV- (other languages reflect also *c̣_ădV-rV-, cf. e.g. Akhv. c̣:ari, as well as *c̣_ădV-lV-, cf. PL *c̣at:al). The metathesis could also be favoured by analogy with *darc 'snowstorm' (see *ʒwVnćV).
PROTO: *c̣_anē
MEANING: thorny bush
NAKH: *c̣on-
AAND: *c̣:anV
LEZG: *c̣anc̣an / *c̣amc̣am
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Not quite clear is the -o-vowel in PN; otherwise correspondences are regular, and the root seems to be reliable.
PROTO: *c̣_ăq̇V
MEANING: strength, power
NAKH: *ni-c̣q̇ (*ni-c̣H)
AAND: *c̣:Vq̇:V
LAK: c̣aq̇
DARG: *c̣aq̇
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The Lak. word may be borrowed from Darg. (or vice versa), but one of these forms is still genuine. The PN form has a very specific structure - with a prefix *ni- and reduction of the second part. The prefix should be perhaps analysed as the PEC reflexive pronominal stem *HinV- - i.e. *HinV-c̣_ăq̇V '(one's) own power'.
PROTO: *c̣_ǟḳwV
MEANING: sour, raw
AAND: *c̣:iḳ:ʷV-
CEZ: *c[ɨ]q- / *c[ɨ]q̇-
LAK: c:iχku-
DARG: *c̣iḳʷ-
LEZG: *c̣äḳʷɨ-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. A possible WC parallel see under *ɦmVjć̣_wĂ 'sour'.
PROTO: *c̣_ĕbV ( / *c_ĕṗV) ( ~ -ā-)
MEANING: big stone; hard
AAND: *c̣:aba ( ~ o)
CEZ: *sɨṗi ( ~ s:-,z-)
DARG: *c̣up:i
LEZG: *c̣ʷep:V-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Except for the metathesis of laryngeal features in PTs (a rather usual phenomenon in roots containing two stops), correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *c̣_ēɫēc̣ĭ ( / -r-)
MEANING: stick, branch
NAKH: *c̣ārc̣
AAND: *c̣:VlVc̣:V
CEZ: *c̣ɨc̣u
LAK: c̣alc̣i
LEZG: *c̣erc̣
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. A reduplicated stem (possibly related - with Ablaut? - to PNC *c̣ǝ̆ɫV 'branch; tree' q.v.).
PROTO: *c̣_ǝ̆ɫV ( ~ -ŏ-)
MEANING: branch; tree
AAND: *c̣:ilV
LEZG: *c̣al
ABAD: *c̣ǝla
COMMENT: The etymology seems plausible both phonetically and semantically (cf. also *c̣_ēlēc̣ĭ). Cf. HU: Hurr. c̣arr- (spelled sar-me) 'wood', also c̣arc̣arr- ( > Akkad. lexical gloss ṣarṣaru 'wood, grove'), Urart. c̣arǝ 'orchard' (perhaps > Arm. caṛ 'tree'; see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 44).

    NC origin is probable for Osset. c̣ɨlɨn / c̣ilin 'besom, broom' (see Abayev 1958, 339).

PROTO: *c̣_ǝ̄mbi
MEANING: god; mercy
NAKH: *c̣ēbV
AAND: *c̣:VbV
LAK: c̣imi
DARG: *c̣um
COMMENT: An interesting term (reconstructed for the PEC level). Phonetic correspondences are regular (except for vocalic reflexes in Darg. and Lak., which are usual for contexts with labialised consonants; perhaps we should attribute it to the proximity of labial -m-). Cf. also Hurr. aʒammi 'image, figure' (= 'idol'), see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 22.
PROTO: *ć̣_HwildV
MEANING: tower, stone pillar
CEZ: *cɨLe
LAK: č̣uIj
DARG: *c̣elt:a
LEZG: *c̣ʷirt:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. {Relationship to Oss. cyrt / cirt 'tombstone', provisionally < *čiɵra- 'sign', see Abaev 1, 325, has to be cleared up.}.
PROTO: *c̣_indV ( ~ ʒ_-,-ä-,-ɨ̄-)
MEANING: dry stalks as fuel
AAND: *c̣:VdV-rV
LAK: c̣inna
COMMENT: An Av.-Lak. isogloss.
PROTO: *c̣_irVχV
MEANING: caterpillar; snail
LEZG: *c̣ir(u)χ:(a)
ABAD: *c̣ǝrʁǝ
COMMENT: The unity of the PL, Avar and Adyg forms seems probable, although phonetic correspondences are violated in an expressive root like this.
PROTO: *c̣_ɨbV
MEANING: a k. of berry
AAND: *c̣:VbV-lV
LEZG: *c̣ɨp:
COMMENT: An Av.-Lezg. isogloss. Seems both phonetically and semantically plausible.
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