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PROTO: *taɫu-
MEANING: split sinew
RMEAN: жила (растеребленная)
YUP: *taɫu- (-Ha-, -ja-)
INUP: *taluja-
NEWCOM: Borrowed from PKCh *tъɫ-ɣʷal 'bunch, bundle' with a collective affix typical for PKCh.
REFER: 329
PROTO: *taɫuʁ-
MEANING: stern, respected
RMEAN: строгий, почитаемый
YUP: *taɫuʁ-
INUP: *taluʁ-
REFER: 328
PROTO: *tala-
MEANING: drunk, intoxicated
RMEAN: пьяный, отравившийся
YUP: *tala-
INUP: *tala-
REFER: 327
PROTO: *talu (*talu-i-)
MEANING: to hide oneself, covering, shelter, door, shadow
RMEAN: прятаться, укрытие, тень
YUP: *talu(-), *talu-(H)i-
INUP: *talu(-), *talit-
NEWCOM: Cf. PKCh *tъlvъ 'door', PCh *tъllъ, *tъtlъ. It is possible that there has been a merger of two roots: 'shelter, door' + 'to hide, to get out of sight' > 'shadow'.
REFER: 327
PROTO: *tama[ŋ]-
MEANING: all, whole
RMEAN: весь, все, целый
YUP: *tama[ŋ]-
INUP: *tama-Г-
REFER: 328, 329
PROTO: *tamHa-ʁ (-mr-?)
MEANING: to lose, to be lost
RMEAN: терять(ся)
YUP: *tama-ʁ- (-mH-)
INUP: *tamma-ʁ-
REFER: 329
PROTO: *tamlu
RMEAN: подбородок
YUP: *tamlu
INUP: *tavlu
REFER: 329
PROTO: *tamu- (-ra-)
MEANING: to chew
RMEAN: жевать
YUP: *tamu- (-ra-)
INUP: *tamu- (-a-)
REFER: 329
PROTO: *tanǝ-
MEANING: to wash, to rub
RMEAN: мыть, тереть
YUP: *tanǝ-
INUP: *tanǝ-ɣ-
REFER: 329
PROTO: *tanǝ-ʁ-, *tanŋǝ
MEANING: to forbid, stranger
RMEAN: запрещать, чужак
YUP: *tanVʁ-, *tānŋǝ
INUP: *tanǝ-ʁ-, *tanǝɣ
NEWCOM: These forms represent two distinct borrowings from the PKCh root *tanŋъ. The latter is an areal borrowing from (presumably) pure Chukchee tanŋǝ 'foreigner, enemy'. The former is semantically closer to PKam *taN- 'to warn, to frighten' and has been adopted earlier, before Sirenik and Inupik languages lost contact with each other.
REFER: 330
PROTO: *taŋǝ-
MEANING: to see, to look at, truth, evidence
RMEAN: видеть, смотреть, правда, очевидность
YUP: *taŋǝ-
INUP: *taŋǝ-, *taŋŋǝ-ʁ-
REFER: 330
PROTO: *taŋǝ-
MEANING: hard, strong, welloff, prosperous
RMEAN: твердый, жесткий, зажиточный, процветающий
YUP: *taŋǝ-, *taŋ-aʁtu-
INUP: *taŋi-ʁ
NEWCOM: Borrowed from PKCh *teŋ- 'good, strong, beautiful' > PCh *tạŋ-, PKam *teŋ-. For Proto-Yupik *taŋaʁtu- 'strong' see Proto-Inupik *taaqtǝ- 'to faint' < 'to petrify, оцепенеть'.
REFER: 330
PROTO: *taŋǝ-
MEANING: to seize, to exchange, to trade
RMEAN: хватать, схватить, менять, торговать
YUP: *taŋǝʁ-
INUP: *tauqci-ʁ-, *tauqtǝ
NEWCOM: The Proto-Inupik word is based on the reciprocal stem *taŋ-u-ʁ 'to seize (one from another)'. Cf. Proto-Yupik *taŋriɣ, *taŋru- 'wrist'.
PROTO: *taŋǝ(v)-
MEANING: strip of blubber remaining after oil renders
RMEAN: шкварки
YUP: *taŋǝ(v)-
INUP: *taŋǝ-ʁ
NEWCOM: This root has nothing to do with *taŋǝ- 'hard, strong, well off, prosperous' (such a confusion is present in CED). The root is possibly borrowed from PKCh *thʷan-av 'chaw, pitch, tar' > PKam *tǝhan, PCh *(t)fanab.
REFER: 330
PROTO: *taŋlu-
MEANING: snowshoe
RMEAN: снегоступ, зимняя обувь
YUP: *taŋlu-
INUP: *taɣlu
REFER: 330
PROTO: *tap(ǝ)ʁa-
MEANING: strap, rope
RMEAN: ремень, веревка
YUP: *tap(ǝ)ʁa-
INUP: *tapqa-ʁ
REFER: 331
PROTO: *tapǝʁ-na
MEANING: grass on seashore
RMEAN: трава (прибрежная)
YUP: *tapǝʁ-(t)-na-
INUP: *tapǝʁna-, *tapq-aʁ-na-
NEWCOM: The inclusion of this root into one entry with *tap(ǝ)ʁa- 'rope, strap, belt' in CED is absurd. It should rather be connected to *tapʁa- 'foreland, tundra, sand bar of shore'.
REFER: 331
PROTO: *tapǝr- (-u-)
MEANING: to add
RMEAN: добавлять
YUP: *tapǝ-(Hi-)
INUP: *tapǝ-ʁ-, *tapru-
NEWCOM: Cf. *tapǝt-.
REFER: 331
PROTO: *tapǝt-
MEANING: to fold over
RMEAN: складывать в несколько раз
YUP: *tapǝt-
INUP: *tapǝt-
NEWCOM: This stem also has the meaning 'to double' and formally looks like a transitive form from *tapǝr-. But it is possible that these are two different roots, and the first one has a specific meaning 'to fold' > 'penknife'.
REFER: 331
PROTO: *tapǝ-(t-)
MEANING: to soak, to seep throgh
RMEAN: просачиваться
YUP: *tapǝ-(t-)
INUP: *tapǝt-, *taplǝ-
REFER: 331
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