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PROTO: *dājV / *dādājV
MEANING: father; mother
NAKH: *dād(a)
AAND: *dadV
LAK: t:at:a
DARG: *t:ut:e(š)
LEZG: *dadVj
KHIN: dädä
ABAD: *t:at:V
COMMENT: A common NC nursery word, used for the most part as a term of endearment. Similar words are widely spread in many linguistic families, but the addressing form *dādā may well have existed also in PNC (correspondences between subgroups are basically regular). The root is usually reduplicated (although several languages reflect a non-reduplicated *dājV or a partially reduplicated *ʔādājV; cf. also HU: Hurr. at:aj, Urart. atǝ 'father', see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 25).

    This stem certainly was not a basic name for either 'father' (which was most probably *ʔŏbV̄jV) or 'mother' (*ʔānVjV), but could possibly be used as a term of endearment for both parents.

PROTO: *dālʒ_V ( ~ -ǝ̄-)
MEANING: butter
NAKH: *dātti-n
LEZG: *t:alc̣:
COMMENT: A Nakh-Lezg. isogloss; both semantically and phonetically satisfactory.
PROTO: *dānʔɨ̄ (~-ū)
MEANING: cheek; gum
NAKH: *dō-le
AAND: *da(HV)
LEZG: *t:an
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. One would be also tempted to compare Darg. Chir. dem 'mouth', but this raises several phonetic problems.
PROTO: *derʎV ~ *HreʎV̆ ( ~ -ʎ_-)
MEANING: stick
LAK: t:arx
DARG: *derx:a
COMMENT: A Lak-Darg. isogloss. See Trubetzkoy 1922, 239.
PROTO: *dHāq_wĀ
MEANING: back of head, neck
LEZG: *t:aqIʷ
ABAD: *t:ʷǝq:A / *q:ʷǝt:a
COMMENT: A Lezg-WC isogloss. See Abdokov 1983, 75.
PROTO: *dHeq̇_wV
MEANING: spot, patch
DARG: *deḳʷa
LEZG: *ṭeqIʷ(a) ( ~ -ä-)
COMMENT: A Darg-Lezg. isogloss; in one of the subgroups there occurred a metathesis of glottalisation (thus we may reconstruct *dHeq̇_wV or *ṭHeq_wV).
PROTO: *dHogwā (~ -ǝ̆)
MEANING: donkey, ass
LAK: t:uk:u
DARG: *t:aIk:ʷa
LEZG: *dagij (~ t:-)
COMMENT: The root is specific for Eastern Dagestan; see notes to PEC *ṭūgV. (Its remnant in the Western area may be a very aberrant phonetically And. toḳiš:i "young donkey").
PROTO: *dɦwōdwō
MEANING: tube, pipe
AAND: *dodʷV / *didʷV
LAK: duIdu
DARG: *t:aIt: (~d)
LEZG: *t:oIt:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. An expressive reduplicated stem; however, the correspondences are fairly regular. It is interesting to note Georg. duduk- 'a k. of flute' (whence Gunz. duduk 'reed-pipe').
PROTO: *dĭḳwi
MEANING: a k. of cereal
NAKH: *duḳa
CEZ: *ṭɨgʷV A
LEZG: *t:iḳʷ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Except for the metathesis of glottalisation in PTs, usual in roots with two stops (PTs *ṭɨgʷV < *dɨḳʷV), all correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *dilʎ_wV
MEANING: cloud
LAK: t:urlu
DARG: *dirixʷ
LEZG: *t:iʎ:ʷ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Lak. -rl- < *-rʎ- < *-lʎ- (with preservation of the lateral quality of *ʎ after a liquid). See Trubetzkoy 1922, 240.
PROTO: *dŏmpe
MEANING: edge, bank
DARG: *dumb
LEZG: *t:am[a]
COMMENT: A Lezg.-Darg. isogloss.
PROTO: *dŭčV
MEANING: wood, firewood
NAKH: *dače-ḳ(a)
DARG: *duč
LEZG: *t:uč ( ~ -o-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Outside Nakh the distribution of the root is very restricted: it is attested in Agul and in the Chirag dialect of Darg. - very close geographically to Agul, and suggesting a possibility of borrowing. In any case, this would be either a Nakh-Darg., or a Nakh-Lezg. isogloss.
PROTO: *dū
MEANING: thou (obl. base)
AAND: *du-
CEZ: *dɨ- A
DARG: *-t(:)
LEZG: *-it:-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level (there are no traces of this pronoun in PWC). The root is well preserved in the Western (Av.-And.-Tsez.) area, and has almost disappeared in other languages, except Archi and Darg. dialects. It must have been originally the dative stem in the complicated suppletive paradigm of the 2d p. sing. pronoun (dir. *u_ō / *ʁwV̄, erg. *ʔoʁwV-, gen. *ʔiu_-, dat. *dū-). It has preserved its function in Darg., shifted to genitive in PL (Archi; note that Arch. dative wa-s is an obvious innovation), and became the general oblique stem in Av.-And.-Tsezian.
MEANING: plural
AAND: *-d-
CEZ: *-dV
LAK: -du, -t:u, -r-du, -l-t
LEZG: [*-t:-]
KHIN: -d- / -t-
COMMENT: Cf. Ur. -tu 'collective suffix', perhaps also -t-χi 'a derivational nominal suffix'; Hurr., Urart. -ar-di 'a collective and abstract suffix'.
MEANING: oblique stem
CEZ: *-dV-
LEZG: *-t:e-
MEANING: general locative
AAND: *-di
CEZ: *-d
DARG: *-ad
LEZG: *-dV
ABAD: *-da
COMMENT: Cf. Hurr. -ta/-da, Ur. -tǝ (in all. plur. -aš-tǝ) 'directive (allative)'.
MEANING: past, perfect
AAND: *-du
LEZG: *-dVj
COMMENT: Perhaps same morpheme as the preceding.
MEANING: conditional, desiderative
AAND: *-dV-
CEZ: [*-da]
LEZG: *-da, *da-ħVnV
ABAD: *-da-
MEANING: a negative particle
AAND: *-dA
CEZ: *-at- / *-aṭ-
LEZG: *t:V-
KHIN: -n-dä-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. This negative particle is widely used in Lezghian languages, more seldom - elsewhere. Violations of phonetic rules (devoicing in PTs, Ud.) are explained by the grammatical nature of the root.
MEANING: that (demonstrative pronoun)
NAKH: *da-
AAND: *dV-
CEZ: *dV
KHIN: du
ABAD: *da
COMMENT: One of several common NC deictic stems. The original meaning of *dV seems to be "that" with neutral space status (on the same level as the speaker). Cf. also Khin. t:ʷa (with emphatic tenseness) 'there (on the same level as the speaker)'.

    Because of the clearcut opposition in PL (*dV - *tV) we must distinguish this root from PEC *tV q.v.

    See Trubetzkoy 1930, 274 (comparing also Av. =aṭá 'other, separate' - which hardly belongs here); Abdokov 1983, 138.

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