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PROTO: *malǝʁu- (-*(r)i-)
MEANING: two, pair
RMEAN: два, пара
YUP: *malǝʁu-, *malǝʁi-
INUP: *malʁu-, *malʁu-i-
REFER: 187
PROTO: *mal[i]-
RMEAN: волна
YUP: *maliɣ-
INUP: *malǝɣ, *mallǝʁ-
PROTO: *mali-ɣ-
MEANING: to follow, to accompany
RMEAN: следовать, сопровождать
YUP: *maliɣ-
INUP: *mali-ɣ-
REFER: 186
PROTO: *(m)ama-
MEANING: milk, tasty, female breast
RMEAN: молоко, сладкий, грудь (женский)
YUP: *(m)ama-
INUP: *(a)mama-
NEWCOM: Some irregularities in the phonetic development in modern languages are due to the connection of this root to the expressive lexicon, the so-called 'baby talk'.
REFER: 187
PROTO: *mamǝ-
MEANING: to heal, to close over (wound, hole)
RMEAN: заживать, затягиваться (о ране, дыре)
YUP: *mamǝ-
INUP: *mamǝ- (-t-), *mapciʁ-
PROTO: *mam(ǝ)ca
MEANING: spleen
RMEAN: селезенка
YUP: *mamǝca-
INUP: *mapca
REFER: 188
PROTO: *mamǝ-, *mami-
MEANING: underside of skin, to turn upside down
RMEAN: внутрення сторона шкуры, переворачивать
YUP: *mamǝ-, *mami-ɣ-
INUP: *mamǝ-, *mavraʁ-, *mami-t-
NEWCOM: It is possible to separate the verb stem *mami- with the meaning 'to turn upside down' and the noun-stem *mamǝ- 'inverted part of skin'. The first is similar to *mumiɣ- with the same meaning. For 'boot' cf. Nivgh *momǝzq 'woman's boots'.
REFER: 188, 189
PROTO: *mamǝ-tu-
MEANING: thick
RMEAN: толстый
YUP: *mamǝtu-, *mamǝt-iɣa-ʁ-
INUP: *maptu-
REFER: 188
PROTO: *mamku-, *mamqǝ-
MEANING: loud noise, crackle, sound of shooting
RMEAN: громкий звук, треск, звук выстрела
YUP: *mamqǝ-
INUP: *mapku-, *mapq-aʁ-
NEWCOM: The meaning 'sound of shooting' has a possible connotation with PCh *mạqmị 'arrow, bullet'.
REFER: 192
PROTO: *mamlǝ-, *mamrǝ-
MEANING: black, dark
RMEAN: черный, темный
YUP: *mamlǝ-, *mamrǝ-
PROTO: *mamtǝʁa-
MEANING: cache, temporary tent
RMEAN: балаган, шалаш
YUP: *mamtǝʁa- (~ -ŋt-)
INUP: *maptǝ(ʁ)a-
REFER: 189
PROTO: *mana-
MEANING: to fish with hook
RMEAN: удить рыбу
YUP: *mana-
INUP: *mana-ʁ-
REFER: 189
PROTO: *manɣǝ-
MEANING: to mourn, to sob
RMEAN: всхлипывать
YUP: *maŋǝ- (-juɣ-a-)
INUP: *manǝɣ- (-juɣ-aʁ-)
REFER: 189
PROTO: *mani-
MEANING: to expose, to display, to present
RMEAN: показывать, преподносить
YUP: *mani-
INUP: *mani-
NEWCOM: Meanings in concrete languages show the original meaning to have been 'to set here, to come here'. This stem may be interpreted as a secondary derivative from ma-ni 'here, on this place' < *ma.
REFER: 178
PROTO: *mani-
MEANING: to put on fire, to set to sun
RMEAN: ставить на огонь, выставлять на солнце
YUP: *mani-Г-aʁ-
INUP: *mani-
NEWCOM: This root is not related to *mani- 'to come here, to present' despite CED.
REFER: 190
PROTO: *mańi- (~ *manŋi-)
RMEAN: яйцо
YUP: *man(ŋ)i-
INUP: *man[ŋ]i-
REFER: 190
PROTO: *maniɣu-
MEANING: to soothe, to pacify, to cajole
RMEAN: утешать, успокаивать, заискивать
YUP: *maniɣu-
INUP: *maniɣu-
REFER: 190
PROTO: *manIГ (-rГǝ)
MEANING: tussock, moss for kindling, fabric
RMEAN: дерн, мох, ткань
YUP: *man(i)ɣǝ (-rГV)
INUP: *manǝʁ
NEWCOM: The special cultural meaning in Inupik and a non-trivial affix in Siberian languages show that this stem is a loanword. The source was PCh *mạnịɣ 'sth. woven'; in the second case this root is expanded by means of the PCh medial form *-ǝšɣǝ > Chuk. -ǝrɣǝ 'skin, covering' literally 'woven covering'.
REFER: 189
PROTO: *manri-
MEANING: plain, tundra, flat, smooth
RMEAN: равнина, тундра, плоский, ровный
YUP: *manri-
INUP: *man(r)i-
REFER: 190
PROTO: *mańu[ŋ]
MEANING: lower part in front of hood below neck, breastplate
RMEAN: передняя нижняя часть капюшона под шеей, нагрудник
YUP: *mańu(ŋ)
INUP: *manu(Г)
REFER: 191
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