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Inupik etymology :

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Proto-Inupik: *tunaaʁǝ-, *tunǝq-ci-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: to have eyes fixed on 1, to rely on, to put trust in 2
Russian meaning: всматриваться 1, доверять, полагаться 2
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuniqsi- 'to have one's mind made up'
SPI Dialects: ~ Imaq tunípkatoq 'eyelid'
North Alaskan Inupik: tunɨqtu- 'to be emotionally stable, enduring, solid', tunɨqsima- 'faithful, enduring'
Western Canadian Inupik: tuniqsi- 'decided'
WCI Dialects: Car Baker Lake tuniqsi- 'more robust than others (man)'
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuniqsi- 'to pledge, to give one's word of honour'
ECI Dialects: Lab tunāʁi- 1, tunāq 'thing one specialy wants' [Pack]
Greenlandic Inupik: tunāʁi- 2
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 350
Proto-Inupik: *tunǝɣ-
Meaning: to go, travel directly to
Russian meaning: направляться к
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuniɣi-
North Alaskan Inupik: tuniɣɨ-
Greenlandic Inupik: tunāʁtaʁi- 'to steer towards'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 350
Proto-Inupik: *tunǝʁru-
Meaning: breastbone
Russian meaning: грудина, грудная кость
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuniʁruat pl.
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuniʁjuk du.
Greenlandic Inupik: tuniʁšuk du.
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 350
Proto-Inupik: *tunǝ-, *tuni-uqqaʁ-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: to give 1, to sell 2, to distribute 3
Russian meaning: давать 1, продавать 2, распределять 3
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuni- 2
SPI Dialects: Imaq tunɨ́rāɣa, tunɨ́rātoq 1, túŋ 'give back!'
North Alaskan Inupik: tuni- 2, tuniuqqaq- 'to sell several'
Western Canadian Inupik: tuni- 1, 2, tuniuqqa(q)- 3
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuni- 1, tunniuqqa(q)- 1, 3
Greenlandic Inupik: tuni- 1, 2, tunniut(i)- 'to give to someone', tuniuqqātiɣi-, tuniuʁāti- 3
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 350
Proto-Inupik: *tunǝ(n)ŋu-ʁ-
Meaning: to have pain in back from lying
Russian meaning: отлежать спину, бока
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuniŋuq- 'to be tired of lying on a hard surface'
North Alaskan Inupik: tunɨnŋuq-
Western Canadian Inupik: tuniŋunaq- 'to be boring, tired of lying on bed'
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuniŋŋuC- else 'from sitting a long time', tuŋŋaŋuq- 'to tire of being in same position'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 350
Proto-Inupik: *tuni-ʁ
Meaning: legendary pre-Eskimo inhabitants (Dorset?)
Russian meaning: легендарные жители до эскимосов
Western Canadian Inupik: tun(n)it pl. 'fabulous beings who lived in houses of earth and had onle one eye in the middle of their head' [Met.] (adds that these were specifically not Indians)
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuniq 'inhabitant of great st rength of country before the Inuit, (in Ungava) stone age people living in houses of large stones'
ECI Dialects: Lab tuniq '(inhabitants) chased out (from Labrador) by the inuit whence they fled to Greenland' [Bourq.], tuniqtasajaq 'stone object made by the tunīt'
Greenlandic Inupik: tuniq (ʁ) (tuʁnit pl.) 'legendary figure living in interior, Indian or Eskimo of another tribe'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 350
Proto-Inupik: *tunnu-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: fat
Russian meaning: жир
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tunnuq (of large land animal)
SPI Dialects: Imaq tunúq (of caribou)
North Alaskan Inupik: tunnuq (ʁ) 'back fat of caribou or moose'
Western Canadian Inupik: tunnuk, tunnuq
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tunnuk 'fat, caribou suet'
Greenlandic Inupik: tunnuq 'caribou talow'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 351
Proto-Inupik: *tunŋa-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: to rest on, to be based on 1, foundation 2
Russian meaning: основываться, базироваться 1, основа, база 2
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tunŋa- 'to be connected to'
North Alaskan Inupik: tunŋa- 1
Western Canadian Inupik: tu(ŋ)ŋa- 1, tu(ŋ)ŋavik 2
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuŋŋa- 'to be placed on sth.', tuŋŋavik 2
Greenlandic Inupik: tuŋŋa- 1, tuŋŋavik 2
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 355
Proto-Inupik: *tunu, *tunuccuɣ
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: back part 1, nape of neck 2
Russian meaning: задняя часть 1, затылок 2
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tunu 1, tunusuk 2
SPI Dialects: Imaq tunōni 'behind', tunúliq 'following', tunúsuk 2, W tunu* (nūk, nnut) 1
North Alaskan Inupik: tunu 1, tunumun 'woth the bacl facing towards', tunusuk 2
NAI Dialects: B, Ingl tunu* 1
Western Canadian Inupik: tunu 1, tunusuk 2
WCI Dialects: Cor tunuk* 1, M tunu* 1
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tunu 1, tunumut 'back, behind', tunusuk 2
Greenlandic Inupik: tunu (tuno*) 1, tunumut 'backwards', tunusuk 2
GRI Dialects: EG, Up tunuq 1
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 351
Proto-Inupik: *tuŋǝ-, *tụɣlị-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: direction of 1, next 2
Russian meaning: сторона, направление 1, следующий 2
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuŋi- 'area towards', tuɣliq 2
SPI Dialects: Imaq tuɣlítaq 'coming from neighbours', W tuɣʎiq* (ʎīk, ʎīt) 2
North Alaskan Inupik: tuŋāʁɨ- 'to travel towards', tuŋiʁuq- 'to come close to', tuɣli 2
NAI Dialects: B, Ingl tuɣʎik* 2, Mal tuɣliq (ʁ) 2
Western Canadian Inupik: tuŋi- 1, tuɣliq 2
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuŋi- 1, 'at side of'
ECI Dialects: Tar tuŋalliq 2, Lab tullik 'second, neighbour', NBI, SB tuɣliq 2, Iti tulliq 2
Greenlandic Inupik: tuŋi- 1, tuɫɫiq (ʁ) (tugdleq*) 2, 'nearest'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 352
Proto-Inupik: *tuŋi-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: sleeping skin 1, insole, boot straw 2
Russian meaning: шкура для постели 1, стелька (травяная) 2
North Alaskan Inupik: tuŋiun 1
WCI Dialects: Net tuŋilik 'one with hay in his stockings' [Ras.]
Greenlandic Inupik: tuŋiq (ʁ) (tuŋia 3sg.) 1 'bed sheet'
GRI Dialects: NG tuŋi(q) 2
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 352
Proto-Inupik: *tuŋu-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: blue 1, dark 2, green 3
Russian meaning: синий 1, темный 2, зеленый 3
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuŋuq- 1, 2
North Alaskan Inupik: tuŋu- 1 (in face), tuŋuq- 1 (also of bruise)
NAI Dialects: Qaw Fish River tuŋuq- 'brown (tanned)'
Western Canadian Inupik: tuŋu- 1, 2 (of cloud), cuŋuniq 'bruise', tuŋujuq- 1, 3
WCI Dialects: Car Baker Lake tuŋuqtuq 1, tuŋujuktuq 3 [Dor.], Car? tuŋuq- inch. 3 [Schn.]
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuŋuq- 1, tuŋujuq- 3, tuŋuniq 'black cloud, blue-black ice'
ECI Dialects: ~ Lab tuŋu 'berry juice' [Peck]
Greenlandic Inupik: tuŋujuʁ- 1, 3, ~ tuŋu 'berry juice'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 352
Proto-Inupik: *tụpąɣ-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: to be startled 1, to wake up 2, to awake 3
Russian meaning: встрепенуться 1, проснуться 2, будить 3
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuvak- 3
SPI Dialects: Imaq tuváɣaɣa (tuváɣnɨq dvn.) 3, tuvąktoq* 3
North Alaskan Inupik: tupak- 1, 2
NAI Dialects: B tupąktoq* 3
Western Canadian Inupik: tupak- 3
WCI Dialects: Cor, M tupąktoq* 3
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tupak- 3
Greenlandic Inupik: tupaɣ- (tupagpoq*) 'to start, to have a sudden fright, to be roused suddenly, by noise'
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 353
Proto-Inupik: *tupǝ-ɣi-, *tupǝ-ɣ- (-laɣ)
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: to be surprised at 1, demon 2
Russian meaning: удивиться от неожиданности 1, черт 2
North Alaskan Inupik: tupɨlak 2, 'shamans familiar spirit' [Jen]
Western Canadian Inupik: tupilak 2 (in stories, it was a stone or wood figure believed to be magical and used by shamans to harm their enemies)
ECI Dialects: Igl tupilak 'evil spirit' [Ras.]
Greenlandic Inupik: tupiɣi-, tupiɣusuɣ- 'to be surprised', tupilak 'being composed of various parts brought to life by magic to kill an enemy'
GRI Dialects: NWG tupilaɣ- 'to frighten animals away from', NG tupilaxxuq 'to be frightening, to do evil' [So/bi], EG tupilaq, tupiliq 2
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 353
Proto-Inupik: *tụpǝ̣ʁ
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: tent
Russian meaning: палатка, навес
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuviq
SPI Dialects: Imaq túvɨq 'wickup', W tupiq* (tupqik, tupqit)
North Alaskan Inupik: tupɨq (ʁ)
NAI Dialects: B, Ingl tupiq*, Mal tupɨq 'house'
Western Canadian Inupik: tupiq
WCI Dialects: Cor, M tupiq*
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tupiq
Greenlandic Inupik: tupiq (ʁ) (tupeq*)
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 353
Proto-Inupik: *tupǝ-, *tup(ǝ)nǝʁ
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: tattoo 1, to tattoo 2
Russian meaning: татуировка 1, татуировать 2
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tupniq 1
SPI Dialects: W tuvi- 2 [Jen.]
North Alaskan Inupik: tupɨ 1, tupɨ- 2
Western Canadian Inupik: tupiniq 1
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tunniq 1 (woman's facial tattoo)
Greenlandic Inupik: tunni (tuvne*) 1 (on cheek or under eyes)
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 353
Proto-Inupik: *tupǝt-, *tupqura-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: ti choke on food 1, throat, larynx 2
Russian meaning: давиться пищей 2, горло, глотка 2
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuit- 1
SPI Dialects: Imaq túvulēqtoq 'to have abite, закусывать'
North Alaskan Inupik: tupɨt- 'to have a food stuck in throat', tupqurāk du. 'hyoid bones in throat'
Western Canadian Inupik: tupit- 1, tupqujaq 'Adam's apple'
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tupit- 1, 'to be constricted in anguish (throat)', tuqqujāq 2
Greenlandic Inupik: tupit- 'to have sth. caught in throat and be on the point of choking', tuqqušāq 2
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 353
Proto-Inupik: *tup(p)-unta-
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: wound plug
Russian meaning: затычка, тампон для раны
SPI Dialects: W tuputaq [Ras.]
WCI Dialects: Net, Cop tuputaq [Ras.], Sig tuputaq 'needle for making holes'
ECI Dialects: Igl tuputaq [B.-S.]
Greenlandic Inupik: tuputaq
GRI Dialects: NG tuputaq
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 354
Proto-Inupik: *tuqru(u)ɣ
Eskimo etymology: Eskimo etymology
Meaning: house entry
Russian meaning: вход, лаз в дом
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuqšuk
North Alaskan Inupik: tuqšuk
WCI Dialects: Cop tuχχuk 'porch'
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuʁsū, ~ tuʁsuk 'jugular artery', ~ tuʁsu(q)- 'to call by relationship name'
ECI Dialects: Frob. Bay suʁsūk
Greenlandic Inupik: tuʁšūq
GRI Dialects: EC cuʁsūk
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 354
Proto-Inupik: *turʁu- ~ *tuʁru-
Meaning: to have thick hair or fur
Russian meaning: иметь густые волосы или шерсть
Seward Peninsula Inupik: tuʁru-
North Alaskan Inupik: turʁu-
WCI Dialects: Sig tulʁu- [Ras.]
Eastern Canadian Inupik: tuʁʁu-
Greenlandic Inupik: tuʁru-
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary: 357
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