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PROTO: *Hăʒ_Ĕm-
MEANING: to clean, clean
NAKH: *c̣ani(-n)
AAND: *=ac̣:Vn- (~-o-)
CEZ: *=ãcV-
LAK: marc̣-
DARG: *ʔamzu-(r)/*marzu-
LEZG: *maIrc̣:ɨ-
ABAD: *ṗǝźA
COMMENT: Initial laryngeal is reconstructed on basis of PL pharyngealisation; however, it is not possible to establish its precise nature, because in most languages it was either lost (as part of the weak first syllable), or absorbed by class prefixes.

    In PWC the root has a frequent labial prefix (probably originally a class marker). In EC the original structure of the root was best preserved in Av.-And. and Nakh; in most other languages, where the root was treated mainly as an adjective, it obtained a productive adjectival (*participial) suffix *-rV and underwent metatheses, usual in cases like this: *Hăʒ_ĔmV-rV- > *Hăʒ_mĔ-rV- > *Hămʒ_ĔrV- // *mHărʒ_Ĕ-. Cf. also Hurr. šēɣ-(a)lǝ 'ritually pure', šēɣǝ, šīɣǝ 'pure (water)', Urart. šēχa id. (?) - reflecting probably a variant *ʒ_ămHĔ- (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 35).

    See Абдоков 1983, 149, 168-169.

PROTO: *hāmc̣Ĕ
MEANING: half, middle
NAKH: *ʔēc̣u-ḳ (~ɦ-,-ʒ-)
CEZ: *hĩc̣V
LEZG: *ha(m)c̣
ABAD: *ʒ́ʷa
COMMENT: Although the root is not widely spread in PEC, it seems both phonetically and semantically reliable. Some phonetic comments: both PN and PWC seem to point to a variant with an early loss of medial *-m- and transfer of the labialisation to the following vowel (otherwise the consonant in PWC would not be labialised, and in PN we would have a reflex *-mc̣- > *-ṭṭ-).
PROTO: *Hānʒ́_Ĕ
MEANING: right
NAKH: *ʔāṭṭi-n
AAND: *hanč̣:i-
LAK: urč̣a
LEZG: *[ħ]arč̣:-
ABAD: *ɣ́V
COMMENT: One of the cases of *ʒ́ > WC *ɣ in 'tense' words. The EC-WC comparison seems probable, although not indisputable. The EC reconstruction is more secure, although Lak. -r- and PL *-r- corresponding to PA *-n- should be explained: most probably -r- penetrated here from a suffixed form *Hānʒ́_V-rV- (cf., e.g., Cham. hanc̣i-ra-).

    See Абдоков 1983, 150.

PROTO: *HārŁ_āṗV
MEANING: a k. of food
CEZ: *ƛ̣iriṗ B
LAK: aIrč:ap
COMMENT: An interesting Tsez-Lak. parallel. In PC we have to assume an assimilation and metathesis (*ƛ̣iriṗ < *ʔirƛiṗ), not surprising in a complicated stem like this. The word, although not widely spread in modern languages, is probably archaic, because it corresponds very well to Hurr. *χuruppi > Hitt. χuruppi 'a k. of cake' (see Hиколаев 1985, 62).
PROTO: *HāχuɫV / *HālχV
NAKH: *=ʕāχ-(in)
AAND: *=iχ:Vl-
CEZ: *=ɨχ:ɔlV-
LAK: halχ:a-
DARG: *χ:ʷala-
LEZG: *[hI]alχä-
KHIN: wiχä
COMMENT: For the phonetic development in PWC cf. *χ_ɦwĕje 'dog' (in this case the lateralisation in PWC may also have been favoured by the lateral resonant in the root).

    The stem *HālχV (reflected in PN, Lak., PL and Khin. /with a former class prefix w-/) is a secondary development < *HāχɫV < *HāχuɫV. Several morphological notes: the stem is usually accompanied by class prefixes in the Western area (Nakh, Andian, Tsezian) but is prefixless in Eastern Daghestan (Lak., Darg., Lezghian). By now it is hard to judge which situation is original; however, it seems probable that the initial syllable *Hā- is historically a prefix, and that we should reconstruct the most archaic form as *χuɫV (cf. the rather frequent reflex of this stem in different areas: in Av. /χ:alá-ta-/, in PD /*χ:ʷala-/, in some Lezg. languages/Rut. χuläχ-dɨ, Tsakh. χɨli-na/. Cf. also Hurr. χel(-)di 'lofty, highborn' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 54-55).

    See Абдоков 1983, 147.

PROTO: *h[ä]nV
NAKH: *hin-ca / *hin-ʒa
CEZ: *hin-čV
DARG: *han-
LEZG: *hin-
ABAD: *nǝ-
COMMENT: A common NC temporal adverb. We must note that in most subgroups the root can be followed by some kind of affricate (although the affricates do not correspond to each other regularly).

    The root is also attested in HU: Hurr. χennǝ, Ur. χenǝ 'now' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 32).

PROTO: *hćărnū
MEANING: stone
AAND: *ʔančV
CEZ: *ʔãš:u
LAK: čaru
COMMENT: It seems probable that the Lak. word is related to Av.-And.-Tsez., although to explain it one needs to propose an extremely complicated reconstruction (*hćărnū) with a rather unique root structure (*HCVRRV). If the Lak. word is to be kept apart, the reconstruction will be simplier: *hănćū, and the etymology will be an Av.-And.-Tsezian isogloss.
PROTO: *Hč[ī]rV-
MEANING: light-coloured
AAND: *ʔa(r)ču- (~-o-)
DARG: *čibar-
LEZG: *čirV-
KHIN: čürü
ABAD: *pǝč́:a
COMMENT: The root denoted some light (yellowish or greenish) colour, whence all the different colour meanings in languages. Phonetically the comparison seems plausible, with several comments:

    a) PL, PD and PWC suggest the reconstruction of *ī as main vowel; however, Av.-And. reflects are unclear;

    b) The Darg. and PWC forms incorporate the former class prefix *b- (Darg. čibara < (with metathesis) *čirV-bV).

    c) Most forms are deductable from the original root structure *HčVrV̆-; however, Av. čar- (borrowed in Kar. čaro-b) suggests rather *HčVrV̄-. Variations of this type can be sometimes met in adjectival stems.

PROTO: *Hc̣arV
MEANING: grey, light-coloured
AAND: *hac̣a-
LEZG: *c̣arɨ-
KHIN: c̣ar
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *hć̣wālō ( ~ -ǝ̄-, -ǝ̄)
MEANING: voice, sound, word
NAKH: *ʔāc̣ ( ~ ɦ-, -ʒ)
LAK: č̣u
DARG: *č̣a
LEZG: *č̣al:
ABAD: *č:ʷV
COMMENT: The EC-WC comparison is quite satisfactory both phonetically and semantically.
PROTO: *Hć̣wɨ̄lV̄ / *Hlɨ̄ć̣wV̄
MEANING: heifer
NAKH: *ʕāsse
AAND: *č̣ora
LEZG: *luč̣a
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Except for the metathesis (usual for the HCVCV structure) correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *Hć̣_Vrē / *HrVć̣_ē
MEANING: clearing, uncultivated land
NAKH: *ʔirc̣V (~ʕ,ɦ,ī,-ʒ-)
AAND: *hač̣:a (~ħ-,o)
LEZG: *č̣ura (~-o-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The vocalism is hard to establish (too few data). The PN and PL forms point to a root structure *HCVRV̄; however, the PA form reflects rather a metathesized structure *HRVCV̄. Cf. also Urart. c̣ir-ab- 'empty, uninhabited' (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 44).
PROTO: *Hc̣_wējmǝ̆ (~ -ŏ)
MEANING: leg bone
NAKH: *n(ɦ)ōsta (~-ṭ-)
AAND: *hinc̣:V (~ħ-,-c:-)
CEZ: *ʔõc (~-ǝ̃-)
LEZG: *c̣ʷäm
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. A typical case of the HCVRV̆ structure; medial *-j- reconstructed to account for *-st- in PN. There is some doubt as to the reconstruction of the final resonant: the reconstruction *Hc̣_wējnǝ̆ (with assimilation *-n > -m in PL) is also possible (Aand-Cez languages are here not informative).
PROTO: *Hč̣ōlV̄
MEANING: black
NAKH: *ʕārč̣i-
AAND: *-ič̣V(r)-
LEZG: *č̣ulV (~-o-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. One of the cases of exceptional preservation of a laryngeal in Av. (in the original *HCVCV structure). Since the stem has no class prefixes in PN, Av. and PL, the PA situation is probably secondary (the expected stem *č̣Vr- or *Hič̣Vr- began to have an adjectival inflection).
PROTO: *Hč̣wǟrV̄
MEANING: grey, yellow
NAKH: *ʡāč̣V- ( ~ -ǯ-)
CEZ: *ʔeč̣V- (~ħ-)
LAK: č̣aIj-
LEZG: *č̣ʷerɨ-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. In PTs we would rather expect *č̣V(r)-, but rules of root structure development are often violated in adjectives (because of active class prefixation / suffixation); otherwise all correspondences are regular. The root must have denoted some light colour (yellowish, greyish).
PROTO: *HdŭrV̄
MEANING: plot of land; yard, enclosure
NAKH: *ʔurd (~ɦ-,-ṭ)
LEZG: *t:or-
KHIN: t:oz
ABAD: *dʷǝ
COMMENT: The original meaning in PEC was probably 'enclosure, yard' (for the semantics in Khin. cf. cases like Russ. дверь 'door' - двор 'yard' etc.). It is interesting to note a probable HU parallel: Hurr. ardǝ 'town', Ur. ardi-nǝ 'the Town' (name of Muṣaṣir, the capital of Urartu), with the root structure reflex similar to PN (see Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 26). {It is also interesting to note Georg. χvedr- 'share, plot of arable land', perhaps reflecting an early PN form like *ɦudr- or *ɦwVdr-.}
PROTO: *Hĕƛ̣_V ( ~Ł_-)
MEANING: armful
AAND: *hoƛ̣:V ( ~ ħ-)
CEZ: *heƛu ( ~ ħ-)
COMMENT: An And-Tsez. isogloss.
PROTO: *Helq_wĀ
MEANING: to bark
LEZG: *ʔelqʷa
ABAD: *q:Iʷǝ
COMMENT: An onomatopoeic Lezg.-WC isogloss; the correspondences, however, are regular, and the root may be old (unlike other words for "barking" in Caucasian languages, which are all heterogeneous and certainly recent onomatopoeia).
MEANING: to bite
NAKH: *=aq̇-
AAND: *q̇:am- / *q̇:an-
CEZ: *=ũq- (~*=ĩqʷ-)
LEZG: *ʔeq̇:ɨ-
KHIN: q̇ɨn-
COMMENT: Correspondences are regular. The quality of the initial laryngeal is not quite clear (there is not enough evidence), but it must be reconstructed to account for the PWC pharyngealization.
PROTO: *hĕmq̇ɨ
NAKH: *=ɦiwʔ
AAND: *=uq̇u-
CEZ: *ʔõq̇e-(nɔ)
LAK: muq̇
DARG: *ʔawʔa-l (*ʔaʁʷa-l)
LEZG: *jewq̇ɨ-
KHIN: unʁ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level (opposed to PWC *ṗƛ̣́ǝ 'four' q.v.). The final -ʔ in PN has a double nature: it also may be a reflex of the lost *-q̇-, but it has been anyway confused with the final -ʔ which in PN marks all numerals (*cħaʔ, *šiʔ, *qoʔ etc.).

    Class prefixation in the EC numeral "four" is preserved only in PN and PA (but not Avar); PL *j- may also be a trace of the class marker.

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