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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)Arb-
Meaning: motley
Old Indian: karbu-, karbura- 'variegated, spotted'
Celtic: OIr coirbim 'besudele, beflecke'
Russ. meaning: пестрый
References: Fraenkel 256
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)Ar(ǝ)-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to make
Old Indian: karóti, imp. kuru, kr̥ṇóti `to do, make', ptc. kr̥tá-; kará- `doing, making', m. `hand; elephant's trunk'; kāra- `making, doing', m. `act, action'; kárman- n. `act, action, performance'
Avestan: kǝrǝnaoiti `macht, vollführt, bereitet, tut'; čarā `Mittel, Hilfsmittel, čāra `Mittel, Hilfe, List'
Other Iranian: NPers čār `Mittel'
Slavic: *kъrčь(jь)
Baltic: *kur̂- vb. tr.
Celtic: OIr cruth `Gestalt', MIr creth `Dichtung'; Cymr paraf `bewirke, verschaffe', inf. peri, 3 sg. prt. peris; pybyr `tatkräftig'; prydu `dichten', prydydd `Dichter'; pryd `Aussehen', Corn pery `du wirst machen'
Russ. meaning: делать, творить
References: WP I 517 f
Proto-IE: *kʷArkʷAt-
Meaning: pumpkin
Old Indian: karkaṭi- f. `Cucumis utilissimus' (L.)
Germanic: *xwarxwat-jōn- f.
Russ. meaning: растение (тыква)
References: WP I 426
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)Arn-
Meaning: short-horned, short-eared, one-eyed
Old Indian: kāṇá- `one-eyed', karṇá- `stutzohrig oder sonst defekt an den Ohren' [MW: `eared, furnished with ears or long ears]'; kárṇa- 'ear'
Avestan: karǝna- 'taub', karǝna- 'Ohr'
Slavic: *kъrnъ(jь), *kъrnī́tī
Baltic: *kur̃-t-ja-, *kur̃-t-a-, -t-u- adj.,, *kur̃-l-a-/*kur̂-l-a- vb., *kur̂n-a- adj.
Russ. meaning: с повреждениями выростов головы
References: WP II 573 f
Proto-IE: *kʷāl-
Meaning: dirt
Old Greek: pǟló-s m. (Syrac. f.) 'clay, earth; mud. mire'
Slavic: *kālъ
Russ. meaning: грязь
References: Different in Pok. and Vasm.
Proto-IE: *kʷās-
Meaning: to cough
Tokharian: B kosi n. 'cough' (Adams 207)
Old Indian: kāsate `to cough', kās- f., kāsa- m. `cough'
Slavic: *kā́slātī, *kā́šljǭ; *kā́šljь
Baltic: *kā̂s-ē̂- (kā̂s-meî) (1) vb., *kā̂s-ā̂ (1) f., -ia- (1) c., *kā̂s-l-a- (1) c.
Germanic: *xwōs-t-an- m., -ōn- f.; *xwōs-t-ō- vb.
Celtic: *kʷǝsto- > MIr casachtach `Husten', Cymr pas, Corn pāz, Bret pas 'Husten'
Albanian: koɫɛ f. `Husten', koɫem `Huste'
Russ. meaning: кашлять
References: WP I 506
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)e
Meaning: part.
Old Indian: kam `a particle, used in imper. after the particles nú, sú, hí and in indicative sentences'
Old Greek: ka, kā, ke(n) etwa 'wohl'
Slavic: *kā (-ko, -kū, -kɨ̄, -kъ, -če, -čī, -čū) Anhängepartikel, ko- prf. (*kovortъ usw.)
Baltic: *ki, *ke
References: Fraenkel 199 f
Proto-IE: *kʷe
Meaning: conj.: 'und'
Old Indian: ca encl. 'and'
Avestan: ča encl. 'und'
Other Iranian: OPers čā encl. 'und'
Old Greek: té 'und'
Slavic: *če 'aber, und, dass, weil'
Germanic: Got ni-h 'nicht' usw.
Latin: que, neque
Other Italic: Osk nep, Umbr nep 'neque'
Russ. meaning: и
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)ed-
Meaning: smoke
Old Indian: kádru- `brown, reddish-brown'
Slavic: *kādī́tī, *čādъ, *čādītī
Russ. meaning: чад
References: WP I 384 f
Proto-IE: *kʷek-
Meaning: to form an angle
Baltic: *kak-t-ā f., *kak-t-a- c.
Latin: conquinīscō, -ere, conquexī 'sich niederbücken', cossim, v. l. coxim (Ap.) 'на корточках'
Russ. meaning: сходиться под углом
References: Fraenkel 206
Proto-IE: *kʷek'-, *kʷAg'-
Meaning: to show
Tokharian: ? A kaś, B keś (PT *keśä) 'number' (Adams 198 < *kʷoki-)
Old Indian: kā́śate `to be visible, appear; to shine'; caṣte , 2 du. cakṣāthe `to appear, become visible; to see, look at'; cákṣas- n. `radiance, clearness; look, sight, eye', cákṣu- m. `eye'
Avestan: ākasat_ `erblickte'; čašte, čašāite `lehren, Unterricht erteilen', čašman- n. `Auge'
Other Iranian: NPers āgāh `kundig', nigāh `Anblick'; MPers čāšītan `lehren', NPers čašm 'Auge'
Old Greek: tékmar n. `Zeichen, Wahrzeichen; Ziel, Ende', tékmōr n. `Ziel, Ende; Zeichen, Beweis'
Slavic: *kāzā́tī, *kā̃zjǭ; *kāzъ; *kāznь
Russ. meaning: казать
References: WP I 510 f
Proto-IE: *kʷekʷl-o-
Meaning: wheel
Tokharian: A kukäl, B kokale (PT *kuk(ä)le) 'cart, wagon, chariot' (Adams 200)
Old Indian: cakrá- n. (Ved. m.) `wheel'
Avestan: čaxra- m. 'Rad'
Old Greek: kǘklo-s m. `Kreis, Umkreis, Rad', pl. kǘkla `Räder'
Germanic: *xwi(g)wl-á-/xwíxwl-a- n.
Russ. meaning: колесо
References: WP I 514 f
Proto-IE: *kʷel-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: wheel
Slavic: *kolo, gen. -ese
Baltic: *kel-a- n.
Germanic: *xwil-a- n.
Latin: colus, -ūs f., colus, -ī f.(/m.) 'прялка; спряденная нитка'
Celtic: OIr cul `vehicle' ( < *kʷolā)
Russ. meaning: колесо
References: WP I 514 f
Proto-IE: *kʷele-
Meaning: to move around, to drive
Tokharian: A kälk-, B kalāk- (PT *kälk- ~ *kelāk-) 'to follow' (Adams 147); A, B käl- (PT *käl-) 'lead, bring' (169); A lutk-, B klutk- (PT *kl-utk-) 'to turn' (Adams 225-226)
Old Indian: cárati `to move, go, walk, act, conduct, undertake', inf. cáritum, ptc. carita-, cīrṇa-; carítra- n. `foot, leg; going'; cāra- m. `going, motion'
Avestan: čaraiti `versatur, obliegt einer Tätigkeit'
Other Iranian: NPers čarīdan `weiden'
Old Greek: pélomai̯ (seltener pélō) , aor. épleto, peri-plómeno-, éple `sich regen, sich bewegen; werden, stattfinden, sein', pólo-s m. `Achse, Weltachse, Pol, Himmelsgewölbe, runde Scheibe der Sonnenuhr etc.'; poléō, -omai̯ `sich umherbewegen, umwandern, besorgen etc.'; amphí-polo-s `Dienerin (Hom.), Diener', ai̯pólo-s `Ziegenhirt', oi̯opólo-s `Schafhirt', pálin `rückwarts, in umgekehrter Richtung'; peri-téllomai̯ `sich im Kreise drehen', téllō, aor. étẹ̄lan (hodón) `sie legten (den Weg) zurück'; télomai̯, aeol. pélomai̯ `werden (mit Futurbed.)', kyren. tentai `id.'; teletǟ́ f. `feierlicher Ritus, Weihe'; télos n. `Ende, Grenze, Ziel, Vollendung, Erfüllung, Entscheidung; obrigkeitliches Amt, Behörde; Weihe'
Latin: colō, -ere, -uī, cultum `bebauen, (be)wohnen; pflegen; ehren', colōnus, -ī m. `Bebauer, Kolonist', incolō, -ere `bewohnen', incola `Einwohner', accola `Anwohner'; inquilīnus m. `Insasse, Mieter, Hausgenopsse'; anculus, -ī `Diener, Knecht'
Russ. meaning: двигаться вокруг, гнать (стадо)
References: WP I 514 f
Proto-IE: *kʷem-
Meaning: to gulp
Old Indian: camati `to sip, drink', ā-cāmati `to sip, lap up, lick up', ptc. ācānta-; camasá- m. `a vessel for drinking the Soma', camū́- f. `vessel into which the Soma is poured'
Other Iranian: NPers čam `das Essen', čamīdan `Trinken'; Osset čumum `schlurfen'
Old Greek: témnonta = amélgonta Hsch.; étemen = ḗmelgen Hsch.
Germanic: *xwēm-ō- vb., *xwēm-ōn- f.
Russ. meaning: хлебать
References: WP I 514
Proto-IE: *kʷent- (-th-)
Meaning: to suffer
Old Greek: páskhō, ft. pẹ̄́somai̯, aor. épathon, pf. pépontha `einen Eindruck empfangen, erfahren, erdulden, leiden'; pénthos n. `Leid, Trauer', páthos n. `Erfahrung, Leid(enschaft)'
Baltic: *keñt- vb. tr., *kañt-jā̂ f., *kañt-r-ā̂ f., *kiñt-ia- c.
Celtic: OIr cēss(a)im `ich leide', cēssad `passio'
Russ. meaning: терпеть, страдать
References: WP I 513 f
Proto-IE: *kʷerbh[e]t-
Meaning: pumpkin
Old Indian: carbhaṭa- m., cirbhaṭa- m. `a gourd (Cucumis utilissimus)', cirbhiṭa- n. `a k. of gourd'
Latin: cucurbita f. `(Flaschen)kürbis'
Russ. meaning: растение (тыква)
References: WP I 426
Proto-IE: *kʷer-, *kʷern-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: a k. of vessel
Old Indian: carú- m. `a k. of vessel, saucepan, pot'; karaka- `a water-vessel'
Old Greek: kérnos n. `irdenes, ringsum mir Näpfen gesetztes Gefäss, das in dem Mysteriumkult gebraucht wurde'
Slavic: *černъ
Germanic: *xwir-a- m.
Celtic: OIr coire; Cymr pair, Corn pêr `Kessel'; MIr cern `Schüssel'
Russ. meaning: сосуд
References: WP I 518
Proto-IE: *kʷert-
Meaning: time (e. g. for the second ~)
Old Indian: sakŕ̥t 'once, at once', kŕ̥tvaḥ `... fold'
Avestan: ha-kǝrǝt_ `einmal'
Slavic: *kortъ
Baltic: *kar̃t-a- c., *kar̃t-ā̂
Other Italic: Osk petiro-pert `viermal, Umbr trio-per `dreimal' (the latter under the influence of another root, same as in Lat sem-per)
Russ. meaning: раз
References: WP II 573 f
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)ert-, *g(ʷ)-
Meaning: den
Old Indian: kartá- m. `hole, cavity', kŕ̥tā f. `abyss', kāṭá- m. `deepness, hole, well', gárta- m. `hollow, hole, cave'
Baltic: *kirt-a-
Russ. meaning: нора
References: WP II 573 f
Comments: [Except for gárta-, all very probably < *kert- 'cut']
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