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Nakh etymology :

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Proto-Nakh: *duqa
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: many
Chechen: duqa
Ingush: duqa
Batsbi: duq
Proto-Nakh: *duq̇
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: mountain ridge
Chechen: duq̇
Comments: Obl. base duq̇a-. A homonym with duq̇ 'yoke' q.v., but most probably should be separated from it historically.
Proto-Nakh: *duq̇
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: yoke
Chechen: duq̇
Ingush: duq̇
Batsbi: duq̇
Comments: 3d class in all languages. Obl. base *duq̇a- (Chech. duq̇a-, Ing. duq̇o id.); the Ablaut stem *daq̇- is preserved in plural: Chech. daq̇q̇a-, Ing. dowq̇a- < *daq̇-bV-.
Proto-Nakh: *duq̇V
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: log, beam
Chechen: duq̇ū
Comments: Attested only in Chech., but having probable external parallels.
Proto-Nakh: *dVHVχḳ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: pine-tree
Ingush: dijχk
Comments: Attested only in Ing. (medial -ij- is not quite clear: it probably points to some medial laryngeal), but having probable external parallels.
Proto-Nakh: *-ēŁ-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: walk, roam; fly
Chechen: lēl-
Ingush: lel-
Batsbi: lel-
Comments: Initial *l- in most forms is either a prefix or the result of an old reduplication (without it cf. Bacb. imper. -ol "come (here)!"). Cf. also *-ē-b-Ł- in Chech. -īl- "to walk across, walk out". Since Chech. and Ing. have preserved only the durative stem, it is hard to establish vowel length in the PN terminative form *l-aŁ- ( > Bacb. lal-). The affricate *-Ł- is reconstructed on basis of Bacb. (Matsiyev) leʎ-, (Kadagidze) lel-.
Proto-Nakh: *far- (~ -ā-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sheep's dung
Ingush: far-ast
Comments: The Ing. word is a compound; the second component is most probably a distorted PN *lust 'dung, sheep's dung'.
Proto-Nakh: *foʔ
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 grain 2 egg 3 grain forage
Chechen: hoʔa 2, hoʔ 3
Ingush: fuʔ 1,3
Batsbi: oʔ 1
Comments: The two words in Chech. are hard to separate, although words meaning "egg" belong to the 3d class, and words meaning "grain" - to the 6th class in Chech. and Ing. (in Ing. fuʔ "grain forage" vacillates between 5th and 6th classes, and in Bacb. "grain" belongs to the 5th class). The original meaning is pro- bably "grain, grain forage" (cf. the external evidence) with a secondary de- velopment of meaning "grain > egg". The Chech. form hoʔa is obviously a result of a secondary analogy with the obl. stem hoʔa- (Ing. fuʔo).

    The vowel -u- (instead of -o-) in Ing. (cf. also Chech. Cheb. huʔa, Pharch. huʔ "egg") is due to the strong labializing influence of initial *f-.

Proto-Nakh: *for-d ( ~-ṭ)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sea
Chechen: hord
Ingush: ford
Comments: 6th class in both languages. Abayev (1,485-486) thinks that the Nakh forms are borrowed from Ossetian (fūrd / ford 'big river, sea'). But the Ossetian word has no Iranian or IE etymology (see Abayev ibid.), whereas the NC etymology of the Nakh word ( = Av. raʎád etc.) is quite clear - therefore it is obvious that the Ossetian word is borrowed from Nakh.
Proto-Nakh: *fow ( ~ -ō-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: fresh wind, breeze
Ingush: fo
Comments: Obl. base *fow-nV- (Chech. hō-na-, Ing. fo-no). 3d class in both languages.
Proto-Nakh: *fu-(n)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: what (interrogative pronoun)
Chechen: hun
Ingush: fu
Batsbi: wu-χ
Comments: Cf. also Bacb. wũ "why", wu-naχ "something". A derived noun is PN *fu-ma 'thing' (Chech. huma, Ing. hama, Bacb. wum).
Proto-Nakh: *[f]utter-
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: vexation, annoyance
Chechen: hüttarē
Ingush: futtare
Comments: External evidence suggests rather *h- for PN; in Chech. *h- and *f- have merged into h-, but in Ingush we would rather expect *wuttare from *huttir-. The distinction of *h- and *f- before labialised vowels, however, is not very regularly kept, and PN *h- in this root is not entirely excluded.
Proto-Nakh: *fuw
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: seed
Chechen: hu
Ingush: fu
Batsbi: huv
Comments: Obl. base *fune- (Chech. hüna-, Ing. funo). 3d class in all languages.
Proto-Nakh: *gag
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 branch 2 tree 3 bunch (of grapes)
Chechen: ga 1
Ingush: ga 1,2
Batsbi: gag 3
Comments: 3d class in Chech., 4th class in Ing., 6th class in Bacb. Cf. also Akk. gav "branch".
Proto-Nakh: *gagan
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: egg
Batsbi: gagã
Comments: Isolated in Bacb., but with rather reliable external parallels.
Proto-Nakh: *gagu (~-ā-)
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: knee
Chechen: gōla
Ingush: go
Batsbi: gawgŭ
Comments: The Chech. form goes back to *gagu-la ( = Ing. gola "elbow; curve") and means also "elbow, curve".
Proto-Nakh: *gagV
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: belly, stomach
Chechen: gaj, gē
Ingush: gijg
Batsbi: gagaʔŏ
Comments: Ing. gijg goes back to *gag-iḳ. Vowel length is unclear (the Ing. obl. base gägo has a long ǟ, but it may be due to the loss of *-g-). 3d class in all lan- guages.
Proto-Nakh: *gala
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 wooden skittles 2 birch-tree
Chechen: gala 1
Batsbi: gal 2
Comments: 3d class in Chech., 4th class in Bacb.
Proto-Nakh: *garge
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: near
Chechen: gerga
Ingush: garga
Batsbi: garg(eħ)
Proto-Nakh: *garu
North Caucasian etymology: North Caucasian etymology
Meaning: gadfly
Chechen: gora
Ingush: gor
Comments: 6th class in both languages.
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