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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *(e)newem
Meaning: num.: nine
Tokharian: A, B ñu (PT *ñuw(ä)) 'nine' (Adams 268)
Old Indian: náva `nine'
Avestan: nava
Armenian: inn < *enwn, pl. in(n)unkh
Old Greek: ẹ̄ná-etes, -nükhes hom., boeot. enak-dekátē, usw., hom. ord. ḗnato-, att., aeol. énato- < *ennéwa; *enwa-
Slavic: *devę̄tь
Baltic: *dew-īn-, *new-īn-
Germanic: *niwun
Latin: novem
Celtic: OIr nōi n-, Cymr., Corn. naw, Bret nao
Albanian: nɛndɛ '9'
Russ. meaning: девять
References: WP I 128
Comments: + ord. *noweno-, *nowemo-
Proto-IE: *enǝst-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: kidney
Slavic: *jьsto, -ese `Niere, pl. Nieren, Hoden'
Baltic: *in̂st-r-a- (2) n., *in̂st-iā̃ f.; *eñks-jā̂ f., *in̂ks-t-a- c., -iā̃ f.
Germanic: *inst-r-a- m., *inst-r-ōn- f.; *ai(n)st-ōn- f.
Russ. meaning: почка (анат.)
References: WP I 166 f (differently in Pok.)
Proto-IE: *engʷ-
Meaning: gland, tumor
Old Greek: adḗn, -énos m., älter f. 'Drüse'
Germanic: *inkw-a- m.; *inkw-a- vb.; *ankw=
Latin: inguen, gen. -inis `Geschwulst in der Schamgegend; Leistengegend, Schamseiten; die Stelle, wo der Zweig am Stamme sitzt'
Russ. meaning: железа; опухоль
References: WP I 133 f
Proto-IE: *en-, *on-
Meaning: pron. dem.: that; (an)other
Hittite: anni- 'jener' (Tischler 29-30), eni- 'das betreffende' (Tischler 106-107)
Tokharian: anni- 'jener' (Tischler 29-30), eni- 'das betreffende' (Tischler 106-107)
Old Indian: instr. anéna, anáyā, du. gen., loc. anayoḥ
Avestan: gen. du. anayɔ̄, pl. instr. anāiš
Other Iranian: OPers instr. anā
Armenian: -n Artikel, na 'jener, der dort', no-in 'derselbe dort', a-n-d 'dort', ai-n 'jener'
Old Greek: kẹ̄̂no-, ekẹ̄̂no- 'jener', dor. tē̂no- 'jener', pl. énioi̯ 'einige'
Slavic: *onъ
Baltic: *an-a- adj.
Germanic: *ina-, *jina-, *jaina-
Other Italic: Umbr enom 'tum'
References: WP II 336 f
Proto-IE: *(e)nomen-, <PIH *l- ?>
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: name
Hittite: laman- n. 'Name', lamnija- (I) 'nennen' (Friedrich 126, 127); h.l. at(a)man-, (?) Lyk. adâma(n)
Tokharian: A ñom, B ñem (PT *ñēm) 'name' (Adams 270)
Old Indian: nā́man- n. `name'
Avestan: nąman- 'Name'
Other Iranian: OPers nāma
Armenian: anun `Name'
Old Greek: ónoma, -atos n., aeol., dor. ónüma `Name'
Slavic: *jь̄́mę̄
Baltic: *emnen- m.
Germanic: *naman- n., m., *namn-a- n.; *nōm-ia- vb.
Latin: nōmen, -inis n. `Name, Benennung; Wesen; Begriff (von Einzelwesen und Völkern)
Other Italic: Umbr nome, numem, gen. nomner `Name'
Celtic: OIr ainm n-, pl. anmann `Name'; MCymr, Corn hanow `Name', MBret hanff, hanu, NBret hano `Name'
Albanian: geg. emǝr, tosk. ǝmǝn Name
Russ. meaning: имя
References: WP I 132
Proto-IE: *ent-er-
Meaning: intestines, entrails
Old Greek: pl. éntera n. `Eingeweide, Gedärme'
Slavic: *ję̄tro `печень, pl. внутренности' (ЭССЯ 6)
Germanic: *inɵ-Vr-a- n., -ō f.
Latin: interānea, -ōrum `Eingeweide, Gedärme', interāneum `Mastdarm', pl. interiōra n. `Eingeweide'
Celtic: OIr inathar `Eingeweide'
Russ. meaning: внутренности
References: WP I 126 f
Comments: Derived from *en-ter-, see *en (prep.)
Proto-IE: *epop-, -b- <PIH *H->
Meaning: hoopoe
Hittite: hapupu-, hapupa-, hapupi- c. 'ein Vogel, vielleicht Eule?' (Tischler 167)
Other Iranian: NPers pupu `Wiedehopf'
Armenian: hopop `Wiedehopf'
Old Greek: épop-s, -opos m. `Wiedehopf' {épopos `a k. of bird' Hsch. - wanted!}, épōpa = alektrüóna ágrion Hsch., apaphós = épops Hsch.
Slavic: Pol dial. hupek `Wiedehopf'
Baltic: *pupuk=, *puput=
Germanic: *xupp-a- m., *xupp-an- m., *xupp-ō(n-) f.
Latin: upupa f. `Wiedehopf'
Russ. meaning: птица (удод)
References: WH
Proto-IE: *eps- (Gr h-)
Meaning: to cook
Armenian: ephem `koche'
Old Greek: hépsō, aor. hepsē̂sai̯, pf. hēpsēka `kochen, sieden', ptc. hephthó- `kochen'
Russ. meaning: варить
References: WP I 124
Proto-IE: *er- <PIH *-rH->
Meaning: earth, arable land
Hittite: ? irha- 'border', h.l. irha- 'Grenze, meist pl. fines', luw. irhatt- 'série, cercle', Lyk. ere (?) -- cf. #59, Hitt arha- 'Grenze' usw.
Tokharian: ? B yare 'gravel' (Adams 483, without defin. etymology)
Armenian: erkir `Erde' (k nach erkin `Himmel')
Old Greek: érǟ f. `Erde'; érazde `zur Erde'; polǘēro- 'rich in land' Hsch., acc. eresi-mḗtrēn = tḕn geōmetrían Hsch.
Germanic: *írɵ-ō(n-) f., *árɵ-ō f.
Celtic: MIr ert `Erde, Grund'; es-ert `Mann ohne Grundbesitz'; Cymr erw, pl. erwi, erwydd f. `Feld', Corn erw, ereu `Feld', OBret, Mbret eru `Furche', NBret ero `Furche'
Russ. meaning: земля, пахотная почва
References: WP I 142
Proto-IE: *(e)rAs- <PIH *e->
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: flow; dew
Hittite: arš- (I) 'fließen'
Old Indian: rása- m. `sap, juice; water, liquor, drink', rasā́ f. `moisture, humidity'
Old Greek: -eráō `giessen' (ap-, eks-, kat-, met-, sün-)
Slavic: *rosā́
Baltic: *ras-ā̂ f.
Latin: rōs, gen. rōris m. `Tau; Tautropfen'
Albanian: reš, rešɛn `es schneit; regnet Asche, Feuer'
Russ. meaning: течь; роса
References: WP I 149 f; Tischler 66
Proto-IE: *erb-
Meaning: dark
Old Greek: orphnó- `dunkel' (< *orb-s-no-)
Germanic: *irp-a-
Russ. meaning: темный
Proto-IE: *(e)rebh-
Meaning: to roof
Old Greek: eréphō, eréptō, aor. erépsai̯ `überdecken, überdache'; érepsi-s f. `Bedachung', óropho-s m. `Bedeckung, Dach', orophǟ́ f. `Dach'
Germanic: *rib-ō(n-) f.
Russ. meaning: крыть крышу
References: WP II 371
Comments: [Highly dubious; cf. *rebh-]
Proto-IE: *(e)regʷ-
Meaning: darkness, twilight
Tokharian: A arkant-, B erkent- 'black' (PT *erkent-) (Adams 95); A orkäm, B ork(a)mo 'darkness, dark' (PT *orkmo) (123)
Old Indian: rájas- n. `sphere of vapour or mist, region of clouds, atmosphere; vapour, mist, clouds, gloom, darkness'
Armenian: erek, erekoy `Abend'
Old Greek: érebos n. `Dunkel der Unterwelt, Totengrund'
Germanic: *rikw-iz-, *rikw-az- n.
Russ. meaning: темнота, сумерки
References: WP II 367
Proto-IE: *(e)reik- (-kh-)
Meaning: to scratch, to cut
Old Indian: rikhati, likháti `to scratch, scrape', rekhā, lékhā f. `scratch, stripe, line'
Old Greek: eréi̯kō, aor. intr. ḗrike (`barst'), tr. erêi̯ksai̯, pf. p. erḗrigmai̯ `zerbrechen, zermalmen, zerreissen, bersten'
Baltic: *reĩk- (-ja-) vb. tr., *raĩk-ī̂- vb.; *rik-a- c., -ā̂ f.
Germanic: *rī́x-ōn-/*rīg-ṓn- f., *rig-ṓ f., *raig-á- m., *ráix-ō f.
Celtic: Cymr rhwygo 'zerreissen'
Russ. meaning: царапать, надрезать
References: WP II 343 f
Proto-IE: *(e)reip-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to crumble, to tear
Old Greek: eréi̯pō, aor. intr. eripêi̯n, tr. erêi̯psai̯, p. ereiphthẹ̄̂s, ēríphthēn, pf. erḗripe, p. erḗrimmai̯ `niederwerfen, niederreissen, niederstürzen, fallen'
Germanic: *rī[f]-a- vb., *rī[f]=; *rai[f]-a- m.
Russ. meaning: рушить, рвать
References: WP II 345 f
Proto-IE: *(e)reip-, -b-
Meaning: precipice
Old Greek: pl. erípnai̯ f. `Absturz, Abhang'
Germanic: *rīp-i- c.
Latin: rīpa f. `steiler Rand, das Ufer eines Gewässers'
Russ. meaning: обрыв
References: WP II 345 f
Proto-IE: *er(e)-, *rē-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: friable, thin
Old Indian: loc. r̥té m. `with the exclusion of, excepting, without'; árma- m. pl. `ruins, rubbish', armaká- n. id.
Old Greek: erē̂mo- , jungatt. érēmo- `einsam, unbewohnt, verlassen'
Slavic: *orītī; *rēdъkъ(jь), *rēdītī
Baltic: *er̃-t-a- adj.; *er̃d- vb. tr., *er̂-d-ē̂- vb., *er̂-d-a-, *ar̂-d-a- (1) adj., *ar̃-d-ī̂vb., *ar-d-uadj., *ar̂-d-ā̂ f., *ar̂-d-w-a-, *er̂-d-w-a- adj.; *ir̂- (1) vb. intr., *ir̃-d-en-a- adj.; *re-t-a- adj., *re-t-s-w-a- adj.
Latin: rārus, -a `locker, dünn; vereinzelt, selten'
Russ. meaning: рыхлый, редкий
References: WP I 142 f
Proto-IE: *[e]re-, *rē- <PIH *H->
Meaning: wound, scar
Hittite: harra- 'zerstossen, zerreiben' (Tischler 169-170)
Old Indian: īrmá- n. `sore, wound'
Baltic: *re-t-ia- c., *rē̂-t-ā̂, -iā̃ (1) f.
Russ. meaning: рана, шрам
References: WP I 142 f
Proto-IE: *ere-, *rē-
Meaning: to row
Old Indian: arítra- `driving', m. `oar', áritra-, arítra- n. `oar', aritár- m. `rower'
Old Greek: erétǟ-s m. `Ruderer', eréssō, att. -ttō `rudern', eretmó-n n. `Ruder'
Baltic: *ir̂- (1) vb. tr., *ir̂-tl-a- (1) c.; *ar-t-w-iā̃ f.
Germanic: *rō(w)-a- vb., *rṓ-ɵ-u- c., *rṓ-ɵr-a- n., m.
Latin: rēmus, -ī m. `Ruder; Rudern (beim Schwimmen, beim Flug)' ; rēmex `Ruderer'
Celtic: OIr rā- `rudern', rāme `Ruder'
Russ. meaning: грести веслом
References: WP I 143 f
Proto-IE: *ere(m)b-
Meaning: hazel-grouse
Slavic: *jerę̄bь, *rę̄bьcь, *rę̄bъkā рябчик
Baltic: *jer(u)b-iā̃, ir̂b-iā̃ (1) f.
Germanic: *irp=, *rip=
Russ. meaning: птица (рябчик)
References: WP II 360
Comments: Cf. *reub-.
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