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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *g'Ab-, *geb-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to look after
Hittite: kappuwai- (I) '(ab)zählen, Rechnung tragen, an etwas oder jemanden denken' (Tischler 494f)
Slavic: *zobotā
Baltic: *geb-ē̂- vb., *geb-u-, *geb-s-n-u- adj., *geb- vb. intr.
Germanic: *kōp-ia- vb., *kap-ē- vb.
Russ. meaning: присматривать
References: WP I 530 f
Proto-IE: *gag- / -e-
Meaning: giant
Old Greek: gígās, -antos m. 'Riese'
Baltic: *gā̂g-a- c., *gā̂g-an-a- c. (1)
Russ. meaning: гигант
References: Fraenkel 160
Proto-IE: *g'Agh-
Meaning: bough
Baltic: *ǯag-a- c., *ǯag-ar-a- c., *ǯag-r-iā̃ f., *ǯag-in-ia- c., *ǯēg-in-ia- c.
Germanic: *kēk-ō f.; *kag-jō f., *kag-il-a- m.
Russ. meaning: сук
References: WP I 570
Proto-IE: *gAig'-
Meaning: to turn sour
Other Iranian: WOsset änɣezun 'gären', EOsset anqīzän 'Sauerteig, Hefe'
Baltic: *gaiǯ-u- adj., *gaĩǯ- vb. inch., *giǯ-/*gī̃ǯ- vb. inch.
Albanian: g'izɛ 'geläbte Milch, Käse, Quark'
Russ. meaning: скисать
References: Fraenkel 129
Proto-IE: *g'Aig'h-, *g'Aig'-
Meaning: crooked
Old Indian: jihmá- `oblique, transverse, squinting, crooked'; jihmita- `made crooked, curved'
Germanic: *kaik-a- adj., *kaik-a- m., *kaik-ia- vb., *kik-n-ō- vb.
Russ. meaning: косой, изогнутый
References: WP I 545 f
Proto-IE: *gal-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: dormouse, squirrel, marten
Old Indian: giri- f., girikā f. `mouse' (L.)
Old Greek: ion., att. galéǟ `Wiesel, Marder', galeo-, gali- в comp.
Latin: glīs, gen. glīris m. `Hasel- od. Bilchmaus, Siebenschläfer'
Russ. meaning: зверек (соня, белка etc.)
References: WP I 630
Proto-IE: *g(')alag(')-
Meaning: milk
Hittite: galank- 'besänftigen', galaktar 'Besänftigung, Opfersubstanz zur Besänftigung' (Tischler 463 with doubt).
Old Greek: gála, -ktos `Milch'; glágos n. `id.'
Latin: lac, gen. lactis n. `Milch, milchiger Saft', pl. lactēs, -ium `die mit einer milchartigen Fettigkeit überzogenen Dünndärme der Tiere; die Milch männlicher Fische'; lactūca f. `Lattich, Kopfsalat'; dēlicus `der Muttermllch entwöhnt'
Russ. meaning: молоко
References: WP I 659
Proto-IE: *gal-/-e-
Meaning: swelling
Slavic: *žьlɨ/*želɨ `ulcus', *žьlvākъ; *želā `Erdnuss usw.'
Germanic: *kal=; *kal-m=
Latin: galla f. `Gallapfel'
Albanian: gógël, pl. gógla f. 'acorn; round object'
Russ. meaning: вздутие
References: WP I 612
Comments: Cf. *g(ʷ)AlVw- 'top, head', *geld- 'swelling'.
Proto-IE: *gal(o)s-, *glōs-
Meaning: voice, cry
Slavic: *golsъ
Baltic: *gal̃sa- c.
Germanic: *kalz-á- n., *kalz-ṓ f., *kalz-ṓ- vb., *kalz-án- m., *káls=, *kúls-ō- vb.
Latin: glōria f. `Ruhm; Berühmtheit, Ehre; Ruhmestitel; Ruhmsucht'
Russ. meaning: голос, крик
References: WP I 538 f
Comments: Cf. *glag- / *galg-.
Proto-IE: *g'alow-, *g'lōw-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: husband's sister
Tokharian: A kŭli, B klīye 'woman' (PT *kwliye ? or *kliye) (rather here than following Adams 224 etc. to *gʷen-)
Armenian: ? tal (instead of. *cal) `Mannes Schwester' (t- nach taigr)
Old Greek: gálō-s, gen. gálō f. `Mannes Schwester'
Slavic: *zъlɨ̄, gen. *zъlъve; *žьlɨ̄ (> Pol dial. żelw(ica), żoɫwica, Slovak žoɫvica)
Latin: glōs, gen. glōris f. `des Mannes Schwester, Frau des Bruders'
Russ. meaning: золовка
References: WP I 631, Buck 126.
Comments: Slav. has a variation *g'-/g- similar to *g'helu- 'turtle' and *g'hel(w)- 'green/yellow'.
Proto-IE: *g(')al[s]-
Meaning: a k. of bird
Latin: gallus, -ī m. `Hahn'
Celtic: MIr gall `Schwan'
Russ. meaning: птица (крикливая)
References: WP I 538
Proto-IE: *gAlw-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: naked, bald
Slavic: *golъ(jь)
Germanic: *kalw-a- adj.
Russ. meaning: голый, лысый
References: WP I 537
Proto-IE: *gambh-, *ghamb-, *gamb-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: swelling; cheek, buttock
Other Iranian: NPers gumbad 'convexity', Pashto ɣumba 'bump'
Old Greek: pl. gamphá-i̯, gamph[ē]lá-i̯ f. `Kinnbacken eines Tieres'
Slavic: *gǭbā
Baltic: *gum̂b-ā̂ (1) f.
Germanic: *gump-a- m., *kump-a- m., *kamp=
Russ. meaning: вырост, желвак, щека, ягодица
References: WP I 567
Comments: Probably two roots -- 'Auswuchs' and 'Steiss, Kinnbacke'.
Proto-IE: *g'ame-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: son-in-law, fiancé; to marry
Old Indian: jā́ra- m. `paramour, lover; confidential friend; paramour of a married woman', jā́mātar- m. `son-in-law; brother-in-law', jāmí- `related like brother and sister', f. (postved.) `a female relative of the head of a family, esp. daughter-in-law', jāmā f. `daughter'
Avestan: zāmātar- 'Tochtermann', zāmaoya- 'Bruder des Schwiegersohns'
Old Greek: gambró-s m. `Schwiegersohn, Eidam; Schwager'; gaméō `heiraten, sich verheiraten', aor. égǟma, gegámēka, gegámēmai̯; gámo-s m. `Heirat, Hochzeit'; gamétǟ-s m. `Gatte, Ehemann', gametǟ́ `Gattin, Frau', gamétis `id.'
Slavic: *zę̄tь
Baltic: *ǯen̂-t-a-, *ǯin-t-a- m.
Latin: gener, -erī m. `Schwiegersohn', Gl. genta = gambrós Gl. II Ps. Philox. GE 19
Albanian: dhë́ndhër 'bride-groom; son-in-law'
Russ. meaning: зять, жених; брать в жены
References: WP I 692, Buck 107.
Comments: Contaminating with *g'ene- (cf. under *g'ene- Lett. znuõts, Gr. gnōtǟ́).
Proto-IE: *gAm-/-e-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to hold (in hand)
Tokharian: A, B kāmā- (p.p.) 'bear (away), carry (off)' (Adams 371)
Armenian: čim, čem `Zaun', čmlem `drücke, drücke zusammen'
Old Greek: gémō `voll, angefüllt, belastet sein', hom. aor. génto `er fasste, er griff', aor. kypr. apó-geme = áphelke. Kǘprioi. Hsch.; gémos n. `Last', gómo-s m. `Schiffsladung, Fracht, Last'; Salamin. hǘŋ-gemo-s =`завязка, повязка' (= süllabḗ Hsch.)
Slavic: *žę̄ti, *žьmǭ; *žьmenjā
Baltic: *gum̃- vb. tr.
Other Italic: Umbr gomia, kumiaf `gravidās' (> Lat gumia f. `Schlemmer, Fresser')
Celtic: MIr gemel `Fessel'; Cymr gefyn `Fessel'
Russ. meaning: сжимать в руке, содержать
References: WP I 572 f
Proto-IE: *gang(')-
Meaning: to insult
Old Indian: gañja- m. `disrespect', gañjana- `contemning'
Old Greek: gaŋgáinein = tò metà gélōtos prospáizein Hsch.
Germanic: *kank=
Russ. meaning: оскорблять
References: WP I 535
Proto-IE: *gAng-/-e-
Meaning: swelling
Old Greek: góŋgro-s m. `(krankhafter) Auswuchs am Stammë namentlich der Olive', goŋgrónǟ f. `angeschwollene Halsdrüse (Kropf?)'; goŋgǘlo- `rund', góŋgülo-s m. `kóndülos, die geballte Hand'
Baltic: *gun̂g-ā̂ f., *gun̂g- vb. intr.
Germanic: *kank-u- c.
Latin: gingīva f. `Zahnfleisch'
Russ. meaning: вздутие (шишка, нарост, шар)
References: WP I 637 f
Proto-IE: *gAnt-
Meaning: a k. of cereals
Hittite: kant- c. 'Weizen', Lyk. χada- 'Getreide' (Tischler 485f - as a loanword?)
Tokharian: B kanti 'bread' (Adams 139 without etymology)
Avestan: gantumō 'Weizen'
Other Iranian: NPers. gandum 'Weizen'
Russ. meaning: злак
References: Tischler (485f as a loanword?)
Proto-IE: *g'Ap- (-ph-), -b-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: mouth (of animal), crop
Avestan: zafarǝ, zafan- `Mund, Rachen'
Slavic: *zobātī, *zobljǭ; *zobъ
Baltic: *ǯē̂b-ē̂- (1) vb.; *ǯē̃̃b- (ǯē̃b-, *ǯē̃b-ja-) vb.
Germanic: *kif-ja- vb.
Celtic: OIr gop `Schnabel, Mund', Ir gob `Schnabel, Mund'
Russ. meaning: пасть, зоб
References: WP I 570 f
Proto-IE: *gArb-
Meaning: fold, roughness, hump
Slavic: *gъrbъ, *gъrbā
Baltic: *garb-[a]- m.
Germanic: *kurp-ōn- f., *kurp-a- n.
Celtic: OIr gerbach `runzelig'
Russ. meaning: складка, неровность, горб
References: WP I 593 f
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