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PROTO: *kŏnmo / *mŏnko
MEANING: skin; dandruff
CEZ: *mɔkV
LAK: čannu
DARG: *kam
LEZG: *kan(a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Lak. čannu < *kannu. Except for a metathesis (a rather usual phenomenon), correspondences are regular (although we would rather expect -u-, not -a- in Lak.; the wrong vowel is probably due to Ablaut).
PROTO: *kŏrdV
NAKH: *gudura
AAND: *gudur
LEZG: *k:ort: ( ~ -u-)
ABAD: *kǝdǝ ( ~ -t:-)
COMMENT: In PEC we must assume an assimilation (frequent in roots containing two stops) *kŏrdV > *gŏrdV. Otherwise correspondences are quite regular and the reconstruction seems reliable.

    Similar forms are observed in other Caucasian and geographically close languages: cf. Kartv. *kwrdeml- 'anvil', Az. ǵirdin 'log'. Klimov (1972, 352) must be right in supposing a Kartvelian source for some EC forms like Bacb. grdem 'anvil', Lezg. girdim 'log, block' (Klimov also lists Tsakh. ǵirdǝm 'log', Tab. gerdem, Ud. gürdüm 'big stone, boulder' - forms which we were unable to check; we can add to the list Bezht. gerden 'big stone; log', Khosh. gerem 'log', Inkh. geren 'hammer', finally, Av. geren 'small log, block'). However, the ultimate source of the Kartvelian forms is probably PNC *kŏrdV (with a productive suffix *kŏrdV-mV).

PROTO: *kunV ( ~ *kwVnV)
MEANING: thread
AAND: *(ri)kun
CEZ: *mukV ( ~ *bũkV)
COMMENT: An Av.-And.-Tsez. isogloss. The shape of the word in PA (*ri-kun) suggests that it could have been a deverbal noun (although the original verb stem is not attested anywhere). If this is so, we could perhaps reconstruct a verbal root *=VkwV "to sew" and relate here also PEC *kwĕlʕV 'thread' q.v. (another deverbal noun - perhaps < *-Vkwel(H)V); cf. also the non-etymologized Ud. beIk 'needle'. One needs, however, more data to draw final conclusions. [Cf., perhaps, Rut. ṭ-u=ka- 'to knit' with an expressive preverb?]
PROTO: *kü̆dwV
MEANING: basket, receptacle
NAKH: *kit
AAND: *kʷVdV
CEZ: *kʷed A
LEZG: *ket:ʷ ( ~ -i-)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. Abdokov (1983, 128) compares the EC forms with PAK *k:ʷánǝ 'basket' (citing also Abkh. a-kʷnǝ 'big basket' - which we were unable to identify), which is very dubious for phonetic reasons.
PROTO: *kVc̣_V (~-ʒ_-)
AAND: *guc̣:V-nV (~gʷi-)
CEZ: *kocV-r (~kʷɨ-)
LAK: ḳac̣u
COMMENT: The root is attested only in three languages, thus the PEC reconstruction is not very certain. However, since the probability of borrowing here is very small (all languages are not contacting geographically), it must be postulated for PEC.
PROTO: *kVmś_wV
MEANING: door-mat, floor-cloth
AAND: *kars:am ( ~ -o-)
LEZG: *kum(V)s
COMMENT: A cultural And.-Lezg. isogloss (in And. we have to suppose a metathesis *kars:am < *kams:-ar). We can also mention some similar, but phonetically irregular, forms: Bezht. (Tlad., Khosh.) kiz 'carpet'; Chech. kuz, Ing. ḳuws id. (correspondences between Chech. and Ing. are irregular). The PEC antiquity and phonetic details are rather unclear.
MEANING: potential, gerund
LAK: -kun
LEZG: *-kVnV / -k:VnV
KHIN: kin-, -kin-
ABAD: [-*kʷǝnǝ]
MEANING: bread, cake
AAND: *karaki
CEZ: *kikV
LEZG: *ku(r)ka (~kV(r)kʷa)
COMMENT: The root is obviously expressive (like most words for "bread" in NC languages) and attested only in three languages, thus the reconstruction is somewhat uncertain (cf. also PNC *ḳu[r]ḳV).
PROTO: *kwăč̣V ( ~ -ć̣-)
AAND: *kač̣V-
CEZ: *kʷ[e]č̣V-
COMMENT: An And-Tsez. isogloss.
PROTO: *kwănɦV ( / *ɦăkwanV)
MEANING: light, torch
AAND: *kʷanʔi
CEZ: *kʷã
LAK: čani
DARG: *=alkʷVn-
LEZG: *ʡakʷa(n)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The initial *ɦ- (reflected in the PL form) may be a trace of the old derivational prefix. The root is mostly used as a noun or adjective, but there are some traces of its verbal usage (cf. the Darg. form and the Av.-And. evidence).
PROTO: *kwănVč̣ĕ
MEANING: paw; knee
NAKH: *ḳač ( ~ -ā-)
AAND: *kʷač̣V
CEZ: *ḳɔ(n)č̣u A
DARG: *kʷač̣a
LEZG: *kʷanč̣(a)
ABAD: *gʷan(ǝ)ž́a
COMMENT: Correspondences are regular - except for some shifts of laryngeal features, usual for roots with two stops (secondary is the glottalisation *k- > ḳ- in PTs and the voicing *k- > g- in PWC).
PROTO: *kwăśV
AAND: *kʷašV (~-o-)
CEZ: *kʷašV (~-š:-)
DARG: *kʷaš
LEZG: *kʷVš-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The root is to be kept apart froma similar and synonymous *kHwanš_V q.v. (becauseof an obvious opposition of two roots in Andian and Darg.).
PROTO: *kwāmχ_ē
MEANING: a k.of tool (scraper, shovel, fork)
AAND: *kʷanχ:i ( ~ -o-)
DARG: *kʷaχ:i
LEZG: *k(ʷ)Vχ(:)-
ABAD: *k:ʷaχʷa (~ḱ:ʷ,χ́ʷ)
COMMENT: A common NC cultural term. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *kwĕlʕV
MEANING: thread
AAND: *kʷorV ( ~ -a-)
LEZG: *kʷäl(:)
COMMENT: An Av.-And.-Lezg. isogloss.
PROTO: *kwĕnVdV̆ (~-ǝ̆-)
MEANING: bush, crown of a tree
NAKH: *kondV-r (~-a-)
CEZ: *kɔdV A
ABAD: *kʷanǝda (~*ḱʷ-)
COMMENT: The root is not widely spread, but both phonetic and semantic correspondences are quite plausible. See Abdokov 1983, 105.
PROTO: *kwĕṭV (~ -ŏ-,-ǝ-)
MEANING: lock, forelock; beard
AAND: *kʷiṭV
CEZ: *kɔṭu
LEZG: *kʷVṭol-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The semantic correlation 'lock, hair' : 'branch, stalk' is rather frequent in EC languages.
PROTO: *kwǝ̄čV
MEANING: bundle; braid
NAKH: *kōč-Vr (~ *kāč-ur)
CEZ: *koč
LEZG: *kuč
COMMENT: Reconstructed for PEC. A very similar stem is present in Georgian - kočori 'forelock' - whence it penetrated Tsez languages (Tsez., Gin. kočori, Gunz. kočori / gočori, Bezht. Tlad., Khosh. köčöri), Av. dialects (cf. Chad. gočor) and Ossetian (Osset. gocora, see Abayev 1958, 521-522). The Georgian form itself probably has an EC source.
PROTO: *kwǝ̄nč̣V ( ~ -l-)
MEANING: pack-saddle (for a donkey)
NAKH: *kōč̣ ( ~ -ǯ)
CEZ: *kɔ̃č̣V A
COMMENT: A Nakh-Tsez. isogloss.
PROTO: *kwi
MEANING: who, which (interrogative pronoun)
AAND: *kV-
LAK: -ku-
DARG: *kV-
LEZG: *kʷi
KHIN: k-la
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. This pronoun is not widely spread and must have had restricted usage in PEC; however, it certainly must be reconstructed.
PROTO: *kwimkV
MEANING: light (of weight)
CEZ: *kikV- A (/-e-)
LAK: kuklu-
DARG: *kumk-
LEZG: *kʷi(m)k
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
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