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PROTO: *tųqų- (-t-)
MEANING: to die 1, death 2, to kill 3
RMEAN: умирать 1, смерть 2, убивать 3
SPI: tuʁu- 1, tuʁu 2, tuʁut- 3
SPIS: Imaq tuʁúroq 1, tuʁú, tuʁúnɨq 2, W toqoʁoq, toqowoq 1
NAI: tuqu- 1, tuqu 2, tuqut- 3
NAIS: B, Ingl toqoʁoq* 1
WCI: tuqu- 1, tuqu 2, tuqut- 3
WCIS: Cor, M toqojoq* 1
ECI: tuqu- 1, tuqut- 3
GRI: tuqu- (toquvoq*) 1, tuqu (toqo*) 2, tuqut- 3
CED: 354
PROTO: *tųvạa- (*tuvǝʁʁa-)
MEANING: person 1, hunter (usually on sea ice) 2, companion 3
RMEAN: человек 1, охотник (обычно на льду) 2, товарищ 3
SPI: tuwāq 1, tuwāqan 3 (on travel)
NAI: tuvāq (tuviʁʁat pl.) 2, tuvāq- 'to chase caribou (e.g. into corral) by shouting', tuvāqan 3
NAIS: B tovaqasiɣa* 'to accompany', PH tuɣāq 2
WCI: tuvāqataq 3 (on hunting trip)
WCIS: Cop tuvāq 2 (on ice), tuvāq- 'to hunt'
ECIS: Tar tuva 'man' [Schn.], Igl tuvāq 'one who accuires things for others' [Ras.], tuvāqat 'hunting companion' [Ras.]
CED: 357
PROTO: *uaʁ-
MEANING: to mix dough 1, to add a condiment to 2
RMEAN: месить тесто 1, добавлять приправу 2
SPI: uaq- 1
ECI: uaʁusiq- 2, uaʁuti 'things mixed together', uaʁit- 'to be disorderly or agitated'
ECIS: Iti uasaq- 'to put in disorder'
CED: 357, 358
PROTO: *uaʁ-
MEANING: to wash away, to fade (of colour) 1, to wash out to sea 2
RMEAN: смываться, размываться 1, уносить в море 2
SPI: uaq- 2, 1
SPIS: Imaq ōʁaɣa 2, ōʁlɨq 'carried away to sea'
NAI: uaq- 'to cleance, to rinse', 1, uaqnɨq (ʁ) 'sth. carried out to sea'
WCI: uaq- 'to wash, to rince, to bathe'
ECIS: NBI, SB uasaq- 'to wash'
CED: 381
PROTO: *ụạk-na-, *ua-li-, *ua-va-
MEANING: direction 1, wind from 2, to be in the West (sun) 3
RMEAN: направление 1, направление ветра 2, быть на закате (о солнце) 3
SPIS: Imaq uwáqšutɨ 'the first dog in harness', W uwata* 'South side'
NAI: uanmun adr. 1 (W) [Jen.], ualliq (ʁ) 'west (wall or room)', uali- 3, 'to grow late'
NAIS: B uwan* 'right wall of the door', Nu uaknaq 2 (W)
WCI: uat(i)- 1 (W)
WCIS: Cor uwata* 'West side', M uwąnmun* dir. 'West side', Car uaŋnaq 2 (NW), Baker Lake ualiq 1 'West' [Schn.], Back River ualiliq- 3, uavaq-, uavali- 3 [Met.]
ECIS: Tar uannaq, uanniq 2 (NW), 'wind from land', Lab uaʁnaq 2 (W) [Peck], NBI, Igl uaŋnaq 2 (NW, W), SB uaŋnaq 2 (N)
GRI: ualiq 'afternoon', uali- 'to decline day', uavarpoq* 'there is a Western wind'
CED: 359, 360
PROTO: *uamǝt- (*uat-)
MEANING: to dance Inupiaq style (man)
RMEAN: танцевать по-эскимосски
SPI: uamit- 'to delight, to please' [Jen.]
NAI: uamɨt-
GRI: ~ uat- 'to deceive'
GRIS: ~ Up uatasiʁ- 'to deceive'
CED: 358
PROTO: *uant (-liʁ, -ra-ʁ)
MEANING: exit of house 1, wall 2
RMEAN: выход дома 1, стена 2
SPIS: Imaq ōšaq 'house'
NAI: uan 1, 2 'righthand wall when moving towards exit of house' [Jen.], ualliq (ʁ) 'west wall or room'
NAIS: PH ualliq (ʁ) 'front room of house nearest door'
ECI: uati 1, 'edge of snow house on either side of door'
ECIS: SB ualliq 'foremost (entrance) vault of snow house' [Boas]
CED: 359
PROTO: *uaqta-, *uaqtǝ-
MEANING: to block hole
RMEAN: закрывать отверстие, конопатить дыру
ECI: uaqtaq 'button, hole in skin pulled out and bound around to block hole', uaqsi- 'to bind around a hole in skin'
GRI: uaʁtaq 'block (in tackle), wooden plug (in sealing bladder)'
GRIS: NG 'plug for sealin bladder' [Holt.]
CED: 357
PROTO: *uat, *uat-raɣ-unt
MEANING: hips, lower part of body 1, hind part of animal 2
RMEAN: бедро, нижняя часть тела 1, задняя часть туши 2
SPI: uatit pl. 1, 2
SPIS: Imaq ótɨk 'buttocks', ōšaɣun 'belt of trousers'
NAI: uan 1, 2
NAIS: Qaw wātik, uatik du. 1, 2, PH uatɨ 1, 2
CED: 359
PROTO: *ụcị(-)
MEANING: load 1, to load 2
RMEAN: груз 1, грузить 2
SPI: uzi(aq) 1, uzi- 'to take (s.o.) in one's boat'
SPIS: Imaq úzí 1, uzíʁaɣa 'to unload', uzírāɣa 2, W uzi* (uzīk, uzzit)
NAIS: B usiqtoq* 2, Ingl usi* 1, Nu usiq 1
WCI: usi 1, usi- 2
ECI: usi 1, usi- 'to be loaded, to transport (load)'
GRI: usi (use*) 1, usi- 'to be loaded'
CED: 357
PROTO: *uci-
MEANING: to think that
RMEAN: думать так
SPI: uziŋi 'I think that'
NAI: usī(ń) 'you remember, you now'
WCI: usiuma 'I think that'
ECI: usi 'oh yes, I remember', usīmmalu 'I thought that (but was mistaken)'
GRI: usi, usīnna, usīma 'that's right!, now I remember!', usiuffa 'I thought that (but was mistaken)'
GRIS: NG uhiuɣɣal(i) 'I thaught utherwise, that's a lie'
CED: 358
PROTO: *uciʁ-
MEANING: to undress, to take clothes or boots off
RMEAN: раздеваться, разуваться
NAI: usiq-, usiĺĺaq- (pants)
WCI: usiq-
ECI: usiq- else 'to lie under a blanket'
GRI: usiʁ- 'to pull off boots'
CED: 358
PROTO: *uciʁ- (-aʁ-)
MEANING: to overflow
RMEAN: переливаться
NAI: usiʁaq-
WCI: usiʁaq-
ECI: usiʁaq- 'to fill to overflowing'
GRI: usiʁ-, usiʁaʁ- 'to splash water on', utsiʁaʁ- 'to splash repeatedly'
CED: 358
PROTO: *ụcụɣ, *ụccụ-ɣ du.
MEANING: penis 1, vagina, vulva 2
RMEAN: penis 1, vagina, vulva 2
SPI: uzuk 1, ussuk du. 2
SPIS: Imaq uzúk 1, W uzuk* 1
NAI: usuk 1, utcuk du. 2, usūraq 'clitoris'
NAIS: B usuk* 1, uttuk* du. 2, Ingl usuk* 1, utsuk* du. 2
WCI: usuk 1, utsuk du. 2
WCIS: Cor ux́uk* 1, ux́uaq* 'peg or bolt in the toggle of a dog harness', uhūjun* 'fork for meat', M usuk* 1, uttuk* du. 2
ECI: usuk 1, utsuk du. 2, usūjaq 'carrot, sausage'
GRI: usuk (usuk*) 1, utsuk du. (utsuk*) 2, usūšaq 'tip of kayak'
CED: 358
PROTO: *ucuʁ-i- (-naʁ-)
MEANING: to respect, to revere 1, enviable 2
RMEAN: уважать, почитать 1, завидный 2
SPI: uzuʁi- 1, uzuʁnaq- 'to be great, to do great deed'
WCIS: Car, Net uhuʁnaq- 2
ECIS: Lab usunnaC- 'to save s.o.'
GRI: usuʁi- 'to envy', usuʁnaʁ- 2
CED: 358
PROTO: *uɣɣu(a)ʁ-
MEANING: to regret 1, to be angry 2
RMEAN: сожалеть 1, злой, рассерженный 2
SPI: uɣɣuaq- 1
SPIS: Imaq uɣōj interjection of disappointment or distaste
ECI: uɣɣua(q)- 1
ECIS: Lab uɣɣua(q)- 'to mourn, to grieve' [Peck]
GRI: uxxuʁ-, uxxuaʁ- 2, uxxuʁnaʁ-, uxxuaʁnaʁ- 'annoying', uxxuʁi- 'to be annoyed at'
GRIS: EG ukkuʁsaʁ- 2
CED: 360
PROTO: *uɣia-
MEANING: young of beluga
RMEAN: белик, детеныш белухи
SPIS: Imaq ujēq, ~ uɣímaroq 'young of barbed seal one year old', Di uijaq, uiaq
ECIS: Lab uɣiak 'young whiting (i.e. white whale?), black-fish or porpoise' [Peck]
GRI: uiaq 'young of white-whale or narwhale'
GRIS: NG uɣiaq
CED: 363
PROTO: *uɣiɣ-, *uɣiaʁ-, *uɣia'niraa-ʁ-
MEANING: to snarl, to growl 1, to fight (dogs) 2
RMEAN: рычать на 1, сцепиться (о собаках) 2
SPI: ~ ujāq- 2
NAI: uɣik-, uɣiaq- 2 (viciously), uɣiajuk 'ferocious anumal'
NAIS: Qaw uɣiaq- 'to maul', Nu uɣianirāq- 1
WCI: uɣiaq- 2
ECI: uɣiaq- 2, 'to kill with snap or jaws (dog or bear)'
GRI: uiaʁtuʁ- 'to tear to pieces' (of dogs), ujannišāʁ- 1
CED: 361
PROTO: *uɣ-, (*ur-)
MEANING: that outdoors, toward exit, down river
RMEAN: тот, у выхода на улицу, вниз по течению
SPI: uŋ-na (uk-kua pl., uɣ-ruma rel., uɣani loc., uɣa predic.)
SPIS: KI ut-kua pl. (!), Imaq úɣ-na (u-kō pl.)
WCI: uŋ-na (uk-kuat pl., uxxuma rel., uɣani loc., uɣɣā predic.)
ECIS: Aiv uŋ-na [Denny]
CED: 476
PROTO: *uɣla-
MEANING: to crowd together 1, to visit 2
RMEAN: собираться в толпу 1, делать визит 2
WCI: uɣlaq- 2 [Schn.], 'to run in and out of the house all the time (e.g. children playing)'
ECIS: NBI, Aiv uɣlaq- 2
GRI: ussaɣ- (ugsag-*) 1, 'to have caught many ~ '
CED: 361
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