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Eskimo etymology :

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Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpǝ-
Meaning: to suffocate
Russian meaning: задыхаться
Proto-Yupik: *ǝpǝ- (-juɣ-, -jalŋu-, -ra-)
Proto-Inupik: *ǝpǝ-, *ǝp-ja(n)ŋu-, *ǝp-ra-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 113
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpǝʁ
Meaning: dirt, dirty
Russian meaning: грязь, грязный
Proto-Yupik: *ǝpʁ-u- (-nAʁ), *ǝpʁ-i-ʁ- (-t-) neg.
Proto-Inupik: *ǝpǝʁ, *ǝpq-i-ʁ- (-t-) neg.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 113
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpǝʁ- (-t-)
Meaning: to bend, curve
Russian meaning: гнуть, изгиб
Proto-Yupik: *ǝpǝʁ- (-nǝʁ), *ǝpǝГtǝ-
Proto-Inupik: *pǝʁǝt-, *pǝʁ-nǝʁ
Comments: Cf. *(ǝ)pǝʁ-ŋa- 'rib, bent'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 256
Proto-Eskimo: *(ǝ)pǝʁ-ŋa-
Meaning: rib, bent
Russian meaning: ребро, изогнутый
Proto-Yupik: *pǝʁŋa-li-
Proto-Inupik: *pǝʁǝŋa-
Comments: Cf. *ǝpǝʁ- (-t-) 'to bend, curve'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 256
Proto-Eskimo: *(ǝ)pǝkǝ-(t-)
Meaning: to move around with agitation, to work, to try find a business
Russian meaning: ходить вокруг в нетерпении, хвататься за работу, пытаться найти занятие
Proto-Yupik: *(ǝ)pǝkǝ-(t-)
Proto-Inupik: *pikǝ-t-, *pika-
Comments: Cf. *(ǝ)pǝkV-, *pǝkǝ-, *pǝkjaɣ-; all these roots are confused in CED on pages 253-254.
Proto-Eskimo: *(ǝ)pǝkV-
Meaning: to suffocate, to pant
Russian meaning: задыхаться
Proto-Yupik: *(ǝ)pǝka-ʁ-
Proto-Inupik: *pIkiaʁ-
Comments: Cf. *(ǝ)pǝkǝ-(t-), *pǝkǝ-, *pǝkjaɣ-; all these roots are mixed in CED on pages 253-254.
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpǝ=qa-
Meaning: wick, moss
Russian meaning: фитиль, мох
Proto-Yupik: *ǝpǝq[a]-
Proto-Inupik: *ipǝ-ʁa-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 113
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpi=qǝʁ-
Meaning: to hit with whip
Russian meaning: бить плетью
Proto-Yupik: *piqǝʁ-
Proto-Inupik: *Ipiʁa-ʁ-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 113
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpjuɣ-
Meaning: animal with fur like dog or fox
Russian meaning: пушной зверь типа собаки, песца
Proto-Yupik: *pǝjuɣ-
Proto-Inupik: *picuɣ-
Comments: The root is similar to *ǝpRuɣ-(a-) 'to walk' but no valid explanations for the semantic shift to "dog-like/fox-like animal" can be offered. Moreover, while no root like "piuɣ- 'to walk' is ever found, the word piuxta with the meaning 'dog' is actually attested.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 265
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpna-
Meaning: cliff
Russian meaning: утес
Proto-Yupik: *ǝpna-
Proto-Inupik: *ǝpna-
Comments: Cf. the derivative *ǝpnaʁi- 'mountain sheep'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 114
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpnaʁi-
Meaning: mountain sheep
Russian meaning: горный баран
Proto-Yupik: *ǝpnaʁi-
Proto-Inupik: *ǝpnai-
Comments: Derived from *ǝpna- 'cliff'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 114
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpRuɣ-(a-)
Meaning: to walk
Russian meaning: идти пешком, гулять
Proto-Yupik: *pǝjuɣ-(a-)
Proto-Inupik: *picuɣ-(a-)
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 265
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝpu, *ǝpi
Meaning: handle, stem of plant
Russian meaning: ручка, стебель
Proto-Yupik: *ǝpu (-lqu-) (? *ǝpiʁ)
Proto-Inupik: *ǝpu, *ǝpI
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 114
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝqaɫuɣ, *i-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: fish
Russian meaning: рыба
Proto-Yupik: *iqaɫuɣ
Proto-Inupik: *ǝqaluɣ, *i-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 141
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝqǝlqu-
Meaning: little finger
Russian meaning: мизинец
Proto-Yupik: *ǝqǝlqu-
Proto-Inupik: *ǝqǝtqu-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 142
Proto-Eskimo: *[ǝ]qǝ-miɣ-
Meaning: to put sth. in mouth behind the cheek
Russian meaning: положить что-либо в рот, за щеку
Proto-Yupik: *iqǝ-miɣ- (~ *ǝ-)
Proto-Inupik: *uqu(m)-miɣ-
Comments: The Inupik vowels display secondary labialisation because of -m-. Cf. *ǝqǝ(r) 'corner of mouth, cheek'; -miɣ is a locative suffix (usually verbal).
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝqǝ(r)
Meaning: corner of mouth, cheek
Russian meaning: угол рта, щека
Proto-Yupik: *ǝqǝ (*ǝqǝr-, *i-?)
Proto-Inupik: *ǝqǝ, *ǝq(ǝ)r- (-ʁa-, -a-)
Comments: Cf. *[ǝ]qǝ-miɣ- 'to put sth. in mouth behind the cheek'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 142
Proto-Eskimo: *(ǝ)qǝruɣ (-iʁ-)
Meaning: wood, to chop wood, to stoke
Russian meaning: дрова, рубить дрова, топить (печь)
Proto-Yupik: *ǝqǝruɣ, *ǝqǝr-iʁ-
Proto-Inupik: *qǝruɣ, *qǝrriuʁ-
Comments: Cf. *(ǝ)qruɣ 'blue, green'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 295
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝqǝ-tǝ-
Meaning: to contract, to shrink, to squeeze
Russian meaning: сжимать(ся), стискивать
Proto-Yupik: *ǝqǝ-tǝ-
Proto-Inupik: *ǝqǝ-tǝ-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 114
Proto-Eskimo: *ǝqǝvǝ-
Meaning: angry, infuriated, to riot
Russian meaning: сердитый, бешенный, буйствовать
Proto-Yupik: *(ǝ)qǝv-tǝ-, *ǝq(ǝ)vu-
Proto-Inupik: *qivǝt-, *qiv-ri-
Comments: Borrowed from PKCh *'ĕnqiɣʷǝ- 'forceful, ferocious' with traces of the specific PKam development *q'ew. Cf. *qivǝ-ʁu- 'bad character'.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 301
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