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Lezghian etymology :

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Proto-Lezghian: *χ:ʷäja
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dog
Tabasaran: χuj
Agul: ʁuj
Rutul: χij (Khniukh.)
Tsakhur: χʷa
Kryz: χʷar
Budukh: χor
Udi: χIa
Comment: Other relevant forms: Ag. Bursh. χI:uj, Tsakh. Gelm. χʷajä. In PL there existed a parallel oblique base *χ:ʷäj-rV-, cf. Ag. Bursh. χI:ura-ni-, whence the Kryz. and Bud. direct forms with -r.

    See Trubetzkoy 1930, 85; Лексика 1971, 158; Гигинейшвили 1977, 121.

Proto-Lezghian: *χ:ʷɨ(I)m (~-m:)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: dew
Udi: χo
Comment: Isolated in Udi, thus the PL reconstruction is only tentative. However, the external parallels are quite reliable.
Proto-Lezghian: *χ:ʷɨ(r)k
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 tree 2 forest
Rutul: χuk 1
Archi: χ:ʷak 2
Comment: Cf.also Arch. loc. χ:ʷak:a (characteristic for the reflex of *-k-). Medial *-r- can not be reconstructed on Lezgian ground (*-r- disappears before velars both in Rut. and Arch.), but has to be supposed on external evidence.
Proto-Lezghian: *χomV- ( ~ -u-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 drizzle 2 autumn
Lezghian: χumu-l (dial.) 1
Tabasaran: χumu-l 1
Rutul: χumu-χ-ud 2
Kryz: jemχ-iǯ (?) 2
Comment: All forms contain productive suffixes. The reason for metathesis in Kryz. is not quite clear.
Proto-Lezghian: *χon-p:V
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 woman 2 women (pl.t.)
Lezghian: χnub 1 (dial.)
Tabasaran: χp:i-šiw 1
Agul: χumb-ar 2
Kryz: χɨnɨb 1
Archi: χom 2
Comment: Cf. also Tab. Kand. χp:i-r (pl. χp:-ar), Ag. Bursh. χewe-r (pl. χaw-ar) 'woman'. Originally pluralis tantum with *-p:V as a plural marker; -ar in Ag. χumbar, Tab. pl. χp:-ar had been added later. The Lezg. and Kryz. forms are somewhat resembling Az. χanɨm 'lady', but borrowing is quite improbable for phonetic reasons.
Proto-Lezghian: *χor (~ -u-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: testicle
Agul: χur (Tp.)
Comment: The root is attested only in Ag., but has reliable external parallels.
Proto-Lezghian: *χot:ol(:)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: grandchild, nephew / niece
Lezghian: χtul
Tabasaran: χtul
Agul: χut:ul
Rutul: χɨdɨl
Tsakhur: χɨdɨl
Kryz: χɨdɨl
Budukh: χɨdɨr
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. χt:ɨl, Tab. Kand. χut:ul, Düb. χut:ul, Ag. Fit., Burk. χut:ul (voiceless -t:- in all the listed Tab. and Ag. forms is a result of assimilation to χ- after a narrow reduced vowel), Ag. Bursh. χurul. Kryz. > Khin. χɨdɨl id.

    See Талибов 1960a, 295; Лексика 1971, 129.

Proto-Lezghian: *χuj
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: field
Tabasaran: χu-ṭal
Agul: χu
Rutul: χuj
Comment: 4th class in Rut. and Arch. Cf. also Tab. Kand., Düb. χuṭil, Ag. obl. χuji- (Bursh. χuj, χuji-). The Tab. form probably reflects some old compound (cf. Inkh. ʁIu-dul 'field', see above).

    See Гигинейшвили 1977, 68.

Proto-Lezghian: *χult:ul / *χ:ult:ul
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 lung 2 liver 3 spleen
Lezghian: tuχul 1
Tabasaran: ʁurdil 1
Agul: χudul 1
Rutul: χudul 1
Kryz: taχul 2 (Al.)
Budukh: tuχul 3
Archi: χurt:ur-t:i 1
Comment: The Shakh-Dagh and Lezg. forms are metathesized; in Shakh-Dagh the root lost its original meaning "lung", which is preserved in Kryz. (Al.) only in the compound luzu taχul "lung" (lit. "white liver"). 4th class in Rut. and Kruz., 3d class in Arch.

    Cf. also Tab. Düb. ʁurdil, Ag. Bursh. χ:urdul, Tp. ʁudul - all these forms point to PL *χ:-, while Arch. χurt:ur-t:i points to *χ- (other languages are ambivalent).

    See Лексика 1971, 206.

Proto-Lezghian: *χumṗ(a)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gulp, mouthful
Lezghian: χuṗ
Tabasaran: χumṗ
Rutul: χuṗ (Khniukh.)
Comment: 3d class in Rutul.
Proto-Lezghian: *χu(m)ṭ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sting
Agul: χuṭ
Rutul: χud
Comment: Cf. also Ag. Bursh. χuṭ. Rut. χud (instead of χuṭ) - a contamination with χud 'fist'. The obl. base Ag. χuṭu- may go back to PL *χuṭe- or *χuṭɨ-.
Proto-Lezghian: *χut: (~*χ:-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 stone 2 tomb-stone
Rutul: duχul 1
Kryz: χud 1,2
Comment: In Rutul there's a frequent suffix -ul and metathesis. Rut. duχul = Kryz. χud-il 'tomb-stone'.
Proto-Lezghian: *χuṭ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 Adam's apple 2 larynx 3 navel
Tabasaran: χuṭ 3
Agul: (funin) χuṭ 3
Tsakhur: χɨrṭam 1
Kryz: χuluṭ 2
Budukh: q̇ulṭuχum 1,2
Udi: χirtäj 1
Comment: The root is rather difficult to reconstruct (because of its expressive nature). The most archaic variant is probably preserved in Tab. and Ag. (in the latter it contaminated with PL *χu(m)ṭ 'sting' q.v. which is a different root). Other languages reflect a suffixed stem *χuṭ-Vr or *χuṭ-Vl, often with a double suffixation *χuṭ-Vr-Vm or *χuṭ-Vl-Vm (in Kryz., besides χuluṭ 'larynx' < *χuṭ-ul there exists also χulṭum 'Adam's apple' = (with metathesis) Bud. q̇ulṭuχum < golu 'throat'+ *χulṭum). A Lezghian (Shakh-Dagh) loan is Khin. χurṭum 'throat, larynx'.

    The word belongs to the 3d class in all class-distinguishing languages.

    The original meaning was probably "Adam's apple" (cf. also the external evidence) with a later metaphorical shift in Tab. and Ag. ("Adam's apple of the belly" > "navel").

Proto-Lezghian: *χʷar(a)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: mare
Lezghian: χʷar
Tabasaran: χʷar
Agul: χʷar
Rutul: χʷar
Comment: Cf. also Lezg. Khl. χʷar, Tab. Düb. χar, Ag. Bursh. χʷar. Obl. base *χʷara- or *χʷarä- (Lezg. χʷara-, Khl. χura-, Tab. χʷara-, Düb. χara-, Ag. χʷara-). 3d class in Rut.
Proto-Lezghian: *χʷaχ(ʷa)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: trough
Lezghian: χʷaχ
Tabasaran: χʷaχʷ (Khiv.)
Agul: χaχʷ (U.)
Rutul: χuχuj (Khniukh.)
Comment: 3d class in Rut. (the Rut. form contains a productive suffix *-Vj).
Proto-Lezghian: *χʷäj(a)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 oath 2 anger
Tabasaran: χu 1
Agul: χIuj (Bursh.) 1
Archi: χʷe-t:i 1
Udi: χuj 2
Comment: Cf. also Tab. Düb. χuj, Ag. Fit. χIuj, Burk. χi. Pharyngealization in Ag. dialects is secondary (before an original front vowel). The Arch. form is actually a back-building from the derived verb χʷe-t:a- 'to swear, take oath'.
Proto-Lezghian: *χʷärčVj
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 worm 2 snake 3 spider
Agul: χuč-raχan 3
Tsakhur: χoče 2
Archi: χʷarši 1
Comment: The meaning 'spider' in Ag. (the same in Arch.: ḳʷeṭ-χʷarši 'spider', lit. "skein-worm") is due to contamination with another root, PL *χarVsʷ / *χasʷVr 'spider' q.v. Cf. perhaps also (with expressive pharyngealization) Ag. Burk. ħarčaj 'grasshopper, locust'.
Proto-Lezghian: *χʷel:
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 furrow 2 plot (of land) 3 a grass-covered stripe around the ploughed field
Lezghian: χʷal 1
Tabasaran: χul 1
Agul: χul 1
Kryz: xil 1
Archi: χot:on 3
Udi: χIal 2
Comment: The Archi word contains a frequent nominal suffix -n. Cf. also Lezg. Khl. χʷal, Tab. Düb. χul, Ag. Bursh. χul. Obl. base *χʷel:a- (cf. Lezg. χʷala-, Tab. Düb. χuli-). 3d class in Kryz., but 4th class in Archi. Initial x- in Kryz. is quite irregular - probably result of contamination with xel "trace".
Proto-Lezghian: *χʷemχ(a)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 big stone, boulder 2 hump
Lezghian: χʷaχ 1
Rutul: χʷaχ 2 (Mükhr.)
Archi: χonχ 1
Comment: 3d class in Arch. (pl. χonχ-ot). There's not enough evidence to establish the PL obl. stem.

    See Хайдаков 1973, 71.

Proto-Lezghian: *χʷimc̣(a)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: tick
Lezghian: χenc̣
Tabasaran: χic̣
Agul: χic̣
Rutul: χic̣ (Кhniukh.)
Archi: χʷimc̣ / χʷinc̣
Comment: Cf. also Ag. Burk. χʷec̣, Tp. χec̣ʷ 'tick', Arch. erg. χʷimc̣i- (demonstrating weak *c̣), Rut. Ikhr. χic̣ 'bug'.
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