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Proto-IE: *wein- (Gr w-)
Meaning: wine
Hittite: wijan(a)- c. 'Wein' (Friedrich 255)
Armenian: gini `Wein'
Old Greek: ói̯no-s, dial. woi̯no-s m. `Wein', ói̯nǟ f. `Weinstock'
Slavic: *vīno
Germanic: *wīn-a- n., -m.
Latin: vīnum, -ī n. `Wein'
Other Italic: Volsk, Falisc vinu `Wein'; Umbr vinu `Wein'
Celtic: OIr fīn `Wein'; Cymr gwin `Wein'
Albanian: tosk. verɛ, geg. venɛ Wein
Russ. meaning: вино (виноградное)
References: WP I 223 f
Proto-IE: *weip-, -b-
Meaning: to oscillate, to swing
Tokharian: B wip- 'shake' (Adams 603)
Old Indian: vepate, -ti `to tremble, shake, vibrate', vípra- `stirred or excited, inspired'
Avestan: vip- `werfen, entsenden (Samen)'
Baltic: *weĩp- vb. tr., *waĩp-ī̂- vb., *wip- vb. intr., *weĩp-iā̃ f.; *weîb- (2) vb. tr., *waîb-ī̂- (2) vb., *wī̂b-urvb. tr.,
Germanic: *waib-ṓ f., *wīb-á-/*wī́f-a- vb., *waib-iá- vb., *waib-ṓ- vb., *wī[b]-l-ō f., *wi[b]-r-a- m.; *waip-ia- vb.
Latin: vibrāre `in zitternde setzen, sich zitternd bewegen'
Russ. meaning: волноваться, раскачиваться
References: WP I 240 f
Comments: In Balt. contam. of 2 roots -- see *(s)weip-, *(s)weib- 'to twist, wind around'.
Proto-IE: *weis-
Meaning: bunch of leaves, bush, rags
Old Indian: véṣa- m. `dress, apparel, ornament'
Armenian: gi, gen. gioy `Wacholder'
Slavic: *vēxъ: OCzech viech, Czech vīch `соломенный жгут', *vēxā `ботва, пучок соломы', *vēxъt[ъ]: Sloven vẹ́hǝt, gen. -hta m. `Büschel'; *vīxorъ (волосы)
Germanic: *wī́s=, *wīz=́, *waiz-á- n., *weiz-á- n.
Russ. meaning: пучок травы, куст, лохмотья
References: WP I 242 f
Proto-IE: *weis-
Meaning: thick liquid, mud
Old Indian: viṣ- f. `faeces, ordure, excrement'; {viṣṭā id.; tierischen Samen }
Avestan: vaēšah- 'Moder, Verwesung'
Germanic: *wís-ō(n-), *wís-jō(n-) f.; *wáis-ō(n-) f.
Latin: vīrus, -ī n. `zähe Flüssigkeit, Schleim, Saft'
Celtic: Cymr gwyar `Blut'
Russ. meaning: густая жидкость, грязь
References: WP I 243 f
Proto-IE: *weis-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to sprout
Baltic: *weĩs- vb. tr., *weĩs-i- n., *weĩs-l-iā̃, *waĩs-u- adj., *waĩs-a- c., *waĩs-ā̂ f., *waĩs- vb. tr., *wis- vb. intr.
Germanic: *wī́s-ōn- f., *wī́s-iōn- f., *wī́s-ia- m.
Latin: vireō, -ēre 'grün sein, grünen', viridis 'grün'
Russ. meaning: пускать ростки
References: WP I 242
Proto-IE: *weisk-, -zg-
Meaning: sheaf; guts
Old Indian: veṣká- m. `a noose for strangling a sacrificial victim', veṣṭa- m. `band, noose', veṣṭate `to wind or twist round'
Slavic: *vēxā́
Germanic: *wisk-ō f.
Latin: vīscus, -eris n. `Eingeweide, alles unter der Haut liegende Fleischige' || virga, -ae f. `Rute'
Russ. meaning: связка, кишки
References: WP I 242 f
Proto-IE: *weisn- (Gr w-)
Meaning: pipe, vein
Old Indian: veṇú, véṇu- m. `a bamboo, reed, cane; flute, pipe'
Old Greek: ī́s, īnós, pl. ī̂nes `Sehne, Nackensehene; Muskelfaden. Blutfaser (Fibrin), Pflanzenfaser, Blattnerv'; ī́nio-n n. `die Sehnenpartie am Hinterkopf, das Genick, der Nacken'
Latin: vēna f. `Ader, Blutader'
Russ. meaning: трубка; кровеносный сосуд
References: WP I 261 (differently in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *weit-, *wyet- (-th-)
Meaning: to shake
Old Indian: vyáthate `to tremble, waver, go astray, come to naught', vithurá- `staggering, tottering'
Germanic: *wíɵ-ō- vb.
Russ. meaning: трясти, шатать
References: WP I 318
Proto-IE: *we-, *wō-
Meaning: pron. pers., 2 pl./du.
Old Indian: vaḥ, acc., gen., dat., du. vām `you'
Slavic: *vɨ̄, *vāsъ, *vāmī
Baltic: *wV-
Latin: vōs; vester
Other Italic: Paelign vus 'vos, vobis'; Umbr uestra 'vestrā'
Russ. meaning: 2 мн.
References: WP I 209 f
Proto-IE: *wek'- <PIH *w-> (Gr hw-)
Meaning: to want
Hittite: wek-, wik- (I) 'wünschen, verlangen' (Friedrich 251)
Old Indian: váṣṭi (1p. pl. uśmási) `to will, command'; vaśitva- n. `freedom of will'
Avestan: vasǝmi, usǝ̄mahī `wollen, wünschen', vasah- (nom. vasɔ̄) `wollend'; vasnā (<instr.) `nach dem Willen'
Other Iranian: OPers vašnā `nach dem Willen'
Old Greek: hekṓn, kret., lokr. wekōn m., hekọ̄̂sa f. `freiwillig, absichtlich', aékōn, att. ā́kōn `unfreiwillig, wider Willen, unabsichtlich', { hom. Hekáergos m. (Hom.) explained by Gramm. (EM) as = ho hékathen eírgōn or ergazómenos, Ep. epith. of Apollo, either Subst., {boeot. wheka-dāmos - nowhere found!}; hékǟti praep. `nach dem Willen, durch die Gnade; wegen'
Russ. meaning: хотеть
References: WP I 244 f
Proto-IE: *wekʷ- (Gr w-)
Meaning: to say, to tell
Tokharian: A wak, B wek 'voice, noise' (PT *wek) (Adams 607); B weśeñña 'voice, sound' (610)
Old Indian: vakti, vívakti, ptc. uktá- `to speak, say, tell'; vácas- `speech, voice, word', vā́c- f. `speech, voice, word'
Avestan: vačah `Rede, Wort', vāx-s `Stimme, Rede, Wort'
Armenian: gočem `schreie, rufe, rufe zu mir, lade ein, nenne'
Old Greek: épos, el., kypr. wepos n. `Wort', pl. auch `Lied, episches Gedicht'; aor. ẹ̄̂pon, ep. éẹ̄pon, lesb. wéi̯pēn, ion. ẹ̄̂pa, inf. ẹ̄pẹ̄̂n, ẹ̄̂pai̯, kret. weipai `sagen, sprechen'; gen. opós, acc. ópa, dat. opí `Stimme, Laut, Wort', óssa, att. ótta f. `(vorbedeutende) Stimme, Gerücht' ; enopǟ́ f. `Geschrei, Schlachtgeschrei, Getöne, Stimme'
Slavic: *vetjь
Germanic: *wax-n-ia- vb., *wax-t-a- m., *wōx-m=, *wix-t-i- c., *wáx-a-/*wag-á- vb.
Latin: vōx, vōcis f. `Laut, Ton, Schall; Stimme; Wort, Rede, Spruch', vocāre `nennen, rufen; anrufen'
Other Italic: Umbr sub-ocau, -ocauu, -oco `anrufen, anbeten'
Celtic: MIr fūaimm `Lärm'
Russ. meaning: говорить
References: WP I 245 f
Proto-IE: *wel-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to see
Tokharian: B yel- 'investigate' (Adams 507)
Germanic: *wlī́-t-a- vb.; *wli-t-u- c., n.; *wlai-t-ō f., *wlai-t-ia- n.
Latin: voltus / vultus, -ūs m. `Gesichtsausdruck, Miene, Aussehen, Gestalt'
Celtic: OIr fil `es gibt' ( = voici ); filis i.seallais `vidit', Cymr gweled `sehen', Bret guelet `la vue', OIr fili, gen. filed `Seher, Dichter'
Russ. meaning: видеть
References: WP I 293 f
Proto-IE: *wel-
Meaning: good, best
Old Indian: vára- `valuable, precious, best', vā́rya- n. `treasure, wealth'
Avestan: vairya- `der beste, köstlich, wert'
Germanic: *wil=, *wal=, *wul=
Celtic: MCymr, Corn, Bret guell `besser', Cymr gwell `id.'
Russ. meaning: хороший, лучший
References: WP I 294 f
Comments: [In Ind. hopelessly confused with *(e)welǝ- `choose, wish' q.v.; cf. also *(e)wel- 1453]
Proto-IE: *wel- <PIH *Hʷ->
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: death (in the battle); killed (in the battle)
Hittite: hulla-/-i- (I) '(nieder)schlagen, bekämpfen' (Tischler 273ff), hullanza(i)- c. 'Kampf' (279), hulhulija- 'im Kampfe erschlagen' (280)
Slavic: *vāljātī: Czech vāleti, -eju `bojovati', *vāljьkā: Czech valka война (> польск.)
Baltic: *wel-ia- c., *wel-iā̃ f.; *wel̂-n-a- (1) m.; *wēl-iā̂ f.
Germanic: *wal-a- m., n.; *wṓl-a- m., *wṓl-ō f.
Russ. meaning: смерть в бою; убитый в бою
References: WP I 304 f
Proto-IE: *wele- (Gr w-)
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to deceive
Armenian: gaɫt 'heimlich', goɫ 'Dieb'
Old Greek: elephái̯romai̯ `betrügen, täuschen', olophṓi̯o- `verderblich ?'
Baltic: *wil̂- (*wil-ja-) (2) vb.
Celtic: OIr fell `Faschheit, Betrüglichkeit'
Russ. meaning: обманывать
References: WP I 298 (different in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *welebh-
Meaning: lure, deceive
Old Greek: elephái̯romai̯ `betrügen, täuschen'; olophṓio- 'destructive, deadly' (LS: The notion of 'destruction', necessary in Theoc. and Nic. and assumed by Hsch., ia perh. not certain in Hom., where olophṓios may mean simply 'deceptive, tricky')
Baltic: *wil̂b-in̂- vb.
Russ. meaning: приманивать, обманывать
References: Fraenkel 1250
Proto-IE: *welǝk-,*wl[ā]k- <PIH *w->
Meaning: bast, fibre
Hittite: welku- n. 'Gras' (Friedrich 251)
Tokharian: ? B welki 'a part of a plant?' (Adams 610)
Old Indian: valka- m. n. `bark of a tree; scales of a fish', vrkala-, valkala- n. `a garment made of bark; a partic. intestine'
Old Greek: lákhnǟ m. `krauses, wolliges Haar, Pelzhaar', hom. dat. lákhnōi̯ (von der Wolle des Widders)
Slavic: *volkъno
Baltic: *wal̂k-š-ti-, *wal̂k-sn-ā̂, *walk-in-a- adj.
Germanic: *wlṓx-i- c.; *wlag-á[ɵ]-a- m.
Russ. meaning: луб, волокно
References: WP I 296 f
Proto-IE: *welǝn-, *welǝm-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: wave
Tokharian: B yolme 'pond, pool' (Adams 513 with doubts); ? B lāñe 'flood' (Adams 547)
Old Indian: ūrmí- m., f. `wave, billow'
Avestan: varǝmi- `Woge, Welle'
Slavic: *vьlnā
Baltic: *wiln-i- (2), -jā̂ f., *wil̂n-ia- (2)/*wil̃n-ia- c., *wiln-ā̂ f.
Germanic: *walm-i- c.; *will-ō f.; *wall-an- m., *wall-a- m., *wall-i- c., *wull-ōn- f., *wul-ju- c.; *wēl-a- m., n.; *wall-a-/*well-a- vb., *wul-a- vb.; *wall-iōn- f., *wall-ia- n.
Russ. meaning: волна
References: WP I 298 f
Proto-IE: *welǝ-; *welǝn- (*welăn-ā), *wlān- <PIH *Hʷ->
Meaning: wool
Hittite: *hulana-, *hulani- 'Wolle', Luw *hulani- `Wolle' (Tischler 278-279); hulija- c. 'Wolle' (Tischler 280ff.)
Old Indian: ū́rṇā f., ūrṇa- n. `wool'; vā́la-, vā́ra- m. `hair of animal's tail; bristle'; válśa- m. `shoot, branch, twig'
Avestan: varǝsa- 'Schössling, Zweig'
Other Iranian: NPers gurs 'Schössling, Zweig'
Old Greek: l[ǟ̂]nos n. `Wolle, Wollfaser, Wollflocke'
Slavic: *vь́lnā; *volsъ
Baltic: *wal-a- c.; *wil̂-nā̂ (1) f., *wiln-[i]-
Germanic: *wull-ō(n-)
Latin: lāna `Wolle'; vellus 'abgeschorene, noch zusammenhängende Wolle der Schäfe, Vliess'
Celtic: *u̯lǝnā > MIr olan `Wolle'; Cymr gwlan `Wolle', Corn gluan `Wolle', Bret gloan `Wolle'
Russ. meaning: шерсть (овечья, козья)
References: WP I 296 f
Proto-IE: *wel-, *welA(n)g-
Meaning: oriole
Avestan: vārǝ(n)gan- 'Name eines Vogels'
Slavic: *vīvьlgā, *jīvьlgā
Baltic: *wā̂lun̂g-iā̃ f.
Germanic: *xwiti-wal=, *widu-wal=
Russ. meaning: птица (иволга)
References: Fraenkel 1273
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