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Indo-European etymology :

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Proto-IE: *ghand-
Meaning: a k. of waterfowl'
Baltic: *gañd-r-a- c., *gand-am=
Germanic: *ganVt-a- m., *gand-Vr-a- m.
Latin: ganta f. `Art Wasservogel, Brandgans'
Celtic: OIr gēd; Cymr gwyd, OCorn guit, Bret goaz, gwaz `Gans'
Russ. meaning: птица (водоплавающая)
References: WP I 536
Proto-IE: *g(')handh-
Meaning: abscess
Old Greek: kanthǘlǟ 'swelling, tumor' Aesch. {konthulǟ́ Hsch. - not found!}
Germanic: *gund-a- m., n.
Russ. meaning: нарыв
References: WP I 588
Proto-IE: *g'hans-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: goose
Old Indian: haṁsá- m., haṁsī f. `goose; swan'
Avestan: zā, zyāǝ̄ `Gans'
Old Greek: khǟ́n, khǟn-ós m., f. `Gans'
Slavic: *gǭsь; *gǭserъ `гусак'
Baltic: *ǯañs-i- (*ǯañs=) m.
Germanic: *gáns-i- f., *gans-u- f.; *gans- f.
Latin: ānser, gen. -eris m. (/f.) `Gans'
Celtic: OIr gēiss `Schwan' (*ghansi- ~ -ī)
Russ. meaning: птица (гусь)
References: WP I 536
Proto-IE: *g'har(a)- / -e-
Meaning: to scratch, to scrape
Old Indian: ghárṣati `to rub, brush, grind, crush' ?
Old Greek: kharássō, att. -ttō `spitzen, schärfen, ritzen, eingraben, stempeln, prägen', khárak-s, -akos m./f. `Spitzpfahl, Weinpfahl, Schutzpfahl, Pfahlwerk, Palissade'; kharádrǟ 'mountain-stream, torrent, which cuts itself a way down the mountain-side; the bed of such a stream, gully, ravine; wounds produed by scourging'
Baltic: *ǯer̃- vb. tr. (dila. ǯer̂-), *ǯer̃-t-uw-iā̃ f., *ǯar̃-s-t-ī̂- vb., *ǯir̂- vb. intr., *pa=ǯar̃-t-i- c.
Russ. meaning: царапать, скоблить
References: WP I 602
Proto-IE: *ghArdh-
Meaning: court, yard
Tokharian: B kerccī (pl. t.) 'palace' (Adams 196)
Old Indian: gr̥há- m. `house, habitation, home'
Avestan: gǝrǝδa- m. 'Höhle als Behausung daevischen Wesen'
Slavic: *gordъ
Baltic: *gar̃d-a- c.
Germanic: *gard-a- m., *gard-i- c., *gird-ō f.; *gurd-ia- vb., *gurd-a- m., *gurd-il-a- m., -ō f.
Albanian: gardh, pl. -e m. 'fence'
Russ. meaning: двор, подворье
References: WP I 608 f
Comments: Contaminates with *g( ́)hort-.
Proto-IE: *ghAr[e]dh-, *ghrēdh-
Meaning: to be hungry, to long for
Old Indian: gŕ̥dhyati `to covet, desire', gr̥dhnú- `greedily desirous', gŕ̥dhra- `eager for, desirous of', gardha- m. `desire, greediness'
Baltic: *gar̂d-u- (2), *gard-ē̂- vb.
Germanic: *grēd-a- m., -u- c., *grēd-an- m.; *grad-a- adj.
Albanian: gɛrdɛs 'Mädchenjäger'
Russ. meaning: голодать, стремится
References: WP I 633 (quite different in Pok.)
Comments: Cf. (for OInd) Slav *žьldḗtī, *žьldjǭ; *goldъ.
Proto-IE: *g'hArm-
Meaning: temple, castle
Hittite: karimmi- n., karimna- c. 'Tempel' (Tischler 507)
Old Indian: harmyá- n. 'large house, palace, mansion'
Slavic: ? *xormъ
Russ. meaning: храм, замок
References: Tischler 507.
Proto-IE: *ghArs-
Meaning: a leguminous plant
Slavic: *górxъ
Baltic: *gar̃š-t-i-, *gar̃š-a- c., *gar̃š-ā̂ f.
Germanic: *gírs=
Albanian: gróshë f. `haricot'
Russ. meaning: растение (съедобное зернобобовое)
References: WP I 611
Proto-IE: *g(')hast-
Meaning: stick
Latin: hasta f. `Stange, Stab, Schaft; Speer'
Other Italic: Umbr hostatu `hastātōs', anostatu `nōn hastātōs'
Celtic: MIr hass `Schoss, Spross, Reis'
Russ. meaning: палка
References: WP I 541
Proto-IE: *ghAubh-, *ghūbh-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to bend
Slavic: *gъ(b)nǭtī, *gūbītī, *gūbā, *gɨ̄́bnǭtī etc.
Baltic: *gaũb- vb. tr., *gub-ul-a- c., *gub-ur-a- c., *gub-ā̂ f., *gū̂b-ā̂ (1) f., *gū̂b-ā̂- (1) vb., *=gub-a- adj.
Germanic: *gū[b]-a- adj., *gū[b]-[ō]- vb.
Russ. meaning: гнуть(cя)
References: WP I 567 f
Proto-IE: *g(h)Aud(h)-
Meaning: witness, experience
Hittite: kutruwa(n)- c. 'Zeuge' (Tischler 681 ff)
Slavic: *gūdītī (~ -ǭ-): Ru dial гудить 'locken, betören, betrügen'
Baltic: *gaûd-ī- vb., *gaû(d)-s-u- adj. (1), *gaû(d)-s-ā̂ f. (1?), *gud-r-a-, -u- (adj.), *gud-iā̃ f.
Russ. meaning: опыт, свидетель
References: Tischler 681 ff
Proto-IE: *ghAug'h-, *ghūg'h-
Meaning: to hide, to guard
Old Indian: gū́hati, guhas `to hide, cover, conceal', aor. ghukṣas, ptc. gūḍhá-; guhā́ f. `hiding place'; góha- m. `hiding-place, lair'
Avestan: guz- `verbergen, verstecken'
Other Iranian: OPers yadiy apa-gaudayāhi `wenn du verbirgst'
Slavic: *gǭzъ, *gǭzъkā, *gǭžь ?
Baltic: *gū̃ǯ- vb. tr., *gō̂ǯ-, *gaũǯ- bv. tr., *gū̂ǯ-i-, -iā̃ f.
Russ. meaning: прятать, оберегать
References: WP I 566 f
Proto-IE: *ghAug'-, *gheghAug'-
Meaning: cuckoo
Slavic: *žegъzuljā, *žegъzīcā (ORus žegъzul'a usw.)
Baltic: *geguǯ-iā̃ f., -ia- m.
Germanic: *gauk-a- m.
Russ. meaning: птица (кукушка)
References: Fraenkel 142 f
Comments: Cf. a new formation *kouk-.
Proto-IE: *ghaw-
Meaning: space around the village, waste land
Armenian: gavarr `Landstrich, Gegend'
Old Greek: kháos, -eos / -ọ̄s n. `unbeschränkter Raum, Luftraum; weite Kluft, Schlund, Abgrund'; `Chaos' (Bez. des Erstentstandenen gebraucht, gewöhnlich als ein leerer Raum aufgefasst)
Germanic: *gau-ja- n., -jō f., -jan- m.
Russ. meaning: пространство, окружающее селение, чисто поле
References: WP I 565 f
Proto-IE: *ghaw-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: to observe, to look after, to revere
Slavic: *govḗtī
Germanic: *gaw-ē- vb.; *gau-m-a- m., *gau-m-ō f., *gu-m-ō- vb.
Latin: faveō, -ēre, fāvī, fautum `gewogen sein, günstig sein', faventia f. `bona ōminātiō', faustus, -a `günstig', fautor, -ōris m. (OLat favitor) `Gönner'
Russ. meaning: соблюдать, ухаживать, благоговеть
References: WP I 635 f
Proto-IE: *g'hAwǝ-
Meaning: to perish
Baltic: *ǯū̂- vb. intr., *ǯud- vb. intr., *ǯaũ-d-ē̂- vb., *ǯaw-in̂- vb.
Germanic: *gau-t-ia- vb.
Russ. meaning: погибать
References: WP I 563 f
Proto-IE: *g'hawǝ-, *g'hwV̄-
Meaning: to call
Tokharian: B kwā- 'call out to, invite' (Adams 235)
Old Indian: hávate, huváti, hváyati, hvāmahe, hūmahe, juhūmási, pass. hūyáte, ptc. hūtá-, inf. hávitave `to call, summon'; hávīman- m.n., háva- m., havás n., hávana- n. `call, invocation'
Avestan: zavaiti `ruft, ruft an, verruft, verwünscht', zbayaeiti, zaozaomi; zavana- n. `Ruf, Anrufung', zavan- `Ruf', zbātār m. `Rufer, Anrufer'
Armenian: ʒaunem `weihe', n-zovkh `Fluch'
Slavic: *zovǭ, *zъvātī; *zovъ
Baltic: *ǯaw-ē̂- vb.
Celtic: OIr guth `Stimme'
Russ. meaning: звать
References: WP I 529 f
Proto-IE: *g'hAy-
Meaning: horse (stallion); hare
Old Indian: háya- m. `horse'
Armenian: ʒi `Ross'
Slavic: *zā́ję̄cь, *zā́jьсь ?
Russ. meaning: зверек (жеребец/заяц)
References: WP I 544
Proto-IE: *ghazdh-
Nostratic etymology: Nostratic etymology
Meaning: pointed stick
Slavic: *žьrzdь (контаминация с *žьrdь)
Germanic: *gazd-a- m.
Celtic: MIr gat `Weidenrute', trisgataim `durchbohre'
Russ. meaning: палка (острая)
References: WP I 541
Proto-IE: *ghādh-
Meaning: good, to be good, to fit
Slavic: *godī́tī, *godъ, *gādātī
Baltic: *gō̃d-a- c., *gō̃d-ā̂- vb.; *gā̃d-, gā̃d-ā̂- vb., *gā̃d-a- c.
Germanic: *gōd-a- adj., *gad-a- vb., -ō- vb.
Russ. meaning: добрый, добро, годиться
References: WP I 531 f
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