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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *qat-(viɣ-)
Meaning: tanned skin
Russian meaning: выделанная кожа
Proto-Yupik: *qatviГa-
Proto-Inupik: *qatǝʁ-
Proto-Eskimo: *qava-ʁ-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to sleep
Russian meaning: спать
Proto-Yupik: *qava-ʁ-
Proto-Inupik: *qava-ʁ-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 291
Proto-Eskimo: *qavǝ-(ɣa-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: duck, eider, bird
Russian meaning: утка, гага, птица
Proto-Yupik: *qavǝ-(ɣa-)
Proto-Inupik: *qavǝ(ɣ), *qauɣa-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 292
Proto-Eskimo: *qavja(-)
Meaning: sand, gravel
Russian meaning: песок, гравий
Proto-Yupik: *qavja-
Proto-Inupik: *qavia
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 292
Proto-Eskimo: *qavju-ʁ-
Meaning: to be disgusted, depressed, to frown
Russian meaning: испытывать отвращение, тоску, хмуриться
Proto-Yupik: *qavjuʁ-
Proto-Inupik: *qajju-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 292
Proto-Eskimo: *qavlu
Meaning: eyebrow
Russian meaning: бровь
Proto-Yupik: *qavlu
Proto-Inupik: *qavlu
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 292
Proto-Eskimo: *qa(v)-: *qaŋva, *qaku, *qavci-, *qańu-
Meaning: interrogative stem: when (in past), when (in future), how many, how much
Russian meaning: вопросительная основа: когда (в прошедшем), когда (в будущем), сколько
Proto-Yupik: *qaŋva-, *qaku-, *qavci-, *qaju
Proto-Inupik: *qaŋa, *qaku (-ɣu), *qavci-t pl., *qanu-ʁ
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 285, 278, 292
Proto-Eskimo: *qavrV-
Meaning: walrus, seal (sp.)
Russian meaning: морж, тюлень
Proto-Yupik: *qavrǝʁ, *qav(R)aʁ-ci-
Proto-Inupik: *qavaqsi-
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝca-
Meaning: tripe, first stomach of ruminant
Russian meaning: требуха, первый желудок жвачного животного
Proto-Yupik: *qǝca-
Proto-Inupik: *qIcaʁua- (~ *qa-)
Comments: Cf. the variants of *qaɫaci- ~ *qacaɫǝʁ 'navel'. Meanings like 'membrane, envelope of stomach' are due to the influence of *qǝci (-ɣ) 'skin, leather'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 294
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝcǝɣ-
Meaning: to jump
Russian meaning: прыгать
Proto-Yupik: *qǝcǝɣ-, *qǝtɣǝʁ-
Proto-Inupik: *qǝtǝɣ-
Comments: The morphonemic preconsonantal variant with -t- is generalized in Proto-Inupik.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 299
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝci (-ɣ)
Meaning: skin, leather
Russian meaning: шкура, кожа
Proto-Yupik: *qǝci(ɣ)
Proto-Inupik: *qiciɣ
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 294
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝci-ʁ-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to spit
Russian meaning: плевать
Proto-Yupik: *qǝci-ʁ-
Proto-Inupik: *qici-ʁ-
Comments: Cf. *qitǝ- 'fog, drizzle, rain'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 294
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝcuɣ-
Meaning: to seize, to pull out by roots
Russian meaning: выхватывать, выдирать с корнем
Proto-Yupik: *qǝcuɣ-
Proto-Inupik: *qicuɣ- (*qǝ-)
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 294
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝʁ- (-ɫǝʁ-, -tǝ-)
Meaning: to jam in, to squeeze into
Russian meaning: втискивать(ся), пропихивать(ся)
Proto-Yupik: *qǝʁ-ɫǝʁ-, *qǝʁ-tǝ-
Proto-Inupik: *qIʁliʁ-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 299
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝʁa-lǝʁ-
Meaning: to have a feeling of disgust
Russian meaning: чувствовать отвращение
Proto-Yupik: *qǝʁalǝʁ-
Proto-Inupik: *qaa-liʁ-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 288
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝʁǝ-t- (-ju-)
Meaning: to freeze
Russian meaning: замерзать
Proto-Yupik: *qǝʁǝ- (-cu-), *qǝʁǝt-ʁa-
Proto-Inupik: *qǝʁǝ-t- (-ccu-), *qǝqra-
Comments: Cf. also *qǝʁu-ɣ- 'to freeze to death, to feel cold'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 308
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝʁu-ɣ- (-t-, -ja-)
Meaning: to freeze to death, to feel cold
Russian meaning: замерзать (до смерти)
Proto-Yupik: *qǝʁu-ɣ- (-t-, -ja-)
Proto-Inupik: *qiu- (*qiʁu-t-), *qiija-, *qiʁa-ta-
Comments: A variant of *qǝʁǝ-t- (-ju-) 'to freeze' with the full degree of the second vowel.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 309
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝɫu(ʁ)-
Meaning: to shrink
Russian meaning: съеживаться, морщиться
Proto-Yupik: *qǝɫuʁ- (*qǝɫ-uʁ-)
Proto-Inupik: *qIlu-
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝL-
Meaning: scar
Russian meaning: шрам
Proto-Yupik: *qǝL-ǝŋɫa-, *qǝL-ajǝ-
Proto-Inupik: *qǝlǝʁu-
Comments: Borrowings from PCh compounds like *ǝql(ǝ)-iŋɫǝ- 'to open, to cut out', *ǝql(ǝ)-ạʒǝ̣- 'to winkle out', *ǝqlǝ-ŋto- 'to cut out'; the second parts are *ạʒǝ̣- 'to prickle' and š-iŋɫǝ- 'to divide'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 295
Proto-Eskimo: *qǝla-
Meaning: to be in need, to want urgently
Russian meaning: нуждаться, желать с нетерпением
Proto-Yupik: *qǝla-
Proto-Inupik: *qǝla-
Comments: Phonotactic considerations show this to be a borrowing from PCh *ǝqLe-t- 'to be in need, to need'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 295
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