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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *ʔarƛ:e-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to come 2 returning
Agul: adi- 1
Tsakhur: q-ale- 1
Archi: a=ƛi- 1
Udi: (?) qaj 2
Comment: In Agul dialects there is a peculiar reflex of PL *-rƛ:-, cf. Rich. adi-s, (but after the preverb q-: q-aji-s 'to return'), Bursh. argi-s, Burk. are-s, Tp. ade-s. The Ud. form can be compared if we assume a reduction of the initial vowel. In Tsakh. cf. also s-ale= 'to gather'.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔarq(a) (~hI-,-l-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: hollow, ravine
Tabasaran: arq (Düb.)
Comment: Attested only in Tab., but having probable external parallels.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔarq̇I:ä-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to see 2 to watch, look 3 to be found
Tabasaran: raqI:- 1
Agul: raqI:a- 1 (Bursh)
Rutul: g-a=q:a- 2
Kryz: irq- 1
Budukh: irq- 1
Udi: b-aʁIa-jesun 3
Comment: The Kryz. and Bud. form reflect the PL Ablaut grade *ʔirq̇I:ä-; the Auslaut *ä is reconstructed on basis of Ag. (Bursh. raqI:a-s) and Rut. (g-aq:a-s, pl. ga-q:e-s). Not quite clear is the loss of pharyngealization in Rut. See Хайдаков 1973, 121.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔa(r)q̇ʷa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: face; sour cream
Tsakhur: aq̇ʷa
Comment: An isolated Tsakh. word (with possible Tsezian and Andian parallels). The synonymy "face": "sour cream" is explained by a usage present, e.g., in Udi, where we have muč:Ianaqin č:Io "sour cream", lit. "milk's face".
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔars(a)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: silver
Tabasaran: ars
Agul: ars
Archi: arsi
Comment: All forms point to weak *-s- in PL (cf. also Tab. Düb. ars), thus Ag. Bursh. ars: (MSU recording) must be a misspelling (cf. ars in Shaumyan's recordings). 4th class in Archi.

    See Бокарев 1961, 60; Лексика 1971, 191; Гигинейшвили 1977, 68.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔars:ʷa-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to rip up 2 to cut in pieces
Tabasaran: kt-a=š̌- 1
Archi: =ars:a- 2
Comment: Cf. also Tab. Düb. k-a=š̌- (in Tab. the verb is attested only with preverbs), Arch. Dur. =ars:u-r. With Ablaut cf. perhaps also Tab. u=š̌-, Düb. u=š̌- 'to mow'.

    An old derivate from this root is PL *[ħ]ars:ʷV-t:V (with an adjectival suffix, "cutting") > (with metathesis) > *[ħ]at:ers:ʷV "scissors", reflected in Tab. ubruš̌ (with assimilation), Düb. uruš:̌u, Ag. ħut:es (Bursh. ħaras:, Burk. ħäras), Tsakh. ades:e and Arch. jat:ǝrsi. We must note that this stem reveals some traces of contamination with another PEC root for "cut", *HVrsA (q.v.): the initial laryngeal and the irregular weak -s- in Archi must be traces of the other root, which otherwise vanished in Lezghian.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔarχIa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to rub 2 to pick at, peck at 3 harrow 4 to comb
Lezghian: eχIä-d (Khl.) 3
Tabasaran: a=χI- 1,2
Agul: kit-X̀- 1
Rutul: a=χIa- 1
Kryz: ä=ħ- 1
Budukh: q:ɨ=ħ- 1,4
Comment: Cf. also Tab. Düb. ka-raχ- (with unclear loss of pharyngealization - or a misspelling?) 'to rub', Ag. l-arX̀- 'to thresh', q-arX̀- 'to touch', Bursh. k-erX̀a- id. (in kit-X̀- the root has the Ablaut grade *i: kit-X̀- < *kit-irχI-, cf. imper. kit-irX̀ etc.), Rut. ʁIa=χIa- 'to smear', Kryz. q:ɨ=ħ- 'to rub' ( = Bud. q:ɨ=ħ-), Bud. ja=ħ- 'to scratch, scrape'. In Agul the root is used with several preverbs and has acquired a wider meaning 'to touch, push > to drop, let fall' (e.g. al-arX̀- 'to fall, let fall' etc.).
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔarχ:(-Vl)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: far
Lezghian: jarʁal
Tabasaran: jarχla
Agul: warχa
Rutul: χɨrɨ-dɨ
Kryz: juχ-ta
Budukh: jiχ-ta
Udi: aχIil
Comment: j- and w- are prefixed class markers. In PL there existed an Ablaut grade *ʔorχ:V-, reflected in Kryz., Bud. and Rut. (where χɨrɨ- < *ʔorχ:ɨ- with a usual adjectival metathesis).

    See Хайдаков 1973, 106.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔas:an
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to smear 2 to glue 3 to pull on 4 close 5 put on
Lezghian: hal-s- 3
Tabasaran: a=s- 1,k-a=s-2
Tsakhur: ǵ-a=s:an- 4
Kryz: q:-isn- (dur.)5
Archi: s:us:ǝ-bos 1
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. asun 'plastering, white-washing', Nüt. asã- 'to smear, plaster' (showing that the meaning 'to pull on' in Lezg. hal-s- is a secondary semantic development due to the preverb). Archi has preserved only a reduplicated stem (in a compound verb). The verb belongs to the strong PL conjugation class.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔas:ar-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to throw 2 to leave 2 to put
Tabasaran: a=s- 1 (Düb.)
Tsakhur: h-a=s:ar- 2
Budukh: o=sur- 2,3
Comment: The Bud. root is used only as a durative stem (in present, prohibitive).
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔ[a]s(:)ʷɨn-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to sleep 2 to lie
Lezghian: k-su- 1
Tsakhur: q:-a=san- 1
Udi: bas-k:es 2
Comment: The Tsakh. word is from the Mishlesh dialect. Cf. also Lezg. pret. k-su-na.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔasV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to be silent 2 to listen
Lezghian: k-is- 1
Agul: k:it:-isi- 1
Rutul: q-a=sa- 2
Comment: The Ag. word is from the Burshag dialect. The root demonstrates the PL Ablaut *a/*i.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔata-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 come, arrive 2 walk,go
Lezghian: at- 2
Udi: ta-jes 2
Comment: Cf. Lezg. pret. ata-na (the stem is used in pret. and masdar). The Ud. form is a secondary building from the gerund *ʔata-j.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔat:a
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to stick into, pierce 2 to butt
Lezghian: aq̇-ad-ar- 1
Archi: =at:a- 2
Comment: Arch. dur. a=t:a-r. The Lezg. verb is formally derived from a noun *aq̇ad, which must be itself a verbal derivate.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔaṭʷɨ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to cut 2 to kill 3 to die (pl.) 4 to throw
Lezghian: aṭa- 1
Tabasaran: kt-a=ṭ- 1
Agul: aṭ- 1
Rutul: h-a=ṭʷa- 1
Tsakhur: ha=aṭa- 3
Kryz: ja=ṭr- 1
Budukh: o-ṭ- 2
Archi: a=ṭa- 1
Udi: bost:un 1,4
Comment: The verb belongs to the strong verbal class in PL. Initial Kryz. j- is probably a preverb (cf. in Bud. o-ṭ- 'kill': jo-ṭ- 'cut', ʕa-ṭ- 'pound, thresh', ʕo-ṭ- 'to push', e-ṭ- 'to cut in small pieces'; also Kryz. q:-o=ṭr-, Bud. q:u-ṭ- 'to hit', Kryz. q:-a=ṭr- 'to mow'). Cf. (for the second vowel) Lezg. praet. aṭu-na, Ag. Bursh. aṭi-s, Arch. dur. =arṭu-r. The Udi form bost:un goes back to *b-ot:-sun.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔawχ:(a)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 gutter 2 ditch, drain 3 slope; breast
Agul: aχʷ 1
Rutul: waχ 2 (Khniukh.)
Archi: χ:ʷa
Udi: aqI 3
Comment: The Arch. form χ:ʷa means 'part of the mountain bordered with growth'. Cf. also Ag. Bursh. aχʷ 'wood, forest'. All the different meanings in Lezg. languages can be explained by the original meaning "mountain slope" > a) "woody place, wood, forest"; b) "slope > drain, ditch". The Arch. form probably reflects a former locative (in *-aʔ) with initial reduction.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔawχ:Ia
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to swell 2 tumour
Tabasaran: a=ʁI- 1
Agul: ṭ-aX̀- 1
Rutul: ṭ-a=χIa- 1
Tsakhur: alṭ-a=χ:Ia- 1
Kryz: s-äħ- 1
Archi: babχ:Ia- 1
Udi: beχI 2
Comment: Cf. also Tab. Düb. a=ʁI-, Ag. Bursh. ṭ-aX̀a-. The verb belongs to the weak PL class. The Ag., Rut. and Tsakh. forms contain an expressive preverb *ṭ-. In the Archi form b- is obviously a former class prefix; dur. babχ:Iu-r points to a secondary labialisation *-wχ:I- > *-bχ:Iʷ- in early Archi.
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔaχär-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to sleep 2 sleep, dream (n.)
Lezghian: aχʷ-ar 2
Tabasaran: aχ- 1
Agul: aχa- 1 (Bursh.)
Rutul: s-a=χa- 1
Kryz: äχr- 1
Budukh: a=χar- 1
Archi: aχu kes 1
Udi: (nep:) aχesun 1
Comment: Labialisation in Lezg. is clearly secondary (all other languages point to *χ). The original meaning was probably 'to lie; to throw, fall', cf. Ud. b-arχi 'horizontal' ( < *'lying') (perhaps also, with prefixation and Ablaut, Rut. qa-ruχa-s 'to throw'). A local derivate from this root is Tab. aχin (Düb. aχin) 'bed', Ag. Bursh., Fit. aχun id., Rich., Burk. aχun 'mattress'.

    See Хайдаков 1973, 141.

Proto-Lezghian: *ʔaχIɨ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 big 2 enough 3 many
Tabasaran: aχIu 1
Agul: X̀a-f 1
Tsakhur: χIe-r-na 1
Budukh: l-äħ-ki 3
Archi: aχI 2
Proto-Lezghian: *ʔaχI:a-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 to know 2 to teach 3 be able 4 teaching,lesson
Tabasaran: aʁIu- 1
Agul: aħa- 1
Tsakhur: =aχI:a- 1,3
Kryz: ħa-r jeriǯ 2
Udi: aχI 4
Comment: A verbal stem, but mostly with a defective paradigm (only in compound gerund forms in Tab., Ag. and Kryz.); Udi has preserved an old deverbative noun.
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