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PROTO: *ḳwVrḳV
MEANING: something round or rotating
NAKH: *ḳurḳḳ- ( ~ -ū-)
AAND: *ḳʷarḳV-
CEZ: *ḳuḳV- ( ~ -o-)
LEZG: *ḳVrḳVr
KHIN: ḳarḳɨr
ABAD: *ḳʷǝḳʷǝ-
COMMENT: An expressive reduplicated NC root (one of a series of roots with the structure *KwVrV / *KwVrKV meaning 'round, circular'). Cf. especially the PNC verbal root *=ăḳŭr 'to roll, rotate'. The Khin. word may be borrowed from Kryz.
MEANING: craw, crop
AAND: *ḳʷiru
CEZ: *q̇ʷVr
COMMENT: An Av.-And.-Tsez isogloss with somewhat confused correspondences, thus not very reliable. Initial uvular (instead of an expected velar) in PTs may be explained by contamination with another PEC root, *q̇winV q.v.
PROTO: *ḳwVṭkwVṭV / *q̇wVṭq̇wVṭV
MEANING: a k. of bird (probably woodpecker)
AAND: *ḳʷVṭḳʷVṭV
CEZ: *q̇ʷoq̇ʷoṭV
DARG: *q̇uṭq̇uṭi
LEZG: *ḳʷVṭḳʷVṭ /*ṭVq̇ṭVq̇
KHIN: ḳaḳɨd
COMMENT: An expressive reduplicated stem, reconstructed for the PEC level. Its reflexes mean for the most part 'woodpecker', but occasionally denote other birds similar in shape and size (hoopoe, partridge).
PROTO: *ḳ_ăḳV
MEANING: a k. of insect
AAND: *ḳoḳV-mV ( ~ -a-)
CEZ: *kakV
DARG: *ḳaḳa-ri
LEZG: *ḳVḳV-
COMMENT: An expressive reduplicated root. Correspondences are more or less regular (except some assimilations) and the PEC reconstruction is probable.
PROTO: *ḳ_ărā ( ~ -ǝ̄)
MEANING: mosquito; gadfly
NAKH: *garu
AAND: *ḳ:ara
CEZ: *kelɔ
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. In PTs we would rather expect *-r-; this must be a rare case of *r/l variation in PGB (this feature is much more common in PTsKh). However, despite this, it seems impossible to separate the PTs form from the PA and PN.
PROTO: *ḳ_ħǝri (~ -ʕ-)
MEANING: bark, skin
AAND: *ḳ:VrV
LAK: k:iri
LEZG: *k:ar(a)
KHIN: ḳir
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Except for the Lak. vowel (-i- instead of -a- or -u-; perhaps the Lak. form suggests rather something like *ḳ_ħǝwri, in which case the -i-reflex would be understandable), the correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *ḳ_ɨ̆wɫV
MEANING: mountain ridge; gorge, ravine
NAKH: *gul
AAND: *ḳ:alV ( ~ -o-)
ABAD: *ḳʷa-
COMMENT: Although not very widely represented, the root seems quite reliable phonetically and semantically. See Abdokov 1983, 94.
PROTO: *ḳ_unHV
MEANING: kidney
AAND: *ḳ:unʔi
CEZ: *kõbɔ A
COMMENT: An Av.-And-Tsez. isogloss. *-bɔ in the PTs form is an original plural suffix.
PROTO: *ḳ_urVḳV
MEANING: a k. of fruit (apricot, damson)
AAND: *ḳ:ur(u)ḳ:-ul
CEZ: *ḳiḳVrV ( ~ -l-)
LAK: k:urk:ul
LEZG: *ḳVrVḳV-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Despite some expressive transformations, correspondences are basically regular and the root seems reliable.

    The root was borrowed into Kumyk from some Caucasian language: Kum. kurägä 'apricot', whence it was loaned back into some EC languages (Tsez., Gin., Bezht., Gunz. kurak, Darg. Chir. qurek:a 'apricot') and Russian (курага).

PROTO: *ḳ_wĭc̣Ĕ / *c̣_ĭḳwĔ
MEANING: spleen; intestine(s)
AAND: *c̣:iḳ:ʷa (~-o)
DARG: *ḳac̣
ABAD: *ḳʷać̣ǝ (~ *ḳ́ʷ-)
COMMENT: The root should be kept distinct from PEC *q̇_wič̣V / *č̣_iq̇wV q.v., although they are constantly contaminating with each other (see the discussion under *q̇_wič̣V).

    Similar forms are spread in Kartvelian languages: Georg. ḳuč̣i 'intestines, stomach of birds', Svan. ḳvič̣ 'bird's crop, craw'. A Kartvelian loan is Osset. gūc̣a "bird's crop; throat". See Bouda 1950, 294; Abayev 1958, 526 (he also links And. ʁʷaʁʷači "belly" which does not belong here); Shagirov 1, 217. However, Abayev's supposition about Iranian origin of Caucasian forms (cf. Sogd. qwč', kwč'k "mouth, throat", Kafir. kūc "belly") is hardly credible.

PROTO: *ḳ_wɨ̆mhV ( ~ -ɦ-)
MEANING: cloud, fog
NAKH: *ṭq̇aw
CEZ: *qɨma A (~-i- B)
LEZG: *k:om:ol
ABAD: *naq̇ʷa
COMMENT: A reconstruction *ḳ_wɨ̆nhV (with secondary assimilation > *ḳ_wɨ̆mhV in PEC and metathesis > *nhɨ̆ḳ_wV > *naq̇ʷa in PWC) is also not excluded. The Nakh form here is questionable (it can belong here only if PN *ṭq̇ can really reflect PEC *ḳw which is somewhat dubious); all other forms belong together with a high degree of probability.
PROTO: *ḳ_wɨ̆nħV
MEANING: smoke
AAND: *ḳ:ʷinhi
CEZ: *qʷɨ (~*qo)
LAK: ḳuw
DARG: *k:aw
LEZG: *k:un:
ABAD: *ʁʷA
COMMENT: A widely spread common NC root. Correspondences are fully regular. See Abdokov 1983, 101 (Tsez.: WC).
PROTO: *ḳ_wVḳV
MEANING: soft; to make soft, knead
NAKH: *kēḳ-
AAND: *ḳʷVḳ-
CEZ: *kʷɔkV-
LAK: ḳuḳ-lu
COMMENT: A reduplicated root with assimilative / dissimilative processes. Despite them, the etymology seems rather probable.

    A similar root exists in WC: PWC *ḳʷaχ́IV 'to knead, mix' (PAA *ḳʷVħa- > Abkh. á-ḳʷaħa-ra, Abaz. ḳʷħa-ra 'to knead', PAK *ḳʷǝħa- > Ad. (zaxaʁa)-ḳʷǝħa-n 'to mix'), but the uvular -χ́I- here is a serious obstacle for the EC-WC comparison (unless we suppose that the the original form underwent assimilation as early as in PEC).

PROTO: *ḳ_wVnV
MEANING: mastix, tar
AAND: *ḳ:ʷVnV
CEZ: *q̇ʷVni
COMMENT: An Av.-Tsez. isogloss. There is an interesting (reduplicated or suffixed) HU parallel: Hurr. kanagi 'mastix (tree)' ( > Akkad. kanak-tu), kanag-itχi 'mastix resin'. See Diakonoff-Starostin 1986, 56. In some languages (in particular, PL) the root could have merged with the reflexes of *bħĭnḳ_wV q.v.
PROTO: *ḳʷărV
MEANING: a k. of earthenware vessel
CEZ: *ḳ(ʷ)era
LAK: ḳʷara
DARG: *ḳʷarV
LEZG: *ḳʷVr-
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Correspondences are regular.
PROTO: *ḳʷar(V)čV (~-ć-)
MEANING: heel, sole
AAND: *kVrčV
LEZG: *ḳʷarč
KHIN: ḳučči
COMMENT: Reconstructed for the PEC level. Although not very widely spread, seems both semantically and phonetically reliable (in Av. there occurred an assimilation in glottalisation - *ḳ- > k-).
PROTO: *-0
MEANING: nominative (absolutive)
NAKH: *-0
AAND: *-0
CEZ: *-0
LAK: -0
DARG: *-0
LEZG: *-0
KHIN: -0
ABAD: -0
COMMENT: Cf. Hurr., Urart. -0 id.
PROTO: *-0
MEANING: essive
NAKH: *-0
CEZ: *-0 (-V)
DARG: -0 ?
LEZG: *-0
COMMENT: Cf. Hurr., Urart. -ā (with preceding vowel elision) 'stative' (?).
PROTO: *-ɫ-
MEANING: causative
AAND: *-ol-
CEZ: *-l-
PROTO: *ɫadV
MEANING: a k. of berry
AAND: *la[d]i ( ~ -o-)
DARG: *lada
COMMENT: An And-Darg. isogloss. The phonetic development in Andian languages seems to be the same as in PA *c̣aʔi 'rain' < *c̣_ădV q.v. (perhaps *-d- > PA *-ʔ-(-j-) before *-i? - but there are too few examples for stating this rule firmly).
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