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Tsezian etymology :

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Proto-Tsezian: *ħeƛu B
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 wormwood, absinth 2 a k. of grass
Inkhokvari: ʕaƛu 1
Bezhta: heƛ 2
Proto-Tsezian: *ħem A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: pier, bearing pillar
Tsezi: im, (Kid.) ʕim
Ginukh: im
Khvarshi: im (Radzhibov)
Inkhokvari: em
Bezhta: hem
Gunzib: hem
Comments: PTsKh *ʔem, PGB *hem.
Proto-Tsezian: *ħɔ̃j A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: blood
Tsezi: e
Ginukh: ijo
Khvarshi: ĩq̇ʷa
Inkhokvari: ẽq̇o
Bezhta: hẽ
Gunzib: hãj
Comments: The PTs paradigm must be reconstructed as *ħɔ̃j, *ħẽjɔ-. This is reflected directly in Gunz. hãj (Nakh. hɔ̃j), hĩja- (PGB *hɔ̃j, *hẽjV-), while already in Bezht. the vowel grade of the oblique base has penetrated into the direct one: hẽ, hẽja-. The same process had taken place in PTsKh where we have to reconstruct *ʔẽj (cf.Tsez. ʔe, ʔeje-). The Khvarsh. and Inkh. forms contain a strange suffixed -q̇ʷa (-q̇o), but must be obviously related to the same root.
Proto-Tsezian: *ħɔre B
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: eye
Tsezi: ozuri
Ginukh: üžej
Khvarshi: ezal
Inkhokvari: ezol
Bezhta: häre
Gunzib: hare
Comments: Two oblique bases are reconstructable for PTs: *ħɔ- (cf. PGB *ha-, Bezht. hä-, Gunz. ha-) and *ħɔZʷe- (cf. PTsKh *ʔözʷe-, Gin. pl. üže-be, Inkh. eza-). The direct base PTsKh *ʔözʷǝR is obviously a contamination of a former direct base *ʔöR (= PGB *hare) and oblique *ʔözʷe-.
Proto-Tsezian: *ħɔz:ʷ B
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: troops, army
Tsezi: oz
Ginukh: üz
Khvarshi: ezʷ
Inkhokvari: ez
Bezhta: haz
Gunzib: haz
Comments: PTsKh *ʔözʷ; PGB *haz (*-a- is not quite regular here: one would expect PGB *hɔz and Gunz. hɔz). The PTs form is originally an oblique base *ħɔ(r)-z:ʷV-, early reinterpreted as the direct one (cf. analogous cases in words for 'eye' and 'bone' - all of the direct bases ending in PTs *-r).
Proto-Tsezian: *-i
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to be (auxiliary verb)
Bezhta: -i / -j
Comments: Enclitic auxiliary, used only in present and lost everywhere except Bezht.
Proto-Tsezian: *-ič̣-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to get into, sit in
Bezhta: t-ič̣- (Tlad.)
Gunzib: g-ič̣-
Comments: Cf. also Gunz. t-ič̣- "go down (of the sun)". PGB *-ič̣- (with different preverbs).
Proto-Tsezian: *ilV A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: we (1st ps. pl. pronoun)
Tsezi: eli
Ginukh: eli
Khvarshi: ila
Inkhokvari: ilo
Bezhta: ile
Gunzib: ile
Comments: PTsKh *ʔilǝ, PGB *ʔile. There had certainly existed an obl. base *ʔilu- (cf. Gunz. ilu-, Bezht. ilo-, Tsez. elu-, Gin. elu-, Inkh. ilo-); probably secondary is the distinction between nom. and erg. in Inkh. (ilo - ile) and Tsez. (eli - ela), although the details are yet to be found out.
Proto-Tsezian: *-iq̇ʷ- (~ -ɨ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to be
Tsezi: z-ow- (Radzhibov)
Ginukh: z-eq̇ʷ-
Khvarshi: z-oq̇ʷ-
Bezhta: z-uq̇-
Gunzib: z-uq̇-
Comments: PTsKh *z-iq̇ʷ- (~-ɨ-)(all forms quoted from Балкаров 1964,101); PGB *z-uq̇-. Used with the PTs preverb *z:-. Cf. also Gunz. ƛ̣o-q̇-, Bezht. (Tlad., Khosh.) ƛ̣är-q̇- 'to mount (an animal)' (*ƛ̣V- 'up, above').
Proto-Tsezian: *-iš:-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to ripen
Bezhta: iš-el-dal (Khaidakov)
Comments: Attested only in Bezht., but having probable external parallels.
Proto-Tsezian: *-iχ:ʷ- (~-ɨ-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: to stay
Tsezi: ʎeχ-, qeχʷ-
Ginukh: ʎeχʷ-
Comments: PTsKh *ʎ-iχʷ- / *q-iχʷ- (~-ɨ-) (attested only with preverbs).
Proto-Tsezian: *-ɨc̣Vn- A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: new
Tsezi: ec̣no
Ginukh: ec̣endiju
Khvarshi: ec̣nu
Inkhokvari: ɨc̣nu
Bezhta: ic̣ijo
Gunzib: ɨ̃c̣c̣u
Comments: PTsKh *ʔɨc̣(ɨ)n-, PGB *-ɨ̃c̣- (*-ɨc̣n-).
Proto-Tsezian: *-ɨƛ- A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: give
Tsezi: neƛ-,teƛ-
Ginukh: neƛ-,toƛ-
Khvarshi: tiƛ-
Inkhokvari: tɨƛ-,iƛ-,cɨƛ-
Bezhta: niƛ-
Gunzib: nɨƛ-
Comments: PTsKh *-ɨƛ- (with preverbs: *n-,*t-,*c-, but also without them in the Ablaut form *ʔiƛ-; forms with *n- mean 'to give (to the 1st p.)', forms with *t- - 'to give (to the 3d p.)'); PGB *n-ɨƛ-.
Proto-Tsezian: *-ɨ̃q̇V-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: bitter
Tsezi: meq̇aw
Ginukh: meq̇aju
Khvarshi: meq̇q̇u
Inkhokvari: mɨq̇a-gu
Bezhta: n-iq̇aro (Tlad.)
Gunzib: naq̇aru
Comments: PTsKh *mɨq̇a-; PGB *-ɨ̃q̇a-ru (with vowel assimilation in Gunz.). The initial nasal in PTsKh and Gunz. is a reflex of original class markers nasalised under the influence of the nasalised vowel (the changing nasalised class prefixes are still preserved in Bezht.).
Proto-Tsezian: *-ɨṭV ?
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: heavy
Khvarshi: ujṭu (Radzhibov)
Inkhokvari: -ɨṭṭu
Comments: An isolated Inkh. word with obscure etymology.
Proto-Tsezian: *j
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 2d (fem.) sing. class marker 2 2d (fem.) and 5th inanim. class marker 3 2d (fem.) and 3d inanim. class marker
Tsezi: j 1
Ginukh: j 1
Inkhokvari: j 2
Bezhta: j 1
Gunzib: j 3
Proto-Tsezian: *-j-/-w-/-r-/-b-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: verbal plural infixes (orig. class markers?)
Bezhta: -V:-, -ja-, -wa-, -ba-, -wa-ba-
Gunzib: -V:-, -ja-, -wa-, -ar-, -ba
Proto-Tsezian: *jɔ̃cu A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: saliva
Tsezi: nocu
Ginukh: jocu
Khvarshi: jũcu
Inkhokvari: jõcu
Bezhta: jäčö (Khosh.)
Gunzib: jɔ̃cu
Comments: PTsKh *jõcu; PGB *jɔ̃cu (cf. also Bezht. Tl. näčö, Gunz. Nakh. jɔcu). In Tsez. and Bezht. (Tlad.) there occurred a metathesis of nasalisation to the initial resonant.
Proto-Tsezian: *jɔ̃ƛu A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ashes
Tsezi: noIƛu
Ginukh: noƛu
Khvarshi: jũƛu
Inkhokvari: jõƛu
Bezhta: jaƛo
Gunzib: jɔƛu
Comments: PTsKh *jõƛu (with shift of nasalisation in Tsez. and Gin.), PGB *jɔ̃ƛu (for nasalisation cf. Gunz. (Gunz.) jɔ̃ƛu).
Proto-Tsezian: *jɔ̃q̇u A
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 broth 2 nettle broth 3 tasty nourishing meal
Tsezi: joq̇u 2
Ginukh: joq̇u 3
Khvarshi: joq̇u 1
Inkhokvari: joq̇u 1
Bezhta: jaq̇o 1
Gunzib: jɔq̇u 1
Comments: PTsKh *joq̇u; PGB *jɔ̃q̇u (for nasalisation cf. Bezht. Tlad. /MSU/ jãq̇o, Gunz. (G.) jɔ̃q̇u).
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