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PROTO: *-GV (?)
MEANING: conditional
LEZG: *-q:V
KHIN: -qo- present, -q:i conditional
ABAD: *-ʁa-
PROTO: *Gwăɫā
MEANING: doe, hornless goat
NAKH: *ʁala
AAND: *ʁʷalV (~ -o-)
CEZ: *ʁ:ʷel (~ -r)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *Gwălɦē
MEANING: udder; breast
AAND: *ʁʷarHV
CEZ: *χeru A
LAK: q:ʷar
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. PEC *-l- is proved here by Lak. dialectal forms as well as by the old Lak. loanword in Archi: Arch. qʷal 'udder'.
PROTO: *gwămpV
MEANING: raspberry
NAKH: *kamu-r / *kumV-l
AAND: *gʷabi (~-o-)
CEZ: *g̥1̇ʷem A
COMMENT: Reconstructed for PEC (the root is characteristic for the Western area).
PROTO: *GwămV (~-ǟ-)
MEANING: big stone
AAND: *ʁʷVmV
CEZ: *χemu A
DARG: *ʁuma ( ~ *ʁʷama)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *gwanV̆ ( ~ -ŏ-)
MEANING: supply (of meat)
AAND: *bVgʷVn
LEZG: *k:ʷan
COMMENT: An Av.-Lezg. isogloss, rather probably having an old Iranian source: cf. Iran. *ava-kana- 'dug-out' > Osset. ogän (wogän) 'a hidden place for supplies' (see Abayev 1973, 225). Avar bugun < *wugwVn is thus very close to the original form.
PROTO: *gwanʒū
MEANING: earth, ground
AAND: *gʷanzV
DARG: *gʷanc:a
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC language.
PROTO: *Gwăṭɨ̄
MEANING: bush, tree; stalk
NAKH: *ʁaṭ
AAND: *ʁʷVṭV
CEZ: *ʁ:eṭa (~ʁ-,-ɨ-,-ǝ-)
LAK: q:aṭa
DARG: *ʁʷaṭa
LEZG: *q:ʷaṭ(a) ( ~ q̇:ʷ-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The Tsez. word for "goat's wool" (ʁIiṭa) perfectly fits phonetically; semantically it must be explained as *'stalk' > 'long hair' > "goat's wool" (the variation between "hair" and "bush, shrub" is observed also in several other cases).
PROTO: *gwăǯē
MEANING: bitch, dog
AAND: *g(ʷ)iži
LAK: k:ač:i
DARG: *k:ʷač:a
LEZG: *k:ʷač:a
ABAD: *kʷǝč́:ǝ (~-ǯ́-)
COMMENT: The comparison seems plausible both semantically ('wolf':'dog') and phonetically; not quite clear, though, are the laryngeal features of the first consonant (we may deal with an assimilation in PEC, and then we will have to reconstruct *kwăǯē; or it may be a dissimilation in PWC: *gwăǯē > *kwăǯē > PWC *kʷǝč́:ǝ).

    EC > Osset. gaʒa, Balk. gaǯǝ 'bitch' (see Abayev 1958, 504).

CEZ: *ʁ:ib(a) / *biʁ:(a)
LAK: q:ubi
LEZG: *q:ʷap:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Semantically close forms, but known only in four languages and, though phonetically plausible, involving a metathesis - thus not very reliable.
PROTO: *Gwāɫħo ( ~ -ǝ)
MEANING: gossip, rumour; offence, anger
NAKH: *qēl
AAND: *ʁʷVlV
LAK: q:aI
DARG: *ʁʷaj ( ~ ʁ-)
LEZG: *qIal(:)
KHIN: qol
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *gwālgV
MEANING: spine, back-bone
NAKH: *gagu (~-ā-)
CEZ: *gugu (~o)
LEZG: *k:ʷalk:
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Phonetically correspondences are quite regular. The meaning 'knee, elbow' in PN is probably secondary ('joint' < *'spine joint' ?).
PROTO: *gwāṭa (~-ǝ̄-,-e)
NAKH: *kōta-m
CEZ: *gudV
LEZG: *ḳaṭa
ABAD: *k:(ʷ)Vṭǝ
COMMENT: A difficult case. See Dzhavakhishvili 1937,613-617, Klimov 1963,195-196, Shagirov 1977,159 (comparing the above forms and Kartvelian *katam- 'hen'), Abdokov 1983, 116.

    The listed forms are related with a great degree of probability, but several assimilative processes must have happened in different languages (which is usual for root structures of this type, containing two stops. In PN (where *gw- regularly > *k-) *gwāṭa > *kōṭa- > *kōta- (progressive assimilation); in PTs *gwāṭa > *gʷɨṭV > *gʷɨdV (also progressive assimilation). In PL *gwāṭa > *ḳ(ʷ)aṭa (regressive assimilation); on PWC see above.

    A suspicious feature is loss of labialisation in PL and PAK; it may suggest that the protoform should be rather reconstructed as *gāṭwa (with shift of labialisation in PN and PAT), because labialisation of dentals is in general easier lost than the labialisation of velars.

    In view of everything said it seems probable that the Kartvelian name for "hen" (*katam-) is an old Nakh loanword - since the Nakh form can not be separated from other EC data.

PROTO: *gwāʒ́ē
MEANING: mare; donkey
CEZ: *šɨgʷǝ (~ š:-,-i-)
DARG: *k:ʷac:a
ABAD: *k:ʷǝč́:ǝ /*č́:ǝk:ʷǝ
COMMENT: A probable common NC etymon, denoting some domestic equid. (Trubetzkoy's comparison - see Trubetzkoy 1930, 277 - of EC forms with PAK *bzǝ 'female' should be rejected for phonetic reasons).
PROTO: *gwä̆lV (~ -ɫ-)
MEANING: horse
NAKH: *gile
CEZ: *gurV (~-o-,-L-)
COMMENT: A Nakh-Tsez isogloss; borrowing is excluded (for phonetic reasons), thus the PEC reconstruction is probable. We must note also the existence in PN of another similar root: Chech., Ing. gowr 'horse'. This could be a loan from PTs *gurV, and thus an etymologic doublet with PN *gile.
PROTO: *gwǟndV
MEANING: oat flour, malt
NAKH: *kādu (~-b-,-g-)
AAND: *gʷinV
CEZ: *g̥1̇ʷ[e]dǝ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Spread mostly in the Ando-Tsez. area; the Chech. parallel is not very secure (because of lacking Bacb. match).
PROTO: *Gwǟnmē
MEANING: heap, stack
NAKH: *ʁāma
AAND: *ʁʷini
CEZ: *χeme ( ~ ʁ:-)
LEZG: *q:ʷän- ( ~ -e-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *gwēmV (/*mēgwV)
MEANING: twig, bough; splinter, spill
AAND: *migʷV
LAK: mak
ABAD: *k:ʷama ( ~ ḱ:ʷ-)
COMMENT: Despite metathesis, the comparison seems phonetically and semantically plausible.
PROTO: *gwērdV (*gwēṭV-rV)
MEANING: a beast or bird of prey
NAKH: *kōri
AAND: *gʷVrV
DARG: *k:urt:a
LEZG: *k:ʷert:(a)
KHIN: gra
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level;correspondences are regular. This is an interesting word, signifying both a beast (hyena, fox, wolf) and a bird (hawk, falcon) of prey.

    It is interesting to note that the word for "hawk" in Gunz. is gudba-q (derived from gud-ba "fowl"), and in Abkhaz we have a-ḳʷǝṭ-rǝ́-χ́š́ 'a hawk hunting for fowl' (á-χ́š́ 'hawk') and a-ḳʷǝṭ-rǝ́-bga / a-ḳʷṭǝ́-r-bga 'fox' (á-bga 'fox'). In both cases we have forms containing PNC *gwāṭV 'hen' (q.v.), and phonetically close to the root *gwērdV that we are dealing with. This may have several explanations:

    a) a pure coincidence (which is rather unlikely);

    b) the root *gwērdV meaning 'beast or bird of prey' merged in Gunz. and Abkh. with *gwāṭV (Gunz. gudo, Abkh. a-ḳʷṭǝ́) and came to mean 'bird of prey hunting for fowl';

    c) the PEC root *gwērdV could be assimilated from *gwērṭV < *gwēṭV-rV-, representing the oblique base of *gwāṭV 'hen', and was itself actually meaning '(one hunting) for fowl' in PNC.

    [One may note also an aberrant form: Bezht. Tlad. kordaḳo 'kite' which may represent a contamination of this root with another one, reflected in Bezht. Khosh. korzaḳo id.].

    We are inclined to accept the third hypothesis (because it explains well all the semantic diversity in modern EC reflexes).

MEANING: stone
NAKH: *qēra
CEZ: *ʁ:ur (~ʁ-,-o-,-l)
COMMENT: A Nakh-Tsez. isogloss.
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