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PROTO: *k_wǝrV
MEANING: a k. of vessel
AAND: *kʷirV
CEZ: *kurV ( ~ -o-,-l-)
LEZG: *k:ʷar(a)
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *k_wɨlṭV
MEANING: some interior part of body
AAND: *ḳuṭul-
CEZ: *kʷɨ̃ṭ ~ (*kõṭ)
DARG: *ḳulṭa
LEZG: *k:ʷɨrṭ- (~-l-?)
COMMENT: In PD there occurred an assimilation (*k- > *ḳ-); otherwise correspondences are regular. Note that Darg. Chir. ḳuṭum 'kidney' is borrowed from Agul.
PROTO: *k_wɨ̆mṭV
MEANING: sheaf; small stack
AAND: *ḳʷVṭV
CEZ: *kʷeṭ B
LEZG: *k:unṭ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. A similar word is present in Georg. (gundi) and Armenian, without any etymology - thus, most probably borrowed from an EC source.
PROTO: *kʷiṗɨ̆ ( ~ -ŭ)
MEANING: prayer
AAND: *kʷiba
DARG: *kub
LEZG: *kʷiṗ
KHIN: kob

    Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular. The word
very probably belongs to an early layer of Indo-European loanwords in
EC: cf. Osset. kūvɨn (kʷɨv-d) 'to pray', Old Indian kopa- 'anger,
irritation' etc. (Indo-Iran. *kwap- / *kup-, IE *kwepǝ-).

PROTO: *kʷV(nV)dV (?)
MEANING: much, many
ABAD: *kʷa(nǝ)dǝ
COMMENT: An isolated Adyghe root.
MEANING: a suffix(diminutive or singulative)
NAKH: *-Vḳ
AAND: *-ḳV
LEZG: *-k:(a)
ABAD: *ḳǝ
COMMENT: One of the very rare class of derivative suffixes, reconstructable for PNC; cf. also Hurr. -ga, -gǝ id. The morpheme is expressive, thus correspondences are not quite regular (sometimes glottalisation disappears). The suffix is still productive in Nakh and Abkh.-Abaz., but it has left numerous traces in other languages (including Tsezian and Dargwa).
PROTO: *ḳălhV
CEZ: *ḳara
DARG: *ḳaw
COMMENT: A Tsez-Darg. isogloss.
PROTO: *ḳalŁ_wV̄ (~-ƛ̣_w-)
MEANING: cheek; chin
AAND: *ḳarƛ̣:ʷV (~-o-)
LEZG: *ƛ̣:alƛ̣:am
COMMENT: An Aand.-Lezg. isogloss. The PL form has a suffixed *-m and is assimilated from *ḳalƛ̣:a-m.
PROTO: *ḳălṭV
MEANING: stick
AAND: *ḳanṭa ( ~ o)
CEZ: *ḳeṭi / *ḳiṭe
LEZG: *ḳalṭV- ( ~ -r-)
KHIN: ḳarṭa
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Although not very widely spread, correspondences seem to be regular.
PROTO: *ḳămʒ́ĕ / *ʒ́ĕmḳă
MEANING: beard
AAND: *mi-gažu
CEZ: *bü-šɔ̃g-la/-šɔ̃ḳ-la
LEZG: *ḳa(m)č:(a)
ABAD: *ž́aḳ́a
COMMENT: A rather complicated case. Within EC the root is preserved in the original shape only in Udi; in Avaro-Ando-Tsezian languages it had been actively contaminated with another PEC root for "beard", *bōlʒ́i q.v. (hence mi- in PA, cf. *miža, and *bü- (<*bi-) in PC, cf. *biša-l-). Moreover, as it is usual with roots of this structure (containing two stops), it was liable to metathesis, and it is now hard to establish which of the two variants is original.

    The front vowel after *ʒ́ is reconstructed on basis of WC evidence (however, front *ḳ́ is there probably a secondary result of assimilation).

PROTO: *ḳăntV ~ *kănṭV
MEANING: big knife
NAKH: *ḳ́ăṭu
AAND: *ḳa(n)tV-lV
LEZG: *kanṭ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. The Nakh form raises some doubts (loss of -n- is rather unexpected, and there is some uncertainty about the PN form itself), but still the etymology seems reliable.
PROTO: *ḳanṭV
MEANING: drop; spot
AAND: *ḳanṭV ( ~ -o-)
LAK: ḳanṭ
DARG: *ḳanṭ
LEZG: *ḳanṭ
COMMENT: One of a series of expressive PEC roots of the type KVNTV (/TVNKV) meaning 'dot, spot, drop'.
PROTO: *ḳanṭV / *ṭanḳV (~ -ĕ-,-ǝ-)
MEANING: jump, leap
LAK: ṭanḳ
DARG: *ḳanṭ
COMMENT: An expressive Lak-Darg. isogloss (cf. an analogous expressive stem in Av. tunk-, Chad. tunk- 'to hit, push'). EC antiquity is dubious.
PROTO: *ḳănzV̆
MEANING: shawl, kerchief
AAND: *ḳanzi
ABAD: *ḳasǝ
COMMENT: An interesting Aand-WC isogloss. Borrowing is not excluded (although correspondences are regular, and PNC origin is rather probable).
PROTO: *ḳara ( ~ -ǝ)
MEANING: stick, log
AAND: *ḳaru ( ~ -o-)
LEZG: *ḳara
COMMENT: A reliable And.-Lezg. isogloss.
PROTO: *ḳărV
MEANING: black; coal
NAKH: *ḳaru
LAK: ḳalaš
LEZG: *ḳarɨ-
ABAD: *ḳǝ
COMMENT: There is a good correspondence between the PN, PL and PAK forms. If we take into account the meaning 'coal' in PN and in the PL compound, this etymology of the Lak. form also becomes rather probable. Lak. ḳalaš must be a modification < *ḳa-š:al < *ḳar-š:al, where the second component is most probably PEC *č_Häɫu 'sand, gravel' q.v. (normally reflected in Lak. as š:aIlu).

    Abdokov (1983, 94) compares the Adygh forms with EC descendants of *ḳ_wɨ̆nħV 'smoke' (q.v.), which seems less probable for phonetic reasons.

PROTO: *ḳāčwV
MEANING: hammer
NAKH: *kāča-l
AAND: *kʷVrč̣V
CEZ: *ḳuča ( ~ *ḳɨčʷa)
DARG: *ḳuč̣
LEZG: *ḳaš
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Except for some metatheses/assimilations of laryngeal features (usual in roots with two stops), correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *ḳāmpā ( ~ -ǝ̄)
MEANING: sour cream; butter
AAND: *ḳambi / *ḳʷabi
CEZ: *ḳima
DARG: *ḳema
LEZG: *ḳam(a) ( ~ ƛ̣-)
KHIN: ḳen-dä
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. In PA, simultaneously with denasalisation (*-mp- > -b-) the labialisation was transferred to the previous consonant.
PROTO: *ḳān[c̣]V
MEANING: to run, jump
AAND: *ḳanc̣-
CEZ: *=Vḳi[č̣]-
COMMENT: An expressive Av.-And-Tsez. isogloss.
PROTO: *ḳäḳV ( ~ -ĕ-)
MEANING: log, billet, wood
DARG: *ḳVḳ-am
LEZG: *ḳäḳ(a)
COMMENT: A Darg-Lezg. isogloss.
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