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Nilgiri etymology :

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Proto-Nilgiri : *kolēl
Meaning : smithy
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : kolēl "smithy, temple in Kota village"
Toda : kwalāl "Kota smithy"
Notes : External data show *-ēl to be a suffix, but its origins are unclear.
Number in DED : 2133
Proto-Nilgiri : *kolǝ-
Meaning : to suffer, starve
Kota : kolv- (kold-) "to suffer because of disease"
Toda : kwal- (kwalɵ-) "to become emaciated"
Additional forms : Also Kota kolv- (kolt-) to make to suffer by beating or wounding, mash up (berries) with plunger in hollow bamboo; Toda kwalf- (kwalt-) to make to be emaciated (by starving)
Number in DED : 1806
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḷǝg
Meaning : hoof
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koḷk
Toda : kwɨ̣ɫ̣x "lower joints of calf's leg down to hoof, wrist"
Notes : The cluster correspondence is irregular; external evidence shows the Toda variant to be more archaic.
Number in DED : 1829
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḷĭ
Meaning : firewood
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koyḷ "burning firewood, faggot"
Toda : kwɨɫ̣y "firebrand, glowing ember"
Additional forms : Also Kota koyḷt āḷ man who carries new fire round at ceremonies
Number in DED : 2158
Proto-Nilgiri : *kol-ĭ (*-ḷ-)
Meaning : Setaria italica
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koyḷ
Additional forms : Also Kota korly id. (< Badaga)
Number in DED : 2163
Proto-Nilgiri : *koḷ-/*koṛ-
Meaning : fat; well
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koḷ- (koḍ-) "to be well in health"
Toda : kwaḷp "fat, in good circumstances"
Additional forms : Also Toda köw fat, stoutness, broadness, honeycomb; kwāw proudness; kog ɨr old buffalo; kog foɫ̣y big dairy at Tōr_ōṛ village
Notes : The origins of the *ṛ/*ḷ alternation in this root are unclear, but it definitely dates at least back to the PN stage.
Number in DED : 2146
Proto-Nilgiri : *Kon
Meaning : bunch of fruit, esp. plantains
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Toda : kwɨn
Number in DED : 1810
Proto-Nilgiri : *Konc-
Meaning : to ridicule
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Toda : kwɨʒ- (kwɨj-)
Additional forms : Also Toda kwɨʒɨl ridicule
Number in DED : 2043
Proto-Nilgiri : *konc (?)
Meaning : twig
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Toda : kwɨʒ
Number in DED : 2149
Proto-Nilgiri : *koṇ-ĭ-
Meaning : to frisk
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koṇy- (koṇc-), koṇc- (koṇc-) "(calf or other animal) frisks"
Toda : kwɨḍʒ- (kwɨḍj-) "(calf) frisks"
Notes : The Toda form is not quite clear.
Number in DED : 1863
Proto-Nilgiri : *koŋ
Meaning : the plains south and east of the Nilgiris
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koŋg
Toda : kwɨg
Additional forms : Also Kota koŋg may the NE. monsoon
Number in DED : 2037
Proto-Nilgiri : *koṛ
Meaning : ploughshare
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : kov "iron point of plough"
Toda : kū "ploughshare (< Badaga gū́, Language 15.47; the word occurs only in one passage and the meaning is arrived at by etymology)"
Number in DED : 2147
Proto-Nilgiri : *kor
Meaning : to make the sound of a death-rattle
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : kor kor in-
Number in DED : 2122
Proto-Nilgiri : *korä-
Meaning : to snore, bark
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : kurv- (kurt-)
Toda : kwarf- (kwart-)
Additional forms : Also Kota kerv- (kert-) to bark
Notes : Actually, it is Kota kerv- that should be considered the regular reflection. The varinat kurv- is either dialectal or borrowed from Tamil.
Number in DED : 1796
Proto-Nilgiri : *koṛä-
Meaning : to rot
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : koḷv- (koḷd-) "(flesh) putrefies so as to fall apart"
Toda : kwaḍ- (kwaḍɵ-)
Additional forms : Also Kota kūv- (kūd-) (grain) gets soft and spoils because it got wet; (kūt-) to cause (grain) to get, etc.; ? kōb feverish place, grazing lands in feverish river valley; Toda kwāw decayed dead body
Notes : Kota kūv-, etc. hardly belongs here.
Number in DED : 1822
Proto-Nilgiri : *kor[ä]
Meaning : mud
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : kor "manure, filth, mud"
Toda : kwar
Number in DED : 2123
Proto-Nilgiri : *koṛǝl (?)
Meaning : tube, Kota clarinet, tune of clarinet, curl
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : korl, koḷāy
Toda : kwēɫ̣
Additional forms : Also Kota koḷ clarinet; goṛḷ hollow between two sloping hills
Notes : The derivative *koṛ-āj > Kota koḷāy is of PSDR origin. A complex case overall (PN *-ṛ- in a rare context; Toda -wē-, in particular, is an extremely rare reflex); it is unclear whether Kota korl and koḷ are dialectal variants or one of them (or both?) is a borrowing.
Number in DED : 1818
Proto-Nilgiri : *korǝŋ
Meaning : monkey
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : korg "black monkey"
Toda : kwarg
Number in DED : 1769
Proto-Nilgiri : *korg (*-r_-)
Meaning : thigh
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Kota : korg
Number in DED : 1840
Proto-Nilgiri : *kork-
Meaning : heron
South Dravidian etymology: South Dravidian etymology
Toda : košk
Number in DED : 2125
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