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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *k'oro-, *k'woro-
Meaning: magpie, crow
Old Indian: śā́rī̆- f., śārikā f. `name of a bird' (commonly called Maina, either the Gracula Religiosa or the Turdus Salica)
Old Greek: kórak-s, -akos m. `Rabe'; korṓnǟ f. `Krähe; Seekrähe, Saatkrähe'
Slavic: *s(v)órkā
Baltic: *čar̂k-ā̂ (1) f.
Latin: cornīx, gen. -īcis f. `Krähe'
Other Italic: Umbr curnāco `cornicem'
Albanian: sorrɛ 'Krähe'
Russ. meaning: птица (сорока, ворона)
References: WP I 413 f
Comments: Cf. *korw-.
Proto-IE: *k'orongʷ-
Meaning: horn, point
Old Indian: śŕ̥ṅga- n. `horn'
Old Greek: kórümbo-s, pl. -a ( /-oi̯) m. `die äusserste Spitze am Steuerbord; Gipfel eines Berges; Blüten-, Beerentraube, bes. eines Efeus; Haarknoten, -büschel' + korüphǟ́ `Gipfel, Scheitel'
Russ. meaning: рог, острие
References: WP I 403 f
Proto-IE: *kors-
Meaning: to run, to hurry
Tokharian: A kursär, B kwarsär (PT *kwärsär) 'league, course, path' (Adams 234)
Old Greek: epí-kọ̄ro-s `Helfer, Hilfstruppen; Beistand; helfend, schützend'
Baltic: *kar̃š- (*kar̃š-ja-) vb.
Germanic: *xurs-k-a- adj., *xurz-ṓ- vb., *xurs-k-a-/*xrus-k-a- vb.
Latin: currō, -ere, cucurrī, cursum `laufen, rennen, eilen', cursus, -ūs m. `Lauf', currus, -ūs m. `Wagen', pl. equirria n. `Pferderennen zu Ehren des Mars'
Celtic: Gaul carros, latinisiert carrus `Karren, Wagen', OIr carr, MCymr carr, MBret karr
Russ. meaning: бежать, спешить
References: WP I 427 f
Proto-IE: *korw-
Meaning: a k. of bird (crow, dove)
Baltic: *karw-el-ia- c.
Latin: corvus, -ī m. `Rabe'
Russ. meaning: птица (ворона, голубь)
Comments: Cf. *k'oro-, *k'woro-.
Proto-IE: *kory-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: war, troops
Other Iranian: OPers kāra- m. 'Kriegsvolk, Heer; Volk'; NPers kār-zār 'Schlachtfeld'
Old Greek: kói̯rano-s m. `Herrscher, Heerführer, Herr'; EN. wie Koi̯ró-makhos
Baltic: *kar-a-, *kar-ia- c., *kar-iā̃, *kar-jā̂ f., *kar-ja-s, *kar-ia-s m.
Germanic: *xarja- m., n.
Celtic: MIr cuire `Schar, Menge'; Gaul Tri-, Petru-corii Volknamen ("die drei, vier Heere")
Russ. meaning: война/войско
References: WP I 462 f
Proto-IE: *kosǝl-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: hazel
Baltic: *kasul-a- c.
Germanic: *xásal-a- m., -ō(n-) f., *xasl-ia- n.
Latin: corulus, -ī f. `Haselstaude'
Celtic: OIr coll, OCymr coll `Hasel'
Russ. meaning: дерево (орешник)
References: WP I 464
Proto-IE: *kost-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: bone, rib
Slavic: *kostь
Latin: costa f. `Rippe', pl. `Seite, Seitenwände'
Russ. meaning: кость, ребро
References: WP I 464, Buck 32.
Proto-IE: *koud- (kh-)
Meaning: helmet, cap
Avestan: xaoδa- m. `Hut, Kappe, Helm'
Other Iranian: OPers xauda-
Latin: cūdō, -ōnis m. `Helm von Fell'
Russ. meaning: шлем, шапка
References: WP II 546 f
Proto-IE: *kouk-
Meaning: cuckoo
Old Indian: kokila- m. `black or Indian cuckoo'
Old Greek: kókkǖk-s, -ǖgos m. `Kuckuck'; kókkǖ Ruf des Kuckucks
Slavic: *kūkātī, *kūkъ `самец кукушки', *kūkāvā, *kūkūljā, *kūkūkъ, *kūkūčьkā usw.
Latin: cucūlus, -ī `Kuckuck'
Celtic: MIr cūach, Cymr cog `Kuckuck'
Russ. meaning: птица (кукушка)
References: WP I 466 f
Comments: Cf. *ghAwg'-
Proto-IE: *kowǝ-
Meaning: to beat, to hew, to forge
Tokharian: A ko-, B kau- (PT *kau-) `töten' (Adams 208); A kot-, B kaut- (PT *kaut-) 'split off, break, chop, crush' (Adams 210)
Avestan: fra-kušaiti `erschlägt, tötet'
Other Iranian: NPers kuštan `töten'
Slavic: *kūtī, *kòvǭ; *kovātī, *kū̀jǭ; *kɨ̄jь; *kūznь etc.; *kъznь
Baltic: *kaû- (2) vb. tr., *kāw-ā̂ f., *kū̂-j-ā̂ (1) f., *kū̂-j-ia- c.
Germanic: *xaww-á- vb., *xaww-á- m., -ṓ f.
Latin: cūdo, -ere, cūdī, cūsum `schlagen, klopfen, stampfen; prägen'; incūs, -dis f. `Amboss'; caudex, cōdex `Baumstamm, Klotz; zu Schreibtafeln gespaltenes Holz, Notizbuch'
Celtic: OIr cuad, i. cogad `schlachten, kämpfen' in O'Dav. Gl.
Russ. meaning: бить, рубить, ковать
References: WP I 330 f
Proto-IE: *kowǝl- (kh-)
Meaning: heap
Old Indian: khola-ka- `ant-hill' (L.)
Armenian: xoyl, gen. xuli `struma, scrofula'
Baltic: ? *kū̂l-ā̂ (1) f., *kūl-iā̃ f, *kūl-ē̂- vb.
Russ. meaning: куча
References: WP I 370 f
Proto-IE: *kōim-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: village
Old Greek: kṓmǟ f. `Dorf (im gegensatz zu der befesten pólis ); Quartier, Viertel einer Stadt'
Baltic: *keĩm-a- m., -ā̂ f., *kaîm-a- m., *kaîm-ā̂ (1), -iā̃
Germanic: *xaim-a- n., m., *xaim-i- (*xaim-) c.
Russ. meaning: деревня
References: WP I 358 f, Buck 14.
Proto-IE: *kōl-
Meaning: arrest, keep in jail
Old Indian: kārā f. `prison'
Old Greek: kōlǘō `hemmen, hindern, verhindern'
Baltic: *kal-ē̂- vb., *kal-in-ia- c.
Russ. meaning: задерживать, держать в тюрьме
References: WP II 590 f
Proto-IE: *kōl-
Meaning: knee
Hittite: hālija, halienzi 'kniet, knien nieder' (Friedrich)
Tokharian: A kolye, B kolyi 'hoof, paw(?)' (Adams 205)
Old Greek: kō̂lo-n n. `Glied eines Tieres od. eines Menschen, insbes. Bein', kōléǟ `Hüftknochen mit dem daransitzenden Fleisch, Schinken', kōlḗn, -ḗnos f., kōleó-s f. `id.', kṓl[ǟ]p-s, -ǟpos f. `Kniekehle, Knöchel'; kólsasthai = hiketeûsai (Hsch.)
Slavic: *kolēno
Baltic: *kul̃-n-a- m., *kul-n-i- c.
Russ. meaning: часть ноги
References: WP II 597 f
Comments: Cf. *(s)kel- 'joint of the leg'.
Proto-IE: *kōn-, *k'Vkōn-, *k'Vkun-
Meaning: a k. of yelling bird
Old Indian: śakuná- m. `a large bird; vulture, kite'
Old Greek: kǘkno-s m. `Schwan'
Slavic: *kānjā, *kānjūkъ (везде считается красиво поющей)
Germanic: *xōn-az-, *xōn-iz- c., *xōn-s-i- c.; *xan-an- m.; *xan-jō f., *xan-in-jō f.
Latin: cicōnia f. `Storch'
Other Italic: Praenest cōnia `Storch'
Russ. meaning: птица (крупная голосистая)
References: WP I 351
Proto-IE: *kōp-
Meaning: hollow (of the hand); measure; quantity
Old Greek: kṓpǟ 'handle of an oar' (Hsch.); 'the oar itself; handle of a sword, hilt; handle of a key; handle or spoke by which a mill is turned; haft of a whip; pl. s pars or bars used in building-operations' LS 1019
Slavic: *kopā
Baltic: ? *kap-a- c., *kā̂p-ā̂ (1), -iā̃ (1) f.
Germanic: *xōb=, *xōf=
Latin: cōpis/cōps `copiōsus', cōpia f. `Vorrat, Fülle, Menge, Vermögen, Fähigkeut'
Russ. meaning: горсть; мерка; количество
References: WP I 175 f
Proto-IE: *k(')rAb-
Meaning: quick, hasty
Germanic: *xrapp-a- adj., *xrapp-ia- vb., *xrap-ō- vb.
Celtic: *krb- > Ir crib, crip `schnell'
Russ. meaning: быстрый, торопливый
References: WP II 566 f
Proto-IE: *k(')răd-
Meaning: to swing
Old Greek: krádǟ f. `Baumwipfel, Zweigspitze, Zweig, bes. Feigenzweig', kradáō `schwingen, erschüttern', kradái̯nō `id.'
Germanic: *xrat-ō- vb.; *xrat-ja- vb.
Russ. meaning: качаться etc.
References: WP II 566 f
Proto-IE: *kraip-/-ei-
Meaning: to bend, to hurry, etc.
Old Greek: krai̯pnó- 'swift, rushing' Hom.+, krai̯pálǟ f. 'drinking-bout; intoxication; drunken headache'
Baltic: *kreĩp- (-ja-) vb., *kraĩp-ī̂- vb., *kraip-an-a- c.
Russ. meaning: гнуть(ся), делать поспешно, etc.
References: Fraenkel 292 (differently in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *krAk-, *kruk-
Meaning: to be(come) crooked, humped
Old Indian: kruñcati 'to curve or make crooked' (D.)
Slavic: *kroknǭtī (Sln ukrokniti 'sich krümmen')
Baltic: *kruk-n-ē̂- vb.
Russ. meaning: кривиться, горбиться
References: Fraenkel 295
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