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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *kʷey(e)-, *kʷyē-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to rest
Old Indian: cirá- n. `delay', cirá- `long, lasting a long time'
Avestan: šāiti-š `Freude', šyāta-, šāta- `erfreut'
Other Iranian: OPers šiyāti-š `Wohlbehagen'; NPers šāh `froh'
Slavic: *po-čī́tī, -*čī́jǭ, -*čī́nǭ; *po-kojī́tī, *po-kojь
Germanic: *xwīl-ō(n-) f.; *xwīl-ē-, -ō- vb.
Latin: quiēs, -ētis f. `Ruhe; Schlaf; Friede', quiēscō, -ere, quiēvī, quiētum `ruhen', quiētus `ruhig'; tranquillus, -a `ruhig, still'
Russ. meaning: отдыхать
References: WP I 510
Proto-IE: *kʷēd-
Meaning: sharp
Germanic: *xwat-a- f., *xwat-ō f., *xwat-ō- vb.; *xwēt-a- vb., *xwat-ja- vb., *xwēt-[a]- vb.; *xwas-s-a- adj., *xwōt-a- n., -ō f., *xwōt-ia- adj.
Latin: tri-quetrus, -a `dreieckig'
Russ. meaning: острый
References: WH
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)ēm-
Meaning: pharynx, gums
Other Iranian: NPers kām `Gaumen', Pashto kūmai 'id.'
Armenian: pl. khim-kh `faux, guttur'
Russ. meaning: зев, десны
References: WP I 514
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)ēr-
Meaning: furrow
Old Indian: kárṣati `to draw, drag, pull, lead', krṣáti `to draw or make furrows, plough', karṣū́- f. `furrow, trench'
Avestan: kārayeiti `furcht ein, zieht', karšaiti `furcht ein', karša- m., n. `Furche, Furchstrich, -streifen (auf dem Erdboden)', karšū- f. `Ackerland'
Other Iranian: Pashto kāral `ackern, pflügen'
Slavic: *čārā `Linie', *čārātī; *čьrxā `Linie'
Russ. meaning: борозда, проводить борозду
References: WP I 429 (differently in Pok.)
Comments: Cf. Hitt hars- (I) 'aufreißen, beackern' (Tischler 182-183, with doubts).
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)ēs- (~ -k'-)
Meaning: time
Slavic: *čāsъ
Baltic: *kī(t)-sm-a- n.
Russ. meaning: время
Proto-IE: *kʷēt-
Meaning: bran
Old Greek: {Lakon. pḗtea = pítüra, pētī̂tai̯ = pitürínoi ártoi Hsch. - nowhere found!}
Celtic: *kʷōti- > MIr cāith `acus, furfur'
Russ. meaning: отруби
References: WP I 511
Proto-IE: *kʷēy-
Meaning: to observe, to wait
Old Indian: cā́yati `to observe, perceive, notice', cāyú- `showing respect'; cāra- m. `spy'; cikéti, cinoti `to observe, perceive, investigate', cití- f. `understanding'
Avestan: činahmi `lehre'
Old Greek: tetíēmai̯ `bin betrübt, bekümmert', pf. (des erreichten Zustandes) ptc. tetiēótes, pf. 2 du. tetíēsthon `betrübt'; tēréō `beobachten, behüten, aufpassen, im Auge haben, besorgen'
Slavic: *čā́jātī, *čā́jǭ
Russ. meaning: наблюдать, ожидать
References: WP I 508 f
Proto-IE: *kʷi-, *kʷe-, *kʷo-, *kʷu-
Meaning: pron. interrog.
Hittite: kwi-s, kwi-t 'wer, was' (Tischler 611 ff)
Tokharian: B kā `why'; A kus, B kŭse 'who' (Adams 149, 186 f)
Old Indian: ka-s, f. kā 'who?'; pron. indef.; kim 'what?', náki-ḥ 'noone', cit (cid) `generalization particle'
Avestan: kō, gath. gen. kahyā, čahyā, f. kā 'wer? welcher?', kā 'wie?'; čit_ Verallgemeinerungspartikel; čiš 'wer', cī 'wie'
Other Iranian: OPers čiy Verallgemeinerungspartikel
Armenian: in-č 'etwas'
Old Greek: *kʷi-s, *kʷi(-t); *kʷó-then, *kʷôi̯ etc.; Argiv tístis
Slavic: *kъ-to, *čь-to, *kъ, *kā
Baltic: *ka-
Germanic: { *xwa-s 'wer', etc.; Got hʷilīks, OE hwilc 'wie bescgaffen', OE hwī, hwiu, OIsl hvī 'wie, wozu, warum', usw. }
Latin: quī, quae, quod; quis, quid, usw.; quisquis
Other Italic: Osk púí, paí, púd; Osk pis, píd 'quis, quid', Umbr sve-pi-s 'si quiis', pis-i 'quis, quisquis'; Osk pispis
Celtic: { Ir cia (< *kʷei), OIr ; OInd cid 'was? }
Albanian: kɛ 'wen?', se 'was?'
Russ. meaning: вопрос. мест.
References: WP I 521 f
Proto-IE: *kʷl[e]p-
Meaning: to wish
Tokharian: A, B kulyp-
Avestan: { xrap- }
Russ. meaning: желать
References: Adams 185.
Proto-IE: *kʷok't-
Meaning: quail
Old Indian: cātaka- m. `Cucculus melanoleucus', {cataka- m. `Sperling'}
Baltic: ? *wašt-ak-ā̂ f.
Germanic: *(x)waxt-al-ō f.
Latin: cōturnīx, coturnīx, cocturnīx, gen. -īcis f. `Wachtel'; Rom *kʷoturnīkę > Rum potîrniche
Russ. meaning: птица (перепелка)
References: Fraenkel 1207 f
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)ol-
Meaning: flesh
Old Indian: kaṭa- m. `corpse' (L.)
Germanic: *xul-d-a- n.
Celtic: *kolan- > OIr colainn `Fleisch', Cymr celain `Leiche'
Russ. meaning: мясо покойника
References: WP II 590 f
Proto-IE: *kʷrep-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: body, belly
Old Indian: instr. kr̥pā́ f. `beautiful appearance'
Avestan: kǝrǝfš, gen. kǝhrpō 'Gestalt, Leib'
Other Iranian: MPers kerp 'Körper'
Old Greek: pl. prapídes, dat. -ísin, ep. -ídessi f. (Hom.+) 'midgriff, diaphragm; understanding, mind'
Germanic: *xríf-a- m.; *xríf-iz- n.
Latin: corpus, gen. corporis n. `Leib'
Celtic: MIr crī `Leib'
Russ. meaning: тело, живот
References: WP I 486 f
Comments: Tischler (with ?) compares Hitt karpessar n. (r/n) 'Gesamtheit' (Tischler 515)
Proto-IE: *kʷres-
Meaning: oak
Old Greek: prī̂no-s f. (/m.), prínǟ f. `Steineiche, Kermeseiche, Quercus ilex, Q. coccifera'
Latin: cerrus, -ī f. `Zerreiche'
Celtic: Cymr, Bret prenn, Corn pren `Baum'; OIr crann, gen. cruinn, dat. crunn `Baum'
Russ. meaning: дерево (дуб)
References: WP I 524
Proto-IE: *kʷreya-
Meaning: to buy
Tokharian: A kuryar, B käry- 'buy' (Adams 165)
Old Indian: krīṇā́ti `to buy, purchase', krayá- m. `buying, purchase, purchase-price'
Other Iranian: NPers xarīdan `kaufen'
Old Greek: aor. príasthai̯, ptc. priámeno-, epriámǟn, príōmai̯, va. acc. f. ep. a-priátǟn (nicht erkauft) `kaufen'
Slavic: *krьnǭtī, *krītī
Baltic: *krei-n-a- c., *kraĩ-t-ia- c.
Celtic: OIr crenaim `ich kaufe', conj. ni-crïa; crīth `Bezahlung, Kauf', crīthid `emax'; fo-chricc `Belohnung', MIr tochra `Umwerben' (*`Bratkauf'), t-ind-s-cra `Kaufpreis für die Braut'; creicc `Belohnung'; OCymr 3 sg. prinit `emit, redimit', Cymr prynu `emere, redimere'; prid `oppigneratio'; g(w)o-br `Preis, Belohnung', Corn prenne, perna `kaufen'; gober `Preis, Belohnung', Bret prena `kaufen'; gobr `Preis, Belohnung'
Russ. meaning: покупать
References: WP I 523 f
Proto-IE: *k(ʷ)rk(ʷ)-
Meaning: neck
Old Indian: kŕ̥kāṭa- n. `joint of the neck', kr̥ka- m. `throat, larynx' (L.)
Slavic: *kъrkъ шея
Russ. meaning: шея
References: WP II 568 f
Proto-IE: *kʷrom-
Meaning: fence, sheaf; stern, poop
Old Greek: prǘmnǟ f. `der hintesre des Schiffes, das Hinter-, Achterschiff, der Stern'; prümnó- `der äusserste, hinterste, unterste'
Slavic: *kъrmā; *kromъ, *kromā, *kromē, *kromītī, *kremjь, etc.
Germanic: *xram-ō(n-) f., -an- m., *xram-i- c., *xram-ja- vb., *xram-n=, *xramm-a- m.
Russ. meaning: загородка; корма
References: WP II 29 f, 371 f (differently in Pok. and Vasm.)
Proto-IE: *kʷsAl-, *skʷAl-
Meaning: to wash, to rinse
Old Indian: kṣālayati 'to wash, wash off'
Slavic: ? *xolītī
Baltic: *skal-aû- vb.
Germanic: *skwal=, *skwal-ō- vb., *skul-ja- vb.
Russ. meaning: стирать, полоскать
References: WP II 599 f (different in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *kʷsawer- / *kʷsewar-
Meaning: starling
Old Greek: psā́r, ion. psḗr, gen. psārós, pl. psā̂res m. `Star'
Slavic: *ščevornъ/*skovornъ `жаворонок'; *skvorьсь, *skvorъ `скворец'
Russ. meaning: птица (скворец)
References: WP II 666 f (different in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *kʷsep-
Meaning: darkness, dark
Hittite: ispant- c. 'Nacht' (Tischler 409ff)
Old Indian: kṣáp- (gen. kṣapáḥ), kṣapā́ f. `night'
Avestan: xšap- 'Dunkelheit'
Old Greek: pséphas, pséphos n. `Dunkel, Finsternis', psepharó- `dunkel, finster, wolkig'
Russ. meaning: темнота, темный
References: WP I 524 f
Proto-IE: *kʷerm-i-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: worm, caterpillar
Old Indian: kŕ̥mi- m. `worm, insect'
Avestan: {kǝrǝmi-}
Other Iranian: NPers kirm 'worm', Osset kalm `snake, worm'; Sogd budh. krm'yr- (греч. κερμι[ρ]- BSOS 6:946) `worm'
Slavic: *čьrmь (Sloven čr̂m m. `карбункул; čr̂m v prstu `der Fingerwurm', SK čr̂n `Wurm am Finger'); *čьrmьnъ(jь) `красный'; *čьrmākъ `птица малиновка; назв. растения'; *čьrmelь `шмель' (как вариант)
Baltic: *kir̃m-i-, *kir̃m-ia- c., *kir̃m-ō̃ (-en-es), *kir̃m-iā̃ f., *ker̃m-a- c., ker̃m-ia- c.,*ker̃m-iā̃ f.
Celtic: OIr cruim `worm'; Cymr pryf `id.'
Albanian: krimb, pl. -a `worm'
Russ. meaning: жаба (червь, гусеница)
References: WP I 523
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