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PROTO: *gwV̆rV
MEANING: enclosure
AAND: *gʷVrV-n
LEZG: *k:ʷer
ABAD: *gʷara
COMMENT: Although there are not enough data to reconstruct the first vowel, correspondences are rregular and the etymology seems quite satisfactory. Avar > Osset. (Dig.) goren 'fence' (see Abayev 1958, 524-525, comparing the Osset. form with Abkh.).
PROTO: *-G_-
MEANING: privative
AAND: *-q̇:V-
DARG: *-q:a
ABAD: [*-dǝ-q́:Ia]
PROTO: *G_ʕiwɫē
MEANING: a k. of tuber
NAKH: *ʁola ( ~ -ō-)
AAND: *q̇:ʷili
LEZG: *q:Iʷiw(a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *G_ǝ̆
MEANING: twenty
NAKH: *ṭq̇a ( ~ -ā)
AAND: *q̇:V-
CEZ: *qo-(nɔ)
LAK: q̇u
DARG: *ʁa-
LEZG: *q̇:a
KHIN: q̇a(n)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. In PN the initial dental is possibly a trace of an original class prefix (it can hardly be explained in any other way). The only subgroup which has lost this archaic numeral is Andian (where 'twenty' is formed by 'two' + 'ten').
PROTO: *G_Hŏnɨ (~-u)
MEANING: pregnant
AAND: *q̇:inV-
LEZG: *q:Ian
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level.
PROTO: *G_Hwä̆ṭV
NAKH: *pħiṭ
DARG: *ʁIaṭa
LEZG: *q:Iʷeṭ- > *q̇:Iʷet:-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. There exist also several other forms which can be distorted reflexes of the same root (which is obviously expressive and thus liable to irregular changes): Bezht. Tlad. ʕöṭe, Gunz. χõṭoχo; PAK *ħanṭVr-, PAA *ada (see under *q̇_wVrVq̇V̄). However, they may also reflect another root, possibly represented in Chech. ünṭa-pħid 'tortoise', with a tentative protoform *HVnṭV. The evidence is not sufficient, and this question must still remain open.
MEANING: skin, wineskin; sheath
CEZ: *qɔƛu
LEZG: *q:aƛ:
COMMENT: A Tsez-Lezg. isogloss; in PL we would rather expect *q̇:-, but this is probably an assimilative loss of glottalisation (*q:aƛ: < *q̇:aƛ:).
PROTO: *G_ōlʔe ( ~ -a)
MEANING: wheat
AAND: *q̇:iru
CEZ: *qɨ
LEZG: *q:ol / *q:Iol
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. Abdokov (1983, 106) compares the EC root with PAK *ʁa- (in compounds like *ʁa-zʷá 'crops'), but Shagirov (1, 123) is probably right in identifying this element with PAK *ʁa 'season, time'.
MEANING: ad close / in series (?)
NAKH: *-ʁ
CEZ: *-qV
DARG: *-ʁI- ( ~ -ʕ-)
LEZG: *-q:I-
ABAD: *q:Ia-
PROTO: *G_wāṭV
MEANING: street, block, village
NAKH: *pħēṭa
AAND: *q̇:ʷaṭV
LAK: q̇aṭ
DARG: *q:ʷaṭ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The root is close phonetically to *q̇_ɦwaṭɨ 'ravine, mountain pass' (q.v.), but the two roots are opposed in several subgroups, so it seems best to keep them separate (although they tend to contaminate).
PROTO: *G_(w)ĕdV
CEZ: *qɔd A
DARG: *q:at:a
COMMENT: A Tsez-Darg. isogloss.
PROTO: *G_wǝɫV
MEANING: a k. of vessel
NAKH: *q̇ul-eḳ ( ~ -ū-)
AAND: *q̇:(ʷ)VlV
LAK: q̇ali
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. It is not excluded that either the Lak. form is borrowed from Av., or vice versa.
PROTO: *G_wǝ̆lʡi
MEANING: hole, burrow
NAKH: *q̇or-Vḳ ( ~ -ō-)
AAND: *q̇:ʷirV
CEZ: *ʔɔqru
LEZG: *q:ul
ABAD: *ʁʷa
COMMENT: Correspondences are regular, and the etymology seems quite reliable. See Абдоков 1983, 186. The Kartvelian data compared with PWC by Lomtatidze 1955 (Georg. mʁʷime 'cavern', ʁru 'hollow', Old Georg. qureli 'hole') are heterogeneous and probably do not belong here. On the other hand, cf. PK *ʁele- 'ravine' which may be borrowed from *G_wǝ̆lʡi.
PROTO: *G_wĭbV
MEANING: ploughshare
AAND: *q̇:ʷibV
CEZ: *qʷV(bV)
DARG: *ʁʷab
KHIN: q̇uw
ABAD: *q̇́aba
COMMENT: An important common NC cultural term. Although within WC the root is attested only in Abaz., the probability of borrowing is rather small. Phonetic correspondences are quite regular (although there is some uncertainty about the first vowel; it is only clear that it was short and front); the uvular consonant had undergone a usual delabialisation before the following labial in PWC.
PROTO: *G_winʡV (~ -ħ-,-ʕ-)
MEANING: village; house
NAKH: *pħē
CEZ: *qʷɨn B
LEZG: *muq̇:I(a)
ABAD: *ʁ́Iʷǝna
COMMENT: The etymology seems reliable semantically and phonetically (although the PN vowel length is not quite clear: the PWC form presupposes a short PNC vowel).

    All other parallels suggested for the PWC form meet serious phonetic obstacles (Trubetzkoy's [1930, 278] comparison with Chech. ben 'nest' etc.; Lomtatidze's [1955] comparison with Old Georg. saq̇udeli, Megr. ʕude, Av. ruq̇: 'house'; Abdokov's [1983, 133] comparison with obvious late loanwords like Gunz. bina 'building' etc.). The Georgian form wani 'house, dwelling', cited by Charaya (1912) and Bouda (1950) is most probably an Adygh loan.

PROTO: *G_wōrʡe
NAKH: *pħā-ḳal
CEZ: *qẽj A
DARG: *ʁIʷari
LEZG: *q:Iora
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. PN has a form with a diminutive suffix *-ḳ, enhanced by an additional *-ɫV (cf. the same suffixation in *cħōḳal 'fox', and in PA *ƛ̣:an-ḳala 'hare').
PROTO: *ɣaɫʔV̆
MEANING: step; interval between legs
NAKH: *ʁa
COMMENT: A Nakh-Avar isogloss.
PROTO: *ɣimgwV(lV)
MEANING: cake, round bread
AAND: *hingʷVra
DARG: *gemgV / *gergV
LEZG: *gimgʷV-lV / -rV
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. In several languages the root was influenced by the similar PEC *gīrgwV 'round' q.v.; the Andian reflexes, however, show that this is quite a different root.
PROTO: *ɣɨ̆mtV
MEANING: stool; pillow
NAKH: *ʁant ( ~ -ā-)
AAND: *ʔotu ( ~ -a-)
DARG: *ɣuta
LEZG: *k:u(m)taj
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. The original meaning must have been simply "wooden block", used as a support both while sitting and while sleeping (the custom of using wooden pillows is nowadays spread only in South East Asia, but was probably more widely spread earlier).
PROTO: *ɣōnʡV
NAKH: *ʁam-maʁa
AAND: *hinhV
CEZ: *hĩ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The PN form is a compound < *ʁan + *paʁa (about the second part see PEC *pĭrq_wA). It is interesting to note a form, isolated within Andian: Akhv. maχ:aχ:o 'pear', very much resembling the PN *ʁammaʁa (but obviously not related genetically, because there is no correspondence between PN *ʁ and PA *χ:). This may be an old loanword from Nakh (with χ: reflecting the PN *ʁ - probably before the original *G changed to *ʁ in PA).
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